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Posted to by Alexey Boroday <> on 2004/12/17 08:48:42 UTC

Windows domain


 I've just installed Subversion (svn-win32-1.1.1) and Apache2 (2.0.52). It
works fine.
 Now I'd like to check user names and passwords using Windows domain

I've added load modules to httpd.conf:

LoadModule sspi_auth_module modules/
LoadModule auth_module modules/

 and modified Location entry:

<Location /svn>
  DAV svn

  AuthType SSPI
  AuthName "Subversion repositories"
  SSPIAuth On
  SSPIAuthoritative On
  SSPIDomain <mfbmain>
  SSPIOfferBasic On
  Require valid-user

  SVNPath d:/svn

 But now "svn list" command (and all other too) fails to connect to the
repostory with message 

>svn list
Authentication realm: <http://localhost:8080> Subversion repositories
Password for 'my login here': **********
Authentication realm: <http://localhost:8080> Subversion repositories
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/Classes/DAO'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/Classes/DAO': authorization failed

 TortoiseSVN client, Opera browser are failed to connect too (it asks
username and password again and again) :( Only IE could show file list when
browsing url http://localhost:8080/svn

 Help me please - how should I configure svn to make it work?

 Thank you.


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