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Posted to by on 2009/03/27 15:52:53 UTC

svn commit: r759164 [3/6] - in /incubator/river/jtsk/trunk: ./ src/ src/com/artima/lookup/util/ src/com/sun/jini/example/browser/ src/com/sun/jini/fiddler/ src/com/sun/jini/mahalo/ src/com/sun/jini/mercury/ src/com/sun/jini/norm/ src/com/sun/jini/outri...

Modified: incubator/river/jtsk/trunk/build_common.xml
--- incubator/river/jtsk/trunk/build_common.xml (original)
+++ incubator/river/jtsk/trunk/build_common.xml Fri Mar 27 14:52:49 2009
@@ -1,1234 +0,0 @@
- ! Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- ! or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- ! distributed with this work for additional information
- ! regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- ! to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- ! "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- ! with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- ! 
- !
- ! 
- ! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ! WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ! limitations under the License.
- !-->
-<project name="build-common" basedir="." default="">
-	<property environment="env"/>
-	<property name="parent-dir" location="${top}/.."/>
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## Import the local settings if they exist, ignoring errors	-->
-	<!-- ## (ie, optional=true) if the file is nonexistent.			-->
-	<!-- ## 								-->
-	<import file="build_local.xml" optional="true"/>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: setup-all						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="setup-all"
-		description="Initializes common environment"
-		depends="setup-dirs,
-			 setup-paths,
-			 deps">
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: env							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="env"
-		description="Initializes the build environment."
-		depends="">
-		<!-- ##						-->
-		<!-- ## Set JAVA_HOME if it isn't already set:	-->
-		<!-- ##						-->
-		<condition property="env.JAVA_HOME" value="${java.home}">
-			<not> <isset property="env.JAVA_HOME"/> </not>
-		</condition>
-		<!-- ##									-->
-		<!-- ## The default JDK version on Mac OSX does not have a		-->
-		<!-- ## tools.jar, in which case we'll use dt.jar .  However, if an	-->
-		<!-- ## alternate version of the JDK has been installed, we'll try	-->
-		<!-- ## to use tools.jar if it exists.					-->
-		<!-- ##									-->
-		<condition property="jdk-tools-jar" value="${env.JAVA_HOME}/lib/dt.jar">
-			<and>
-				<os family="mac"/>
-				<not> <available file="${env.JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar"/> </not>
-			</and>
-		</condition>
-		<condition property="jdk-tools-jar" value="${env.JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar">
-			<not> <os family="mac"/> </not>
-		</condition>
-		<property name="jre-ext-dir" location="${env.JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/ext"/>
-		<condition property="env.JINI_HOME" value="${parent-dir}">
-			<not> <isset property="env.JINI_HOME"/> </not>
-		</condition>
-		<!-- ##									-->
-		<!-- ## If the user has JINI_BUILD set in their environment, use	-->
-		<!-- ## it to set the build property:					-->
-		<!-- ##									-->
-		<condition property="build" value="${env.JINI_BUILD}">
-			<isset property="env.JINI_BUILD"/>
-		</condition>
-		<condition property="build" value="${top}">
-			<not> <isset property="build"/> </not>
-		</condition>
-		<condition property="src.jini" value="${top}/src">
-			<not> <isset property="src.jini"/> </not>
-		</condition>
-		<condition property="src.dir" value="${src.jini}">
-			<not> <isset property="src.dir"/> </not>
-		</condition>
-		<condition property="" value="${top}/src">
-			<not> <isset property=""/> </not>
-		</condition>
-		<property name="lib.dir"		value="lib"/>
-		<property name="lib-dl.dir"		value="lib-dl"/>
-		<property name="lib-ext.dir"		value="lib-ext"/>
-		<property name="lib"			location="${env.JINI_HOME}/${lib.dir}"/>
-		<property name="lib-dl"			location="${env.JINI_HOME}/${lib-dl.dir}"/>
-		<property name="lib-ext"		location="${env.JINI_HOME}/${lib-ext.dir}"/>
-		<property name="build.classes"		location="${build}/classes"/>
-		<property name="build.deps"		location="${build}/deps"/>
-		<property name="build.dist"		location="${build}/dist"/>
-		<property name="build.doc"		location="${build}/doc"/>
-		<property name="build.doc.api"		location="${build.doc}/api"/>
-		<property name="build.doc.spec.api"	location="${build.doc}/specs/api"/>
-		<property name="build.lib"		location="${build}/${lib.dir}"/>
