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[GitHub] [arrow] jorisvandenbossche commented on a change in pull request #8271: ARROW-9991: [C++] split kernels for strings/binary

jorisvandenbossche commented on a change in pull request #8271:

File path: python/pyarrow/
@@ -253,6 +255,68 @@ def match_substring(array, pattern):
+def split_pattern(array, pattern, max_splits=-1, reverse=False):
+    """
+    Replace string by a list of strings, separated by *pattern*.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    array : pyarrow.Array or pyarrow.ChunkedArray
+    pattern : str
+        pattern to split by
+    max_splits : int
+        If not -1, the maximum number of splits.
+    reverse : bool
+        Start splitting from the right, only meaningful when max_splits != -1
+    Returns
+    -------
+    result : pyarrow.Array or pyarrow.ChunkedArray
+    """
+    return call_function("split_pattern", [array],
+                         SplitPatternOptions(pattern, max_splits, reverse))

Review comment:
       This might be premature optimization, but in theory the `pattern` could also be a second argument (`[array, pattern]`), keeping the option open to later implement `[array, array_of_patterns]` where both could be an array of the same length? (in case you want a different split pattern per value)  
   That would also make SplitOptions could be shared between both `split_pattern` and `split_whitespace`

File path: cpp/src/arrow/compute/api_scalar.h
@@ -49,6 +49,23 @@ struct ARROW_EXPORT MatchSubstringOptions : public FunctionOptions {
   std::string pattern;
+struct ARROW_EXPORT SplitOptions : public FunctionOptions {
+  explicit SplitOptions(int64_t max_splits = -1, bool reverse = false)
+      : max_splits(max_splits), reverse(reverse) {}
+  int64_t max_splits;
+  bool reverse;

Review comment:
       Can you add a doc comment here?

