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Posted to by Rogers Reilly <> on 2006/02/05 04:25:50 UTC

[shale] reusable parameterized snippets in Tiles/Clay/Facelets


We're refactoring the view layers of a couple medium-sized projects from 
hodgepodge JSP to JSF/Shale, and are trying to choose a templating 
option to stick on top.  My first thought was to just do Tiles, but I 
quickly ran into trouble when trying to parameterize a small Tile with 
JSF components inside.  I'm able to "put" a bean into my Tile, but 
<tiles:importAttribute /> is only making the bean available to Tiles 
tags, not to JSF #{} accessors inside (and even if I were to get 
the sucker in somehow, I'd be nervous about it referencing the same JSF 
stuff once it got passed through Tiles).

So I hit the web and found Clay and Facelets (which being native JSF 
technologies I assume would knock out that last concern).  I'm not 
asking anyone to tell me one's better than the other; rather, I've got a 
specific use case I'd like to understand in Clay.  Unfortunately I 
haven't found any documentation about it online, apart from David Geary 
describing Clay as "a way to parameterize a JSP page for different 
managed beans" in his weblog.  (after demo'ing the Tapestry-esque HTML 
stuff, he then says, "I haven't even shown you how to implement 
parameterized subtrees."  :-( )

What I need is to define a short JSP (call it snippet.jsp) along these 
 <h:outputText value="#{storyBean.title}" />
 <h:outputText value="#{authorBean.byline}" />
 <h:outputText value="#{storyBean.body}" />

and then reuse it in many different pages a la:
<clay:clay jsfid="snippet_jsp" storyBean="#{backingBean.story}" 
authorBean="#{}" />

Ideally I'd be able to do this inside a c:forEach loop as well ... which 
I've heard is hairy in JSF.  Anyway, as I said, I haven't been able to 
track down any examples of somebody doing this.  The Apache docs 
make it sound like the most you can do is define a Clay component that 
extends an existing JSF tag and then resuse /that /all over the place, 
which is fine, but I really need to define a whole chunk of 
parameterized code.  I don't see any kind of "path" attribute, so maybe 
to implement this, I would have to implement my own custom component and 
then wrap it in a Clay jsfid--at which point, I might as well just use 
the custom tag over and over.  (I should mention that snippet.jsp won't 
actually be that simple, so a canned datalist component isn't going to 
cut it.)

I know this type of thing can be done in Facelets (see code below), but 
my preference is to stay within Shale if possible.  Can anybody point me 
to any example of parameterized snippets along these lines?  David's 
general description of Clay in his weblog made it sound like exactly 
what I was looking for, but I haven't been able to nail down the params 

Thanks in advance.

here's an example of snippet/parameter usage in Facelets, if it 
enlightens my rambling above at all ...

|<!-- include.xhtml -->
 <span id="leftNav">
   <ui:include src="/WEB-INF/siteNav.xhtml">
   <ui:param name="menuBean" value="#{backingBean.options}"/>

|<!-- siteNav.xhtml -->
   <!-- myfaces tomahawk components -->
   <t:tree2 value="#{menuBean}" var="opt">

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