-		<property name="build.lib-dl"		location="${build}/${lib-dl.dir}"/>
-		<property name="build.lib-ext"		location="${build}/${lib-ext.dir}"/>
-		<property name="entry.dest.dir"		location="${build}/configentry"/>
-		<property name="entry.src.dir"		location="${src.jini}/configentry"/>
-		<property name="src.jini.manifest"	location="${src.jini}/manifest"/>
-		<property name=""	location="${}/manifest"/>
-		<!-- ##				-->
-		<!-- ## Product version info	-->
-		<!-- ##				-->
-		<property name=""		value="apache-river"/>
-		<property name="version"		value="2.1.1"/>
-		<property name="version-suffix"		value=""/>
-		<property name="manifest-info"		value="${java.version} (${java.vendor})"/>
-		<!-- ##				-->
-		<!-- ## Distribution Bundles	-->
-		<!-- ##				-->
-		<property name="install.dir"		value="${}-${version}"/>
-		<property name="bin.tar.bundle"		value="${build.dist}/${}-${version}-incubating-bin.tar.gz"/>
-		<property name=""		value="${build.dist}/${}-${version}"/>
-		<property name="src.tar.bundle"		value="${build.dist}/${}-${version}-incubating-src.tar.gz"/>
-		<property name=""		value="${build.dist}/${}-${version}"/>
-		<!-- ##									-->
-		<!-- ## Private package inclusions for use with classdep; the		-->
-		<!-- ## classes in these packages are both not part of the JSK		-->
-		<!-- ## platform and not public (have generated javadoc)		-->
-		<!-- ##									-->
-		<!-- ## The -skip for logging classes is because LogManager is in	-->
-		<!-- ## jsk-pllatform.jar and Levels is in jsk-lib.jar			-->
-		<!-- ##									-->
-		<!-- ## The -in com.sun.jini.outrigger is there in order to catch	-->
-		<!-- ## any use of the following deprecated APIs:			-->
-		<!-- ##       com.sun.jini.outrigger.AdminIterator			-->
-		<!-- ##       com.sun.jini.outrigger.ConstrainableJavaSpaceAdmin	-->
-		<!-- ##       com.sun.jini.outrigger.JavaSpaceAdmin			-->
-		<!-- ## Once these APIs have been removed, the outrigger include	-->
-		<!-- ## can be removed							-->
-		<!-- ##									-->
-		<property name="jskprivate.include"
-			  value="-in com.sun.jini.action -in com.sun.jini.collection -in com.sun.jini.constants -in com.sun.jini.system -in com.sun.jini.logging -skip com.sun.jini.logging.LogManager -skip com.sun.jini.logging.Levels -in com.sun.jini.outrigger"/>
-		<!-- ##			-->
-		<!-- ## javac options	-->
-		<!-- ##			-->
-		<condition property="env.JAVADEBUG" value="lines,source,vars">
-			<not> <isset property="env.JAVADEBUG"/> </not>
-		</condition>
-		<!-- ##			-->
-		<!-- ## javadoc options	-->
-		<!-- ##			-->
-		<property name="tm"		value="&lt;sup&gt;&lt;font size=-2&gt;TM&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/sup&gt;"/>
-		<property name="api-copyright"	value="Copyright 2007, multiple authors.&lt;br&gt;Licensed under the &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;child&quot; &gt;Apache License, Version 2.0&lt;/a&gt;, see the &lt;a href=&quot;{@docRoot}/doc-files/NOTICE&quot; target=&quot;child&quot; &gt;NOTICE&lt;/a&gt; file for attributions."/>
-		<property name="api-doc-title"	value="Apache River Release v${version}${version-suffix} API Documentation"/>
-		<property name="api-win-title"	value="${api-doc-title}"/>
-		<property name="spec-doc-title"	value="Apache River Release Specifications"/>
-		<property name="spec-win-title"	value="${spec-doc-title}"/>
-		<property name="jdk-doc-url"	value=""/>
-		<property name="jdk-packages"	value="${build.doc}/j2se"/>
-		<!-- ##							-->
-		<!-- ## Common packages to exclude within ClassDep	-->
-		<!-- ##							-->
-		<property name="jskplatform.exclude"
-			  value="-out com.sun.jini.discovery -out net.jini.activation -out net.jini.config -out net.jini.constraint -out net.jini.core -out net.jini.export -out -out net.jini.iiop -out -out net.jini.jeri -out net.jini.jrmp -out net.jini.loader -out -out net.jini.url -skip net.jini.discovery.ConstrainableLookupLocator -skip net.jini.discovery.ConstrainableLookupLocatorTrustVerifier -skip com.sun.jini.config.ConfigUtil -skip com.sun.jini.config.KeyStores -skip com.sun.jini.logging.LogManager"/>
-		<!-- ##						-->
-		<!-- ## Display some of our property settings:	-->
-		<!-- ##						-->
-		<echo message="JINI_HOME:		${env.JINI_HOME}"/>
-		<echo message="JAVA_HOME:		${env.JAVA_HOME}"/>
-		<echo message="java.home:		${java.home}"/>
-		<echo message="Java  Ver:		${}"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: extract-classes						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="extract-classes"
-		description="Extracts the classes from a prescribed set of jar
-			     files from the official distribution into a classes
-			     directory at the same level."
