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[37/51] [partial] incubator-rya git commit: Cannot delete temp branch, doc'd it.
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/ b/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
deleted file mode 100644
index feb894f..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.entity;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import static mvm.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConstants.DELIM_BYTE;
-import static mvm.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConstants.TYPE_DELIM_BYTE;
-import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
-import java.util.Set;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConfiguration;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.documentIndex.DocIndexIteratorUtil;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.documentIndex.DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator;
-import mvm.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration;
-import mvm.rya.api.domain.RyaURI;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RyaContext;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RyaToRdfConversions;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RyaTypeResolverException;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.DocIdIndexer;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.ConfigUtils;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchScanner;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.IteratorSetting;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
-import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
-import org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException;
-import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.TupleExpr;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.QueryBindingSet;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.helpers.StatementPatternCollector;
-import org.openrdf.query.parser.ParsedQuery;
-import org.openrdf.query.parser.sparql.SPARQLParser;
-public class AccumuloDocIdIndexer implements DocIdIndexer {
-    private BatchScanner bs;
-    private AccumuloRdfConfiguration conf;
-    public AccumuloDocIdIndexer(RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration conf) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException {
-        Preconditions.checkArgument(conf instanceof RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration, "conf must be isntance of RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration");
-        this.conf = (AccumuloRdfConfiguration) conf;
-        //Connector conn = ConfigUtils.getConnector(conf);  
-    }
-    public CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> queryDocIndex(String sparqlQuery,
-            Collection<BindingSet> constraints) throws TableNotFoundException, QueryEvaluationException {
-        SPARQLParser parser = new SPARQLParser();
-        ParsedQuery pq1 = null;
-        try {
-            pq1 = parser.parseQuery(sparqlQuery, null);
-        } catch (MalformedQueryException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        TupleExpr te1 = pq1.getTupleExpr();
-        List<StatementPattern> spList1 = StatementPatternCollector.process(te1);
-        if(StarQuery.isValidStarQuery(spList1)) {
-            StarQuery sq1 = new StarQuery(spList1);
-            return queryDocIndex(sq1, constraints);
-        } else {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid star query!");
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> queryDocIndex(StarQuery query,
-            Collection<BindingSet> constraints) throws TableNotFoundException, QueryEvaluationException {
-        final StarQuery starQ = query;
-        final Iterator<BindingSet> bs = constraints.iterator();
-        final Iterator<BindingSet> bs2 = constraints.iterator();
-        final Set<String> unCommonVarNames;
-        final Set<String> commonVarNames;
-        if (bs2.hasNext()) {
-            BindingSet currBs =;
-            commonVarNames = StarQuery.getCommonVars(query, currBs);
-            unCommonVarNames = Sets.difference(currBs.getBindingNames(), commonVarNames);
-        } else {
-            commonVarNames = Sets.newHashSet();
-            unCommonVarNames = Sets.newHashSet();
-        }
-        if( commonVarNames.size() == 1 && !query.commonVarConstant() && commonVarNames.contains(query.getCommonVarName())) {
-            final HashMultimap<String, BindingSet> map = HashMultimap.create();
-            final String commonVar = starQ.getCommonVarName();
-            final Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> intersections;
-            final BatchScanner scan;
-            Set<Range> ranges = Sets.newHashSet();
-            while(bs.hasNext()) {
-                BindingSet currentBs =;
-                if(currentBs.getBinding(commonVar) == null) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                String row = currentBs.getBinding(commonVar).getValue().stringValue();
-                ranges.add(new Range(row)); 
-                map.put(row, currentBs);
-            }
-            scan = runQuery(starQ, ranges);
-            intersections = scan.iterator();
-            return new CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException>() {
-                private QueryBindingSet currentSolutionBs = null;
-                private boolean hasNextCalled = false;
-                private boolean isEmpty = false;
-                private Iterator<BindingSet> inputSet = (new ArrayList<BindingSet>()).iterator();
-                private BindingSet currentBs;
-                private Key key;
-                @Override
-                public boolean hasNext() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-                    if (!hasNextCalled && !isEmpty) {
-                        while (inputSet.hasNext() || intersections.hasNext()) {
-                            if (!inputSet.hasNext()) {
-                                key =;   
-                                inputSet = map.get(key.getRow().toString()).iterator();
-                            }
-                            currentBs =;
-                            currentSolutionBs = deserializeKey(key, starQ, currentBs, unCommonVarNames);
-                            if (currentSolutionBs.size() == unCommonVarNames.size() + starQ.getUnCommonVars().size() +1) {
-                                hasNextCalled = true;
-                                return true;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        isEmpty = true;
-                        return false;
-                    } else if (isEmpty) {
-                        return false;
-                    } else {
-                        return true;
-                    }
-                }
-                @Override
-                public BindingSet next() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-                    if (hasNextCalled) {
-                        hasNextCalled = false;
-                    } else if (isEmpty) {
-                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
-                    } else {
-                        if (this.hasNext()) {
-                            hasNextCalled = false;
-                        } else {
-                            throw new NoSuchElementException();
-                        }
-                    }
-                    return currentSolutionBs;
-                }
-                @Override
-                public void remove() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-                }
-                @Override
-                public void close() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-                    scan.close();
-                }
-            };
-        } else {
-            return new CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException>() {
-                @Override
-                public void remove() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-                }
-                private Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> intersections = null;
-                private QueryBindingSet currentSolutionBs = null;
-                private boolean hasNextCalled = false;
-                private boolean isEmpty = false;
-                private boolean init = false;
-                private BindingSet currentBs;
-                private StarQuery sq = new StarQuery(starQ);
-                private Set<Range> emptyRangeSet = Sets.newHashSet();
-                private BatchScanner scan;
-                @Override
