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[39/52] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-kylin git commit: update ace-builds to new version
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/ b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/
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index 3a9e343..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * Greets a person using "Hello" by default.
- * @param name The name of the person.
- * @param? greetingWord Optional greeting word to use instead of "Hello".
- */
-{template .helloName #eee}
-  {if not $greetingWord}
-    Hello {$name}!
-  {else}
-    {$greetingWord} {$name}!
-  {/if}
- * Greets a person and optionally a list of other people.
- * @param name The name of the person.
- * @param additionalNames The additional names to greet. May be an empty list.
- */
-{template .helloNames}
-  // Greet the person.
-  {call .helloName data="all" /}<br>
-  // Greet the additional people.
-  {foreach $additionalName in $additionalNames}
-    {call .helloName}
-      {param name: $additionalName /}
-    {/call}
-    {if not isLast($additionalName)}
-      <br>  // break after every line except the last
-    {/if}
-  {ifempty}
-    No additional people to greet.
-  {/foreach}
-{if length($items) > 5}
-{msg desc="Says hello to the user."}
-{namespace ns autoescape="contextual"}
-/** Example. */
-{template .example}
-  foo is {$}
\ No newline at end of file
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index 7bd8ab1..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- count 10
- created 2011-06-21T08:10:46Z
- lang en-US
- results
-  photo
-   0
-    farm 6
-    id 5855620975
-    isfamily 0
-    isfriend 0
-    ispublic 1
-    owner 32021554@N04
-    secret f1f5e8515d
-    server 5110
-    title 7087 bandit cat
-   1
-    farm 4
-    id 5856170534
-    isfamily 0
-    isfriend 0
-    ispublic 1
-    owner 32021554@N04
-    secret ff1efb2a6f
-    server 3217
-    title 6975 rusty cat
-   2
-    farm 6
-    id 5856172972
-    isfamily 0
-    isfriend 0
-    ispublic 1
-    owner 51249875@N03
-    secret 6c6887347c
-    server 5192
-    title watermarked-cats
-   3
-    farm 6
-    id 5856168328
-    isfamily 0
-    isfriend 0
-    ispublic 1
-    owner 32021554@N04
-    secret 0c1cfdf64c
-    server 5078
-    title 7020 mandy cat
-   4
-    farm 3
-    id 5856171774
-    isfamily 0
-    isfriend 0
-    ispublic 1
-    owner 32021554@N04
-    secret 7f5a3180ab
-    server 2696
-    title 7448 bobby cat
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/sql.sql b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/sql.sql
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--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/sql.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-SELECT city, COUNT(id) AS users_count
-FROM users
-WHERE group_name = 'salesman'
-AND created > '2011-05-21'
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diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/stylus.styl b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/stylus.styl
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index 614981a..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/stylus.styl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// I'm a comment!
- * Adds the given numbers together.
- */
- * Adds the given numbers together.
