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Posted to by Apache Jenkins Server <> on 2019/06/12 16:27:18 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_LoadTests_Python_Combine_Dataflow_Batch #1

See <>

[...truncated 151.43 KB...]
            "encoding": {
              "@type": "kind:windowed_value", 
              "component_encodings": [
                  "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                  "component_encodings": [
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                  "is_pair_like": true
                  "@type": "kind:global_window"
              "is_wrapper": true
            "output_name": "out", 
            "user_name": "Combine with Top 0/InjectDefault.out"
        "parallel_input": {
          "@type": "OutputReference", 
          "output_name": "out", 
          "step_name": "s7"
        "serialized_fn": "<string of 1824 bytes>", 
        "user_name": "Combine with Top 0/InjectDefault/InjectDefault"
      "kind": "ParallelDo", 
      "name": "s10", 
      "properties": {
        "display_data": [
            "key": "fn", 
            "label": "Transform Function", 
            "namespace": "apache_beam.transforms.core.ParDo", 
            "shortValue": "_GetElement", 
            "type": "STRING", 
            "value": "apache_beam.testing.load_tests.combine_test._GetElement"
        "non_parallel_inputs": {}, 
        "output_info": [
            "encoding": {
              "@type": "kind:windowed_value", 
              "component_encodings": [
                  "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                  "component_encodings": [
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                  "is_pair_like": true
                  "@type": "kind:global_window"
              "is_wrapper": true
            "output_name": "out", 
            "user_name": "Consume 0.out"
        "parallel_input": {
          "@type": "OutputReference", 
          "output_name": "out", 
          "step_name": "s9"
        "serialized_fn": "<string of 432 bytes>", 
        "user_name": "Consume 0"
      "kind": "ParallelDo", 
      "name": "s11", 
      "properties": {
        "display_data": [
            "key": "fn", 
            "label": "Transform Function", 
            "namespace": "apache_beam.transforms.core.ParDo", 
            "shortValue": "MeasureTime", 
            "type": "STRING", 
            "value": "apache_beam.testing.load_tests.load_test_metrics_utils.MeasureTime"
        "non_parallel_inputs": {}, 
        "output_info": [
            "encoding": {
              "@type": "kind:windowed_value", 
              "component_encodings": [
                  "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                  "component_encodings": [
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                  "is_pair_like": true
                  "@type": "kind:global_window"
              "is_wrapper": true
            "output_name": "out", 
            "user_name": "Measure time: End 0.out"
        "parallel_input": {
          "@type": "OutputReference", 
          "output_name": "out", 
          "step_name": "s10"
        "serialized_fn": "<string of 504 bytes>", 
        "user_name": "Measure time: End 0"
  "type": "JOB_TYPE_BATCH"
root: INFO: Create job: <Job
 createTime: u'2019-06-12T16:08:10.519660Z'
 currentStateTime: u'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
 id: u'2019-06-12_09_08_09-7101016922272079614'
 location: u'us-central1'
 name: u'load-tests-python-dataflow-batch-combine-3-0612140441'
 projectId: u'apache-beam-testing'
 stageStates: []
 startTime: u'2019-06-12T16:08:10.519660Z'
 steps: []
 tempFiles: []
 type: TypeValueValuesEnum(JOB_TYPE_BATCH, 1)>
root: INFO: Created job with id: [2019-06-12_09_08_09-7101016922272079614]
root: INFO: To access the Dataflow monitoring console, please navigate to
root: INFO: Job 2019-06-12_09_08_09-7101016922272079614 is in state JOB_STATE_PENDING
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:09.600Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling is enabled for job 2019-06-12_09_08_09-7101016922272079614. The number of workers will be between 1 and 5.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:09.653Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling was automatically enabled for job 2019-06-12_09_08_09-7101016922272079614.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:12.403Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Checking permissions granted to controller Service Account.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:12.798Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Worker configuration: n1-standard-1 in us-central1-b.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.400Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Expanding CoGroupByKey operations into optimizable parts.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.456Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Expanding GroupByKey operations into optimizable parts.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.500Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Lifting ValueCombiningMappingFns into MergeBucketsMappingFns
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.593Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Annotating graph with Autotuner information.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.653Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing adjacent ParDo, Read, Write, and Flatten operations
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.687Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: Start into Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.736Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Partial into Combine with Top 0/KeyWithVoid
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.774Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Extract into Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.822Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine into Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.859Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/KeyWithVoid into Measure time: Start
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.898Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Write into Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Reify
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.945Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Reify into Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Partial
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:13.994Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/UnKey into Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Extract
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.033Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: End 0 into Consume 0
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.068Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Consume 0 into Combine with Top 0/InjectDefault/InjectDefault
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.120Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/InjectDefault/InjectDefault into Combine with Top 0/DoOnce/Read
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.172Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Workflow config is missing a default resource spec.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.211Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Adding StepResource setup and teardown to workflow graph.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.257Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Adding workflow start and stop steps.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.317Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Assigning stage ids.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.511Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Executing wait step start23
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.602Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Create
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.671Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Starting worker pool setup.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.720Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Starting 5 workers in us-central1-b...
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.808Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Value "Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Session" materialized.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:08:14.892Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation Read+Measure time: Start+Combine with Top 0/KeyWithVoid+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Partial+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Reify+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Write
root: INFO: Job 2019-06-12_09_08_09-7101016922272079614 is in state JOB_STATE_RUNNING
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:09:18.592Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Raised the number of workers to 5 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:09:43.909Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Workers have started successfully.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:09:43.945Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Workers have started successfully.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:11:44.530Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Reduced the number of workers to 1 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:11:49.579Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Autoscaling: Resizing worker pool from 5 to 1.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:21:21.573Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Autoscaling: Resizing worker pool from 1 to 2.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:21:49.030Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Raised the number of workers to 2 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:24:17.059Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Executing failure step failure22
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:24:17.107Z: JOB_MESSAGE_ERROR: Workflow failed. Causes: S02:Read+Measure time: Start+Combine with Top 0/KeyWithVoid+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Partial+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Reify+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Write failed., The job failed because a work item has failed 4 times. Look in previous log entries for the cause of each one of the 4 failures. For more information, see The work item was attempted on these workers: 
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:24:17.298Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Cleaning up.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:24:17.362Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Starting worker pool teardown.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:24:17.416Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Stopping worker pool...
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:27:07.444Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Reduced the number of workers to 0 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:27:07.502Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Worker pool stopped.
root: INFO: 2019-06-12T16:27:07.543Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Tearing down pending resources...
root: INFO: Job 2019-06-12_09_08_09-7101016922272079614 is in state JOB_STATE_FAILED
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