-                public BindingSet next() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-                    if (hasNextCalled) {
-                        hasNextCalled = false;
-                    } else if (isEmpty) {
-                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
-                    } else {
-                        if (this.hasNext()) {
-                            hasNextCalled = false;
-                        } else {
-                            throw new NoSuchElementException();
-                        }
-                    }
-                    return currentSolutionBs;
-                }
-                @Override
-                public boolean hasNext() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-                    if (!init) {
-                        if (intersections == null && bs.hasNext()) {
-                            currentBs =;
-                            sq = StarQuery.getConstrainedStarQuery(sq, currentBs);
-                            scan = runQuery(sq,emptyRangeSet);
-                            intersections = scan.iterator();
-                            // binding set empty
-                        } else if (intersections == null && !bs.hasNext()) {
-                            currentBs = new QueryBindingSet();
-                            scan = runQuery(starQ,emptyRangeSet);
-                            intersections = scan.iterator();
-                        }
-                        init = true;
-                    }
-                    if (!hasNextCalled && !isEmpty) {
-                        while (intersections.hasNext() || bs.hasNext()) {
-                            if (!intersections.hasNext()) {
-                                scan.close();
-                                currentBs =;
-                                sq = StarQuery.getConstrainedStarQuery(sq, currentBs);
-                                scan = runQuery(sq,emptyRangeSet);
-                                intersections = scan.iterator();
-                            }
-                            if (intersections.hasNext()) {
-                                currentSolutionBs = deserializeKey(, sq, currentBs,
-                                        unCommonVarNames);
-                            } else {
-                                continue;
-                            }
-                            if (sq.commonVarConstant() && currentSolutionBs.size() == unCommonVarNames.size() + sq.getUnCommonVars().size()) {
-                                hasNextCalled = true;
-                                return true;
-                            } else if(currentSolutionBs.size() == unCommonVarNames.size() + sq.getUnCommonVars().size() + 1) {
-                                hasNextCalled = true;
-                                return true;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        isEmpty = true;
-                        return false;
-                    } else if (isEmpty) {
-                        return false;
-                    } else {
-                        return true;
-                    }
-                }
-                @Override
-                public void close() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-                    scan.close();
-                }
-            };
-        }
-    }
-    private QueryBindingSet deserializeKey(Key key, StarQuery sq, BindingSet currentBs, Set<String> unCommonVar) {
-        QueryBindingSet currentSolutionBs = new QueryBindingSet();
-        Text row = key.getRow();
-        Text cq = key.getColumnQualifier();
-        String[] cqArray = cq.toString().split(DocIndexIteratorUtil.DOC_ID_INDEX_DELIM);
-        boolean commonVarSet = false;
-        //if common Var is constant there is no common variable to assign a value to 
-        if(sq.commonVarConstant()) {
-            commonVarSet = true;
-        }
-        if (!commonVarSet && sq.isCommonVarURI()) {
-            RyaURI rURI = new RyaURI(row.toString());
-            currentSolutionBs.addBinding(sq.getCommonVarName(),
-                    RyaToRdfConversions.convertValue(rURI));
-            commonVarSet = true;
-        }
-        for (String s : sq.getUnCommonVars()) {
-            byte[] cqBytes = cqArray[sq.getVarPos().get(s)].getBytes();
-            int firstIndex = Bytes.indexOf(cqBytes, DELIM_BYTE);
-            int secondIndex = Bytes.lastIndexOf(cqBytes, DELIM_BYTE);
-            int typeIndex = Bytes.indexOf(cqBytes, TYPE_DELIM_BYTE);
-            byte[] tripleComponent = Arrays.copyOfRange(cqBytes, firstIndex + 1, secondIndex);
-            byte[] cqContent = Arrays.copyOfRange(cqBytes, secondIndex + 1, typeIndex);
-            byte[] objType = Arrays.copyOfRange(cqBytes, typeIndex, cqBytes.length);
-            if ((new String(tripleComponent)).equals("object")) {
-                byte[] object = Bytes.concat(cqContent, objType);
-                org.openrdf.model.Value v = null;
-                try {
-                    v = RyaToRdfConversions.convertValue(RyaContext.getInstance().deserialize(
-                            object));
-                } catch (RyaTypeResolverException e) {
-                    e.printStackTrace();
-                }
-                currentSolutionBs.addBinding(s, v);
-            } else if ((new String(tripleComponent)).equals("subject")) {
-                if (!commonVarSet) {
-                    byte[] object = Bytes.concat(row.getBytes(), objType);
-                    org.openrdf.model.Value v = null;
-                    try {
-                        v = RyaToRdfConversions.convertValue(RyaContext.getInstance().deserialize(
-                                object));
-                    } catch (RyaTypeResolverException e) {
-                        e.printStackTrace();
-                    }
-                    currentSolutionBs.addBinding(sq.getCommonVarName(), v);
-                    commonVarSet = true;
-                }
-                RyaURI rURI = new RyaURI(new String(cqContent));
-                currentSolutionBs.addBinding(s, RyaToRdfConversions.convertValue(rURI));
-            } else {
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid row.");
-            }
-        }
-        for (String s : unCommonVar) {
-            currentSolutionBs.addBinding(s, currentBs.getValue(s));
-        }
-        return currentSolutionBs;
-    }
-   private BatchScanner runQuery(StarQuery query, Collection<Range> ranges) throws QueryEvaluationException {
-    try {
-            if (ranges.size() == 0) {
-                String rangeText = query.getCommonVarValue();
-                Range r;
-                if (rangeText != null) {
-                    r = new Range(new Text(query.getCommonVarValue()));
-                } else {
-                    r = new Range();
-                }
-                ranges = Collections.singleton(r);
-            } 
-        Connector accCon = ConfigUtils.getConnector(conf);
-        IteratorSetting is = new IteratorSetting(30, "fii", DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator.class);
-        DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator.setColumnFamilies(is, query.getColumnCond());
-        if(query.hasContext()) {
-            DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator.setContext(is, query.getContextURI());
-        }
-        bs = accCon.createBatchScanner(ConfigUtils.getEntityTableName(conf),
-                new Authorizations(conf.get(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_AUTHS)), 15);
-        bs.addScanIterator(is);
-        bs.setRanges(ranges);
-        return bs;
-    } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
-        e.printStackTrace();
-    } catch (AccumuloException e) {
-        e.printStackTrace();
-    } catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
-        e.printStackTrace();
-    }
-        throw new QueryEvaluationException();
-   }
-    @Override
-    public void close() throws IOException {
-        //TODO generate an exception when BS passed in -- scanner closed
-//        if (bs != null) {
-//            bs.close();
-//        }
-    }
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/ b/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
deleted file mode 100644
index b8b3f65..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.entity;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import static mvm.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConstants.EMPTY_CV;
-import static mvm.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConstants.EMPTY_VALUE;
