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cvs commit: xml-cocoon2/test/org/apache/cocoon/components/resolver/test package.html ResolverImplTestCase.xtest

huber       01/12/29 22:05:30

  Added:       test/org/apache/cocoon/components/resolver/test package.html
  initial version, junit tests
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-cocoon2/test/org/apache/cocoon/components/resolver/test/package.html
  Index: package.html
    <h1>Test Cases Search</h1>
      This package provides Cocoon search test cases.
      The test cases extends ExcaliburTestCase. 
      Each test case has an associated <code>xtest</code> file, defining
      the avalon components needed for the test case.
      For more information about ExcaliburTestCase see the 
      avalon api documentation.
  1.1                  xml-cocoon2/test/org/apache/cocoon/components/resolver/test/
   *  Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.        *
   *  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
   *  This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License *
   *  version 1.1, a copy of which has been included  with this distribution in *
   *  the LICENSE file.                                                         *
  package org.apache.cocoon.components.resolver.test;
  import java.util.HashMap;
  import java.util.Properties;
  import junit.framework.TestCase;
  import junit.swingui.TestRunner;
  import org.apache.avalon.excalibur.testcase.CascadingAssertionFailedError;
  import org.apache.avalon.excalibur.testcase.ExcaliburTestCase;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Disposable;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Initializable;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Component;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentSelector;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.DefaultContext;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.ParameterException;
  import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters;
  import org.apache.cocoon.Constants;
  import org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException;
  import org.apache.cocoon.components.resolver.*;
  import org.apache.cocoon.environment.commandline.CommandlineContext;
  import org.apache.cocoon.util.IOUtils;
  import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
  import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
   * A simple test case for SimpleLuceneCocoonIndexerImpl.
   * @author     <a href="">Bernhard Huber</a>
   * @version    CVS $Id:,v 1.1 2001/12/30 06:05:30 huber Exp $
  public final class ResolverImplTestCase
           extends ExcaliburTestCase
           implements Initializable, Disposable
       *Description of the Field
       * @since
      protected final static String CATALOG_FILE_NAME = "catalog";
       *Description of the Field
       * @since
      protected final static String CATALOG_ISONUM_PEN_FILE_NAME = "ISOnum.pen";
       *Description of the Field
       * @since
      protected final static String CATALOG =
              "-- this is the default OASIS catalog for Apache Cocoon --\n" +
              "\n" +
              "OVERRIDE YES\n" +
              "\n" +
              "-- ISO public identifiers for sets of character entities --\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML\" \"ISOlat1.pen\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML\" \"ISOlat1.pen\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"ISO 9573-15:1993//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN//XML\" \"ISOgrk1.pen\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN//XML\" \"ISOpub.pen\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN//XML\" \"ISOtech.pen\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML\" \"ISOnum.pen\"\n" +
              "\n" +
              "-- Document Type Definitions --\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.0//EN\" \"document-v10.dtd\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//APACHE//DTD Changes V1.0//EN\" \"changes-v10.dtd\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//APACHE//DTD FAQ V1.0//EN\" \"faq-v10.dtd\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//APACHE//DTD JavaDoc V1.0//EN\" \"javadoc-v04draft.dtd\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//APACHE//DTD Specification V1.0//EN\" \"specification-v10.dtd\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//APACHE//DTD Todo V1.0//EN\" \"todo-v10.dtd\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Sitemap V0.2//EN\" \"sitemap-v02.dtd\"\n" +
              "\n" +
              "-- enabling validation during Cocoon's own \"build docs\" --\n" +
              "--   all *.xml require DTD for validation during \"build docs\" --\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Book V1.0//EN\" \"book-cocoon-v10.dtd\"\n" +
              "\n" +
              "--   Cocoon has extra <label/> element for documentation/svg/label-*.xml --\n" +
              "--   which breaks validation against official svg10.dtd (why extra label?) --\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon SVG minimal V1.1//EN\" \"svg-cocoon-v11.dtd\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN\" \"svg10.dtd\"\n" +
              "\n" +
              "-- other DTDs that are yet without a Public Identifier --\n" +
              "-- XMLSchema.dtd .. what is its purpose ? --\n" +
              "\n" +
              "-- Character entity set that is referenced by some DTDs --\n" +
              "-- characters.ent --\n" +
              "-- ... has no public identifier --\n" +
              "-- should be OK because it will be resolved relative to the DTD --\n" +
              "-- ... perhaps the DTD should use the ISO*.pen sets instead? --\n" +