XML: <>
Ran 1 test in 1148.232s

FAILED (errors=1)

> Task :sdks:python:apache_beam:testing:load_tests:run FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file '<'> line: 49

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:apache_beam:testing:load_tests:run'.
> error occurred

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 6.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 19m 19s
4 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 1 up-to-date

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Jenkins build is back to normal : beam_LoadTests_Python_Combine_Dataflow_Batch #3

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>

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Build failed in Jenkins: beam_LoadTests_Python_Combine_Dataflow_Batch #2

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Add method to prepare SDK harness image for jenkins jobs

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Add method to prepare Flink Job server's image for jenkins

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Add cluster Flink creation and teardown steps

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Add GBK load test for Python + Flink

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Specify a cron job for the load test

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Apply code review suggestions

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Use post build script in Jenkins

[hsuryawirawan] Add side input and side output java katas

[hsuryawirawan] Add side input and side output python katas

[hsuryawirawan] Modify the TestPipeline declaration to be 'final transient'

[hsuryawirawan] Add Create.of transform names in CoGroupByKey kata

[hsuryawirawan] Improve the task description of ParDo OneToMany to describe

[ehudm] [BEAM-7432] Set input and output files for sdist

[hsuryawirawan] Update offset for some tasks

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Allow defining number of slots per worker. Set to 1 by

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Added parameters that allow using different flink versions

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] increase worker count to be equal to Flink's parallelism

[pekopeko] add compatibility check badges to README

[hsuryawirawan] Update the task descriptions: formatting, conventions, and styles