-import static mvm.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConstants.DELIM_BYTES;
-import static mvm.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConstants.EMPTY_BYTES;
-import static mvm.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConstants.EMPTY_TEXT;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConfiguration;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.experimental.AbstractAccumuloIndexer;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.experimental.AccumuloIndexer;
-import mvm.rya.api.domain.RyaStatement;
-import mvm.rya.api.domain.RyaType;
-import mvm.rya.api.domain.RyaURI;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RdfToRyaConversions;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RyaContext;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RyaTypeResolverException;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.triple.TripleRow;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.ConfigUtils;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.freetext.AccumuloFreeTextIndexer;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchWriter;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MultiTableBatchWriter;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableExistsException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.QueryOptimizer;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.BindingAssigner;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.CompareOptimizer;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.ConjunctiveConstraintSplitter;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.ConstantOptimizer;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.DisjunctiveConstraintOptimizer;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.FilterOptimizer;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.IterativeEvaluationOptimizer;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.OrderLimitOptimizer;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.QueryModelNormalizer;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.SameTermFilterOptimizer;
-public class EntityCentricIndex extends AbstractAccumuloIndexer {
-    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EntityCentricIndex.class);
-    private static final String TABLE_SUFFIX = "EntityCentricIndex";
-    private AccumuloRdfConfiguration conf;
-    private BatchWriter writer;
-    private boolean isInit = false;
-    public static final String CONF_TABLE_SUFFIX = "ac.indexer.eci.tablename";
-    private void init() throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, IOException,
-            TableExistsException {
-        ConfigUtils.createTableIfNotExists(conf, ConfigUtils.getEntityTableName(conf));
-    }
-    @Override 
-    public Configuration getConf() {
-        return this.conf;
-    }
-  //initialization occurs in setConf because index is created using reflection
-    @Override 
-    public void setConf(Configuration conf) {
-        if (conf instanceof AccumuloRdfConfiguration) {
-            this.conf = (AccumuloRdfConfiguration) conf;
-        } else {
-            this.conf = new AccumuloRdfConfiguration(conf);
-        }
-        if (!isInit) {
-            try {
-                init();
-                isInit = true;
-            } catch (AccumuloException e) {
-                logger.warn("Unable to initialize index.  Throwing Runtime Exception. ", e);
-                throw new RuntimeException(e);
-            } catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
-                logger.warn("Unable to initialize index.  Throwing Runtime Exception. ", e);
-                throw new RuntimeException(e);
-            } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
-                logger.warn("Unable to initialize index.  Throwing Runtime Exception. ", e);
-                throw new RuntimeException(e);
-            } catch (TableExistsException e) {
-                logger.warn("Unable to initialize index.  Throwing Runtime Exception. ", e);
-                throw new RuntimeException(e);
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                logger.warn("Unable to initialize index.  Throwing Runtime Exception. ", e);
-                throw new RuntimeException(e);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String getTableName() {
-        return ConfigUtils.getEntityTableName(conf);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void setMultiTableBatchWriter(MultiTableBatchWriter writer) throws IOException {
-        try {
-            this.writer = writer.getBatchWriter(getTableName());
-        } catch (AccumuloException e) {
-            throw new IOException(e);
-        } catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
-            throw new IOException(e);
-        } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
-            throw new IOException(e);
-        }
-    }
-    public void storeStatement(RyaStatement stmt) throws IOException {
-        Preconditions.checkNotNull(writer, "BatchWriter not Set");
-        try {
-            for (TripleRow row : serializeStatement(stmt)) {
-                writer.addMutation(createMutation(row));
-            }
-        } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) {
-            throw new IOException(e);
-        } catch (RyaTypeResolverException e) {
-            throw new IOException(e);
-        }
-    }
-    public void deleteStatement(RyaStatement stmt) throws IOException {
-        Preconditions.checkNotNull(writer, "BatchWriter not Set");
-        try {
-            for (TripleRow row : serializeStatement(stmt)) {
-                writer.addMutation(deleteMutation(row));
-            }
-        } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) {
-            throw new IOException(e);
-        } catch (RyaTypeResolverException e) {
-            throw new IOException(e);
-        }
-    }
-    protected Mutation deleteMutation(TripleRow tripleRow) {
-        Mutation m = new Mutation(new Text(tripleRow.getRow()));
-        byte[] columnFamily = tripleRow.getColumnFamily();
-        Text cfText = columnFamily == null ? EMPTY_TEXT : new Text(columnFamily);
-        byte[] columnQualifier = tripleRow.getColumnQualifier();
-        Text cqText = columnQualifier == null ? EMPTY_TEXT : new Text(columnQualifier);
-        m.putDelete(cfText, cqText, new ColumnVisibility(tripleRow.getColumnVisibility()), tripleRow.getTimestamp());
-        return m;
-    }
-    public static Collection<Mutation> createMutations(RyaStatement stmt) throws RyaTypeResolverException{
-        Collection<Mutation> m = Lists.newArrayList();
-        for (TripleRow tr : serializeStatement(stmt)){
-            m.add(createMutation(tr));
-        }
-        return m;
-    }
-    private static Mutation createMutation(TripleRow tripleRow) {
-        Mutation mutation = new Mutation(new Text(tripleRow.getRow()));
-        byte[] columnVisibility = tripleRow.getColumnVisibility();
-        ColumnVisibility cv = columnVisibility == null ? EMPTY_CV : new ColumnVisibility(columnVisibility);
-        Long timestamp = tripleRow.getTimestamp();
-        byte[] value = tripleRow.getValue();
-        Value v = value == null ? EMPTY_VALUE : new Value(value);
-        byte[] columnQualifier = tripleRow.getColumnQualifier();
-        Text cqText = columnQualifier == null ? EMPTY_TEXT : new Text(columnQualifier);
-        byte[] columnFamily = tripleRow.getColumnFamily();
-        Text cfText = columnFamily == null ? EMPTY_TEXT : new Text(columnFamily);
-        mutation.put(cfText, cqText, cv, timestamp, v);
-        return mutation;
-    }
-    private static List<TripleRow> serializeStatement(RyaStatement stmt) throws RyaTypeResolverException {
-        RyaURI subject = stmt.getSubject();
-        RyaURI predicate = stmt.getPredicate();
-        RyaType object = stmt.getObject();
-        RyaURI context = stmt.getContext();
-        Long timestamp = stmt.getTimestamp();
-        byte[] columnVisibility = stmt.getColumnVisibility();
-        byte[] value = stmt.getValue();
-        assert subject != null && predicate != null && object != null;
-        byte[] cf = (context == null) ? EMPTY_BYTES : context.getData().getBytes();
-        byte[] subjBytes = subject.getData().getBytes();
-        byte[] predBytes = predicate.getData().getBytes();
-        byte[][] objBytes = RyaContext.getInstance().serializeType(object);
-        return Lists.newArrayList(new TripleRow(subjBytes, //
-                predBytes, //
-                Bytes.concat(cf, DELIM_BYTES, //
-                        "object".getBytes(), DELIM_BYTES, //