File path: cpp/src/arrow/compute/kernels/
@@ -809,6 +809,475 @@ struct IsUpperAscii : CharacterPredicateAscii<IsUpperAscii> {
+// splitting
+template <typename Type, typename ListType, typename Options, typename Derived>
+struct SplitBaseTransform {
+  // TODO: assert offsets types are the same?
+  using offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
+  using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
+  using ArrayListType = typename TypeTraits<ListType>::ArrayType;
+  using ListScalarType = typename TypeTraits<ListType>::ScalarType;
+  using ScalarType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType;
+  using Builder = typename TypeTraits<Type>::BuilderType;
+  using State = OptionsWrapper<Options>;
+  static void Split(const uint8_t* input_string, offset_type input_string_nbytes,
+                    offset_type** output_string_offsets, offset_type* string_output_count,
+                    offset_type* string_output_offset, uint8_t** output_string_data,
+                    const Options& options) {
+    const uint8_t* begin = input_string;
+    const uint8_t* end = begin + input_string_nbytes;
+    int64_t max_splits = options.max_splits;
+    // if there is no max splits, reversing does not make sense (and is probably less
+    // efficient), but is useful for testing
+    if (options.reverse) {
+      // note that i points 1 further than the 'current'
+      const uint8_t* i = end;
+      // we will record the parts in reverse order
+      std::vector<std::pair<const uint8_t*, const uint8_t*>> parts;
+      if (max_splits > -1) {
+        parts.reserve(max_splits + 1);
+      }
+      while (max_splits != 0) {
+        const uint8_t *separator_begin, *separator_end;
+        // find with whatever algo the part we will 'cut out'
+        if (Derived::FindReverse(begin, i, &separator_begin, &separator_end, options)) {
+          parts.emplace_back(separator_end, i);
+          i = separator_begin;
+          max_splits--;
+        } else {
+          // if we cannot find a separator, we're done
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      parts.emplace_back(begin, i);
+      // now we do the copying
+      for (auto it = parts.rbegin(); it != parts.rend(); ++it) {
+        auto part = *it;
+        // copy the string data
+        for (auto j = part.first; j < part.second; j++) {
+          *(*output_string_data)++ = *j;
+          (*string_output_offset)++;
+        }
+        // write out the string entry (offset)
+        *(*output_string_offsets)++ = *string_output_offset;
+        (*string_output_count)++;
+      }
+    } else {
+      const uint8_t* i = begin;
+      while (max_splits != 0) {
+        const uint8_t *separator_begin, *separator_end;
+        // find with whatever algo the part we will 'cut out'
+        if (Derived::Find(i, end, &separator_begin, &separator_end, options)) {
+          // copy the part till the beginning of the 'cut'
+          while (i < separator_begin) {
+            *(*output_string_data)++ = *i++;
+            (*string_output_offset)++;
+          }
+          // 'finish' the string by writing the offset
+          *(*output_string_offsets)++ = *string_output_offset;
+          (*string_output_count)++;
+          // jump of the part we cut out
+          i = separator_end;
+          max_splits--;
+        } else {
+          // if we cannot find a separator, we're done
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // copy bytes after the pattern
+      while (i < end) {
+        *(*output_string_data)++ = *i++;
+        (*string_output_offset)++;
+      }
+      // and write out the trailing part (can be an empty string)
+      *(*output_string_offsets)++ = *string_output_offset;
+      (*string_output_count)++;
+    }
+  }
+  static Status CheckOptions(const Options& options) { return Status::OK(); }
+  static void Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
+    EnsureLookupTablesFilled();  // only needed for unicode
+    Options options = State::Get(ctx);
+    KERNEL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ctx, Derived::CheckOptions(options));
+    if (batch[0].kind() == Datum::ARRAY) {
+      const ArrayData& input = *batch[0].array();
+      ArrayType input_boxed(batch[0].array());
+      ArrayData* output_list_data = out->mutable_array();
+      offset_type input_nbytes = input_boxed.total_values_length();
+      offset_type input_nstrings = static_cast<offset_type>(input.length);
+      offset_type output_nbytes_max = input_nbytes;
+      int64_t output_nstrings_max = Derived::CalculateMaxSplits(input_boxed, options);
+      if (output_nstrings_max > std::numeric_limits<offset_type>::max()) {
+        ctx->SetStatus(
+            Status::CapacityError("Result might not fit in a 32bit list or string array, "
+                                  "convert to large_utf8"));
+        return;
+      }
+      // Why is the offset buffer not preallocated?
+      KERNEL_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(output_list_data->buffers[1], ctx,
+                             ctx->Allocate((input_nstrings + 1) * sizeof(offset_type)));
+      offset_type* output_list_offsets =
+          output_list_data->GetMutableValues<offset_type>(1);
+      // allocate output string array data
+      // this is a bit low level, should we use a builder?
+      KERNEL_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto buffer_output_string_data, ctx,
+                             ctx->Allocate((output_nbytes_max)));
+      KERNEL_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto buffer_output_string_offsets, ctx,
+                             ctx->Allocate(output_nstrings_max * sizeof(offset_type)));
+      offset_type* output_string_offsets =
+          reinterpret_cast<offset_type*>(buffer_output_string_offsets->mutable_data());
+      uint8_t* output_string_data = buffer_output_string_data->mutable_data();
+      // TypedBufferBuilder<bool> null_builder;  // TODO: should we pass a mem poool?
+      // KERNEL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ctx, null_builder.Reserve(output_nstrings_max));
+      // FirstTimeBitmapWriter bitmap_writer(buffer_output_string_bitmap->mutable_data(),
+      //                                     /*offset=*/0, output_nstrings_max);
+      // the output offset goes slightly slower then the input (due to skipping pattern)
+      offset_type output_string_offset = 0;
+      offset_type output_string_count = 0;
+      // we always start at the beginning
+      *output_list_offsets++ = output_string_count;
+      *output_string_offsets++ = output_string_offset;
+      for (int64_t i = 0; i < input_nstrings; i++) {
+        offset_type input_string_nbytes;
+        const uint8_t* input_string = input_boxed.GetValue(i, &input_string_nbytes);
+        // if (input_boxed.IsValid(i)) {
+        Split(input_string, input_string_nbytes, &output_string_offsets,
+              &output_string_count, &output_string_offset, &output_string_data, options);
+        //   null_builder.UnsafeAppend(true);
+        // } else {
+        //   null_builder.UnsafeAppend(false);
+        // }
+        *output_list_offsets++ = output_string_count;
+      }
+      // bitmap_writer.Finish();
+      // trim off extra memory usage
+                             buffer_output_string_data->Resize(output_string_offsets[-1],
+                                                               /*shrink_to_fit=*/true));
+      KERNEL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ctx, buffer_output_string_offsets->Resize(