- */
-asdasdasdad(df, ad=23)
-add(a, b = a)
-   a + b
- add(10, 5)
- // => 15
- add(10)
- add(a, b)
-    &asdasd
-    (arguments)
-    @sdfsdf
-  background-color #e0e8e0
-  border 1px solid grayLighter
-  box-shadow 0 0 3px grayLightest
-  border-radius 3px
-  padding 3px 5px
-  "adsads"
-  margin-left 0
-  list-style none
-  list-style none
-  display: inline
-  margin-left 0
-  > li
-    display inline
-is not
-  list-style none
-  display inline
-  margin-left 0
-  &:before
-    content '→'
-    margin 0 5px
-  > li
-  !important
-  unless
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/svg.svg b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/svg.svg
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index 4bb28e2..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/svg.svg
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-  width="800" height="600"
-  xmlns=""
-  onload="StartAnimation(evt)">
-  <title>Test Tube Progress Bar</title>
-  <desc>Created for the Web Directions SVG competition</desc>
-  <script type="text/ecmascript"><![CDATA[
-    var timevalue = 0;
-    var timer_increment = 1;
-    var max_time = 100;
-    var hickory;
-    var dickory;
-    var dock;
-    var i;
-    function StartAnimation(evt) {
-        hickory  ="hickory");
-        dickory ="dickory");
-        dock ="dock");
-        ShowAndGrowElement();
-    }
-    function ShowAndGrowElement() {
-        timevalue = timevalue + timer_increment;
-        if (timevalue > max_time)
-            return;
-        // Scale the text string gradually until it is 20 times larger
-        scalefactor = (timevalue * 650) / max_time;
-        if (timevalue < 30) {
-            hickory.setAttribute("display", "");
-            hickory.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + (600+scalefactor*3*-1 ) + ", -144 )");
-        }
-        if (timevalue > 30 && timevalue < 66) {
-            dickory.setAttribute("display", "");
-            dickory.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + (-795+scalefactor*2) + ", 0 )");
-        }
-        if (timevalue > 66) {
-            dock.setAttribute("display", "");
-            dock.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + (1450+scalefactor*2*-1) + ", 144 )");
-        }
-        // Call ShowAndGrowElement again <timer_increment> milliseconds later.
-        setTimeout("ShowAndGrowElement()", timer_increment)
-    }
-    window.ShowAndGrowElement = ShowAndGrowElement
-  ]]></script>
-  <rect
-    fill="#2e3436"
-    fill-rule="nonzero"
-    stroke-width="3"
-    y="0"
-    x="0"
-    height="600"
-    width="800"
-    id="rect3590"/>
-    <text
-       style="font-size:144px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-stretch:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans;-inkscape-font-specification:Bitstream Vera Sans Bold"
-       x="50"
-       y="350"
-       id="hickory"
-       display="none">
-        Hickory,</text>
-    <text
-       style="font-size:144px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-stretch:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans;-inkscape-font-specification:Bitstream Vera Sans Bold"
-       x="50"
-       y="350"
-       id="dickory"
-       display="none">
-        dickory,</text>
-    <text
-       style="font-size:144px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-stretch:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;font-family:Bitstream Vera Sans;-inkscape-font-specification:Bitstream Vera Sans Bold"
-       x="50"
-       y="350"
-       id="dock"
-       display="none">
-        dock!</text>
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diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/tcl.tcl b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/tcl.tcl
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--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/tcl.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-proc dijkstra {graph origin} {
-    # Initialize
-    dict for {vertex distmap} $graph {
-	dict set dist $vertex Inf
-	dict set path $vertex {}
-    }
-    dict set dist $origin 0
-    dict set path $origin [list $origin]
-    while {[dict size $graph]} {
-	# Find unhandled node with least weight
-	set d Inf
-	dict for {uu -} $graph {
-	    if {$d > [set dd [dict get $dist $uu]]} {
-		set u $uu
-		set d $dd
-	    }
-	}
-	# No such node; graph must be disconnected
-	if {$d == Inf} break
-	# Update the weights for nodes\
-	 lead to by the node we've picked
-	dict for {v dd} [dict get $graph $u] {
-	    if {[dict exists $graph $v]} {
-		set alt [expr {$d + $dd}]
-		if {$alt < [dict get $dist $v]} {
-		    dict set dist $v $alt
-		    dict set path $v [list {*}[dict get $path $u] $v]
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	# Remove chosen node from graph still to be handled
-	dict unset graph $u
-    }
-    return [list $dist $path]
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diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/tex.tex b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/tex.tex
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index 9f1df62..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/tex.tex
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-The quadratic formula is $$-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac} \over 2a$$
- \newcommand{\be}{%
- \begingroup
- % \setlength{\arraycolsep}{2pt}
- \eqnarray%
- \@ifstar{\nonumber}{}%
-  }
-  \newcommand{\ee}{\endeqnarray\endgroup}
-  \makeatother
- \begin{equation}
- x=\left\{ \begin{array}{cl}
- 0 & \textrm{if }A=\ldots\\
- 1 & \textrm{if }B=\ldots\\
- x & \textrm{this runs with as much text as you like, but without an raggeright text
- \end{equation}
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diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/textile.textile b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/textile.textile
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index 8c67ec1..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/textile.textile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-h1. Textile document
-h2. Heading Two
-h3. A two-line
-    header
-h2. Another two-line
-one, two,
-thee lines!