-                        objBytes[0], objBytes[1]), //
-                timestamp, //
-                columnVisibility, //
-                value//
-                ),
-                new TripleRow(objBytes[0], //
-                        predBytes, //
-                        Bytes.concat(cf, DELIM_BYTES, //
-                                "subject".getBytes(), DELIM_BYTES, //
-                                subjBytes, objBytes[1]), //
-                        timestamp, //
-                        columnVisibility, //
-                        value//
-                ));
-    }
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/ b/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2030e58..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.entity;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
-import java.util.Set;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.ConfigUtils;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchScanner;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException;
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
-public class EntityLocalityGroupSetter {
-    String tablePrefix;
-    Connector conn;
-    Configuration conf;
-    public EntityLocalityGroupSetter(String tablePrefix, Connector conn, Configuration conf) {
-        this.conn = conn;
-        this.tablePrefix = tablePrefix;
-        this.conf = conf;
-    }
-    private Iterator<String> getPredicates() {
-        String auths = conf.get(ConfigUtils.CLOUDBASE_AUTHS);
-        BatchScanner bs = null;
-        try {
-            bs = conn.createBatchScanner(tablePrefix + "prospects", new Authorizations(auths), 10);
-        } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        bs.setRanges(Collections.singleton(Range.prefix(new Text("predicate" + "\u0000"))));
-        final Iterator<Entry<Key,Value>> iter = bs.iterator();
-        return new Iterator<String>() {
-            private String next = null;
-            private boolean hasNextCalled = false;
-            private boolean isEmpty = false;
-            @Override
-            public boolean hasNext() {
-                if (!hasNextCalled && !isEmpty) {
-                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
-                        Entry<Key,Value> temp =;
-                        String row = temp.getKey().getRow().toString();
-                        String[] rowArray = row.split("\u0000");
-                        next = rowArray[1];
-                        hasNextCalled = true;
-                        return true;
-                    }
-                    isEmpty = true;
-                    return false;
-                } else if(isEmpty) {
-                    return false;
-                }else {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            @Override
-            public String next() {
-                if (hasNextCalled) {
-                    hasNextCalled = false;
-                    return next;
-                } else if(isEmpty) {
-                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
-                }else {
-                    if (this.hasNext()) {
-                        hasNextCalled = false;
-                        return next;
-                    } else {
-                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            @Override
-            public void remove() {
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot delete from iterator!");
-            }
-        }; 
-    }
-    public void setLocalityGroups() {
-        HashMap<String, Set<Text>> localityGroups = new HashMap<String, Set<Text>>();
-        Iterator<String> groups = getPredicates();
-        int i = 1;
-        while(groups.hasNext()) {
-            HashSet<Text> tempColumn = new HashSet<Text>();
-            String temp =;
-            tempColumn.add(new Text(temp));
-            String groupName = "predicate" + i;
-            localityGroups.put(groupName, tempColumn);
-            i++;
-        }
-        try {
-            conn.tableOperations().setLocalityGroups(tablePrefix + "doc_partitioned_index", localityGroups);
-            //conn.tableOperations().compact(tablePrefix + "doc_partitioned_index", null, null, true, true);
-        } catch (AccumuloException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        } catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/ b/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
deleted file mode 100644
index e46c321..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.entity;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConfiguration;
-import mvm.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration;
-import mvm.rya.api.persist.RdfEvalStatsDAO;
-import mvm.rya.api.persist.joinselect.SelectivityEvalDAO;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.ConfigUtils;
-import mvm.rya.joinselect.AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO;
-import mvm.rya.prospector.service.ProspectorServiceEvalStatsDAO;
-import mvm.rya.rdftriplestore.inference.DoNotExpandSP;
-import mvm.rya.rdftriplestore.utils.FixedStatementPattern;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable;
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
-import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
-import org.openrdf.query.Dataset;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.Filter;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.Join;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.QueryModelNode;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.TupleExpr;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.Var;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.QueryOptimizer;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.helpers.QueryModelVisitorBase;
-public class EntityOptimizer implements QueryOptimizer, Configurable {
-    private SelectivityEvalDAO<RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration> eval;
-    private RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration conf;
-    private boolean isEvalDaoSet = false;
-    public EntityOptimizer() {
-    }
-    public EntityOptimizer(RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration conf) { 
-        if(conf.isUseStats() && conf.isUseSelectivity()) {
-            try {
-                eval = new AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO(conf, ConfigUtils.getConnector(conf));
-                ((AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO)eval).setRdfEvalDAO(new ProspectorServiceEvalStatsDAO(ConfigUtils.getConnector(conf), conf));
-                eval.init();
-            } catch (AccumuloException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            } catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-            isEvalDaoSet = true;
-        } else {
-            eval = null;
-            isEvalDaoSet = true;
-        }
-        this.conf = conf;
-    }
-    public EntityOptimizer(SelectivityEvalDAO<RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration> eval) {
-        this.eval = eval;
-        this.conf = eval.getConf();
-        isEvalDaoSet = true;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void setConf(Configuration conf) {
-        if(conf instanceof RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration) {
-            this.conf = (RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration) conf;
-        } else {
-            this.conf = new AccumuloRdfConfiguration(conf);
-        }
-        if (!isEvalDaoSet) {
-            if(this.conf.isUseStats() && this.conf.isUseSelectivity()) {
-                try {
-                    eval = new AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO(this.conf, ConfigUtils.getConnector(this.conf));
-                    ((AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO)eval).setRdfEvalDAO(new ProspectorServiceEvalStatsDAO(ConfigUtils.getConnector(this.conf), this.conf));
-                    eval.init();
-                } catch (AccumuloException e) {
-                    e.printStackTrace();
-                } catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
-                    e.printStackTrace();
-                }
-                isEvalDaoSet = true;
-            } else {
-                eval = null;
-                isEvalDaoSet = true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Configuration getConf() {
-        return conf;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Applies generally applicable optimizations: path expressions are sorted
-     * from more to less specific.
