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Posted to by "Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji)" <> on 2016/03/02 09:25:22 UTC

flume problem


When I send json data to flume with using http post, flume adds Co**ntent-Typeapplication/json** for each json post.

In my http post java code,  I give the content-type with using

**con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");** function.

I am using blob handler.

**In flume conf file**

*tier1.sources.source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
tier1.sources.source1.handler = org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.BlobHandler*

In flume channel, flume adds content type for each post as you see. After HDFS sink, The content type word causes a problem when ı try to parse json with spark sql or hive serDe.

**The flume channel log data**


Is there any idea for that problem?

Thank a lot.

Barış Akgün
Analitik Veri Ambarı ve Büyük Veri Yönetimi







Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan, butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system.

Re: flume problem

Posted by Gonzalo Herreros <>.
The only thing I can think of is that you are looking at the wrong
The data you show looks like the one in /tmp/flume_chnl/flm_data

While the data on /tmp/Flume should be the right one. While both are /tmp,
one is hdfs and the other is filesystem.

On 2 March 2016 at 12:25, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <> wrote:

> I have changed sink serializer to text  but the problem still continues. I
> added my flume conf file.,
> thanks
> # tier1 - HTTP POST source for GNIP - Twitter data.
> tier1.sources = source1
> tier1.sinks = sink1
> tier1.channels = channel1
> tier1.sources.source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
> tier1.sources.source1.handler =
> org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.BlobHandler
> tier1.sources.source1.port = 35853
> tier1.channels.channel1.type = file
> tier1.channels.channel1.capacity = 1000000
> tier1.channels.channel1.checkpointDir = /tmp/flume_chnl/flm_checkpoint
> tier1.channels.channel1.dataDirs = /tmp/flume_chnl/flm_data
> tier1.channels.channel1.maxFileSize = 314572800
> tier1.sinks.sink1.type=hdfs
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.useLocalTimeStamp=true
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.path = /tmp/Flume
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.filePrefix = events_%Y%m%d
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.fileSuffix = .json
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.inUsePrefix = .
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.inUseSuffix = .incomplete
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.round = true
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.roundValue = 1
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.roundUnit = minute
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollCount = 0
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollInterval=60
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollSize = 268435456
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.batchSize = 10000
> tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.writeFormat = Text
> tier1.sinks.sink1.serializer = text
> tier1.sources.source1.channels = channel1
> = channel1
> *From:* Gonzalo Herreros []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 2, 2016 2:03 PM
> *To:* user
> *Subject:* Re: flume problem
> That looks like json but it's avro.
> You need a read it using the avro library or change your sink to serialize
> text.
> On 2 March 2016 at 11:28, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <
>> wrote:
> I added sink example . Why does flume add yellow part. I thought that
> yellow part means content type.
> Flume has to be sink a new line for each separate post. Am ı right? In our
> example flume continue to sink new post after last post. It is not sink as
> a new line for new posts.
> thanks
> SEQ!"��
> mq��I$�����{��US-�\�I{"id":"
> ,2005:642910625514016769","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"id:
> Kurnaz","postedTime":"2012-08-20T23:40:34.000Z","image":"
> for iPhone","link":"
> "},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":"
> 32 milyon dolar garanti para güzel bende yerim o paraya
> dayak","object":{"objectType":"note","id":",2005:642910625514016769","summary":"@mbilgehandemir
> 32 milyon dolar garanti para güzel bende yerim o paraya dayak","link":"
> ","postedTime":"2015-09-13T04:00:12.000Z"},"inReplyTo":{"link":"
> Demir","id":180756706,"id_str":"180756706","indices":[0,15]}],"symbols":[]},"twitter_filter_level":"low","twitter_lang":"tr","retweetCount":0,"gnip":{"matching_rules":[{"value":"(bio_lang:tr
> OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (\"garantı\" OR \"garanti\" OR \"GARANTI\"
> OR \"GARANTİ\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR
> lang:tr) garanti -(#29ekimekadartakipteyiz OR #UnfsuzSeriTakipleselim OR
> #TatilAskinaTakipleselim OR #takipedenitakipederim OR #DurmaTakipleselim OR
> #SenSakrakTakipleselimYine OR #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR
> #TakipEdenTakipEdilir OR #Garanti_Takipçiyim OR #GARANTI_TAKIP�?IYIM OR
> #BicirBicirTakipleselim OR #geritakip OR #KosKosTakipvar OR
> #AnindaGeriTakip OR #KesinTakipVar OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR
> #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR #garantitakip OR
> #TakipcininiyisiRTyapar OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim. OR
> #takibetakip)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR
> lang:tr) garanti -(\"Garanti süresi\" OR \"Gülmek garanti\" OR \"Puan
> Garanti\" OR \"Final Garanti\" OR \"Garanti kupon\" OR \"Unfollow Garanti\"
> OR \"Garanti ediyorum\" OR \"Takip
> Garanti\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR
> lang:tr) garanti -(\"Gülmek garanti\" OR \"Garanti edebilirim\" OR \"Kilo
> garanti\" OR \"Cennet garanti\" OR \"Kupa Garanti\" OR \"Garanti
> veriyorum\" OR \"Garanti belgesi\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR
> twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(#CenkAkyolYalnizDegildir OR
> #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR #autofollowback OR #ifollowback OR #ff OR
> #takipedenitakipederim OR #TeamFollowBack OR #followme OR #takibetakip OR
> #takipedentakipedilir OR #garantiemakelaars OR #DostlarlaTakipleselim OR
> #takipedentakipedilir OR #KizliErkekliTakipleselim OR
> #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR #BizSuperizYineTakiplesiyoruz OR
> #DurmaTakipleselim OR #takibetakip OR #FigürsüzlerIleGeceTakibi OR
> #MuratCuvallSayesindeTakiplesiyoruz)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR
> twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(\"Garanti Takip\" OR \"Tur garanti\"
> OR \"Kupa garanti\" OR \"sampiyonluk garanti\" OR \"Garanti kapsami\" OR
> \"madalya garanti\" OR \"takipçi garanti\" OR \"lig garanti\" OR \"ligi
> garanti\" OR \"kopmak garanti\" OR \"Garanti_Takipciyim\" OR \"TAKİP EDENİ
> TAKİP EDERİM\" OR \"takip edeni takip
> ederim\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR
> lang:tr) garanti -(#takipcikazan OR #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR
> #TakipVarDediler OR #EtkilesimIleSeriTakip OR #Cumatakipteyiz OR
> #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR #Takiplerdeyiz OR #AnindaGeriTakip OR
> #garanti_takipçiyim OR #takipçikazan)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr
> OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (contains:garantı OR contains:garanti OR
> contains:paracard)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr
> OR lang:tr) garanti -(#EtkilesimciTayfaTakiplesiyor OR
> #BugünPazarKarsilikliTakipleselim OR #TümHayranGruplariHaftaSonuTakibi OR
> #Takiplerdeyiz OR #MeteHorozogluHayranlariTakiplesiyor OR #garantilitakip
> OR #Garanti_Takipciyim OR #DurmaTakipleselim OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR
> #100de100GeriTakip OR #Problemsiz_FullTakipteyiz OR
> #EtkilesimSeverlerIleSeriTakip)","tag":null}],"language":{"value":"tr"}}}
> ������mq��I$�����{��
> ?S-�\�
> 3{"id":"
> ,2005:642910743302668288","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"id:
> ???? ???","postedTime":"2011-08-03T16:18:41.000Z","image":"
> Eyüpsultan"},"favoritesCount":4531},"verb":"share","postedTime":"2015-09-13T04:00:40.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"Twitter
> for Android","link":"
> "},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":"
> @Hadis_Tweet: \"Kim sabah namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi
> altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte, c.17, s.541)\n#Hadis","object":{"id":"tag:
> ,2005:642906134421065728","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"id:
> �?erif","postedTime":"2011-03-16T02:39:31.000Z","image":"
> Hadis-i �?erif Payla�?ılır.Gayemiz Hz.Muhammed 'in(a.s.m) Sahih
> Kaynaklardan Hadis-i �?erifler'ini payla�?mak ve duyurmaktır.Selam ve Dua
> ile @Dua_Kardesligi","links":[{"href":"","rel":"me"}],"friendsCount":3387,"followersCount":376308,"listedCount":382,"statusesCount":5025,"twitterTimeZone":"Istanbul","verified":false,"utcOffset":"10800","preferredUsername":"Hadis_Tweet","languages":["tr"],"favoritesCount":623},"verb":"post","postedTime":"2015-09-13T03:42:21.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"Twitter
> Web Client","link":"
> "},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":"
> sabah namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte,
> c.17, s.541)\n#Hadis","object":{"objectType":"note","id":"object:
>,2005:642906134421065728","summary":"\"Kim sabah
> namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte, c.17,
> s.541)\n#Hadis","link":"
> �?erif","id":266950198,"id_str":"266950198","indices":[3,15]}],"symbols":[]},"twitter_filter_level":"low","twitter_lang":"tr","retweetCount":33,"gnip":{"matching_rules":[{"value":"(bio_lang:tr
> OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (contains:garantı OR contains:garanti OR
> contains:paracard)","tag":null}],"language":{"value":"tr"}}}
> *From:* Gonzalo Herreros []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 2, 2016 12:01 PM
> *To:* user
> *Subject:* Re: flume problem
> The channel serializes the flume event as avro including the headers, the
> http headers become event headers
> However the sink should only store the content, not the headers
> On 2 March 2016 at 09:51, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <
>> wrote:
> No, we send json twitter data but in flume channel ı saw content type word
> for each tweet. Is it normal ? How can ı send just tweets json without any
> content type. I took tweets json from GNIP company.
> Thanks
> iPhone'umdan gönderildi
> 2 Mar 2016 tarihinde 10:56 saatinde, Gonzalo Herreros <>
> şunları yazdı:
> Could it be that you are serializing avro instead of json?
> On 2 March 2016 at 08:25, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <
>> wrote:
> Hi,
> When I send json data to flume with using http post, flume adds
> Co**ntent-Typeapplication/json** for each json post.
> In my http post java code,  I give the content-type with using
> **con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");** function.
> I am using blob handler.
> **In flume conf file**
> *tier1.sources.source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
> tier1.sources.source1.handler =
> org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.BlobHandler*
> In flume channel, flume adds content type for each post as you see. After
> HDFS sink, The content type word causes a problem when ı try to parse json
> with spark sql or hive serDe.
> **The flume channel log data**
> *^LContent-Typeapplication/jsonú{"id":"+ag:_ea_ch.++i++e_.c-
> ^LContentTypeapplication/json‘{"id":"
> ,2005:642913165047648*
> Is there any idea for that problem?
> Thank a lot.
> *Barış Akgün*
> Analitik Veri Ambarı ve Büyük Veri Yönetimi
> Uzman
> Tel
> :
> Dahili
> :
> Faks
> :
> Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir
> ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis
> olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune
> uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde
> yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da
> sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin
> ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan,
> butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve
> bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.
> This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the
> individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although
> you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message
> confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or
> correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our
> company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of
> integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to
> your computer system.
> Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir
> ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis
> olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune
> uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde
> yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da
> sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin
> ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan,
> butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve
> bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.
> This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the
> individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although
> you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message
> confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or
> correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our
> company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of
> integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to
> your computer system.
> Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir
> ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis
> olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune
> uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde
> yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da
> sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin
> ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan,
> butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve
> bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.
> This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the
> individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although
> you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message
> confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or
> correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our
> company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of
> integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to
> your computer system.
> Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir
> ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis
> olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune
> uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde
> yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da
> sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin
> ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan,
> butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve
> bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.
> This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the
> individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although
> you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message
> confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or
> correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our
> company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of
> integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to
> your computer system.

