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Posted to by Kurt Overberg <> on 2003/08/05 19:19:37 UTC


I'm having a rather strange problem that I'm hoping someone can help me 
with.  I'm using Struts 1.0/jsp on Debian linux under Tomcat 4.1.x and 
the blackdown JVM against PostgreSQL 7.3.2 .  I'm attempting to convert 
my current SQL_ASCII database to UNICODE.  I'm new to this, so am most 
likely making a few mistakes.  Here's what I've done so far:

o  Converted database encoding to be UNICODE.  I'm pretty sure this part 
worked okay.  (did a pg_dump, then iconv -f 8859_1 -t UTF-8, then 
created new db with encoding UNICODE and reloaded- no errors upon reload)

sparky:~$ psql -l
         List of databases
    Name    |  Owner   | Encoding
  unitest   | kurt     | UNICODE
  template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
(2 rows)

o  set client_encoding to 'UTF8';

o  In my JSP files, I set the following at the top of each:

<%@ page lanuage="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>

Now, to test this, I go to a japanese page, copy some text, then paste 
it into a form, that gets submitted to the server and saved into the DB. 
Then I try to display what I got back from the database.  It comes out 
garbled.  HOWEVER- if I leave the 'pageEncoding' out of my display .jsp 
file it still comes out garbled, UNTIL I set UTF-8 manually in my 
browsers Character Encoding settings (both mozilla and IE).  Then the 
japanese characters render fine (just like I entered them).

Very strange.  What's confusing is that when I set the pageEncoding to 
'UTF-8', the characters don't render properly, and as far as I can tell, 
thats the same as manually setting the browser manually.  I must be 
doing something wrong because I get the same results in IE and mozilla 
(recent build).

What may be the problem- I don't do anything differently when getting 
the data out of the database, just standard 
resultset.getString("column");  Do I need to change that call, to handle 
the potentially UTF-8 encoded strings?  I can't find anything on that at 
all with google/usenet.

Any and all help, suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated.



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