-		depends="env">
-		<property name="top-classes" value="${env.JINI_HOME}/classes"/>
-		<condition property="classes-exists-error" value="true">
-			<available file="${top-classes}"/>
-		</condition>
-		<fail if="classes-exists-error">
-			The "${top-classes}" directory already exists--ABORTING.
-		</fail>
-		<mkdir dir="${top-classes}"/>
-		<unzip dest="${top-classes}">
-			<fileset dir="${lib}">
-				<include name="destroy.jar"/>
-				<include name="fiddler.jar"/>
-				<include name="group.jar"/>
-				<include name="jsk-platform.jar"/>
-				<include name="mahalo.jar"/>
-				<include name="mercury.jar"/>
-				<include name="norm.jar"/>
-				<include name="outrigger.jar"/>
-				<include name="phoenix.jar"/>
-				<include name="phoenix-group.jar"/>
-				<include name="phoenix-init.jar"/>
-				<include name="reggie.jar"/>
-				<include name="sharedvm.jar"/>
-				<include name="start.jar"/>
-				<include name="tools.jar"/>
-			</fileset>
-			<fileset dir="${lib-dl}">
-				<include name="fiddler-dl.jar"/>
-				<include name="group-dl.jar"/>
-				<include name="mahalo-dl.jar"/>
-				<include name="mercury-dl.jar"/>
-				<include name="norm-dl.jar"/>
-				<include name="outrigger-dl.jar"/>
-				<include name="phoenix-dl.jar"/>
-				<include name="reggie-dl.jar"/>
-			</fileset>
-			<fileset dir="${lib-ext}">
-				<include name="jsk-policy.jar"/>
-			</fileset>
-		</unzip>
-		<delete dir="${top-classes}/META-INF" quiet="true"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: release							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="build.release"
-		description=""
-		depends="all,
-			 jars,
-			 doc,
-			 spec-doc,
-			 release">
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: release							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="release"
-		description=""
-		depends="release.bin,
-			 release.src">
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: release.bin						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="release.bin"
-		description=""
-		depends="env">
-		<mkdir dir="${build.dist}"/>
-		<delete file="${}"/>
-		<zip destfile="${}">
-			<zipfileset dir="${build}" prefix="${install.dir}">
-				<include name="index.html"/>
-				<include name="DISCLAIMER"/>
-				<include name="LICENSE"/>
-				<include name="NOTICE"/>
-				<include name="doc/api/**"/>
-				<include name="doc/arch2_0.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/info-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/manpages-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/proxypreparation.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/release-notes/**"/>
-				<exclude name="doc/release-notes/new.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/simpleproxyverification.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/smartproxyverification.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/spec-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/specs/**"/>
-				<include name="configentry/**"/>
-				<include name="${lib.dir}/**"/>
-				<include name="${lib-dl.dir}/**"/>
-				<include name="${lib-ext.dir}/**"/>
-			</zipfileset>
-		</zip>
-	<!-- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
-		<delete file="${bin.tar.bundle}"/>
-	##
-	## TODO:
-	##
-	## Investigate how to deal with the tar task's 100-character limitation.
