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[WIKI-UPDATE] HibernateAndTheAuthenticationFramework BlockDescriptions Sun Sep 7 19:00:04 2003

Page: , version: 2 on Sun Sep  7 16:53:52 2003 by AntonioGallardo

-     <!-- This is the authentication respource -->\\
?                                        -

+     <!-- This is the authentication resource -->\\
-      <!-- This is the authentication respource -->\\
?                                         -

+      <!-- This is the authentication resource -->\\

Page: , version: 37 on Sun Sep  7 16:34:28 2003 by AntonioGallardo

+ !!apples
+ !!asciiart
- ''Provides various components (such as the AuthenticationManager) for the authentication framework, as well as LoginAction, LogoutAction, AuthAction, ConfigurationGenerator.  Also provides authentication.xconf, etc.  Samples are also included.''
+ ''Components for the authentication framework. Provides LoginAction, LogoutAction, ProtectedAction, ConfigurationGenerator. Include samples.''
+ !!axis
+ ''Allow rendering [SVG|] images to JPEG and PNG using [Batik|] library. Include SVGSerializer, FragmentExtractorGenerator and FragmentExtractorTransformer. Includes samples.''
- ''Provides libraries for Batik, code for the SVGSerializer, as well as FragmentExtractorGenerator and FragmentExtractorTransformer.  Includes samples.''
- ''Provides ScriptAction and ScriptGenerator, as well as the required bsf libraries.''
+ '' The Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) incorporate scripting into Cocoon. Using BSF, an application can use scripting, and become scriptable, against any BSF-supported language. When BSF supports additional languages, the application will automatically support the additional languages. Provides ScriptAction and ScriptGenerator. Include the required bsf libraries.''
- ''Provides TextGenerator and the required Chaperon libs for the creation of XML from structured plaintext.''
+ ''Provides TextGenerator and the required Chaperon libs for the creation of XML from a structured plaintext.''
?                                                                                      ++

+ !!eventcache
+ ''[FOP|] reads an [XSL-FO|] document and turns it into a PDF, PS or PCL format document using FOPSerializer. Include libraries and docs. Include FOP libraries, components and samples.''
- ''Provides the FOP libraries, as well as FOPSerializer, and some internal required components. 
- FOP is the way to go when you need output that is suitable for publishing (e.g. in PDF or PS format). ''
+ Required-By: jfor
- ''Provides the html file generator which extract xhtml sax events from any html file. It is based on [jtidy |].''
?                                                                                                            - -

+ ''Provides the html file generator which extract xhtml sax events from any html file. It is based on [jtidy|].''
+ !!itext
+ ''You need [iText|] if you don't want to use the FOP block to generate RTF.''
- ''You need this block if you want to serialize RTF from FO input. The FOP block is required.''
?                                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

+ ''You need this block if you want to serialize RTF from FO input."
?                                                                  ^

+ Requires: FOP block.
- !!itext
- ''This is the block that you need if you don't want to use FO (the FOP block) to generate RTF.''
- ''Provides the JSPGenerator, JSPReader, utility components, as well as related samples.''
?                                                           ^ ^^^^ -------------

+ ''Provides the JSPGenerator, JSPReader, utility components. Include samples.''
?                                                           ^ ^^^^^^

+ !!jxforms
+ ''Provides a form framework based on [xform|]. Include samples.''
+ !!linotype
+ !!mail
+ !!petstore
- ''Provides the serializer which produce spreadsheet format output. The input format must be the one used by [Gnumeric |].''
?                           ^ ^^^

+ ''Provides a [HSSF|] serializer that produce MS Excel spreadsheet format output. The input format must be the one used by [Gnumeric |].''
?            +++++++++ +++++++++++++++++  ++++++++++++++            ^ ^^        +++++++++

+ !!portal
+ !!qdox
+ !!slop
+ !!stx
+ !!taglib
+ !!webdav
+ !!woody
+ ''Provides a form framework. Include samples.''
+ !!xmlform
+ ''Deprecated.''