-     *
-     * @param tupleExpr
-     */
-    @Override
-    public void optimize(TupleExpr tupleExpr, Dataset dataset, BindingSet bindings) {
-        tupleExpr.visit(new JoinVisitor());
-    }
-    protected class JoinVisitor extends QueryModelVisitorBase<RuntimeException> {
-        @Override
-        public void meet(Join node) {
-            try {
-                if (node.getLeftArg() instanceof FixedStatementPattern && node.getRightArg() instanceof DoNotExpandSP) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                List<TupleExpr> joinArgs = getJoinArgs(node, new ArrayList<TupleExpr>());
-                HashMultimap<String, StatementPattern> varMap = getVarBins(joinArgs);
-                while (!varMap.keySet().isEmpty()) {
-                    String s = getHighestPriorityKey(varMap);
-                    constructTuple(varMap, joinArgs, s);
-                }
-                List<TupleExpr> filterChain = getFilterChain(joinArgs);
-                for (TupleExpr te : joinArgs) {
-                    if (!(te instanceof StatementPattern) || !(te instanceof EntityTupleSet)) {
-                        te.visit(this);
-                    }
-                }
-                // Replace old join hierarchy
-                node.replaceWith(getNewJoin(joinArgs, filterChain));
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        }
-        private List<TupleExpr> getFilterChain(List<TupleExpr> joinArgs) {
-            List<TupleExpr> filterTopBottom = Lists.newArrayList();
-            TupleExpr filterChainTop = null;
-            TupleExpr filterChainBottom = null;
-            for(int i = 0; i < joinArgs.size(); i++) {
-                if(joinArgs.get(i) instanceof Filter) {
-                    if(filterChainTop == null) {
-                        filterChainTop = joinArgs.remove(i);
-                        i--;
-                    } else if(filterChainBottom == null){
-                        filterChainBottom = joinArgs.remove(i);
-                        ((Filter)filterChainTop).setArg(filterChainBottom);
-                        i--;
-                    } else {
-                        ((Filter)filterChainBottom).setArg(joinArgs.remove(i));
-                        filterChainBottom = ((Filter)filterChainBottom).getArg();
-                        i--;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if(filterChainTop != null) {
-                filterTopBottom.add(filterChainTop);
-            }
-            if(filterChainBottom != null) {
-                filterTopBottom.add(filterChainBottom);
-            }
-            return filterTopBottom;
-        }
-        private TupleExpr getNewJoin(List<TupleExpr> joinArgs, List<TupleExpr> filterChain) {
-            TupleExpr newJoin;
-            if (joinArgs.size() > 1) {
-                if (filterChain.size() > 0) {
-                    TupleExpr finalJoinArg = joinArgs.remove(0);
-                    TupleExpr tempJoin;
-                    TupleExpr temp = filterChain.get(0);
-                    if (joinArgs.size() > 1) {
-                        tempJoin = new Join(joinArgs.remove(0), joinArgs.remove(0));
-                        for (TupleExpr te : joinArgs) {
-                            tempJoin = new Join(tempJoin, te);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        tempJoin = joinArgs.remove(0);
-                    }
-                    if (filterChain.size() == 1) {
-                        ((Filter) temp).setArg(tempJoin);
-                    } else {
-                        ((Filter) filterChain.get(1)).setArg(tempJoin);
-                    }
-                    newJoin = new Join(temp, finalJoinArg);
-                } else {
-                    newJoin = new Join(joinArgs.get(0), joinArgs.get(1));
-                    joinArgs.remove(0);
-                    joinArgs.remove(0);
-                    for (TupleExpr te : joinArgs) {
-                        newJoin = new Join(newJoin, te);
-                    }
-                }
-            } else if (joinArgs.size() == 1) {
-                if (filterChain.size() > 0) {
-                    newJoin = filterChain.get(0);
-                    if (filterChain.size() == 1) {
-                        ((Filter) newJoin).setArg(joinArgs.get(0));
-                    } else {
-                        ((Filter) filterChain.get(1)).setArg(joinArgs.get(0));
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    newJoin = joinArgs.get(0);
-                }
-            } else {
-                throw new IllegalStateException("JoinArgs size cannot be zero.");
-            }
-            return newJoin;
-        }
-        private HashMultimap<String, StatementPattern> getVarBins(List<TupleExpr> nodes) {
-            HashMultimap<String, StatementPattern> varMap = HashMultimap.create();
-            for (QueryModelNode node : nodes) {
-                if (node instanceof StatementPattern) {
-                    StatementPattern sp = (StatementPattern) node;
-                    if (sp.getPredicateVar().isConstant()) {
-                        varMap.put(sp.getSubjectVar().getName(), sp);
-                        varMap.put(sp.getObjectVar().getName(), sp);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            removeInvalidBins(varMap, true);
-            return varMap;
-        }
-        private void updateVarMap(HashMultimap<String, StatementPattern> varMap, Set<StatementPattern> bin) {
-            for (StatementPattern sp : bin) {
-                varMap.remove(sp.getSubjectVar().getName(), sp);
-                varMap.remove(sp.getObjectVar().getName(), sp);
-            }
-            removeInvalidBins(varMap, false);
-        }
-        private void removeInvalidBins(HashMultimap<String, StatementPattern> varMap, boolean newMap) {
-            Set<String> keys = Sets.newHashSet(varMap.keySet());
-            if (newMap) {
-                for (String s : keys) {
-                    Set<StatementPattern> spSet = Sets.newHashSet(varMap.get(s));
-                    if (!StarQuery.isValidStarQuery(spSet)) {
-                        for (StatementPattern sp : spSet) {
-                            varMap.remove(s, sp);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                for (String s : keys) {
-                    Set<StatementPattern> spSet = Sets.newHashSet(varMap.get(s));
-                    if (spSet.size() == 1) {
-                        for (StatementPattern sp : spSet) {
-                            varMap.remove(s, sp);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        private void constructTuple(HashMultimap<String, StatementPattern> varMap, List<TupleExpr> joinArgs,
-                String binName) {
-            Set<StatementPattern> bin = Sets.newHashSet(varMap.get(binName));
-            StarQuery sq = new StarQuery(bin);
-            updateVarMap(varMap, bin);
-            for (StatementPattern sp : bin) {
-                joinArgs.remove(sp);
-            }
-            joinArgs.add(new EntityTupleSet(sq, conf));
-        }
-        private String getHighestPriorityKey(HashMultimap<String, StatementPattern> varMap) {
-            double tempPriority = -1;
-            double priority = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
-            String priorityKey = "";
-            Set<StatementPattern> bin = null;
-            Set<String> keys = varMap.keySet();
-            for (String s : keys) {
-                bin = varMap.get(s);
-                tempPriority = bin.size();
-                tempPriority *= getCardinality(bin);
-                tempPriority *= getMinCardSp(bin);
-                // weight starQuery where common Var is constant slightly more -- this factor is subject
-                // to change
-                if(s.startsWith("-const-")) {
-                    tempPriority *= 10;
-                }
-                if (tempPriority > priority) {
-                    priority = tempPriority;
-                    priorityKey = s;
-                }
-            }
-            return priorityKey;
-        }
-        private double getMinCardSp(Collection<StatementPattern> nodes) {
-            double cardinality = Double.MAX_VALUE;
-            double tempCard = -1;
-            if (eval == null) {
-                return 1;
-            }
-            for (StatementPattern sp : nodes) {
-                try {
-                    tempCard = eval.getCardinality(conf, sp);
-                    if (tempCard < cardinality) {