-	##
-		<tar destfile="${bin.tar.bundle}"
-		     compression="gzip"
-		     longfile="warn">
-			<tarfileset dir="${build}" prefix="${install.dir}">
-				<include name="index.html"/>
-				<include name="DISCLAIMER"/>
-				<include name="LICENSE"/>
-				<include name="NOTICE"/>
-				<include name="doc/api/**"/>
-				<include name="doc/arch2_0.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/info-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/manpages-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/proxypreparation.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/release-notes/**"/>
-				<exclude name="doc/release-notes/new.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/simpleproxyverification.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/smartproxyverification.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/spec-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/specs/**"/>
-				<include name="configentry/**"/>
-				<include name="${lib.dir}/**"/>
-				<include name="${lib-dl.dir}/**"/>
-				<include name="${lib-ext.dir}/**"/>
-			</tarfileset>
-		</tar>
-	@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -->
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: release.src						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="release.src"
-		description=""
-		depends="env">
-		<mkdir dir="${build.dist}"/>
-		<delete file="${}"/>
-		<zip destfile="${}">
-			<zipfileset dir="${top}" prefix="${install.dir}">
-				<include name="DISCLAIMER"/>
-				<include name="LICENSE"/>
-				<include name="NOTICE"/>
-			</zipfileset>
-			<zipfileset dir="${top}" prefix="${install.dir}/source">
-				<include name="index.html"/>
-				<include name="build.xml"/>
-				<include name="build_common.xml"/>
-				<include name="DISCLAIMER"/>
-				<include name="LICENSE"/>
-				<include name="NOTICE"/>
-				<include name="doc/arch2_0.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/info-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/build.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/j2se/**"/>
-				<include name="doc/manpages-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/proxypreparation.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/release-notes/**"/>
-				<exclude name="doc/release-notes/new.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/simpleproxyverification.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/smartproxyverification.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/spec-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/specs/html/**"/>
-				<include name="src/**"/>
-				<exclude name="src/**/*.sh"/>
-			</zipfileset>
-			<zipfileset dir="${top}"
-				    prefix="${install.dir}/source"
-				    includes="src/**/*.sh"
-				    filemode="755"/>
-		</zip>
-		<!-- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
-		<delete file="${src.tar.bundle}"/>
-		##
-		## TODO:
-		##
-		## Investigate how to deal with the tar task's 100-character limitation.
-		##
-		<tar destfile="${src.tar.bundle}"
-		     compression="gzip"
-		     longfile="warn">
-			<tarfileset dir="${top}" prefix="${install.dir}">
-				<include name="DISCLAIMER"/>
-				<include name="LICENSE"/>
-				<include name="NOTICE"/>
-			</tarfileset>
-			<tarfileset dir="${top}" prefix="${install.dir}/source">
-				<include name="index.html"/>
-				<include name="build.xml"/>
-				<include name="build_common.xml"/>
-				<include name="DISCLAIMER"/>
-				<include name="LICENSE"/>
-				<include name="NOTICE"/>
-				<include name="doc/arch2_0.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/build.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/info-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/j2se/**"/>
-				<include name="doc/manpages-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/proxypreparation.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/release-notes/**"/>
-				<exclude name="doc/release-notes/new.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/simpleproxyverification.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/smartproxyverification.pdf"/>
-				<include name="doc/spec-index.html"/>
-				<include name="doc/specs/html/**"/>
-				<include name="src/**"/>
-			</tarfileset>
-		</tar>
-		@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -->
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: setup-dirs						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="setup-dirs"
-		description="Creates dirs, paths, etc."