RE: flume problem

Posted by "Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji)" <>.
I have changed sink serializer to text  but the problem still continues. I added my flume conf file.,

# tier1 - HTTP POST source for GNIP - Twitter data.
tier1.sources = source1
tier1.sinks = sink1
tier1.channels = channel1

tier1.sources.source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
tier1.sources.source1.handler = org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.BlobHandler
tier1.sources.source1.port = 35853

tier1.channels.channel1.type = file
tier1.channels.channel1.capacity = 1000000
tier1.channels.channel1.checkpointDir = /tmp/flume_chnl/flm_checkpoint
tier1.channels.channel1.dataDirs = /tmp/flume_chnl/flm_data
tier1.channels.channel1.maxFileSize = 314572800

tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.path = /tmp/Flume
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.filePrefix = events_%Y%m%d
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.fileSuffix = .json
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.inUsePrefix = .
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.inUseSuffix = .incomplete
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.round = true
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.roundValue = 1
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.roundUnit = minute
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollCount = 0
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollSize = 268435456
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.batchSize = 10000
tier1.sinks.sink1.hdfs.writeFormat = Text
tier1.sinks.sink1.serializer = text

tier1.sources.source1.channels = channel1 = channel1

From: Gonzalo Herreros []
Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2016 2:03 PM
To: user
Subject: Re: flume problem

That looks like json but it's avro.
You need a read it using the avro library or change your sink to serialize text.

On 2 March 2016 at 11:28, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <>> wrote:
I added sink example . Why does flume add yellow part. I thought that yellow part means content type.

Flume has to be sink a new line for each separate post. Am ı right? In our example flume continue to sink new post after last post. It is not sink as a new line for new posts.


SEQ!"��mq��I$�����{��US-�\�I{"id":"<>,2005:642910625514016769","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"<>","link":"","displayName":"Can Kurnaz","postedTime":"2012-08-20T23:40:34.000Z","image":"","summary":null,"links":[{"href":null,"rel":"me"}],"friendsCount":62,"followersCount":40,"listedCount":1,"statusesCount":378,"twitterTimeZone":null,"verified":false,"utcOffset":null,"preferredUsername":"CanKurnaz5","languages":["tr"],"favoritesCount":507},"verb":"post","postedTime":"2015-09-13T04:00:12.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"Twitter for iPhone","link":""},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":""},"link":"","body":"@mbilgehandemir 32 milyon dolar garanti para güzel bende yerim o paraya dayak","object":{"objectType":"note","id":"<>,2005:642910625514016769","summary":"@mbilgehandemir 32 milyon dolar garanti para güzel bende yerim o paraya dayak","link":"","postedTime":"2015-09-13T04:00:12.000Z"},"inReplyTo":{"link":""},"favoritesCount":0,"twitter_entities":{"hashtags":[],"trends":[],"urls":[],"user_mentions":[{"screen_name":"mbilgehandemir","name":"Bilgehan Demir","id":180756706,"id_str":"180756706","indices":[0,15]}],"symbols":[]},"twitter_filter_level":"low","twitter_lang":"tr","retweetCount":0,"gnip":{"matching_rules":[{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (\"garantı\" OR \"garanti\" OR \"GARANTI\" OR \"GARANTİ\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(#29ekimekadartakipteyiz OR #UnfsuzSeriTakipleselim OR #TatilAskinaTakipleselim OR #takipedenitakipederim OR #DurmaTakipleselim OR #SenSakrakTakipleselimYine OR #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR #TakipEdenTakipEdilir OR #Garanti_Takipçiyim OR #GARANTI_TAKIP�?IYIM OR #BicirBicirTakipleselim OR #geritakip OR #KosKosTakipvar OR #AnindaGeriTakip OR #KesinTakipVar OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR #garantitakip OR #TakipcininiyisiRTyapar OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim. OR #takibetakip)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(\"Garanti süresi\" OR \"Gülmek garanti\" OR \"Puan Garanti\" OR \"Final Garanti\" OR \"Garanti kupon\" OR \"Unfollow Garanti\" OR \"Garanti ediyorum\" OR \"Takip Garanti\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(\"Gülmek garanti\" OR \"Garanti edebilirim\" OR \"Kilo garanti\" OR \"Cennet garanti\" OR \"Kupa Garanti\" OR \"Garanti veriyorum\" OR \"Garanti belgesi\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(#CenkAkyolYalnizDegildir OR #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR #autofollowback OR #ifollowback OR #ff OR #takipedenitakipederim OR #TeamFollowBack OR #followme OR #takibetakip OR #takipedentakipedilir OR #garantiemakelaars OR #DostlarlaTakipleselim OR #takipedentakipedilir OR #KizliErkekliTakipleselim OR #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR #BizSuperizYineTakiplesiyoruz OR #DurmaTakipleselim OR #takibetakip OR #FigürsüzlerIleGeceTakibi OR #MuratCuvallSayesindeTakiplesiyoruz)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(\"Garanti Takip\" OR \"Tur garanti\" OR \"Kupa garanti\" OR \"sampiyonluk garanti\" OR \"Garanti kapsami\" OR \"madalya garanti\" OR \"takipçi garanti\" OR \"lig garanti\" OR \"ligi garanti\" OR \"kopmak garanti\" OR \"Garanti_Takipciyim\" OR \"TAKİP EDENİ TAKİP EDERİM\" OR \"takip edeni takip ederim\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(#takipcikazan OR #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR #TakipVarDediler OR #EtkilesimIleSeriTakip OR #Cumatakipteyiz OR #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR #Takiplerdeyiz OR #AnindaGeriTakip OR #garanti_takipçiyim OR #takipçikazan)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (contains:garantı OR contains:garanti OR contains:paracard)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(#EtkilesimciTayfaTakiplesiyor OR #BugünPazarKarsilikliTakipleselim OR #TümHayranGruplariHaftaSonuTakibi OR #Takiplerdeyiz OR #MeteHorozogluHayranlariTakiplesiyor OR #garantilitakip OR #Garanti_Takipciyim OR #DurmaTakipleselim OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR #100de100GeriTakip OR #Problemsiz_FullTakipteyiz OR #EtkilesimSeverlerIleSeriTakip)","tag":null}],"language":{"value":"tr"}}}������mq��I$�����{��
3{"id":"<>,2005:642910743302668288","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"<>","link":"","displayName":" ???? ???","postedTime":"2011-08-03T16:18:41.000Z","image":"","summary":null,"links":[{"href":null,"rel":"me"}],"friendsCount":654,"followersCount":510,"listedCount":10,"statusesCount":21790,"twitterTimeZone":"Baghdad","verified":false,"utcOffset":"10800","preferredUsername":"semagokcee","languages":["tr"],"location":{"objectType":"place","displayName":"AGD Eyüpsultan"},"favoritesCount":4531},"verb":"share","postedTime":"2015-09-13T04:00:40.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"Twitter for Android","link":""},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":""},"link":"","body":"RT @Hadis_Tweet: \"Kim sabah namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte, c.17, s.541)\n#Hadis","object":{"id":"<>,2005:642906134421065728","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"<>","link":"","displayName":"Hadis-i �?erif","postedTime":"2011-03-16T02:39:31.000Z","image":"","summary":"Burada Hadis-i �?erif Payla�?ılır.Gayemiz Hz.Muhammed 'in(a.s.m) Sahih Kaynaklardan Hadis-i �?erifler'ini payla�?mak ve duyurmaktır.Selam ve Dua ile @Dua_Kardesligi","links":[{"href":"","rel":"me"}],"friendsCount":3387,"followersCount":376308,"listedCount":382,"statusesCount":5025,"twitterTimeZone":"Istanbul","verified":false,"utcOffset":"10800","preferredUsername":"Hadis_Tweet","languages":["tr"],"favoritesCount":623},"verb":"post","postedTime":"2015-09-13T03:42:21.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"Twitter Web Client","link":""},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":""},"link":"","body":"\"Kim sabah namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte, c.17, s.541)\n#Hadis","object":{"objectType":"note","id":"<>,2005:642906134421065728","summary":"\"Kim sabah namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte, c.17, s.541)\n#Hadis","link":"","postedTime":"2015-09-13T03:42:21.000Z"},"favoritesCount":61,"twitter_entities":{"hashtags":[{"text":"Hadis","indices":[90,96]}],"trends":[],"urls":[],"user_mentions":[],"symbols":[]},"twitter_filter_level":"low","twitter_lang":"tr"},"favoritesCount":0,"twitter_entities":{"hashtags":[{"text":"Hadis","indices":[107,113]}],"trends":[],"urls":[],"user_mentions":[{"screen_name":"Hadis_Tweet","name":"Hadis-i �?erif","id":266950198,"id_str":"266950198","indices":[3,15]}],"symbols":[]},"twitter_filter_level":"low","twitter_lang":"tr","retweetCount":33,"gnip":{"matching_rules":[{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (contains:garantı OR contains:garanti OR contains:paracard)","tag":null}],"language":{"value":"tr"}}}