-p(classone two three). This is a paragraph with classes
-p(#id). (one with an id)
-p(one two three#my_id). ..classes + id
-* Unordered list
-** sublist
-* back again!
-** sublist again..
-# ordered
-bg. Blockquote!
-    This is a two-list blockquote..!
\ No newline at end of file
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index 6861f95..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-@create phone
-&pickup phone=$pick up:@ifelse [u(is,u(mode),ICC)]={@pemit %#=You pick up the [fullname(me)].[set(me,PHONER:%#)][set(me,MODE:CIP)][set([u(INCOMING)],CONNECTED:[num(me)])][set(me,CONNECTED:[u(INCOMING)])]%r[showpicture(PICPICKUP)]%rUse '[color(green,black,psay <message>)]' (or '[color(green,black,p <message>)]') to talk into the phone.;@oemit %#=%N picks up the [fullname(me)].},{@pemit %#=You pick up the phone but no one is there. You hear a dialtone and then hang up. [play(u(DIALTONE))];@oemit %#=%N picks up the phone, but no one is on the other end.}
-&ringfun phone=[ifelse(eq(comp([u(%0/ringtone)],off),0),[color(black,cyan,INCOMING CALL FROM %1)],[play([switch([u(%0/ringtone)],1,[u(%0/ringtone1)],2,[u(%0/ringtone2)],3,[u(%0/ringtone3)],4,[u(%0/ringtone4)],5,[u(%0/ringtone5)],6,[u(%0/ringtone6)],7,[u(%0/ringtone7)],8,[u(%0/ringtone8)],9,[u(%0/ringtone9)],custom,[u(%0/customtone)],vibrate,[u(%0/vibrate)])])]
-&ringloop phone=@switch [u(ringstate)]=1,{@emit [setq(q,[u(connecting)])][set(%qq,rangs:0)][set(%qq,mode:WFC)][set(%qq,INCOMING:)];@ifelse [u(%qq/HASVMB)]={@tr me/ROUTEVMB=[u(connecting)];},{@pemit %#=[u(MSGCNC)];}},2,{@pemit %#=The call is connected.[setq(q,[u(CONNECTING)])][set(me,CONNECTED:%qq)][set(%qq,CONNECTED:[num(me)])][set(%qq,MODE:CIP)];@tr me/ciploop;@tr %qq/ciploop;},3,{@emit On [fullname(me)]'s earpiece you hear a ringing sound.[play(u(LINETONE))];@tr me/ringhere;@increment [u(connecting)]/RANGS;@wait 5={@tr me/ringloop};},4,{}
-&ringstate phone=[setq(q,u(connecting))][setq(1,[gt(u(%qq/rangs),sub(u(%qq/rings),1))])][setq(2,[and(u(is,u(%qq/MODE),CIP),u(is,u(%qq/INCOMING),[num(me)]))][setq(3,[u(is,u(%qq/MODE),ICC)])][ifelse(%q1,1,ifelse(%q2,2,ifelse(%q3,3,4)))]
-say [time()]
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/tmSnippet.tmSnippet b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/tmSnippet.tmSnippet
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index be99f51..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/tmSnippet.tmSnippet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Function
-snippet fun
-	function ${1?:function_name}(${2:argument}) {
-		${3:// body...}
-	}
-# Anonymous Function
-regex /((=)\s*|(:)\s*|(\()|\b)/f/(\))?/
-name f
-	function${M1?: ${1:functionName}}($2) {
-	}${M2?;}${M3?,}${M4?)}
-# Immediate function
-trigger \(?f\(
-endTrigger \)?