-		depends="env">
-		<!-- ##						-->
-		<!-- ## Create build directory structure	-->
-		<!-- ##						-->
-		<mkdir dir="${build}"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${build.deps}"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${build.doc}"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${build.doc.api}"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${build.doc.spec.api}"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${build.lib}"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${build.lib-dl}"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${build.lib-ext}"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${entry.dest.dir}"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: setup-paths						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="setup-paths"
-		description="Creates path based properties"
-		depends="env">
-		<path id="path.jini">
-			<pathelement path="${build.classes}"/>
-		</path>
-		<path id="">
-			<pathelement path="${build.classes}"/>
-			<pathelement location="${jdk-tools-jar}"/>
-		</path>
-		<path id="path.apidoc">
-			<path refid="path.jini"/>
-			<path refid=""/>
-		</path>
-		<path id="path.classdep">
-			<pathelement path="${build.classes}"/>
-			<pathelement path="${src.jini}"/>
-			<pathelement path="${}"/>
-			<pathelement location="${jdk-tools-jar}"/>
-		</path>
-		<!-- ##				-->
-		<!-- ## initialize patterns...	-->
-		<!-- ##				-->
-		<patternset id="pattern.nomakefiles">
-			<exclude name="**/GNUmakefile*"/>
-		</patternset>
-		<property name="tools-source" value="com/sun/jini/tool/**/*.java"/>
-		<patternset id="tools.source">
-			<include name="${tools-source}"/>
-		</patternset>
-		<!-- ##									-->
-		<!-- ## The sub-components may try to set java-source for their		-->
-		<!-- ## specific needs, so attempt to set it for a top-down build.	-->
-		<!-- ## Otherwise, use the existing setting.				-->
-		<!-- ##									-->
-		<condition property="java-source" value="**/*.java">
-			<not> <isset property="java-source"/> </not>
-		</condition>
-		<patternset id="java.source">
-			<include name="${java-source}"/>
-		</patternset>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: deps							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-  <target name="deps"
-	  description="Verifies build dependencies"
-	  depends="">
-	<!-- ##				-->
-	<!-- ## verify JDK version	-->
-	<!-- ##				-->
-	<condition property="unsupported-jdk">
-		<or>
-			<equals arg1="${}" arg2="1.1"/>
-			<equals arg1="${}" arg2="1.2"/>
-			<equals arg1="${}" arg2="1.3"/>
-		</or>
-	</condition>
-	<fail if="unsupported-jdk">
-		${} requires Java 2 SDK 1.4 or greater to continue.
-	</fail>
-	<!-- ##						-->
-	<!-- ## verify J2SDK installation directory	-->
-	<!-- ##						-->
-	<condition property="java-home-not-found">
-		<not>
-			<and>
-				<isset property="env.JAVA_HOME"/>
-				<available file="${jdk-tools-jar}"/>
-			</and>
-		</not>
-	</condition>
-	<fail if="java-home-not-found">
-		A valid J2SDK installation could not be found at:
-			${env.JAVA_HOME}
-		Please set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the 
-		location of your J2SDK installation.
-	</fail>
-	<!-- ##						-->
-	<!-- ## verify JSK installation directory	-->
-	<!-- ##						-->
-	<condition property="jini-home-not-found">
-		<not>
-			<and>
-				<isset property="env.JINI_HOME"/>
-				<available file="${top}"/>
-				<available file="${src.jini}"/>
-				<available file="${src.jini.manifest}"/>
-				<available file="${}"/>
-				<available file="${}"/>
-			</and>
-		</not>
-	</condition>
-	<fail if="jini-home-not-found">
-		A valid JSK installation could not be found at:
-			${env.JINI_HOME}
-		Please set the JINI_HOME environment variable to point to the 
-		location of your JSK installation.
-	</fail>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## MACRO: javac-cmd						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<macrodef name="javac-cmd">
-		<attribute name="source.dir"/>
-		<attribute name="source.pat"/>
-		<sequential>
-			<!-- ##								-->
-			<!-- ## Note the debug and debuglevel attribute settings.  The	-->
-			<!-- ## default for the "debug" attribute is "no" or "off"	-->
-			<!-- ## (in Ant version 1.6.2 at least).  That differs from the	-->
-			<!-- ## default for the actual javac command, which is "lines" 	-->
-			<!-- ## and "source", hence the need for the debug settings in	-->
-			<!-- ## the following javac task:				-->
-			<!-- ##								-->
-			<echo message='javac	destdir="${build.classes}"
-						fork="yes"
-						debug="yes"
-						debuglevel="${env.JAVADEBUG}"
-						deprecation="yes"
-						destdir="${build.classes}"
-						nowarn="no"
-						source="1.4"
-						srcdir="@{source.dir}"
-						target="1.4"
-						verbose="no"'/>
-			<javac	fork="yes"
-				debug="yes"
-				debuglevel="${env.JAVADEBUG}"
-				deprecation="yes"
-				destdir="${build.classes}"
-				nowarn="no"
-				source="1.4"
-				srcdir="@{source.dir}"
-				target="1.4"
-				verbose="no">
-				<classpath  refid="path.jini"/>
-				<patternset refid="@{source.pat}"/>
-			</javac>
-		</sequential>
-	</macrodef>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## MACRO: preferredlistgen						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<macrodef name="preferredlistgen">
-		<element name="plg-elements"/>
-		<sequential>
-			<java classname="com.sun.jini.tool.PreferredListGen"
-			      classpath="${build.classes}"
-			      failonerror="true"
-			      fork="true">
-				<plg-elements/>
-			</java>
-		</sequential>
-	</macrodef>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: javadoc							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="javadoc"
-		description="For NetBeans compatibility."