From: Gonzalo Herreros [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2016 12:01 PM
To: user
Subject: Re: flume problem

The channel serializes the flume event as avro including the headers, the http headers become event headers
However the sink should only store the content, not the headers

On 2 March 2016 at 09:51, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <>> wrote:
No, we send json twitter data but in flume channel ı saw content type word for each tweet. Is it normal ? How can ı send just tweets json without any content type. I took tweets json from GNIP company.

iPhone'umdan gönderildi

2 Mar 2016 tarihinde 10:56 saatinde, Gonzalo Herreros <>> şunları yazdı:
Could it be that you are serializing avro instead of json?

On 2 March 2016 at 08:25, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <>> wrote:

When I send json data to flume with using http post, flume adds Co**ntent-Typeapplication/json** for each json post.

In my http post java code,  I give the content-type with using

**con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");** function.

I am using blob handler.

**In flume conf file**

*tier1.sources.source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
tier1.sources.source1.handler = org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.BlobHandler*

In flume channel, flume adds content type for each post as you see. After HDFS sink, The content type word causes a problem when ı try to parse json with spark sql or hive serDe.

**The flume channel log data**


Is there any idea for that problem?

Thank a lot.

Barış Akgün
Analitik Veri Ambarı ve Büyük Veri Yönetimi







Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan, butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system.

Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan, butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system.

Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan, butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system.

Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan, butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system.