[hsuryawirawan] Update Beam version to v2.13.0

[hsuryawirawan] Add BinaryCombineFn Lambda java kata

[hsuryawirawan] Add packages for all Java katas

[hsuryawirawan] Add composite transform Java kata

[hsuryawirawan] Add composite transform Python kata

[hsuryawirawan] Add 'public' modifier to early Task classes

[hsuryawirawan] Rename Tests classes to TaskTest

[hsuryawirawan] Add branching Java kata

[hsuryawirawan] Add branching Python kata

[hsuryawirawan] Add TextIO Read Java kata

[hsuryawirawan] Add the Kata descriptions for Branching and TextIO Read

[hsuryawirawan] Add TextIO ReadFromText Python kata

[hsuryawirawan] Add Kata description from Branching Python kata

[hsuryawirawan] Add Built-in IOs Java kata

[hsuryawirawan] Add Built-in IOs Python kata

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Bugfix: create proper amount of VMs for Flink Dataproc

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7368] Remove deps to external spark config in Flink init action

[hsuryawirawan] Add missing copyright for Python kata "Built-in IOs" test file

[hsuryawirawan] Add rat exclusion for Katas IO txt files

[hsuryawirawan] Removed unused entry in Java kata study_project.xml

[juta.staes] [BEAM-6769] allow read None bytes

[je.ik] [BEAM-7529] Add Sums.ofFloats() and Sums.ofDoubles()

[neville] [BEAM-7533] Fix CoderRegistry for Float

[ehudm] [BEAM-7531] Remove and disallow KMS key setting

[ehudm] Reduce gradle build verbosity

[mxm] [website] Add artifact staging document to design documents

[] [BEAM-7445] Add search field to Beam website

[github] [BEAM-7510] Fixing fileio tests checking JSON serialization (flaky)

[github] Remove Python batch support for Pub/Sub from docs

[kcweaver] [BEAM-7221] portable Spark: timers

[angoenka] [BEAM-7407] Adds portable wordcount test for Python 3 with Flink runner.

[rezarokni] Fixed spaces for author in looping blog. Added twitter handle for

[github] Use for jQuery CDN

[kanterov] Merge pull request #8552: [BEAM-7268] make sorter extension Hadoop-free

[github] Add new proposal to design docs

[github] Documenting and refactoring fn api runner code (#8659)

[valentyn] Read YAML as binary stream in standard_coders_test.

[lcwik] [BEAM-7541] provide runner & filesystem deps for IOIT in runtime

[github] [BEAM-5315] Fix Py3 incompatibility in tfrecordio_test.

[github] Adding helper functions, and documentation to fn_api_runner classes.

[melissapa] [BEAM-7033] Updates for reading with query using BigQuery Storage API

[pekopeko] address github comment

[kcweaver] [BEAM-7553] add portability to Spark webpage

[iemejia] [BEAM-7043] Add DynamoDBIO

[thw] [BEAM-7126] Fix StateRequestHandler type variables to allow for proper

[kamil.wasilewski] [BEAM-7402] Added a performance test for BigQuery IO read

[mxm] [BEAM-7551] Checkpoint Flink's ImpulseSourceFunction

[david.moravek] [BEAM-7561] HdfsFileSystems.match can match a directory.

[kanterov] Merge pull request #8858: [BEAM-7542] Fix faulty cast in BigQueryUtils

[robertwb] Remove unused **kwargs arguments for various transforms.

[lukasz.gajowy] Revert "Merge pull request #8561: [BEAM-6627] Add item and byte counters

[lukasz.gajowy] Revert "Merge pull request #8400: [BEAM-6627] Added byte and item

[hsuryawirawan] Add README files on how to setup the project for both Java and Python

[github] Adding a Link to The Doc for Cost Estimation

[ehudm] [BEAM-6877] Fix trivial_inference for Python 3.x

[millsd] Use StateTags.ID_EQUIVALENCE when using comparing StateTags

[ehudm] Address review comments

[github] Add link to type hints design doc

[iemejia] [BEAM-7450] Support unbounded reads with HCatalogIO

[valentyn] Add Python 3.6, 3.7 to the list of supported version classifiers.

[chamikara] Fixes filesystem_test for Windows.

[github] use https

[mxm] [BEAM-7144] Fix for rescaling problem on Flink >= 1.6

[je.ik] [BEAM-7543] ReduceByKey.combineBy must accept BinaryFunction<V, V, V>

[alireza4263] [BEAM-7513] Implements row estimation for BigQuery.