              "\n" +
              "-- these entries are used for the catalog-demo sample application --\n" +
              "OVERRIDE NO\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//Arbortext//TEXT Test Override//EN\" \"catalog-demo/override.xml\"\n" +
              "OVERRIDE YES\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//Arbortext//TEXT Test Public Identifier//EN\" \"catalog-demo/testpub.xml\"\n" +
              "SYSTEM \"urn:x-arbortext:test-system-identifier\" \"catalog-demo/testsys.xml\"\n" +
              "PUBLIC \"-//Indexgeo//DTD Catalog Demo v1.0//EN\" \"catalog-demo/catalog-demo-v10.dtd\"\n" +
              "-- end of entries for the catalog-demo sample application --\n" +
       *Description of the Field
       * @since
      protected final static String CATALOG_ISONUM_PEN =
              "<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986\n" +
              "Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with\n" +
              "conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in\n" +
              "ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.\n" +
              "-->\n" +
              "<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:\n" +
              "<!ENTITY % ISOnum PUBLIC\n" +
              "\"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML\">\n" +
              "%ISOnum;\n" +
              "-->\n" +
              "<!-- This version of the entity set can be used with any SGML document\n" +
              "which uses ISO 10646 as its document character set.\n" +
              "This includes XML documents and ISO HTML documents.\n" +
              "This entity set uses hexadecimal numeric character references.\n" +
              "          \n" +
              "Creator: Rick Jelliffe, Allette Systems\n" +
              "     \n" +
              "Version: 1997-07-07\n" +
              "-->\n" +
              "\n" +
              "<!ENTITY half   \"&#189;\" ><!--=fraction one-half-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY frac12 \"&#189;\" ><!--=fraction one-half-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY frac14 \"&#188;\" ><!--=fraction one-quarter-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY frac34 \"&#190;\" ><!--=fraction three-quarters-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY frac18 \"&#x215B;\" >\n" +
              "<!-- or \"&#xB1;&#x202;&#x2044;&#x2088;\" --><!--=fraction one-eighth-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY frac38 \"&#x215C;\" >\n" +
              "<!-- or \"&#xB3;&#x2044;&#x2088;\" --><!--=fraction three-eighths-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY frac58 \"&#x215D;\" >\n" +
              "<!-- or \"&#x2075;&#x2044;&#x2088;\" --><!--=fraction five-eighths-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY frac78 \"&#x215E;\" >\n" +
              "<!-- or \"&#x2077;&#x2044;&#x2088;\" --><!--=fraction seven-eighths-->\n" +
              "\n" +
              "<!ENTITY sup1   \"&#185;\" ><!--=superscript one-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY sup2   \"&#178;\" ><!--=superscript two-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY sup3   \"&#179;\" ><!--=superscript three-->\n" +
              "\n" +
              "<!ENTITY plus   \"+\" ><!--=plus sign B:-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY plusmn \"&#xB1;\" ><!--/pm B: =plus-or-minus sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY lt     \"&#38;#60;\"      ><!--=less-than sign R:-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY equals \"=\"      ><!--=equals sign R:-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY gt     \">\"      ><!--=greater-than sign R:-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY divide \"&#247;\" ><!--/div B: =divide sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY times  \"&#215;\" ><!--/times B: =multiply sign-->\n" +
              "\n" +
              "<!ENTITY curren \"&#164;\" ><!--=general currency sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY pound  \"&#163;\" ><!--=pound sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY dollar \"$\"      ><!--=dollar sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY cent   \"&#162;\" ><!--=cent sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY yen    \"&#165;\" ><!--/yen =yen sign-->\n" +
              "\n" +
              "<!ENTITY num    \"#\" ><!--=number sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY percnt \"&#37;\" ><!--=percent sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY amp    \"&#38;#38;\" ><!--=ampersand-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY ast    \"*\" ><!--/ast B: =asterisk-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY commat \"@\" ><!--=commercial at-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY lsqb   \"[\" ><!--/lbrack O: =left square bracket-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY bsol   \"\\\" ><!--/backslash =reverse solidus-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY rsqb   \"]\" ><!--/rbrack C: =right square bracket-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY lcub   \"{\" ><!--/lbrace O: =left curly bracket-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY horbar \"&#x2015;\" ><!--=horizontal bar-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY verbar \"|\" ><!--/vert =vertical bar-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY rcub   \"}\" ><!--/rbrace C: =right curly bracket-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY micro  \"&#181;\" ><!--=micro sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY ohm    \"&#2126;\" ><!--=ohm sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY deg    \"&#176;\" ><!