-snippet f(
-	(function(${1}) {
-		${0:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:/* code */}}
-	}(${1}));
-# if
-snippet if
-	if (${1:true}) {
-		${0}
-	}
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diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/toml.toml b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/toml.toml
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index 46e5b9d..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/toml.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# This is a TOML document. Boom.
-title = "TOML Example"
-name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
-organization = "GitHub"
-bio = "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer."
-dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z # First class dates? Why not?
-server = ""
-ports = [ 8001, 8001, 8002 ]
-connection_max = 5000
-enabled = true
-  # You can indent as you please. Tabs or spaces. TOML don't care.
-  [servers.alpha]
-  ip = ""
-  dc = "eqdc10"
-  [servers.beta]
-  ip = ""
-  dc = "eqdc10"
-data = [ ["gamma", "delta"], [1, 2] ] # just an update to make sure parsers support it
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/twig.twig b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/twig.twig
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index 02214f0..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/twig.twig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-    <head>
-        <title>My Webpage</title>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <ul id="navigation">
-        {% for item in navigation %}
-            <li><a href="{{ item.href|escape }}">{{ item.caption }}</a></li>
-        {% endfor %}
-        </ul>
-        {% if 1 not in [1, 2, 3] %}
-        {# is equivalent to #}
-        {% if not (1 in [1, 2, 3]) %}
-        {% autoescape true %}
-            {{ var }}
-            {{ var|raw }}     {# var won't be escaped #}
-            {{ var|escape }}  {# var won't be doubled-escaped #}
-        {% endautoescape %}
-        {{ include('twig.html', sandboxed = true) }}
-        {{"string #{with} \" escapes" 'another#one' }}
-        <h1>My Webpage</h1>
-        {{ a_variable }}
-    </body>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/typescript.ts b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/typescript.ts
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index 2f880d0..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/typescript.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-class Greeter {
-	greeting: string;
-	constructor (message: string) {
-		this.greeting = message;
-	}
-	greet() {
-		return "Hello, " + this.greeting;
-	}
-var greeter = new Greeter("world");
-var button = document.createElement('button')
-button.innerText = "Say Hello"
-button.onclick = function() {
-	alert(greeter.greet())
-class Snake extends Animal {
-   move() {
-       alert("Slithering...");
-       super(5);
-   }
-class Horse extends Animal {
-   move() {
-       alert("Galloping...");
-       super.move(45);
-   }
-module Sayings {
-    export class Greeter {
-        greeting: string;
-        constructor (message: string) {
-            this.greeting = message;
-        }
-        greet() {
-            return "Hello, " + this.greeting;
-        }
-    }
-module Mankala {
-   export class Features {
-       public turnContinues = false;
-       public seedStoredCount = 0;
-       public capturedCount = 0;
-       public spaceCaptured = NoSpace;
-       public clear() {
-           this.turnContinues = false;
-           this.seedStoredCount = 0;
-           this.capturedCount = 0;
-           this.spaceCaptured = NoSpace;
-       }
-       public toString() {
-           var stringBuilder = "";
-           if (this.turnContinues) {
-               stringBuilder += " turn continues,";
-           }
-           stringBuilder += " stores " + this.seedStoredCount;
-           if (this.capturedCount > 0) {
-               stringBuilder += " captures " + this.capturedCount + " from space " + this.spaceCaptured;
-           }
-           return stringBuilder;
-       }
-   }
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diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/vbscript.vbs b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/vbscript.vbs
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index b62f2a7..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/vbscript.vbs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-myfilename = "C:\Wikipedia - VBScript - Example - Hello World.txt"
-MakeHelloWorldFile myfilename
-Sub MakeHelloWorldFile (FileName)
-'Create a new file in C: drive or overwrite existing file
-   Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
-   If FSO.FileExists(FileName) Then 
-      Answer = MsgBox ("File " & FileName & " exists ... OK to overwrite?", vbOKCancel)
-      'If button selected is not OK, then quit now
-      'vbOK is a language constant
-      If Answer <> vbOK Then Exit Sub
-   Else
-      'Confirm OK to create
-      Answer = MsgBox ("File " & FileName & " ... OK to create?", vbOKCancel)
-      If Answer <> vbOK Then Exit Sub
-   End If
-   'Create new file (or replace an existing file)
-   Set FileObject = FSO.CreateTextFile (FileName)
-   FileObject.WriteLine "Time ... " & Now()
-   FileObject.WriteLine "Hello World"
-   FileObject.Close()
-   MsgBox "File " & FileName & " ... updated."