[aaltay] [BEAM-6777] Let HealthzServlet respond actual health information of SDK

[amaliujia] support Datetime value conversion.

[melissapa] Merge pull request #8836: Add Beam Katas to the website's "Learning

[amaliujia] [BEAM-7461] disalbe flaky tests due to flaky

[github] Revert "[BEAM-7513] Adding Row Count for Bigquery Table"

[ehudm] [BEAM-7579] Use bucket with default key in ITs

[github] [BEAM-7467] Add dependency classifier to published pom (#8868)

[github] Fixing file naming for windows (#8870)

[zyichi] [BEAM-5148] Add MongoDB IO to python sdk

[ehudm] Allow more time for IT pipeline to run

[ehudm] Address review comments

[sniemitz] [BEAM-7507] Avoid more String.format and ByteString.toStringUtf8 in hot

[relax] [BEAM-6674] Add schema support to JdbcIO read (#8725)

[david.moravek] [BEAM-7561] Validate correct directory matching in LocalFileSystemsTest

[owenzhang1990] [BEAM-7467] Do not run gearpump pipeline remotely by default

[je.ik] [BEAM-7543] deprecate old #combineBy(Sums.ofLongs(),

[zyichi] Fix erros in py sdk io utils and add unit tests

[dcavazos] Add common code infrastructure for element-wise snippets

[alireza4263] [BEAM-7513] Adding RowCount to BigQueryTable.

[] [BEAM-5806] Update PubsubIO to be able to change the PubsubClientFactory

[aaltay] [BEAM-6955] Use base version component of Beam Python SDK version when

[kedin] Moving to 2.15.0-SNAPSHOT on master branch.

[dcavazos] Add Python snippet for Filter transform

[dcavazos] Add Python snippet for Map transform

[dcavazos] Add Python snippet for Keys, Values, KvSwap, and ToString transform

[github] [BEAM-7603] Adding support for ValueProvider in Custom GCS Temp Location

[github] Add link to on website portability page

[agoos] [BEAM7597] Fix Typo on website

[github] [BEAM-4046, BEAM-7307] revert PR 8581, migrate jenkins tests to use

[lukecwik] Make PubsubIO#withCoderAndParseFn public (#8879)

[ttanay100] Add to docstring of advance_watermark_to_infinity

[mxm] Fixed typo and removed whitespace

[github] Add a timeout to urlopen calls

[dcavazos] Add Python snippet for FlatMap transform

[aaltay] [Beam-6696] GroupIntoBatches transform for Python SDK (#8914)

[gunnar.schulze] [BEAM-7572] ApproximateUnique.Globally and ApproximateUnique.PerKey

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-7307] Fix load tests failures due to mistakes in PR 8881

[aryan.naraghi] Implement splitAtFraction for the BigQuery Storage API

[github] Drop experimental from python streaming in the doc

[markliu] [BEAM-7598] Do not build Python tar file in

[dcavazos] Add Python snippet for ParDo transform

[aaltay] BEAM-7141: add key value timer callback (#8739)

[iemejia] [BEAM-7606] Fix JDBC time conversion tests

[robertwb] Update portable schema representation and java SchemaTranslation (#8853)

[juta.staes] [BEAM-7326] add documentation bigquery data types

[juta.staes] [BEAM-5315] improve test coverage bigquery special chars

[lcwik] [BEAM-4948, BEAM-6267, BEAM-5559, BEAM-7289] Update the version of guava

[aaltay] [BEAM-7475] update wordcount example (#8803)

[github] [BEAM-7013] Add HLL doc link to Beam website

[heejong] [BEAM-7424] Retry HTTP 429 errors from GCS

[markliu] [BEAM-4046, BEAM-7527] Fix benchmark with correct Gradle project

[zyichi] [BEAM-7586] Add Integration test for python mongodb io

[valentyn] Match Python 3 warning message in with the one in

[kedin] Spotless config update to include java files only under src directory

[chamikara] [BEAM-7548] fix flaky tests for ApproximateUnique (#8948)

[samuelw] [BEAM-7547] Avoid WindmillStateCache cache hits for stale work.

