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Posted to by Nicola Ken Barozzi <> on 2001/12/09 13:18:12 UTC

[PATCH] HEAD - Making error notification work

As I said in another mail on the list, the Error notification was not
finished as originally intended.
This is the first patch of a series:
- reworked the *Notifier stuff by making it cleaner and putting in in
- now exceptions which are Notificable are outputted with more info
- changed the error notification stylesheet to output in a more friendly
- changed the error notification stylesheet to output the same in Mozilla
and IE
- Now the TraxTransformer refers errors of XSLT file not parsing correctly.

What needs to be done:
- check that errors are thrown correctly and cascade
- make notifications fully cascading
- change the way the ErrorNotifier is called (CZ note in
- make it possible to act in the error pipeline.

I'm working on these points, for now enjoy this patch. :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi These are the days of miracle and wonder...
                      don't cry baby, don't cry
<> Paul Simon