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Posted to by Dave Brondsema <> on 2020/02/22 18:52:51 UTC

[allura:tickets] #8348 Support mongo 3.6+ DOCKER CHANGES

- **summary**: Support mongo 3.6+ --> Support mongo 3.6+  DOCKER CHANGES
- **Comment**:

## Upgrade notes if using Docker

`docker-compose.yml` and `docker-compose-prod.yml` updated Mongo from 3.4 to 4.2 but it is not possible to upgrade that far all at once.  Older installations may have mongo in a 3.2 compatibility mode as well.  To upgrade a docker instance:

* connect to the running mongo `docker-compose run --rm mongo mongo --host mongo project-data`
* check its compatibility version (may be lower than actual installed version) `db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1 } )`
* if needed, update it to match installed 3.4 version `db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.4" } )`
* then upgrade one version at a time:
    *  update `docker-compose.yml` one version (e.g. `mongo:3.6`)
    *  stop mongo `docker-compose stop mongo`
    *  restart mongo with newer version `docker-compose up -d`
    *  connect to the running mongo `docker-compose run --rm mongo mongo --host mongo project-data`
    *  set the compatibility version to match `db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.6" } )`
    *  repeat for 4.0 and again for 4.2

Refer to the offical docs for more details:


** [tickets:#8348] Support mongo 3.6+  DOCKER CHANGES**

**Status:** invalid
**Milestone:** unreleased
**Created:** Wed Jan 22, 2020 07:13 PM UTC by Dave Brondsema
**Last Updated:** Fri Feb 21, 2020 05:18 PM UTC
**Owner:** Dave Brondsema

Reported initially at [#7935] this occurs during a project export, probably other places too:
OperationFailure: command SON([('aggregate', u'attachment.files'),
('pipeline', [{'$match': {'_id': {'$in': []}}}, {'$group': {'total_size':
{'$sum': '$length'}, '_id': 'total'}}, {'$project': {'total_size':
{'$divide': ['$total_size', 1000000]}, '_id': 0}}])]) on namespace
project-data.$cmd failed: The 'cursor' option is required, except for
aggregate with the explain argument


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