[iemejia] [BEAM-7640] Create amazon-web-services2 module and AwsOptions

[alireza4263] [BEAM-7545] Adding RowCount to TextTable.

[kcweaver] [BEAM-6692] portable Spark: reshuffle translation

[chamikara] [BEAM-7548] Fix flaky tests for ApproximateUnique (#8960)

[iemejia] [BEAM-7589] Use only one KinesisProducer instance per JVM

[iemejia] [BEAM-7589] Make KinesisIOIT compatible with all other ITs

[daniel.o.programmer] Update python containers to beam-master-20190605

[hannahjiang] BEAM-3645 add ParallelBundleProcessor

[hannahjiang] BEAM-3645 reflect comments

[hannahjiang] BEAM-3645 add changes from review comments

[hannahjiang] BEAM-3645 add thread lock when generating process_bundle_id

[github] Tiny typo fix

[kamil.wasilewski] [BEAM-7536] Fixed BQ dataset name in collecting Load Tests metrics

[kamil.wasilewski] [BEAM-7504] Added top_count parameter

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-4420] Allow connecting to zookeeper using external ip

[kamil.wasilewski] [BEAM-7504] Create Combine Python Load Test Jenkins job

[iemejia] [BEAM-7640] Rename the package name for amazon-web-services2 from aws to