-		depends="doc">
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: doc							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="doc"
-		description="Generates the javadoc."
-		depends="setup-all">
-		<delete dir="${build.doc.api}" quiet="true"/>
-		<mkdir  dir="${build.doc.api}"/>
-		<javadoc author="true"
-			 bottom="${api-copyright}"
-			 breakiterator="yes"
-			 destdir="${build.doc.api}"
-			 doctitle="${api-doc-title}"
-			 linkoffline="${jdk-doc-url} ${jdk-packages}"
-			 serialwarn="yes"
-			 source="1.4"
-			 use="true"
-			 version="true"
-			 windowtitle="${api-win-title}">
-			<tag name="com.sun.jini.impl"
-			     enabled="true"
-			     scope="packages,types"
-			     description="Implementation Specifics:"/>
-			<classpath refid="path.apidoc"/>
-			<sourcepath>
-				<pathelement path="${src.jini}"/>
-				<pathelement path="${}"/>
-			</sourcepath>
-			<fileset dir="${src.jini}" includes="com/sun/jini/mahalo/"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.admin"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.config"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.discovery"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.discovery.kerberos"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.discovery.plaintext"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.discovery.ssl"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.discovery.x500.sha1withdsa"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.discovery.x500.sha1withrsa"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.example.browser"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.fiddler"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.landlord"/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.logging"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.lookup.entry"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.mercury"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.norm"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.outrigger"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.outrigger.snaplogstore"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.phoenix"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.proxy"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.reggie"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.reliableLog"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.resource"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.start"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.thread"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.tool"/>
-			<package name="com.sun.jini.tool.envcheck"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.activation"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.admin"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.config"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.constraint"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.core.constraint"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.core.discovery"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.core.entry"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.core.event"/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name="net.jini.core.lookup"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.core.transaction"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.core.transaction.server"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.discovery"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.entry"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.event"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.export"/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name="net.jini.iiop"/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri.connection"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri.http"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri.kerberos"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri.ssl"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri.tcp"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jrmp"/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name="net.jini.loader"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.loader.pref"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.lookup"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.lookup.entry"/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name="net.jini.url.file"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.url.httpmd"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.url.https"/>
-		</javadoc>
-		<mkdir dir="${build.doc.api}/doc-files"/>
-		<copy file="${build}/NOTICE" tofile="${build.doc.api}/doc-files/NOTICE"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: spec-doc						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="spec-doc"
-		description="Generates the specification-only javadoc."
-		depends="setup-all">
-		<delete dir="${build.doc.spec.api}" quiet="true"/>
-		<mkdir  dir="${build.doc.spec.api}"/>
-		<javadoc author="true"
-			 bottom="${api-copyright}"
-			 breakiterator="yes"
-			 destdir="${build.doc.spec.api}"
-			 doctitle="${spec-doc-title}"
-			 linkoffline="${jdk-doc-url} ${jdk-packages}"
-			 serialwarn="yes"
-			 source="1.4"
-			 use="true"
-			 version="true"
-			 windowtitle="${spec-win-title}">
-			<tag name="com.sun.jini.impl"
-			     enabled="false"
-			     description="ignore"/>
-			<classpath refid="path.apidoc"/>
-			<sourcepath>
-				<pathelement path="${src.jini}"/>
-				<pathelement path="${}"/>
-			</sourcepath>
-			<package name="net.jini.activation"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.config"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.constraint"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.core.constraint"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.entry"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.export"/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name="net.jini.iiop"/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri.connection"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri.http"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri.kerberos"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri.ssl"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jeri.tcp"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.jrmp"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.loader"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.loader.pref"/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name=""/>
-			<package name="net.jini.url.file"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.url.httpmd"/>
-			<package name="net.jini.url.https"/>
-		</javadoc>
-		<mkdir dir="${build.doc.spec.api}/doc-files"/>
-		<copy file="${build}/NOTICE" tofile="${build.doc.spec.api}/doc-files/NOTICE"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: jars							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="jars"
-		description="Generates jar files for each sub-component."