-                        cardinality = tempCard;
-                    }
-                } catch (Exception e) {
-                    e.printStackTrace();
-                }
-            }
-            return cardinality;
-        }
-        private double getCardinality(Collection<StatementPattern> spNodes) {
-            double cardinality = Double.MAX_VALUE;
-            double tempCard = -1;
-            if(eval == null) {
-                return 1;
-            }
-            List<StatementPattern> nodes = Lists.newArrayList(spNodes);
-            AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO ase = (AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO) eval;
-            ase.setDenormalized(true);
-            try {
-                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
-                    for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) {
-                        tempCard = ase.getJoinSelect(conf, nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j));
-                        if (tempCard < cardinality) {
-                            cardinality = tempCard;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-            ase.setDenormalized(false);
-            return cardinality / (nodes.size() + 1);
-        }
-        protected <L extends List<TupleExpr>> L getJoinArgs(TupleExpr tupleExpr, L joinArgs) {
-            if (tupleExpr instanceof Join) {
-                if (!(((Join) tupleExpr).getLeftArg() instanceof FixedStatementPattern)
-                        && !(((Join) tupleExpr).getRightArg() instanceof DoNotExpandSP)) {
-                    Join join = (Join) tupleExpr;
-                    getJoinArgs(join.getLeftArg(), joinArgs);
-                    getJoinArgs(join.getRightArg(), joinArgs);
-                } 
-            } else if(tupleExpr instanceof Filter) {
-                joinArgs.add(tupleExpr);
-                getJoinArgs(((Filter)tupleExpr).getArg(), joinArgs);
-            } else {
-                joinArgs.add(tupleExpr);
-            }
-            return joinArgs;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/ b/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
deleted file mode 100644
index dbe7a53..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.entity;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRdfConfiguration;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRyaDAO;
-import mvm.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.ConfigUtils;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.entity.StarQuery.CardinalityStatementPattern;
-import mvm.rya.joinselect.AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO;
-import mvm.rya.prospector.service.ProspectorServiceEvalStatsDAO;
-import mvm.rya.rdftriplestore.RdfCloudTripleStore;
-import mvm.rya.rdftriplestore.RdfCloudTripleStoreConnection;
-import mvm.rya.rdftriplestore.evaluation.ExternalBatchingIterator;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector;
-import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
-import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.Var;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.QueryBindingSet;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.impl.ExternalSet;
-import org.openrdf.sail.SailException;
-import com.beust.jcommander.internal.Sets;
-public class EntityTupleSet extends ExternalSet implements ExternalBatchingIterator {
-    private StarQuery starQuery;
-    private RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration conf;
-    private Set<String> variables;
-    private double cardinality = -1;
-    private StatementPattern minSp;
-    private double minCard;
-    private Connector accCon = null;
-    private boolean evalOptUsed = false;
-    public EntityTupleSet() {
-    }
-    public EntityTupleSet(StarQuery sq, RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration conf) {
-        this.starQuery = sq;
-        this.conf = conf;
-        variables = Sets.newHashSet();
-        if(!starQuery.commonVarConstant()) {
-            variables.add(starQuery.getCommonVarName());
-        }
-        variables.addAll(starQuery.getUnCommonVars());
-        init();
-    }
-    public EntityTupleSet(StarQuery sq, RdfCloudTripleStoreConfiguration conf, boolean evalOptUsed) {
-        this(sq,conf);
-        this.evalOptUsed = evalOptUsed;
-    }
-    private void init() {
-        try {
-            accCon = ConfigUtils.getConnector(conf);
-        } catch (AccumuloException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        } catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        if (conf.isUseStats() && conf.isUseSelectivity()) {
-            ProspectorServiceEvalStatsDAO evalDao = new ProspectorServiceEvalStatsDAO(accCon, conf);
-            evalDao.init();
-            AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO ase = new AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO(conf, accCon);
-            ase.setRdfEvalDAO(evalDao);
-            ase.init();
-            cardinality = starQuery.getCardinality(ase);
-            CardinalityStatementPattern csp = starQuery.getMinCardSp(ase);
-            minCard = csp.getCardinality();
-            minSp = csp.getSp();
-        } else {
-            // TODO come up with a better default if cardinality is not
-            // initialized
-            cardinality = minCard = 1;
-            minSp = starQuery.getNodes().get(0);
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Set<String> getBindingNames() {
-        return starQuery.getBindingNames();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Set<String> getAssuredBindingNames() {
-        return starQuery.getAssuredBindingNames();
-    }
-    public Set<String> getVariables() {
-        return variables;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String getSignature() {
-        return "(EntityCentric Projection) " + " common Var: " + starQuery.getCommonVarName() + "  variables: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(variables).replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
-    }
-    public StarQuery getStarQuery() {
-        return starQuery;
-    }
-    public void setStarQuery(StarQuery sq) {
-        this.starQuery = sq;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public EntityTupleSet clone() {
-        StarQuery sq = new StarQuery(starQuery);
-        return new EntityTupleSet(sq, conf);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public double cardinality() {
-        return cardinality;
-    }
-    public double getMinSpCard() {
-        return minCard;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> evaluate(BindingSet bindings) throws QueryEvaluationException {
-        // if starQuery contains node with cardinality less than 1000 and node
-        // only has one variable, and number of SPs in starQuery is greater than 2, it is
-        // more efficient to first evaluate this node and then pass the bindings
-        // into the remainder of the star query to be evaluated
-        if (minCard < 1000 && starQuery.size() > 2 && numberOfSpVars(minSp) == 1 && !starQuery.commonVarConstant()) {
-            try {
-                RdfCloudTripleStoreConnection conn = getRyaSailConnection();
-                CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> sol = (CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException>) conn
-                        .evaluate(minSp, null, bindings, false);
-                Set<BindingSet> bSet = Sets.newHashSet();
-                while (sol.hasNext()) {
-                    //TODO this is not optimal - should check if bindings variables intersect minSp variables
-                    //creating the following QueryBindingSet is only necessary if no intersection occurs
-                    QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
-                    bs.addAll(;
-                    bs.addAll(bindings);
-                    bSet.add(bs);
-                }
-                List<StatementPattern> spList = starQuery.getNodes();
-                spList.remove(minSp);
-                StarQuery sq = new StarQuery(spList);
-                conn.close();
-                return (new EntityTupleSet(sq, conf, true)).evaluate(bSet);
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                throw new QueryEvaluationException(e);
-            }
-        } else {
-            this.evalOptUsed = true;
-            return this.evaluate(Collections.singleton(bindings));
-        }
-    }