Re: flume problem

Posted by Gonzalo Herreros <>.
That looks like json but it's avro.
You need a read it using the avro library or change your sink to serialize

On 2 March 2016 at 11:28, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <> wrote:

> I added sink example . Why does flume add yellow part. I thought that
> yellow part means content type.
> Flume has to be sink a new line for each separate post. Am ı right? In our
> example flume continue to sink new post after last post. It is not sink as
> a new line for new posts.
> thanks
> SEQ!"
> ��mq��I$�����{��US-�\�I{"id":"
> ,2005:642910625514016769","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"id:
> Kurnaz","postedTime":"2012-08-20T23:40:34.000Z","image":"
> for iPhone","link":"
> "},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":"
> 32 milyon dolar garanti para güzel bende yerim o paraya
> dayak","object":{"objectType":"note","id":",2005:642910625514016769","summary":"@mbilgehandemir
> 32 milyon dolar garanti para güzel bende yerim o paraya dayak","link":"
> ","postedTime":"2015-09-13T04:00:12.000Z"},"inReplyTo":{"link":"
> Demir","id":180756706,"id_str":"180756706","indices":[0,15]}],"symbols":[]},"twitter_filter_level":"low","twitter_lang":"tr","retweetCount":0,"gnip":{"matching_rules":[{"value":"(bio_lang:tr
> OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (\"garantı\" OR \"garanti\" OR \"GARANTI\"
> OR \"GARANTİ\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR
> lang:tr) garanti -(#29ekimekadartakipteyiz OR #UnfsuzSeriTakipleselim OR
> #TatilAskinaTakipleselim OR #takipedenitakipederim OR #DurmaTakipleselim OR
> #SenSakrakTakipleselimYine OR #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR
> #TakipEdenTakipEdilir OR #Garanti_Takipçiyim OR #GARANTI_TAKIP�?IYIM OR
> #BicirBicirTakipleselim OR #geritakip OR #KosKosTakipvar OR
> #AnindaGeriTakip OR #KesinTakipVar OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR
> #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR #garantitakip OR
> #TakipcininiyisiRTyapar OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim. OR
> #takibetakip)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR
> lang:tr) garanti -(\"Garanti süresi\" OR \"Gülmek garanti\" OR \"Puan
> Garanti\" OR \"Final Garanti\" OR \"Garanti kupon\" OR \"Unfollow Garanti\"
> OR \"Garanti ediyorum\" OR \"Takip
> Garanti\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR
> lang:tr) garanti -(\"Gülmek garanti\" OR \"Garanti edebilirim\" OR \"Kilo
> garanti\" OR \"Cennet garanti\" OR \"Kupa Garanti\" OR \"Garanti
> veriyorum\" OR \"Garanti belgesi\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR
> twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(#CenkAkyolYalnizDegildir OR
> #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR #autofollowback OR #ifollowback OR #ff OR
> #takipedenitakipederim OR #TeamFollowBack OR #followme OR #takibetakip OR
> #takipedentakipedilir OR #garantiemakelaars OR #DostlarlaTakipleselim OR
> #takipedentakipedilir OR #KizliErkekliTakipleselim OR
> #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR #BizSuperizYineTakiplesiyoruz OR
> #DurmaTakipleselim OR #takibetakip OR #FigürsüzlerIleGeceTakibi OR
> #MuratCuvallSayesindeTakiplesiyoruz)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR
> twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(\"Garanti Takip\" OR \"Tur garanti\"
> OR \"Kupa garanti\" OR \"sampiyonluk garanti\" OR \"Garanti kapsami\" OR
> \"madalya garanti\" OR \"takipçi garanti\" OR \"lig garanti\" OR \"ligi
> garanti\" OR \"kopmak garanti\" OR \"Garanti_Takipciyim\" OR \"TAKİP EDENİ
> TAKİP EDERİM\" OR \"takip edeni takip
> ederim\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR
> lang:tr) garanti -(#takipcikazan OR #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR
> #TakipVarDediler OR #EtkilesimIleSeriTakip OR #Cumatakipteyiz OR
> #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR #Takiplerdeyiz OR #AnindaGeriTakip OR
> #garanti_takipçiyim OR #takipçikazan)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr
> OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (contains:garantı OR contains:garanti OR
> contains:paracard)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr
> OR lang:tr) garanti -(#EtkilesimciTayfaTakiplesiyor OR
> #BugünPazarKarsilikliTakipleselim OR #TümHayranGruplariHaftaSonuTakibi OR
> #Takiplerdeyiz OR #MeteHorozogluHayranlariTakiplesiyor OR #garantilitakip
> OR #Garanti_Takipciyim OR #DurmaTakipleselim OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR
> #100de100GeriTakip OR #Problemsiz_FullTakipteyiz OR
> #EtkilesimSeverlerIleSeriTakip)","tag":null}],"language":{"value":"tr"}}}
> ������mq��I$�����{��
> ?S-�\�
> 3{"id":"
> ,2005:642910743302668288","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"id:
> ???? ???","postedTime":"2011-08-03T16:18:41.000Z","image":"
> Eyüpsultan"},"favoritesCount":4531},"verb":"share","postedTime":"2015-09-13T04:00:40.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"Twitter
> for Android","link":"
> "},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":"
> @Hadis_Tweet: \"Kim sabah namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi
> altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte, c.17, s.541)\n#Hadis","object":{"id":"tag:
> ,2005:642906134421065728","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"id:
> �?erif","postedTime":"2011-03-16T02:39:31.000Z","image":"
> Hadis-i �?erif Payla�?ılır.Gayemiz Hz.Muhammed 'in(a.s.m) Sahih
> Kaynaklardan Hadis-i �?erifler'ini payla�?mak ve duyurmaktır.Selam ve Dua
> ile @Dua_Kardesligi","links":[{"href":"","rel":"me"}],"friendsCount":3387,"followersCount":376308,"listedCount":382,"statusesCount":5025,"twitterTimeZone":"Istanbul","verified":false,"utcOffset":"10800","preferredUsername":"Hadis_Tweet","languages":["tr"],"favoritesCount":623},"verb":"post","postedTime":"2015-09-13T03:42:21.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"Twitter