-End Sub
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--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/velocity.vm
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@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-  This is a sample comment block that
-  spans multiple lines.
-#macro ( outputItem $item )
-  <li>${item}</li>
-## Define the items to iterate
-#set ( $items = [1, 2, 3, 4] )
-  ## Iterate over the items and output the evens.
-  #foreach ( $item in $items )
-    #if ( $_MathTool.mod($item, 2) == 0 )
-      #outputItem ($item)
-    #end
-  #end
-  /*
-    A sample function to decomstrate
-    JavaScript highlighting and folding.
-  */
-  function foo(items, nada) {
-    for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
-      alert(items[i] + "juhu\n");
-    }
-  }
-  /*
-    A sample style to decomstrate
-    CSS highlighting and folding.
-  */
-  .class {
-    font-family: Monaco, "Courier New", monospace;
-    font-size: 12px;
-    cursor: text;
-  }
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diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/verilog.v b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/verilog.v
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--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/verilog.v
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@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-always @(negedge reset or posedge clk) begin
-  if (reset == 0) begin
-    d_out <= 16'h0000;
-    d_out_mem[resetcount] <= d_out;
-    laststoredvalue <= d_out;
-  end else begin
-    d_out <= d_out + 1'b1; 
-  end
-always @(bufreadaddr)
-  bufreadval = d_out_mem[bufreadaddr];
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diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/vhdl.vhd b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/vhdl.vhd
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--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/vhdl.vhd
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-library IEEE
-user IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
-use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
-entity COUNT16 is
-    port (
-        cOut    :out    std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);  -- counter output
-        clkEn   :in     std_logic;                      -- count enable
-        clk     :in     std_logic;                      -- clock input
-        rst     :in     std_logic                       -- reset input
-        );
-end entity;
-architecture count_rtl of COUNT16 is
-    signal count :std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
-    process (clk, rst) begin
-        if(rst = '1') then
-            count <= (others=>'0');
-        elsif(rising_edge(clk)) then
-            if(clkEn = '1') then
-                count <= count + 1;
-            end if;
-        end if;
-    end process;
-    cOut <= count;
-end architecture;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/xml.xml b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/xml.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b12c0a..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/xml.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<query xmlns:yahoo=""
-    yahoo:count="7" yahoo:created="2011-10-11T08:40:23Z" yahoo:lang="en-US">
-    <diagnostics>
-        <publiclyCallable>true</publiclyCallable>
-        <url execution-start-time="0" execution-stop-time="25" execution-time="25"><![CDATA[;start=0;count=10]]></url>
-        <user-time>26</user-time>
-        <service-time>25</service-time>
-        <build-version>21978</build-version>
-    </diagnostics> 
-    <results>
-        <place xmlns=""
-            xml:lang="en-US" yahoo:uri="">
-            <woeid>24865670</woeid>
-            <placeTypeName code="29">Continent</placeTypeName>
-            <name>Africa</name>
-        </place>
-        <place xmlns=""
-            xml:lang="en-US" yahoo:uri="">
-            <woeid>24865675</woeid>
-            <placeTypeName code="29">Continent</placeTypeName>
-            <name>Europe</name>
-        </place>
-        <place xmlns=""
-            xml:lang="en-US" yahoo:uri="">
-            <woeid>24865673</woeid>
-            <placeTypeName code="29">Continent</placeTypeName>
