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Posted to by elopez779 <> on 2017/09/26 12:57:37 UTC


Hello,Although I've read many topics on this subject, I haven't found a
solution to my problem. First of all, I'm a beginner with Ignite and I'm a
just arrived to my project. I need to use Ignite as a memory cache for
Cassandra and I have tried an example applicaction to prove it.We cannot use
Spring config files so, I have to configure Ignite programmatically. The
example I've tried is closely related with the example explained by Riccardo
think the persistence XML file is standard and there is nothing wrong in it:           
REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1}       
AND DURABLE_WRITES = true                comment = 'Cache test'        AND
read_repair_chance = 0.2            and finally the code. Practically all
the code is inserted in class because this wanted to be a quick
cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();CacheConfiguration configuration = new
CacheConfiguration();configuration.setName("cache-prueba");	        // The
connection with Cassandra is through SSLString truststorePath =
"C:\\certificates\\cassandra.keystore";String truststorePassword =
"changeit";String keystorePath = "C:\\certificates\\cliente-cert.p12";String
keystorePassword = "1234";SSLContext context = getSSLContext(truststorePath,
truststorePassword, keystorePath, keystorePassword);String [] cipherSuites =
dataSource = new
SSLOptions sslOptions = new SSLOptions(context, cipherSuites);
RoundRobinPolicy robinPolicy = new
persistenceSettingsXml = FileUtils.readFileToString(new
File("C:\\01\\cache-prueba.xml"), "utf-8");KeyValuePersistenceSettings
persistenceSettings = new
cacheStoreFactory = new
//  Sets the cache configurationcfg.setCacheConfiguration(configuration);	// 
Starting IgniteIgnition.setClientMode(true);Ignite ignite =
Ignition.start(cfg);	        final IgniteCache<String, ClaseLectura> cache =
ignite.getOrCreateCache("cache-prueba");// writing test	        for (int i =
0; i < 50; i++){   cache.put(String.valueOf(i), new ClaseLectura("AAA",
10));}-----------------------------------------------ClaseLectura is as
follows:public class ClaseLectura implements Serializable {	private String
value1;	private int value2;		public ClaseLectura() {		super();	}		public
ClaseLectura(String v1, int v2) {		this.value1 = v1;		this.value2 = v2;	}	
public String getValue1() { return value1; }	public int getValue2() { return
value2; }		public void setValue1(String v1) { value1 = v1; }	public void
setValue2(int v2) { value2 = v2; }		public String toString() {		return
value1 + " ; " + String.valueOf(value2);	}}cache-prueba.xml (the persistence
description) is read correctly as I can see while debugging.I start an
Ignite server (ignite.bat) and I start the application and everything seems
OK. The for loop is executed correctly by I don't see any result in the
cassandra table. The SSL connection is Ok because I've tried it with another
app connecting directly to Cassandra.I've read many many topics but I don't
find a solution. Sorry for my really long mail and for my broken english.
Please, any kind of help will be really appreciated. Thanks.

Sent from:

Re: Persistence

Posted by elopez779 <>.
Hi Denis.

Yesterday I wrote the message well formatted and I received your answer. I
don't know why this message has been sent. Sorry.

Sent from:

Re: Persistence

Posted by Denis Magda <>.
Could you resend the message fixing the formatting? We can hardly read your email.


> On Sep 26, 2017, at 5:57 AM, elopez779 <> wrote:
> Hello, Although I've read many topics on this subject, I haven't found a solution to my problem. First of all, I'm a beginner with Ignite and I'm a just arrived to my project. I need to use Ignite as a memory cache for Cassandra and I have tried an example applicaction to prove it. We cannot use Spring config files so, I have to configure Ignite programmatically. The example I've tried is closely related with the example explained by Riccardo Iacomini in I think the persistence XML file is standard and there is nothing wrong in it: REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1} AND DURABLE_WRITES = true comment = 'Cache test' AND read_repair_chance = 0.2 and finally the code. Practically all the code is inserted in class because this wanted to be a quick test: ------------------------------------------------------------------- IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(); CacheConfiguration configuration = new CacheConfiguration(); configuration.setName("cache-prueba"); // The connection with Cassandra is through SSL String truststorePath = "C:\\certificates\\cassandra.keystore"; String truststorePassword = "changeit"; String keystorePath = "C:\\certificates\\cliente-cert.p12"; String keystorePassword = "1234"; SSLContext context = getSSLContext(truststorePath, truststorePassword, keystorePath, keystorePassword); String [] cipherSuites = {"TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA","TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA","TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"}; DataSource dataSource = new DataSource(); dataSource.setContactPoints(""); dataSource.setPort(9042); SSLOptions sslOptions = new SSLOptions(context, cipherSuites); dataSource.setSslOptions(sslOptions); dataSource.setUseSSL(true); RoundRobinPolicy robinPolicy = new RoundRobinPolicy(); dataSource.setLoadBalancingPolicy(robinPolicy); dataSource.setReadConsistency("ONE"); dataSource.setWriteConsistency("ONE");  String persistenceSettingsXml = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("C:\\01\\cache-prueba.xml"), "utf-8"); KeyValuePersistenceSettings persistenceSettings = new KeyValuePersistenceSettings(persistenceSettingsXml); CassandraCacheStoreFactory cacheStoreFactory = new CassandraCacheStoreFactory(); cacheStoreFactory.setDataSource(dataSource); cacheStoreFactory.setPersistenceSettings(persistenceSettings); configuration.setCacheStoreFactory(cacheStoreFactory); configuration.setWriteThrough(true); configuration.setWriteBehindEnabled(true); configuration.setReadThrough(true); // Sets the cache configuration cfg.setCacheConfiguration(configuration); // Starting Ignite Ignition.setClientMode(true); Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(cfg); final IgniteCache<String, ClaseLectura> cache = ignite.getOrCreateCache("cache-prueba"); // writing test	for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { cache.put(String.valueOf(i), new ClaseLectura("AAA", 10)); } ----------------------------------------------- ClaseLectura is as follows: public class ClaseLectura implements Serializable { private String value1; private int value2; public ClaseLectura() { super(); } public ClaseLectura(String v1, int v2) { this.value1 = v1; this.value2 = v2; } public String getValue1() { return value1; } public int getValue2() { return value2; } public void setValue1(String v1) { value1 = v1; } public void setValue2(int v2) { value2 = v2; } public String toString() { return value1 + " ; " + String.valueOf(value2); } } cache-prueba.xml (the persistence description) is read correctly as I can see while debugging. I start an Ignite server (ignite.bat) and I start the application and everything seems OK. The for loop is executed correctly by I don't see any result in the cassandra table. The SSL connection is Ok because I've tried it with another app connecting directly to Cassandra. I've read many many topics but I don't find a solution. Sorry for my really long mail and for my broken english. Please, any kind of help will be really appreciated. Thanks. 
> Sent from the Apache Ignite Users mailing list archive <> at