> Web Client","link":"
> "},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":"
> sabah namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte,
> c.17, s.541)\n#Hadis","object":{"objectType":"note","id":"object:
>,2005:642906134421065728","summary":"\"Kim sabah
> namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte, c.17,
> s.541)\n#Hadis","link":"
> �?erif","id":266950198,"id_str":"266950198","indices":[3,15]}],"symbols":[]},"twitter_filter_level":"low","twitter_lang":"tr","retweetCount":33,"gnip":{"matching_rules":[{"value":"(bio_lang:tr
> OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (contains:garantı OR contains:garanti OR
> contains:paracard)","tag":null}],"language":{"value":"tr"}}}
> *From:* Gonzalo Herreros []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 2, 2016 12:01 PM
> *To:* user
> *Subject:* Re: flume problem
> The channel serializes the flume event as avro including the headers, the
> http headers become event headers
> However the sink should only store the content, not the headers
> On 2 March 2016 at 09:51, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <
>> wrote:
> No, we send json twitter data but in flume channel ı saw content type word
> for each tweet. Is it normal ? How can ı send just tweets json without any
> content type. I took tweets json from GNIP company.
> Thanks
> iPhone'umdan gönderildi
> 2 Mar 2016 tarihinde 10:56 saatinde, Gonzalo Herreros <>
> şunları yazdı:
> Could it be that you are serializing avro instead of json?
> On 2 March 2016 at 08:25, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <
>> wrote:
> Hi,
> When I send json data to flume with using http post, flume adds
> Co**ntent-Typeapplication/json** for each json post.
> In my http post java code,  I give the content-type with using
> **con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");** function.
> I am using blob handler.
> **In flume conf file**
> *tier1.sources.source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
> tier1.sources.source1.handler =
> org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.BlobHandler*
> In flume channel, flume adds content type for each post as you see. After
> HDFS sink, The content type word causes a problem when ı try to parse json
> with spark sql or hive serDe.
> **The flume channel log data**
> *^LContent-Typeapplication/jsonú{"id":"+ag:_ea_ch.++i++e_.c-
> ^LContentTypeapplication/json‘{"id":"
> ,2005:642913165047648*
> Is there any idea for that problem?
> Thank a lot.
> *Barış Akgün*
> Analitik Veri Ambarı ve Büyük Veri Yönetimi
> Uzman
> Tel
> :
> Dahili
> :
> Faks
> :
> Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir
> ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis
> olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune
> uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde
> yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da
> sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin
> ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan,
> butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve
> bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.
> This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the
> individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although
> you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message
> confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or
> correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our
> company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of
> integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to
> your computer system.
> Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir
> ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis
> olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune
> uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde
> yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da
> sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin
> ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan,
> butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve
> bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.
> This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the
> individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although
> you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message
> confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or
> correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our
> company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of
> integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to
> your computer system.
> Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir
> ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis
> olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune
> uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde
> yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da
> sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin
> ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan,
> butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve
> bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.
> This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the
> individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although
> you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message
> confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or
> correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our
> company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of
> integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to
> your computer system.