-    private int numberOfSpVars(StatementPattern sp) {
-        List<Var> varList = sp.getVarList();
-        int varCount = 0;
-        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-           if(!varList.get(i).isConstant()) {
-               varCount++;
-           }
-        }
-        return varCount;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public CloseableIteration<BindingSet,QueryEvaluationException> evaluate(final Collection<BindingSet> bindingset) throws QueryEvaluationException {
-        if(bindingset.size() < 2 && !this.evalOptUsed) {
-            BindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet();
-            if (bindingset.size() == 1) {
-                bs = bindingset.iterator().next();
-            }
-            return this.evaluate(bs);
-        }
-        //TODO possibly refactor if bindingset.size() > 0 to take advantage of optimization in evaluate(BindingSet bindingset)
-        AccumuloDocIdIndexer adi = null;
-        try {
-            adi = new AccumuloDocIdIndexer(conf);
-            return adi.queryDocIndex(starQuery, bindingset);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            throw new QueryEvaluationException(e);
-        } finally {
-            IOUtils.closeQuietly(adi);
-        }
-    }
-    private RdfCloudTripleStoreConnection getRyaSailConnection() throws AccumuloException,
-            AccumuloSecurityException, SailException {
-        final RdfCloudTripleStore store = new RdfCloudTripleStore();
-        AccumuloRyaDAO crdfdao = new AccumuloRyaDAO();
-        crdfdao.setConnector(accCon);
-        AccumuloRdfConfiguration acc = new AccumuloRdfConfiguration(conf);
-        crdfdao.setConf(acc);
-        store.setRyaDAO(crdfdao);
-        store.initialize();
-        return (RdfCloudTripleStoreConnection) store.getConnection();
-    }
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/ b/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
deleted file mode 100644
index e9d2f85..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/indexing/accumulo/entity/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.indexing.accumulo.entity;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import mvm.rya.accumulo.documentIndex.TextColumn;
-import mvm.rya.api.domain.RyaType;
-import mvm.rya.api.domain.RyaURI;
-import mvm.rya.api.persist.joinselect.SelectivityEvalDAO;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RdfToRyaConversions;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RyaContext;
-import mvm.rya.api.resolver.RyaTypeResolverException;
-import mvm.rya.joinselect.AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException;
-import org.openrdf.model.Value;
-import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.Var;
-import com.beust.jcommander.internal.Maps;
-public class StarQuery {
-    private List<StatementPattern> nodes;
-    private TextColumn[] nodeColumnCond;
-    private String commonVarName;
-    private Var commonVar;
-    private Var context;
-    private String contextURI ="";
-    private Map<String,Integer> varPos = Maps.newHashMap();
-    private boolean isCommonVarURI = false;
-    public StarQuery(List<StatementPattern> nodes) {
-        this.nodes = nodes;
-        if(nodes.size() == 0) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nodes cannot be empty!");
-        }
-        nodeColumnCond = new TextColumn[nodes.size()];
-        Var tempContext = (Var) nodes.get(0).getContextVar();
-        if(tempContext != null) {
-            context = (Var)tempContext.clone();
-        } else {
-            context = new Var();
-        }
-        try {
-            this.init();
-        } catch (RyaTypeResolverException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    public StarQuery(Set<StatementPattern> nodes) {
-        this(Lists.newArrayList(nodes));
-    }
-    public int size() {
-        return nodes.size();
-    }
-    public StarQuery(StarQuery other) {
-       this(other.nodes);
-    }
-    public List<StatementPattern> getNodes() {
-        return nodes;
-    }
-    public TextColumn[] getColumnCond() {
-        return nodeColumnCond;
-    }
-    public boolean isCommonVarURI() {
-        return isCommonVarURI;
-    }
-    public String getCommonVarName() {
-        return commonVarName;
-    }
-    public Var getCommonVar() {
-        return commonVar;
-    }
-    public boolean commonVarHasValue() {
-        return commonVar.getValue() != null;
-    }
-    public boolean commonVarConstant() {
-        return commonVar.isConstant();
-    }
-    public String getCommonVarValue() {
-        if(commonVarHasValue()) {
-            return commonVar.getValue().stringValue();
-        } else {
-            return null;
-        }
-    }
-    public Set<String> getUnCommonVars() {
-        return varPos.keySet();
-    }
-    public Map<String,Integer> getVarPos() {
-        return varPos;
-    }
-    public boolean hasContext() {
-        return context.getValue() != null;
-    }
-    public String getContextURI() {
-        return contextURI;
-    }
-    public Set<String> getBindingNames() {
-        Set<String> bindingNames = Sets.newHashSet();
-        for(StatementPattern sp: nodes) {
-            if(bindingNames.size() == 0) {
-                bindingNames = sp.getBindingNames();
-            } else {
-                bindingNames = Sets.union(bindingNames, sp.getBindingNames());
-            }
-        }
-        return bindingNames;
-    }
-    public Set<String> getAssuredBindingNames() {
-        Set<String> bindingNames = Sets.newHashSet();
-        for(StatementPattern sp: nodes) {
-            if(bindingNames.size() == 0) {
-                bindingNames = sp.getAssuredBindingNames();
-            } else {
-                bindingNames = Sets.union(bindingNames, sp.getAssuredBindingNames());
-            }
-        }
-        return bindingNames;
-    }
-    public CardinalityStatementPattern getMinCardSp(AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO ase) {
-        StatementPattern minSp = null;
-        double cardinality = Double.MAX_VALUE;
-        double tempCard = -1;
-        for (StatementPattern sp : nodes) {
-            try {
-                tempCard = ase.getCardinality(ase.getConf(), sp);
-                if (tempCard < cardinality) {
-                    cardinality = tempCard;
-                    minSp = sp;
-                }
-            } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        }
-        return new CardinalityStatementPattern(minSp, cardinality) ;
-    }
-    public class CardinalityStatementPattern {
-        private StatementPattern sp;
-        private double cardinality;
-        public CardinalityStatementPattern(StatementPattern sp, double cardinality) {
-            this.sp = sp;
-            this.cardinality = cardinality;
-        }
-        public StatementPattern getSp() {
-            return sp;
-        }
-        public double getCardinality() {
-            return cardinality;
-        }
-    }
-   public double getCardinality( AccumuloSelectivityEvalDAO ase) {
-        double cardinality = Double.MAX_VALUE;
-        double tempCard = -1;
-        ase.setDenormalized(true);
-        try {
-            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
-                for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) {
-                    tempCard = ase.getJoinSelect(ase.getConf(), nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j));
-                    if (tempCard < cardinality) {
-                        cardinality = tempCard;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        ase.setDenormalized(false);
-        return cardinality/(nodes.size() + 1);
-    }
-    public static Set<String> getCommonVars(StarQuery query, BindingSet bs) {
-        Set<String> starQueryVarNames = Sets.newHashSet();
-        if(bs == null || bs.size() == 0) {
-            return Sets.newHashSet();
-        }
-        Set<String> bindingNames = bs.getBindingNames();
-        starQueryVarNames.addAll(query.getUnCommonVars());
-        if(!query.commonVarConstant()) {
-            starQueryVarNames.add(query.getCommonVarName());
-        }
-        return Sets.intersection(bindingNames, starQueryVarNames);
-    }
-    public static StarQuery getConstrainedStarQuery(StarQuery query, BindingSet bs) {
-        if(bs.size() == 0) {
-            return query;
-        }
-        Set<String> bindingNames = bs.getBindingNames();
-        Set<String> unCommonVarNames = query.getUnCommonVars();