--=degree sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY ordm   \"&#186;\" ><!--=ordinal indicator, masculine-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY ordf   \"&#170;\" ><!--=ordinal indicator, feminine-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY sect   \"&#167;\" ><!--=section sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY para   \"&#182;\" ><!--=pilcrow (paragraph sign)-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY middot \"&#183;\" ><!--/centerdot B: =middle dot-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY larr   \"&#x2190;\" ><!--/leftarrow /gets A: =leftward arrow-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY rarr   \"&#x2192;\" ><!--/rightarrow /to A: =rightward arrow-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY uarr   \"&#x2191;\" ><!--/uparrow A: =upward arrow-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY darr   \"&#x2193;\" ><!--/downarrow A: =downward arrow-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY copy   \"&#169;\" ><!--=copyright sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY reg    \"&#174;\" ><!--/circledR =registered sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY trade  \"&#8482;\" ><!--=trade mark sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY brvbar \"&#xA6;\" ><!--=bren (vertical) bar-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY not    \"&#xAC;\" ><!--/neg /lnot =not sign-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY sung   \"&#x266A;\" ><!--=music note (sung text sign)-->\n" +
              "\n" +
              "<!ENTITY excl   \"!\" ><!--=exclamation mark-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY iexcl  \"&#xA1;\" ><!--=inverted exclamation mark-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY quot   '\"' ><!--=quotation mark-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY apos   \"'\" ><!--=apostrophe-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY lpar   \"(\" ><!--O: =left parenthesis-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY rpar   \")\" ><!--C: =right parenthesis-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY comma  \",\" ><!--P: =comma-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY lowbar \"_\" ><!--=low line-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY hyphen \"&#x2010;\" ><!--=hyphen-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY period \".\" ><!--=full stop, period-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY sol    \"/\" ><!--=solidus-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY colon  \":\" ><!--/colon P:-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY semi   \";\" ><!--=semicolon P:-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY quest  \"?\" ><!--=question mark-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY iquest \"&#xBF;\" ><!--=inverted question mark-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY laquo  \"&#x2039;\" ><!--=angle quotation mark, left\n" +
              "But note that Unicode 1 & Maler & el Andaloussi give &#xAB; -->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY raquo  \"&#x203A;\" ><!--=angle quotation mark, right\n" +
              "But note that Unicode 1 & Maler & el Andaloussi give &#xBB; -->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY lsquo  \"&#x2018;\" ><!--=single quotation mark, left-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY rsquo  \"&#x2019;\" ><!--=single quotation mark, right-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY ldquo  \"&#x201C;\" ><!--=double quotation mark, left-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY rdquo  \"&#x201D;\" ><!--=double quotation mark, right-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY nbsp   \"&#160;\" ><!--=no break (required) space-->\n" +
              "<!ENTITY shy    \"&#173;\" ><!--=soft hyphen-->\n" +
      private DefaultContext context;
      private ResolverImpl resolverImpl;
      private File workDir;
      private File commandlineContextDir;
       * Constructor for the SearchGeneratorTestCase object
       * @since
      public ResolverImplTestCase() {
       * Constructor for the SearchGeneratorTestCase object
       * @param  name  Description of Parameter
       * @since
      public ResolverImplTestCase(String name) {
       *The main program for the SearchGeneratorTestCase class
       * @param  args           The command line arguments
       * @exception  Exception  Description of Exception
       * @since
      public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
          final String[] testCaseName = {ResolverImplTestCase.class.getName()};
       * The JUnit setup method
       * @exception  Exception  Description of Exception
       * @since
      public void setUp() throws Exception {
          // (2) lookup resolver, catalog should exist already
          String role = Resolver.ROLE;
          resolverImpl = (ResolverImpl) manager.lookup(role);
          assertNotNull("ResolverImpl is null", resolverImpl);
       * Invoked before components are created.
       * @exception  Exception  Description of Exception
       * @since
      public void initialize() throws Exception {
          workDir = new File(System.getProperty(""), Constants.DEFAULT_WORK_DIR);
          commandlineContextDir = new File(workDir.getAbsolutePath());
          // create catalog releated files in context dir
          getLogger().debug("Creating catalog files");
          File f;
          f = IOUtils.createFile(commandlineContextDir, CATALOG_FILE_NAME);
          IOUtils.serializeString(f, CATALOG);
          f = IOUtils.createFile(commandlineContextDir, CATALOG_ISONUM_PEN_FILE_NAME);
          IOUtils.serializeString(f, CATALOG_ISONUM_PEN);
       * Invoked after components has been disposed.