RE: flume problem

Posted by "Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji)" <>.
I added sink example . Why does flume add yellow part. I thought that yellow part means content type.

Flume has to be sink a new line for each separate post. Am ı right? In our example flume continue to sink new post after last post. It is not sink as a new line for new posts.


SEQ!"��mq��I$�����{��US-�\�I{"id":",2005:642910625514016769","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"","link":"","displayName":"Can Kurnaz","postedTime":"2012-08-20T23:40:34.000Z","image":"","summary":null,"links":[{"href":null,"rel":"me"}],"friendsCount":62,"followersCount":40,"listedCount":1,"statusesCount":378,"twitterTimeZone":null,"verified":false,"utcOffset":null,"preferredUsername":"CanKurnaz5","languages":["tr"],"favoritesCount":507},"verb":"post","postedTime":"2015-09-13T04:00:12.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"Twitter for iPhone","link":""},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":""},"link":"","body":"@mbilgehandemir 32 milyon dolar garanti para güzel bende yerim o paraya dayak","object":{"objectType":"note","id":",2005:642910625514016769","summary":"@mbilgehandemir 32 milyon dolar garanti para güzel bende yerim o paraya dayak","link":"","postedTime":"2015-09-13T04:00:12.000Z"},"inReplyTo":{"link":""},"favoritesCount":0,"twitter_entities":{"hashtags":[],"trends":[],"urls":[],"user_mentions":[{"screen_name":"mbilgehandemir","name":"Bilgehan Demir","id":180756706,"id_str":"180756706","indices":[0,15]}],"symbols":[]},"twitter_filter_level":"low","twitter_lang":"tr","retweetCount":0,"gnip":{"matching_rules":[{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (\"garantı\" OR \"garanti\" OR \"GARANTI\" OR \"GARANTİ\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(#29ekimekadartakipteyiz OR #UnfsuzSeriTakipleselim OR #TatilAskinaTakipleselim OR #takipedenitakipederim OR #DurmaTakipleselim OR #SenSakrakTakipleselimYine OR #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR #TakipEdenTakipEdilir OR #Garanti_Takipçiyim OR #GARANTI_TAKIP�?IYIM OR #BicirBicirTakipleselim OR #geritakip OR #KosKosTakipvar OR #AnindaGeriTakip OR #KesinTakipVar OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR #garantitakip OR #TakipcininiyisiRTyapar OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim. OR #takibetakip)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(\"Garanti süresi\" OR \"Gülmek garanti\" OR \"Puan Garanti\" OR \"Final Garanti\" OR \"Garanti kupon\" OR \"Unfollow Garanti\" OR \"Garanti ediyorum\" OR \"Takip Garanti\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(\"Gülmek garanti\" OR \"Garanti edebilirim\" OR \"Kilo garanti\" OR \"Cennet garanti\" OR \"Kupa Garanti\" OR \"Garanti veriyorum\" OR \"Garanti belgesi\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(#CenkAkyolYalnizDegildir OR #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR #autofollowback OR #ifollowback OR #ff OR #takipedenitakipederim OR #TeamFollowBack OR #followme OR #takibetakip OR #takipedentakipedilir OR #garantiemakelaars OR #DostlarlaTakipleselim OR #takipedentakipedilir OR #KizliErkekliTakipleselim OR #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR #BizSuperizYineTakiplesiyoruz OR #DurmaTakipleselim OR #takibetakip OR #FigürsüzlerIleGeceTakibi OR #MuratCuvallSayesindeTakiplesiyoruz)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(\"Garanti Takip\" OR \"Tur garanti\" OR \"Kupa garanti\" OR \"sampiyonluk garanti\" OR \"Garanti kapsami\" OR \"madalya garanti\" OR \"takipçi garanti\" OR \"lig garanti\" OR \"ligi garanti\" OR \"kopmak garanti\" OR \"Garanti_Takipciyim\" OR \"TAKİP EDENİ TAKİP EDERİM\" OR \"takip edeni takip ederim\")","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(#takipcikazan OR #TakipleselimMutluOlalim OR #TakipVarDediler OR #EtkilesimIleSeriTakip OR #Cumatakipteyiz OR #TakipedeneAnindaGeriTakip OR #Takiplerdeyiz OR #AnindaGeriTakip OR #garanti_takipçiyim OR #takipçikazan)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (contains:garantı OR contains:garanti OR contains:paracard)","tag":null},{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) garanti -(#EtkilesimciTayfaTakiplesiyor OR #BugünPazarKarsilikliTakipleselim OR #TümHayranGruplariHaftaSonuTakibi OR #Takiplerdeyiz OR #MeteHorozogluHayranlariTakiplesiyor OR #garantilitakip OR #Garanti_Takipciyim OR #DurmaTakipleselim OR #Hepimiz_Takipleselim OR #100de100GeriTakip OR #Problemsiz_FullTakipteyiz OR #EtkilesimSeverlerIleSeriTakip)","tag":null}],"language":{"value":"tr"}}}������mq��I$�����{��
3{"id":",2005:642910743302668288","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"","link":"","displayName":" ???? ???","postedTime":"2011-08-03T16:18:41.000Z","image":"","summary":null,"links":[{"href":null,"rel":"me"}],"friendsCount":654,"followersCount":510,"listedCount":10,"statusesCount":21790,"twitterTimeZone":"Baghdad","verified":false,"utcOffset":"10800","preferredUsername":"semagokcee","languages":["tr"],"location":{"objectType":"place","displayName":"AGD Eyüpsultan"},"favoritesCount":4531},"verb":"share","postedTime":"2015-09-13T04:00:40.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"Twitter for Android","link":""},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":""},"link":"","body":"RT @Hadis_Tweet: \"Kim sabah namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte, c.17, s.541)\n#Hadis","object":{"id":",2005:642906134421065728","objectType":"activity","actor":{"objectType":"person","id":"","link":"","displayName":"Hadis-i �?erif","postedTime":"2011-03-16T02:39:31.000Z","image":"","summary":"Burada Hadis-i �?erif Payla�?ılır.Gayemiz Hz.Muhammed 'in(a.s.m) Sahih Kaynaklardan Hadis-i �?erifler'ini payla�?mak ve duyurmaktır.Selam ve Dua ile @Dua_Kardesligi","links":[{"href":"","rel":"me"}],"friendsCount":3387,"followersCount":376308,"listedCount":382,"statusesCount":5025,"twitterTimeZone":"Istanbul","verified":false,"utcOffset":"10800","preferredUsername":"Hadis_Tweet","languages":["tr"],"favoritesCount":623},"verb":"post","postedTime":"2015-09-13T03:42:21.000Z","generator":{"displayName":"Twitter Web Client","link":""},"provider":{"objectType":"service","displayName":"Twitter","link":""},"link":"","body":"\"Kim sabah namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte, c.17, s.541)\n#Hadis","object":{"objectType":"note","id":",2005:642906134421065728","summary":"\"Kim sabah namazını kılarsa, Allah'ın garantisi altındadır.\" (Kütüb-i Sitte, c.17, s.541)\n#Hadis","link":"","postedTime":"2015-09-13T03:42:21.000Z"},"favoritesCount":61,"twitter_entities":{"hashtags":[{"text":"Hadis","indices":[90,96]}],"trends":[],"urls":[],"user_mentions":[],"symbols":[]},"twitter_filter_level":"low","twitter_lang":"tr"},"favoritesCount":0,"twitter_entities":{"hashtags":[{"text":"Hadis","indices":[107,113]}],"trends":[],"urls":[],"user_mentions":[{"screen_name":"Hadis_Tweet","name":"Hadis-i �?erif","id":266950198,"id_str":"266950198","indices":[3,15]}],"symbols":[]},"twitter_filter_level":"low","twitter_lang":"tr","retweetCount":33,"gnip":{"matching_rules":[{"value":"(bio_lang:tr OR twitter_lang:tr OR lang:tr) (contains:garantı OR contains:garanti OR contains:paracard)","tag":null}],"language":{"value":"tr"}}}

From: Gonzalo Herreros []
Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2016 12:01 PM
To: user
Subject: Re: flume problem

The channel serializes the flume event as avro including the headers, the http headers become event headers
However the sink should only store the content, not the headers

On 2 March 2016 at 09:51, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <>> wrote:
No, we send json twitter data but in flume channel ı saw content type word for each tweet. Is it normal ? How can ı send just tweets json without any content type. I took tweets json from GNIP company.

iPhone'umdan gönderildi

2 Mar 2016 tarihinde 10:56 saatinde, Gonzalo Herreros <>> şunları yazdı:
Could it be that you are serializing avro instead of json?

On 2 March 2016 at 08:25, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <>> wrote:

When I send json data to flume with using http post, flume adds Co**ntent-Typeapplication/json** for each json post.

In my http post java code,  I give the content-type with using

**con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");** function.

I am using blob handler.