[lukasz.gajowy] [BEAM-4420] Add KafkaIO integration test pipeline

[...truncated 146.34 KB...]
            "label": "Transform Function", 
            "namespace": "apache_beam.transforms.core.ParDo", 
            "shortValue": "CallableWrapperDoFn", 
            "type": "STRING", 
            "value": "apache_beam.transforms.core.CallableWrapperDoFn"
        "non_parallel_inputs": {
          "side0-Combine with Top 0/InjectDefault": {
            "@type": "OutputReference", 
            "output_name": "out", 
            "step_name": "SideInput-s8"
        "output_info": [
            "encoding": {
              "@type": "kind:windowed_value", 
              "component_encodings": [
                  "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                  "component_encodings": [
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                  "is_pair_like": true
                  "@type": "kind:global_window"
              "is_wrapper": true
            "output_name": "out", 
            "user_name": "Combine with Top 0/InjectDefault.out"
        "parallel_input": {
          "@type": "OutputReference", 
          "output_name": "out", 
          "step_name": "s7"
        "serialized_fn": "<string of 1824 bytes>", 
        "user_name": "Combine with Top 0/InjectDefault/InjectDefault"
      "kind": "ParallelDo", 
      "name": "s10", 
      "properties": {
        "display_data": [
            "key": "fn", 
            "label": "Transform Function", 
            "namespace": "apache_beam.transforms.core.ParDo", 
            "shortValue": "_GetElement", 
            "type": "STRING", 
            "value": "apache_beam.testing.load_tests.combine_test._GetElement"
        "non_parallel_inputs": {}, 
        "output_info": [
            "encoding": {
              "@type": "kind:windowed_value", 
              "component_encodings": [
                  "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                  "component_encodings": [
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                  "is_pair_like": true
                  "@type": "kind:global_window"
              "is_wrapper": true
            "output_name": "out", 
            "user_name": "Consume 0.out"
        "parallel_input": {
          "@type": "OutputReference", 
          "output_name": "out", 
          "step_name": "s9"
        "serialized_fn": "<string of 432 bytes>", 
        "user_name": "Consume 0"
      "kind": "ParallelDo", 
      "name": "s11", 
      "properties": {
        "display_data": [
            "key": "fn", 
            "label": "Transform Function", 
            "namespace": "apache_beam.transforms.core.ParDo", 
            "shortValue": "MeasureTime", 
            "type": "STRING", 
            "value": "apache_beam.testing.load_tests.load_test_metrics_utils.MeasureTime"
        "non_parallel_inputs": {}, 
        "output_info": [
            "encoding": {
              "@type": "kind:windowed_value", 
              "component_encodings": [
                  "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                  "component_encodings": [
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                      "@type": "FastPrimitivesCoder$eNprYEpOLEhMzkiNT0pNzNVLzk9JLSqGUlxuicUlAUWZuZklmWWpxc4gQa5CBs3GQsbaQqZQ/vi0xJycpMTk7Hiw+kJmPEYFZCZn56RCjWABGsFaW8iWVJykBwDlGS3/", 
                      "component_encodings": []
                  "is_pair_like": true
                  "@type": "kind:global_window"
              "is_wrapper": true
            "output_name": "out", 
            "user_name": "Measure time: End 0.out"
        "parallel_input": {
          "@type": "OutputReference", 
          "output_name": "out", 
          "step_name": "s10"
        "serialized_fn": "<string of 504 bytes>", 
        "user_name": "Measure time: End 0"
  "type": "JOB_TYPE_BATCH"
root: INFO: Create job: <Job
 createTime: u'2019-07-03T15:50:41.015150Z'
 currentStateTime: u'1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
 id: u'2019-07-03_08_50_39-5054764375871059839'
 location: u'us-central1'
 name: u'load-tests-python-dataflow-batch-combine-3-0703150146'
 projectId: u'apache-beam-testing'
 stageStates: []
 startTime: u'2019-07-03T15:50:41.015150Z'
 steps: []
 tempFiles: []
 type: TypeValueValuesEnum(JOB_TYPE_BATCH, 1)>
root: INFO: Created job with id: [2019-07-03_08_50_39-5054764375871059839]
root: INFO: To access the Dataflow monitoring console, please navigate to
root: INFO: Job 2019-07-03_08_50_39-5054764375871059839 is in state JOB_STATE_PENDING
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:39.993Z: JOB_MESSAGE_WARNING: The requested max number of workers (5) is ignored as autoscaling is explicitly disabled (autoscalingAlgorithm=NONE).
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:43.643Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Checking permissions granted to controller Service Account.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:44.130Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Worker configuration: n1-standard-1 in us-central1-a.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:44.794Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Expanding CoGroupByKey operations into optimizable parts.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:44.836Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Expanding GroupByKey operations into optimizable parts.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:44.879Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Lifting ValueCombiningMappingFns into MergeBucketsMappingFns
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:44.979Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Annotating graph with Autotuner information.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.044Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing adjacent ParDo, Read, Write, and Flatten operations
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.090Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: Start into Read
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.129Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Partial into Combine with Top 0/KeyWithVoid
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.182Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Extract into Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.241Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine into Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Read
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.282Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/KeyWithVoid into Measure time: Start
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.333Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Write into Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Reify
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.378Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Reify into Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Partial
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.425Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/UnKey into Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Extract
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.477Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Measure time: End 0 into Consume 0
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.533Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Consume 0 into Combine with Top 0/InjectDefault/InjectDefault
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.581Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Fusing consumer Combine with Top 0/InjectDefault/InjectDefault into Combine with Top 0/DoOnce/Read
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.623Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Workflow config is missing a default resource spec.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.674Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Adding StepResource setup and teardown to workflow graph.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.716Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Adding workflow start and stop steps.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.757Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Assigning stage ids.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:45.983Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Executing wait step start23
root: INFO: Job 2019-07-03_08_50_39-5054764375871059839 is in state JOB_STATE_RUNNING
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:46.111Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Create
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:46.183Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Starting worker pool setup.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:46.233Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Starting 5 workers in us-central1-a...
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:46.303Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Finished operation Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Create
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:46.414Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DEBUG: Value "Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Session" materialized.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:50:46.525Z: JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC: Executing operation Read+Measure time: Start+Combine with Top 0/KeyWithVoid+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/Combine/Partial+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Reify+Combine with Top 0/CombinePerKey/GroupByKey/Write
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:51:49.574Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Raised the number of workers to 4 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:51:49.612Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Resized worker pool to 4, though goal was 5.  This could be a quota issue.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:51:54.897Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Raised the number of workers to 5 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:52:06.737Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Workers have started successfully.
root: INFO: 2019-07-03T15:52:06.814Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Workers have started successfully.
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

XML: <>
Ran 1 test in 137.115s

FAILED (errors=1)

> Task :sdks:python:apache_beam:testing:load_tests:run FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file '<'> line: 49

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:python:apache_beam:testing:load_tests:run'.
> error occurred

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 6.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 2m 27s
4 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 1 up-to-date

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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