       * @since
      public void dispose() {
          assertTrue( resolverImpl == null );
          // remove catalog releated files in context dir
          getLogger().debug("Removing catalog files");
          File f;
          f = new File(commandlineContextDir, CATALOG_ISONUM_PEN_FILE_NAME);
          getLogger().debug("Removing catalog file " + f.toString());
          if (!f.delete()) {
              getLogger().warn("Cannot remove catalog file " + f.toString());
          f = new File(commandlineContextDir, CATALOG_FILE_NAME);
          getLogger().debug("Removing catalog file " + f.toString());
          if (!f.delete()) {
              getLogger().warn("Cannot remove catalog file " + f.toString());
          f = new File(commandlineContextDir.toString());
          getLogger().debug("Removing catalog file " + f.toString());
          if (!f.delete()) {
              getLogger().warn("Cannot remove catalog file " + f.toString());
       * The teardown method for JUnit
       * @exception  Exception  Description of Exception
       * @since
      public void tearDown() throws Exception {
          if (resolverImpl != null) {
              resolverImpl = null;
       *A unit test for JUnit
       * @exception  Exception  Description of Exception
       * @since
      public void testCatalogProperiesAvailable() throws Exception {
          Class clazz = this.getClass();
          String catalog_manager_props_name = "/";
          InputStream is = clazz.getResourceAsStream(catalog_manager_props_name);
          assertNotNull("Cannot access " + catalog_manager_props_name, is);
          Properties catalog_manager_props = new Properties();
       * A unit test for JUnit
       * @exception  Exception  Description of Exception
       * @since
      public void testAvailableResolveEntity() throws Exception {
          assertNotNull("ResolverImpl is null", resolverImpl);
          String public_id;
          String system_id;
          InputSource is;
          public_id = "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML";
          system_id = "ISOnum.pen";
          is = resolverImpl.resolveEntity(public_id, system_id);
          assertNotNull("InputSource is null for " +
                  "'" + public_id + "'" + ", " +
                  "'" + system_id + "'", is);
          // close the entity stream, otherwise removing it will fail
 entity_r = is.getCharacterStream();
          if (entity_r != null) {
 entity_is = is.getByteStream();
          if (entity_is != null) {
          is = null;
       * A unit test for JUnit
       * @exception  Exception  Description of Exception
       * @since
      public void testNonAvailableResolveEntity() throws Exception {
          assertNotNull("ResolverImpl is null", resolverImpl);
          String public_id;
          String system_id;
          InputSource is;
          public_id = "public-id which does not exist";
          system_id = "system-id which does not exist";
          is = resolverImpl.resolveEntity(public_id, system_id);
          assertEquals("InputSource is null for " +
                  "'" + public_id + "'" + ", " +
                  "'" + system_id + "'", null, is);
          is = null;
       * This method may be overwritten by subclasses to put additional objects
       * into the context programmatically.
       * @param  context  The feature to be added to the Context attribute
       * @since
      protected void addContext(DefaultContext context) {
          this.context = context;
          context.put(Constants.CONTEXT_WORK_DIR, workDir);
          CommandlineContext commandline_context = new CommandlineContext(commandlineContextDir.toString());
          context.put(Constants.CONTEXT_ENVIRONMENT_CONTEXT, commandline_context);
  1.1                  xml-cocoon2/test/org/apache/cocoon/components/resolver/test/ResolverImplTestCase.xtest
  Index: ResolverImplTestCase.xtest
  <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <!DOCTYPE testcase [
  <!ELEMENT testcase (annotation?,logkit,context?,roles,components)>
  <!-- annotation describes the testcase
  <!ELEMENT annotation (#PCDATA)>
  <!-- logkit define the logkit in use
  <!ELEMENT logkit (factories, targets, categories)>
  <!ELEMENT factories (factory+)>
  <!ELEMENT factory EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST factory 
  <!ELEMENT targets ANY>
  <!ELEMENT file ANY>
  <!ATTLIST file
    id ID #REQUIRED>
  <!ELEMENT filename (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT format (#PCDATA)>
  <!ATTLIST format
    type (extended|raw)  "extended"
  <!ELEMENT categories (category+)>
  <!ELEMENT category ANY>
  <!ATTLIST category
    log-level (DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR) "INFO"
  <!ELEMENT log-target EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST log-target
    id-ref CDATA #REQUIRED
  <!-- the context used by the components
  <!ELEMENT context (entry*)>
  <!ELEMENT entry EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST entry
  <!-- the roles of the components
  <!ELEMENT roles (role+)>
  <!ELEMENT role (hint*)>
  <!ATTLIST role
    class CDATA #IMPLIED
    shorthand CDATA #REQUIRED
    default-class CDATA #REQUIRED
  <!ATTLIST hint
    shorthand CDATA #REQUIRED
  <!-- define components element, attributes, and its children
  <!ELEMENT components (resolver)>
  <!ATTLIST components 
    logger CDATA #IMPLIED
  <!ELEMENT resolver (parameter*)>
  <!ATTLIST resolver 
    logger CDATA #IMPLIED
  <!ELEMENT parameter EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST parameter
      Resolver Tests
        <factory type="file" class="org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.factory.FileTargetFactory"/>
         <file id="root">
          <format type="extended">
            %7.7{priority} %5.5{time}   [%8.8{category}] (%{context}): %{message}\n%{throwable}
         <category name="test" log-level="DEBUG">
           <log-target id-ref="root"/>
      <entry name="foo" value="bar"/>
      <role name="org.apache.cocoon.components.resolver.Resolver"
        <parameter name="verbosity" value="10"/>
        <parameter name="catalog" value="/catalog"/>
        <parameter name="local-catalog" value="/local-catalog"/>

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