**In flume conf file**

*tier1.sources.source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
tier1.sources.source1.handler = org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.BlobHandler*

In flume channel, flume adds content type for each post as you see. After HDFS sink, The content type word causes a problem when ı try to parse json with spark sql or hive serDe.

**The flume channel log data**


Is there any idea for that problem?

Thank a lot.

Barış Akgün
Analitik Veri Ambarı ve Büyük Veri Yönetimi







Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan, butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system.

Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan, butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system.

Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan, butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system.

Re: flume problem

Posted by Gonzalo Herreros <>.
The channel serializes the flume event as avro including the headers, the
http headers become event headers
However the sink should only store the content, not the headers

On 2 March 2016 at 09:51, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <> wrote:

> No, we send json twitter data but in flume channel ı saw content type word
> for each tweet. Is it normal ? How can ı send just tweets json without any
> content type. I took tweets json from GNIP company.
> Thanks
> iPhone'umdan gönderildi
> 2 Mar 2016 tarihinde 10:56 saatinde, Gonzalo Herreros <>
> şunları yazdı:
> Could it be that you are serializing avro instead of json?
> On 2 March 2016 at 08:25, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I send json data to flume with using http post, flume adds
>> Co**ntent-Typeapplication/json** for each json post.
>> In my http post java code,  I give the content-type with using
>> **con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");** function.
>> I am using blob handler.
>> **In flume conf file**
>> *tier1.sources.source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
>> tier1.sources.source1.handler =
>> org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.BlobHandler*
>> In flume channel, flume adds content type for each post as you see. After
>> HDFS sink, The content type word causes a problem when ı try to parse json
>> with spark sql or hive serDe.
>> **The flume channel log data**
>> *^LContent-Typeapplication/jsonú{"id":"+ag:_ea_ch.++i++e_.c-
>> ^LContentTypeapplication/json‘{"id":"
>> ,2005:642913165047648*
>> Is there any idea for that problem?
>> Thank a lot.
>> *Barış Akgün*
>> Analitik Veri Ambarı ve Büyük Veri Yönetimi
>> Uzman
>> Tel
>> :
>> Dahili
>> :
>> Faks
>> :
>> Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir
>> ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis
>> olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune
>> uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde
>> yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da
>> sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin
>> ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan,
>> butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve
>> bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.
>> This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the
>> individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although
>> you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message
>> confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or
>> correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our
>> company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of
>> integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to
>> your computer system.
> Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir
> ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis
> olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune
> uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde
> yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da
> sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin
> ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan,
> butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve
> bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.
> This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the
> individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although
> you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message
> confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or
> correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our
> company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of
> integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to
> your computer system.

Re: flume problem

Posted by "Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji)" <>.
No, we send json twitter data but in flume channel ı saw content type word for each tweet. Is it normal ? How can ı send just tweets json without any content type. I took tweets json from GNIP company.

iPhone'umdan gönderildi

2 Mar 2016 tarihinde 10:56 saatinde, Gonzalo Herreros <>> şunları yazdı:

Could it be that you are serializing avro instead of json?

On 2 March 2016 at 08:25, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <>> wrote:

When I send json data to flume with using http post, flume adds Co**ntent-Typeapplication/json** for each json post.

In my http post java code,  I give the content-type with using

**con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");** function.

I am using blob handler.

**In flume conf file**

*tier1.sources.source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
tier1.sources.source1.handler = org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.BlobHandler*

In flume channel, flume adds content type for each post as you see. After HDFS sink, The content type word causes a problem when ı try to parse json with spark sql or hive serDe.

**The flume channel log data**


Is there any idea for that problem?

Thank a lot.

Barış Akgün
Analitik Veri Ambarı ve Büyük Veri Yönetimi







Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan, butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system.

Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune uyulmasi zorunlulugu tarafiniz icin de soz konusudur. Mesaj ve eklerinde yer alan bilgilerin dogrulugu ve guncelligi konusunda gonderenin ya da sirketimizin herhangi bir sorumlulugu bulunmamaktadir. Sirketimiz mesajin ve bilgilerinin size degisiklige ugrayarak veya gec ulasmasindan, butunlugunun ve gizliliginin korunamamasindan, virus icermesinden ve bilgisayar sisteminize verebilecegi herhangi bir zarardan sorumlu tutulamaz.

This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system.

Re: flume problem

Posted by Gonzalo Herreros <>.
Could it be that you are serializing avro instead of json?

On 2 March 2016 at 08:25, Baris Akgun (Garanti Teknoloji) <> wrote:

> Hi,
> When I send json data to flume with using http post, flume adds
> Co**ntent-Typeapplication/json** for each json post.
> In my http post java code,  I give the content-type with using
> **con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");** function.
> I am using blob handler.
> **In flume conf file**
> *tier1.sources.source1.type = org.apache.flume.source.http.HTTPSource
> tier1.sources.source1.handler =
> org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline.BlobHandler*
> In flume channel, flume adds content type for each post as you see. After
> HDFS sink, The content type word causes a problem when ı try to parse json
> with spark sql or hive serDe.
> **The flume channel log data**
> *^LContent-Typeapplication/jsonú{"id":"+ag:_ea_ch.++i++e_.c-
> ^LContentTypeapplication/json‘{"id":"
> ,2005:642913165047648*
> Is there any idea for that problem?
> Thank a lot.
> *Barış Akgün*
> Analitik Veri Ambarı ve Büyük Veri Yönetimi
> Uzman
> Tel
> :
> Dahili
> :
> Faks
> :
> Bu mesaj ve ekleri, mesajda gonderildigi belirtilen kisi/kisilere ozeldir
> ve gizlidir. Bu mesajin muhatabi olmamaniza ragmen tarafiniza ulasmis
> olmasi halinde mesaj iceriginin gizliligi ve bu gizlilik yukumlulugune
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