-        Set<String> intersectVar = Sets.intersection(bindingNames, unCommonVarNames);
-        if (!query.commonVarConstant()) {
-            Value v = bs.getValue(query.getCommonVarName());
-            if (v != null) {
-                query.commonVar.setValue(v);
-            }
-        }
-        for(String s: intersectVar) {
-            try {
-                query.nodeColumnCond[query.varPos.get(s)] = query.setValue(query.nodeColumnCond[query.varPos.get(s)], bs.getValue(s));
-            } catch (RyaTypeResolverException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-        }
-        return query;
-    }
-    private TextColumn setValue(TextColumn tc, Value v) throws RyaTypeResolverException {
-        String cq = tc.getColumnQualifier().toString();
-        String[] cqArray = cq.split("\u0000");
-        if (cqArray[0].equals("subject")) {
-            // RyaURI subjURI = (RyaURI) RdfToRyaConversions.convertValue(v);
-            tc.setColumnQualifier(new Text("subject" + "\u0000" + v.stringValue()));
-            tc.setIsPrefix(false);
-        } else if (cqArray[0].equals("object")) {
-            RyaType objType = RdfToRyaConversions.convertValue(v);
-            byte[][] b1 = RyaContext.getInstance().serializeType(objType);
-            byte[] b2 = Bytes.concat("object".getBytes(),
-                    "\u0000".getBytes(), b1[0], b1[1]);
-            tc.setColumnQualifier(new Text(b2));
-            tc.setIsPrefix(false);
-        } else {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid direction!");
-        }
-        return tc;
-    }
-    //assumes nodes forms valid star query with only one common variable
-    //assumes nodes and commonVar has been set
-    private TextColumn nodeToTextColumn(StatementPattern node, int i) throws RyaTypeResolverException {
-        RyaContext rc = RyaContext.getInstance();
-        Var subjVar = node.getSubjectVar();
-        Var predVar = node.getPredicateVar();
-        Var objVar = node.getObjectVar();
-        RyaURI predURI = (RyaURI) RdfToRyaConversions.convertValue(node.getPredicateVar().getValue());
-        //assumes StatementPattern contains at least on variable
-        if (subjVar.isConstant()) {
-            if (commonVarConstant()) {
-                varPos.put(objVar.getName(), i);
-                return new TextColumn(new Text(predURI.getData()), new Text("object"));
-            } else {
-                return new TextColumn(new Text(predURI.getData()), new Text("subject" + "\u0000"
-                        + subjVar.getValue().stringValue()));
-            }
-        } else if (objVar.isConstant()) {
-            if (commonVarConstant()) {
-                varPos.put(subjVar.getName(), i);
-                return new TextColumn(new Text(predURI.getData()), new Text("subject"));
-            } else {
-                isCommonVarURI = true;
-                RyaType objType = RdfToRyaConversions.convertValue(objVar.getValue());
-                byte[][] b1 = rc.serializeType(objType);
-                byte[] b2 = Bytes.concat("object".getBytes(), "\u0000".getBytes(), b1[0], b1[1]);
-                return new TextColumn(new Text(predURI.getData()), new Text(b2));
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (subjVar.getName().equals(commonVarName)) {
-                isCommonVarURI = true;
-                varPos.put(objVar.getName(), i);
-                TextColumn tc = new TextColumn(new Text(predURI.getData()), new Text("object"));
-                tc.setIsPrefix(true);
-                return tc;
-            } else {
-                varPos.put(subjVar.getName(), i);
-                TextColumn tc = new TextColumn(new Text(predURI.getData()), new Text("subject"));
-                tc.setIsPrefix(true);
-                return tc;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //called in constructor after nodes set
-    //assumes nodes and nodeColumnCond are same size
-    private void init() throws RyaTypeResolverException {
-        commonVar = this.getCommonVar(nodes);
-        if(!commonVar.isConstant()) {
-            commonVarName = commonVar.getName();
-        } else {
-            commonVarName = commonVar.getName().substring(7);
-        }
-        if(hasContext()) {
-            RyaURI ctxtURI = (RyaURI) RdfToRyaConversions.convertValue(context.getValue());
-            contextURI = ctxtURI.getData();
-        }
-        for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++){
-            nodeColumnCond[i] = nodeToTextColumn(nodes.get(i), i);
-        }
-    }
-    // called after nodes set
-    // assumes nodes forms valid query with single, common variable
-    private Var getCommonVar(List<StatementPattern> nodes) {
-        Set<Var> vars = null;
-        List<Var> tempVar;
-        Set<Var> tempSet;
-        int i = 0;
-        for (StatementPattern sp : nodes) {
-            if (vars == null) {
-                vars = Sets.newHashSet();
-                vars.add(sp.getSubjectVar());
-                vars.add(sp.getObjectVar());
-            } else {
-                tempSet = Sets.newHashSet();
-                tempSet.add(sp.getSubjectVar());
-                tempSet.add(sp.getObjectVar());
-                vars = Sets.intersection(vars, tempSet);
-            }
-        }
-        if (vars.size() == 1) {
-            return vars.iterator().next();
-        } else if (vars.size() > 1) {
-            Var first = null;
-            i = 0;
-            for (Var v : vars) {
-                i++;
-                if (i == 1) {
-                    first = v;
-                } else {
-                    if (v.isConstant()) {
-                        return v;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return first;
-        } else {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("No common Var!");
-        }
-    }
-    //assumes bindings is not of size 0
-    private static boolean isBindingsetValid(Set<String> bindings) {
-        int varCount = 0;
-        if (bindings.size() == 1) {
-            return true;
-        } else {
-            for (String s : bindings) {
-                if (!s.startsWith("-const-")) {
-                    varCount++;
-                }
-                if (varCount > 1) {
-                    return false;
-                }
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    public static boolean isValidStarQuery(Collection<StatementPattern> nodes) {
-        Set<String> bindings = null;
-        boolean contextSet = false;
-        Var context = null;
-        if(nodes.size() < 2) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        for(StatementPattern sp: nodes) {
-            Var tempContext = sp.getContextVar();
-            Var predVar = sp.getPredicateVar();
-            //does not support variable context
-            if(tempContext != null && !tempContext.isConstant()) {
-               return false; 
-            }
-            if(!contextSet) {
-                context = tempContext;
-                contextSet = true;
-            } else {
-                if(context == null && tempContext != null) {
-                    return false;
-                } else if (context != null && !context.equals(tempContext)) {
-                    return false;
-                }
-            }
-            if(!predVar.isConstant()) {
-                return false;
-            }
-            if(bindings == null ) {
-                bindings = sp.getBindingNames();
-                if(bindings.size() == 0) {
-                    return false;
-                }
-            } else {
-                bindings = Sets.intersection(bindings, sp.getBindingNames());
-                if(bindings.size() == 0) {
-                    return false;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return isBindingsetValid(bindings);
-    }
-//    private static Set<String> getSpVariables(StatementPattern sp) {
-//        Set<String> variables = Sets.newHashSet();
-//        List<Var> varList = sp.getVarList();
-//        for(Var v: varList) {
-//            if(!v.isConstant()) {
-//                variables.add(v.getName());
-//            }
-//        }
-//        return variables;
-//    }
-    public String toString() {
-        String s = "Term conditions: " + "\n";
-        for(int i = 0; i < this.nodeColumnCond.length; i++) {
-            s = s + nodeColumnCond[i].toString() + "\n";
-        }
-        s = s + "Common Var: " + this.commonVar.toString() + "\n"; 
-        s = s + "Context: " + this.contextURI;
-        return s;
-    }