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Posted to by Giulio Troccoli <> on 2009/11/10 10:27:43 UTC

Status of an item in XML

Hi, I'm trying to write a Perl script that analyse an XML status file. I'm using SVN 1.6.5.

The SVN Book has 11 possible statuses for a file: blank, A, D, M, R, C, X, I, ?, ! and ~. However, looking at the schema for the status command (subversion/svn/schema/status.rnc) there are 14 possible statuses.

So here are my questions:
1) Is it correct that 'none' and 'normal' mean the same? Can 'none' ever be returned? If so, when?
2) What's the equivalent of ~? 'incomplete' or 'obstructed'?
3) Why there are 2 extra statuses (either 'incomplete' or 'obstructed', and 'merged')? Or maybe the Book hasn't been updated and it doesn't report all possible statues, yet?

Giulio Troccoli

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