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Posted to by "Wang, Howard" <> on 2015/11/30 21:11:15 UTC

Fetching offset timestamp with new KafkaConsumer


I use the new KafkaConsumer from just released Kafka (kafka-clients) to manually commit offsets (consumer.commitAsync()).  I have a use case where I want to know the meta data related to the offset such as the timestamp of the last offset.

In Kafka 0.8.* java API, there is an offset fetch API using OffsetFetchRequest. I could not find something similar in Kafka 0.9. Will there be ssomething  in KafkaConsumer?

Also, I am wondering where are kafka offsets stored internally on zookeeper? I tried to scan the zookeeper zNodes hierarchy and could not find a zNode related to the offset . I keep my KafkaConsumer running with a pre-set group id and client id when I did zookeeper search.



 Howard Wang
Engineering - Big Data and Personalization
Washington Post Media

1150 15th St NW, Washington, DC 20071
p. 202-334-9195