-		depends="tools">
-		<!-- ##						-->
-		<!-- ## The following jars must be built first:	-->
-		<!-- ##						-->
-		<ant target="this.jars"
-		     antfile="build.xml"
-		     dir="${src.jini}"
-		     inheritall="false"
-		     inheritrefs="true"/>
-		<!-- ##					-->
-		<!-- ## Now subsequent jars can be built:	-->
-		<!-- ##					-->
-		<echo message="Searching for build.xml files ..."/>
-		<subant target="this.jars" inheritall="false" inheritrefs="true">
-			<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
-				<include name="com/**/build.xml"/>
-				<include name="net/**/build.xml"/>
-			</fileset>
-		</subant>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: build							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="build"
-		description="For NetBeans compatibility."
-		depends="compile">
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: compile							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="compile"
-		description="Compiles jini source"
-		depends="setup-all">
-		<echo message="Compiling sources: ${java-source} ..."/>
-		<javac-cmd source.dir="${src.dir}" source.pat="java.source"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: compile.local						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="compile.local"
-		if="compile-local"
-		description="Processes the compile_local target defined in build_local.xml
-			     if the compile-local property and compile_local target both exist."
-		depends="setup-all">
-		<antcall target="compile_local"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: install.policy						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="install.policy"
-		description="Installs our policy jars into the JRE ext dir."
-		depends="setup-all">
-		<delete file="${jre-ext-dir}/jsk-policy.jar"/>
-		<copy file="${build.lib-ext}/jsk-policy.jar"	todir="${jre-ext-dir}"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: uninstall.policy					-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="uninstall.policy"
-		description="Removes our policy jars from the JRE ext dir."
-		depends="env">
-		<delete file="${jre-ext-dir}/jsk-policy.jar"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: stubs							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="stubs"
-		description="Generates stub files for each sub-component."
-		depends="compile">
-		<echo message="Searching for build.xml files for building stubs ..."/>
-		<subant target="this.stubs"
-			genericantfile="build.xml"
-			inheritall="false"
-			inheritrefs="true">
-			<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
-				<include name="com/**/build.xml"/>
-				<include name="net/**/build.xml"/>
-			</fileset>
-		</subant>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: tools							-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="tools"
-		description="Compiles tools source"
-		depends="setup-all">
-		<ant target="compile"
-		     antfile="build.xml"
-		     dir="${}/com/sun/jini/tool"
-		     inheritall="false"
-		     inheritrefs="true"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: tools-jar						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="tools-jar"
-		description="Generates the tools jar file"
-		depends="setup-all">
-	  <ant target="this.jars"
-	       antfile="build.xml"
-	       dir="${}/com/sun/jini/tool"
-	       inheritall="false"
-	       inheritrefs="true"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: clean.all						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="clean.all"
-		description="Deletes the lib, lib-dl, and lib-ext  directories."
-		depends="clean.dist,
-			 clean.jars,
-			 clean.jre.ext">
-	  <delete dir="${build.classes}"				quiet="true"/>
-	  <delete dir="${build.deps}"					quiet="true"/>
-	  <delete dir="${build.doc.api}"				quiet="true"/>
-	  <delete dir="${build.doc.spec.api}"				quiet="true"/>
-	  <delete dir="${entry.dest.dir}"				quiet="true"/>
-	  <delete dir="${src.jini}/com/sun/jini/example/hello/lib"	quiet="true"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: clean.dist						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="clean.dist"
-		description="Deletes the distribution directory."
-		depends="env">
-		<delete dir="${build.dist}" quiet="true"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: clean.jars						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="clean.jars"
-		description="Deletes the lib, lib-dl, and lib-ext directories."
-		depends="env">
-		<delete dir="${build.lib}"	quiet="true"/>
-		<delete dir="${build.lib-dl}"	quiet="true"/>
-		<delete dir="${build.lib-ext}"	quiet="true"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: clean.jre.ext						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="clean.jre.ext"
-		description="Deletes the items that we installed in the jre/lib/ext
-			     directory."
-		depends="env,
-			 clean.local">
-	</target>
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ## TARGET: clean.local						-->
-	<!-- ##									-->
-	<!-- ################################################################	-->
-	<target name="clean.local"
-		if="clean-local"
-		description="Processes the clean_local target defined in build_local.xml
-			     if the clean-local property and clean_local target both exist."
-		depends="env">
-		<antcall target="clean_local"/>
-	</target>