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Posted to by on 2012/10/05 01:02:52 UTC

git commit: Propagated

Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/4.0 a43834674 -> 4763997ee



Branch: refs/heads/4.0
Commit: 4763997ee9a3a769dbd6eb46f2acdca4692a8462
Parents: a438346
Author: Alex Huang <>
Authored: Thu Oct 4 16:02:36 2012 -0700
Committer: Alex Huang <>
Committed: Thu Oct 4 16:02:36 2012 -0700

----------------------------------------------------------------------  |  143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 INSTALL.txt |   70 --------------------------
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+This document describes how to set up and configure a single server CloudStack
+development environment. If you aren't looking for a development environment,
+the easiest way to deploy CloudStack is by using RPM or DEB packages from:
+  -
+  - (CI/Build server)
+  - (Debian repository)
+CloudStack developers use various platforms for development, this guide will
+focus on CentOS and was tested against a CentOS 6.2 x86_64 setup.
+Refer to the [wiki](
+for the latest information, especially:
+  - [Setting up development environment]( for CloudStack.
+  - [Building]( CloudStack.
+## Setting up Development Environment
+### Installing Tools and Dependencies
+Install tools and dependencies used for development:
+    $ yum install git ant ant-devel java-1.6.0-openjdk java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel
+    mysql mysql-server tomcat6 mkisofs gcc python MySQL-python openssh-clients wget
+Set up Maven (3.0.4):
+    $ wget
+    $ cd /usr/local/ # or any path
+    $ tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz
+    $ echo export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven-3.0.4 >> ~/.bashrc # or .zshrc or .profile
+    $ echo export PATH=${M2_HOME}/bin:${PATH} >> ~/.bashrc # or .zshrc or .profile
+Note: Tomcat 6.0.35 has some known issue with CloudStack, please use Tomcat
+6.0.33 from
+### Configure Environment
+Set CATALINA_HOME to path where you extract/install tomcat, put them in your
+.bashrc or .zshrc or .profile:
+    $ echo export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/share/tomcat6/ >> ~/.bashrc
+Fix permissions on CATALINA_HOME:
+    $ chown -R <you>:<your-group> $CATALINA_HOME
+Generate you ssh keys, useful for ssh-ing to your hosts and vm etc.:
+    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -q
+CloudStack uses some ports, make sure at least those used by the management
+server are available and not blocked by any local firewall. Following ports are
+used by CloudStack and its entities:
+8787: CloudStack (Tomcat) debug socket
+9090, 8250: CloudStack Management Server, User/Client API
+8096: User/Client to CloudStack Management Server (unauthenticated)
+3306: MySQL Server
+3922, 8250, 80/443, 111/2049, 53: Secondary Storage VM
+3922, 8250, 53: Console Proxy VM
+3922, 8250, 53: Virtual Router
+22, 80, 443: XenServer, XAPI
+22: KVM
+443: vCenter
+DNS: 53
+NFS: 111/2049
+### Configuring MySQL Server
+Start the MySQL service:
+    $ service mysqld start
+### Getting the Source Code
+You may get the source code from the repository hosted on Apache:
+    $ git clone
+Or, you may fork a repository from the official Apache CloudStack mirror by
+Apache on [Github](
+To keep yourself updated on a branch, do:
+    $ git pull <origin> <branch>
+For example, for master:
+    $ git pull origin master
+## Building
+Populate the dependencies using Maven:
+    $ mvn -P deps
+Clean previous build, if needed:
+    $ mvn clean
+    $ ant clean-all
+    $ ant clean-tomcat
+Build all sub-modules:
+    $ ant build-all
+Deploy the built project on tomcat:
+    $ ant deploy-server
+Clear old database (if any) and deploy the database schema:
+    $ ant deploydb
+Start the management server in debug mode:
+    $ ant debug
+If this works, you've successfully setup a single server CloudStack installation.
+Open the following URL on your browser to access the Management Server UI:
+    http://localhost:8080/client/
+    http://management-server-ip-address:8080/client
+The default credentials are; user: admin, password: password and the domain
+field should be left blank which is defaulted to the ROOT domain.
+## Packaging
+To create rpms:
+    $ mvn -P deps && ./waf rpm
+To create debs:
+    $ mvn -P deps && dpkg-buildpackage
diff --git a/INSTALL.txt b/INSTALL.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8740478..0000000
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-This document describes how to set up and configure a single server CloudStack development environment. If you aren't looking for a development environment The easiest way is to deploy CloudStack from RPM package, building CloudStack from source is for developers. This guide is all about building CloudStack from the source and installing directly from there . This guide is suitable for you if you want to develop the CloudStack.
-I have tested this procedure on Fedora Core 14 
-Step 1: Install the tools and dependencies: 
-For fedora the package names are ant ant-devel, openjdk, openjdk-devel 
-yum install ant ant-devel openjdk openjdk-devel mysql mysql-server tomcat
-yum install jakarta-commons-collections jakarta-commons-dbcp.noarch apache-commons-logging.noarch jakarta-commons-pool jakarta-commons-httpclient.noarch ws-commons-util.noarch glibc-devel gcc python MySQL-python openssh-clients
-Download tomcat6.0.33 from instead of using distribution's default tomcat. Set CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE to path where you extract tomcat in environment variable, it would be better off setting them in .bashrc as it will take effect every time you log in.
-Note: Tomcat6.0.35 has some known issue with CloudStack, please avoid it
-sh-keygen -t rsa -q
-to create sshkey for your account if you don't have one
-Step 2: Configuration
-Start the MySQL service :
-# service mysqld start
-Step 3: Get the source
-$ git clone
-For subsequent pulls, do:
-$ git pull
-Step 4: Building, testing, and deploying CloudStack using Ant :
-Ant is a Java-based build tool designed to be cross-platform, easy to use, extensible, and scalable. Ant is controlled by providing a text file that tells how to perform all the stages of building, testing, and deploying a project. These files are build files, and every project that uses Ant must have at least one named as build.xml. You can see build.xml in your CloudStack source.
-Type to build CloudStack :
-$ ant clean-all build-all
-Type to deploy mgt server :
-$ ant  deploy-server
-Type to deploy database :
-$ ant deploydb
-Type to run mgt server:
-$ ant debug
-If all of the above process is successful. You are done the single server CloudStack installation.Now your CloudStack Management Server is running.
-Open your browser and type the bellow url in address bar:
-You can see CloudStack Management Console page via a web browser.  It will show you management consle login page. You can use the default username and password and leave domain as blank.
-The default credentials are “admin” for user and “password” for password. The domain field should be left blank. A blank
-domain field is defaulted to the ROOT domain.
-NOTE : This document is very basic CloudStack development installation. If you are very new to CloudStack and want to feel the power of CloudStack very quickly in RPM based distro, this document will guide very clear step to get it done. Since I am new to CloudStack, I doing this documentation by learning from community. I will keet update new information in this guide to make it more valuable resource.