-            <name>South America</name>
-        </place>
-        <place xmlns=""
-            xml:lang="en-US" yahoo:uri="">
-            <woeid>28289421</woeid>
-            <placeTypeName code="29">Continent</placeTypeName>
-            <name>Antarctic</name>
-        </place>
-        <place xmlns=""
-            xml:lang="en-US" yahoo:uri="">
-            <woeid>24865671</woeid>
-            <placeTypeName code="29">Continent</placeTypeName>
-            <name>Asia</name>
-        </place>
-        <place xmlns=""
-            xml:lang="en-US" yahoo:uri="">
-            <woeid>24865672</woeid>
-            <placeTypeName code="29">Continent</placeTypeName>
-            <name>North America</name>
-        </place>
-        <place xmlns=""
-            xml:lang="en-US" yahoo:uri="">
-            <woeid>55949070</woeid>
-            <placeTypeName code="29">Continent</placeTypeName>
-            <name>Australia</name>
-        </place>
-    </results>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/xquery.xq b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/xquery.xq
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b0ac75..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/xquery.xq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-xquery version "1.0";
-let $message := "Hello World!"
-return <results>
-  <message>{$message}</message>
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/yaml.yaml b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/yaml.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 52ee320..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/docs/yaml.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# This sample document was taken from wikipedia:
-receipt:     Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice
-date:        2007-08-06
-    given:   Dorothy
-    family:  Gale
-    - part_no:   'A4786'
-      descrip:   Water Bucket (Filled)
-      price:     1.47
-      quantity:  4
-    - part_no:   'E1628'
-      descrip:   High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers
-      size:      8
-      price:     100.27
-      quantity:  1
-bill-to:  &id001
-    street: |
-            123 Tornado Alley
-            Suite 16
-    city:   East Centerville
-    state:  KS
-ship-to:  *id001
-specialDelivery:  >
-    Follow the Yellow Brick
-    Road to the Emerald City.
-    Pay no attention to the
-    man behind the curtain.
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/logo.png b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/logo.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a722472..0000000
Binary files a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/logo.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/styles.css b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/styles.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 7db52e4..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/kitchen-sink/styles.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-html {
-    height: 100%;
-    width: 100%;
-    overflow: hidden;
-body {
-    overflow: hidden;
-    margin: 0;
-    padding: 0;
-    height: 100%;
-    width: 100%;
-    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif;
-    font-size: 12px;
-    background: rgb(14, 98, 165);
-    color: white;
-#c9-logo, #ace-logo {
-    padding: 0;
-    border: none;
-#editor-container {
-    position: absolute;
-    top:  0px;
-    left: 280px;
-    bottom: 0px;
-    right: 0px;
-    background: white;
-#controls {
-    padding: 5px;
-#controls td {
-    text-align: right;
-#controls td + td {
-    text-align: left;
-.ace_status-indicator {
-    color: gray;
-    position: absolute;
-    right: 0;
-    border-left: 1px solid;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/package.json b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba0b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+    "name": "ace-builds",
+    "version": "1.1.8",
+    "description": "Ace ( Cloud9 Editor)",
+    "main": "index.js",
+    "scripts": {
+        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+    },
+    "repository": {
+        "type": "git",
+        "url": ""
+    },
+    "author": "",
+    "license": "BSD",
+    "bugs": {