+                                      (output_string_count + 1) * sizeof(offset_type),
+                                      /*shrink_to_fit=*/true));
+      // TODO: how to truncate the bitmap?
+      auto output_string_null_count = 0;  // null_builder.false_count();
+      std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer_output_string_bitmap = nullptr;
+      // KERNEL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ctx, null_builder.Finish(&buffer_output_string_bitmap));
+      std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> output_string_array =
+          ArrayData::Make(input.type, output_string_count,
+                          {buffer_output_string_bitmap, buffer_output_string_offsets,
+                           buffer_output_string_data},
+                          output_string_null_count);
+      output_list_data->child_data.push_back(output_string_array);
+    } else {
+      const auto& input = checked_cast<const ScalarType&>(*batch[0].scalar());
+      auto result = checked_pointer_cast<ListScalarType>(MakeNullScalar(out->type()));
+      if (input.is_valid) {
+        result->is_valid = true;
+        offset_type input_nbytes = static_cast<offset_type>(input.value->size());
+        offset_type output_nbytes_max = input_nbytes;
+        int64_t output_nstrings_max = Derived::CalculateMaxSplits(input, options);
+        if (output_nstrings_max > std::numeric_limits<offset_type>::max()) {
+          ctx->SetStatus(Status::CapacityError(
+              "Result might not fit in a 32bit list or string array, "
+              "convert to large_utf8"));
+          return;
+        }
+        KERNEL_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto buffer_output_string_data, ctx,
+                               ctx->Allocate((output_nbytes_max)));
+        KERNEL_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto buffer_output_string_offsets, ctx,
+                               ctx->Allocate(output_nstrings_max * sizeof(offset_type)));
+        offset_type* output_string_offsets =
+            reinterpret_cast<offset_type*>(buffer_output_string_offsets->mutable_data());
+        uint8_t* output_string_data = buffer_output_string_data->mutable_data();
+        // the output offset goes slightly slower then the input (due to skipping pattern)
+        offset_type string_output_offset = 0;
+        offset_type string_output_count = 0;
+        // we always start at the beginning
+        *output_string_offsets++ = string_output_offset;
+        const uint8_t* input_string = input.value->data();
+        Split(input_string, input_nbytes, &output_string_offsets, &string_output_count,
+              &string_output_offset, &output_string_data, options);
+            ctx, buffer_output_string_data->Resize(output_string_offsets[-1],
+                                                   /*shrink_to_fit=*/true));
+        KERNEL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ctx, buffer_output_string_offsets->Resize(
+                                        (string_output_count + 1) * sizeof(offset_type),
+                                        /*shrink_to_fit=*/true));
+        std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> output_string_array = ArrayData::Make(
+            input.type, string_output_count,
+            {nullptr, buffer_output_string_offsets, buffer_output_string_data});
+        result->value = std::make_shared<ArrayType>(output_string_array);
+      }
+      out->value = result;
+    }
+  }
+template <typename Type, typename ListType>
+struct SplitPatternTransform : SplitBaseTransform<Type, ListType, SplitPatternOptions,
+                                                  SplitPatternTransform<Type, ListType>> {
+  using ArrayType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ArrayType;
+  using ScalarType = typename TypeTraits<Type>::ScalarType;
+  using offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
+  static Status CheckOptions(const SplitPatternOptions& options) {
+    if (options.pattern.length() == 0) {
+      return Status::Invalid("Empty separator");
+    }
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+  static bool Find(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end,
+                   const uint8_t** separator_begin, const uint8_t** separator_end,
+                   const SplitPatternOptions& options) {
+    const uint8_t* pattern = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(options.pattern.c_str());
+    const int64_t pattern_length = options.pattern.length();
+    const uint8_t* i = begin;
+    // this is O(n*m) complexity, we could use the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm used in
+    // the match kernel
+    while ((i + pattern_length <= end)) {
+      i = std::search(i, end, pattern, pattern + pattern_length);
+      if (i != end) {
+        *separator_begin = i;
+        *separator_end = i + pattern_length;
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  static bool FindReverse(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end,
+                          const uint8_t** separator_begin, const uint8_t** separator_end,
+                          const SplitPatternOptions& options) {
+    const uint8_t* pattern = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(options.pattern.c_str());
+    const int64_t pattern_length = options.pattern.length();
+    // this is O(n*m) complexity, we could use the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm used in
+    // the match kernel
+    std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> ri(end);
+    std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> rend(begin);
+    std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> pattern_rbegin(pattern + pattern_length);
+    std::reverse_iterator<const uint8_t*> pattern_rend(pattern);
+    while (begin <= ri.base() - pattern_length) {
+      ri = std::search(ri, rend, pattern_rbegin, pattern_rend);
+      if (ri != rend) {
+        *separator_begin = ri.base() - pattern_length;
+        *separator_end = ri.base();
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  static int64_t CalculateMaxSplits(const ArrayType& input,
+                                    const SplitPatternOptions& options) {
+    // Worst case is e.g. ['  ', ' '] split by ' ' -> [['', '', ''], ['', '']]
+    // i.e. the length of each string divided by the pattern length + 1
+    // This can double the amount of strings, thus not fit into a (32bit) list or string
+    // anymore
+    int64_t output_nstrings_max = 0;
+    for (offset_type i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
+      output_nstrings_max += 1 + input.value_length(i) / options.pattern.length();
+    }
+    return output_nstrings_max;
+  }
+  static int64_t CalculateMaxSplits(const ScalarType& input,
+                                    const SplitPatternOptions& options) {
+    // Worst case is e.g. ['  ', ' '] split by ' ' -> [['', '', ''], ['', '']]
+    // i.e. the length of each string divided by the pattern length + 1
+    // This can double the amount of strings, thus not fit into a (32bit) list or string
+    // anymore
+    return 1 + input.value->size() / options.pattern.length();
+  }
+void AddSplitPattern(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
+  auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("split_pattern", Arity::Unary());

Review comment:
       Should the kernel name be `string_split_pattern` instead of `split_pattern`? (like we have `string_is_ascii` and not `is_ascii` and `binary_length` and not `length`)

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