+        "url": ""
+    },
+    "homepage": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/scrollable-page.html b/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/scrollable-page.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 83d1a9d..0000000
--- a/webapp/app/components/ace-builds/scrollable-page.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
-  <meta charset="UTF-8">
-  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
-  <title>Editor</title>
-  <style type="text/css" media="screen">
-    .ace_editor {
-        position: relative !important;
-        border: 1px solid lightgray;
-        margin: auto;
-        height: 200px;
-        width: 80%;
-    }
-    .ace_editor.fullScreen {
-        height: auto;
-        width: auto;
-        border: 0;
-        margin: 0;
-        position: fixed !important;
-        top: 0;
-        bottom: 0;
-        left: 0;
-        right: 0;
-        z-index: 10;
-        background: white;
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-    .fullScreen {
-        overflow: hidden
-    }
-    .scrollmargin {
-        height: 500px;
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-    .large-button {
-        color: lightblue;
-        cursor: pointer;
-        font: 30px arial;
-        padding: 20px;
-        text-align: center;
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-        display: inline-block;
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-    .large-button:hover {
-        border: medium solid lightgray;
-        border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
-        box-shadow: 0 0 12px 0 lightblue;
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-  </style>
-<div class="scrollmargin">
-    <span onclick="scroll()" class="large-button">
-    scroll down &dArr;
-    </span>
-<pre id="editor">function foo(items) {
-    var i;
-    for (i = 0; i &lt; items.length; i++) {
-        alert("Ace Rocks " + items[i]);
-    }
-<div class="scrollmargin">
-    <div style="padding:20px">
-        press F11 to switch to fullscreen mode
-    </div>
-    <span onclick="add()" class="large-button" title="Shift+Enter">+</span>
-<script src="./src/ace.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
-var $ = document.getElementById.bind(document);
-var dom = require("ace/lib/dom");
-//add command to all new editor instaces
-    name: "Toggle Fullscreen",
-    bindKey: "F11",
-    exec: function(editor) {
-        dom.toggleCssClass(document.body, "fullScreen")
-        dom.toggleCssClass(editor.container, "fullScreen")
-        editor.resize()
-    }
-}, {
-    name: "add",
-    bindKey: "Shift-Return",
-    exec: add
-// create first editor
-var editor = ace.edit("editor");
-var count = 1;
-function add() {
-    var oldEl = editor.container
-    var pad = document.createElement("div")
- = "40px"
-    oldEl.parentNode.insertBefore(pad, oldEl.nextSibling)
-    var el = document.createElement("div")
-    oldEl.parentNode.insertBefore(el, pad.nextSibling)
-    count++
-    var theme = "ace/theme/" + themes[Math.floor(themes.length * Math.random() - 1e-5)]
-    editor = ace.edit(el)
-    editor.setTheme(theme)
-    editor.session.setMode("ace/mode/javascript")
-    editor.setValue([
-        "this is editor number: ", count, "\n",
-        "using theme \"", theme, "\"\n",
-        ":)"
-    ].join(""), -1)
-    scroll()
-function scroll(speed) {
-    var top = editor.container.getBoundingClientRect().top
-    speed = speed || 10
-    if (top > 60 && speed < 500) {
-        if (speed > top - speed - 50)
-            speed = top - speed - 50
-        else
-            setTimeout(scroll, 10, speed + 10)
-        window.scrollBy(0, speed)
-    }
-var themes = {
-    bright: [ "chrome", "clouds", "crimson_editor", "dawn", "dreamweaver", "eclipse", "github",
-        "solarized_light", "textmate", "tomorrow"],
-    dark: [ "clouds_midnight", "cobalt", "idle_fingers", "kr_theme", "merbivore", "merbivore_soft",
-        "mono_industrial", "monokai", "pastel_on_dark", "solarized_dark",  "tomorrow_night",
-        "tomorrow_night_blue", "tomorrow_night_bright", "tomorrow_night_eighties", "twilight", "vibrant_ink"]
-themes = [].concat(themes.bright, themes.dark)
-setTimeout(function(){ window.scrollTo(0,0) }, 10)
\ No newline at end of file