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[36/42] jena git commit: Merge commit 'refs/pull/143/head' of
diff --cc jena-arq/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/query/
index e096688,e096688..b6d7460
--- a/jena-arq/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/query/
+++ b/jena-arq/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/query/
@@@ -1,1710 -1,1710 +1,1710 @@@
-- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-- * distributed with this work for additional information
-- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- *
-- *
-- *
-- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- * limitations under the License.
-- */
--package org.apache.jena.query;
--import java.util.ArrayList;
--import java.util.Calendar;
--import java.util.Collections;
--import java.util.HashMap;
--import java.util.Iterator;
--import java.util.List;
--import java.util.Map;
--import java.util.Map.Entry;
--import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
--import java.util.regex.Matcher;
--import java.util.regex.Pattern;
--import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Pair;
--import org.apache.jena.datatypes.RDFDatatype ;
--import org.apache.jena.graph.Node ;
--import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory ;
--import org.apache.jena.iri.IRI;
--import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal ;
--import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model ;
--import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory ;
--import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode ;
--import org.apache.jena.shared.PrefixMapping ;
--import org.apache.jena.shared.impl.PrefixMappingImpl ;
--import org.apache.jena.sparql.ARQException ;
--import org.apache.jena.sparql.serializer.SerializationContext ;
--import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.FmtUtils ;
--import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.NodeFactoryExtra ;
--import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateFactory ;
--import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateRequest ;
-- * <p>
-- * A Parameterized SPARQL String is a SPARQL query/update into which values may
-- * be injected.
-- * </p>
-- * <h3>Injecting Values</h3>
-- * <p>
-- * Values may be injected in several ways:
-- * </p>
-- * <ul>
-- * <li>By treating a variable in the SPARQL string as a parameter</li>
-- * <li>Using JDBC style positional parameters</li>
-- * <li>Appending values directly to the command text being built</li>
-- * </ul>
-- * <h4>Variable Parameters</h3>
-- * <p>
-- * Any variable in the command may have a value injected to it, injecting a
-- * value replaces all usages of that variable in the command i.e. substitutes
-- * the variable for a constant, injection is done by textual substitution.
-- * </p> <h4>Positional Parameters</h4>
-- * <p>
-- * You can use JDBC style positional parameters if you prefer, a JDBC style
-- * parameter is a single {@code ?} followed by whitespace or certain punctuation
-- * characters (currently {@code ; , .}). Positional parameters have a unique
-- * index which reflects the order in which they appear in the string. Positional
-- * parameters use a zero based index.
-- * </p>
-- * <h4>Buffer Usage</h3> </p> Additionally you may use this purely as a
-- * {@link StringBuffer} replacement for creating queries since it provides a
-- * large variety of convenience methods for appending things either as-is or as
-- * nodes (which causes appropriate formatting to be applied). </p>
-- * <h3>Intended Usage</h3>
-- * <p>
-- * The intended usage of this is where using a {@link QuerySolutionMap} as
-- * initial bindings is either inappropriate or not possible e.g.
-- * </p>
-- * <ul>
-- * <li>Generating query/update strings in code without lots of error prone and
-- * messy string concatenation</li>
-- * <li>Preparing a query/update for remote execution</li>
-- * <li>Where you do not want to simply say some variable should have a certain
-- * value but rather wish to insert constants into the query/update in place of
-- * variables</li>
-- * <li>Defending against SPARQL injection when creating a query/update using
-- * some external input, see SPARQL Injection notes for limitations.</li>
-- * <li>Provide a more convenient way to prepend common prefixes to your query</li>
-- * </ul>
-- * <p>
-- * This class is useful for preparing both queries and updates hence the generic
-- * name as it provides programmatic ways to replace variables in the query with
-- * constants and to add prefix and base declarations. A {@link Query} or
-- * {@link UpdateRequest} can be created using the {@link #asQuery()} and
-- * {@link #asUpdate()} methods assuming the command an instance represents is
-- * actually valid as a query/update.
-- * </p>
-- * <h3>Warnings</h3>
-- * <ol>
-- * <li>Note that this class does not in any way check that your command is
-- * syntactically correct until such time as you try and parse it as a
-- * {@link Query} or {@link UpdateRequest}.</li>
-- * <li>Also note that injection is done purely based on textual replacement, it
-- * does not understand or respect variable scope in any way. For example if your
-- * command text contains sub queries you should ensure that variables within the
-- * sub query which you don't want replaced have distinct names from those in the
-- * outer query you do want replaced (or vice versa)</li>
-- * </ol>
-- * <h3>SPARQL Injection Notes</h3>
-- * <p>
-- * While this class was in part designed to prevent SPARQL injection it is by no
-- * means foolproof because it works purely at the textual level. The current
-- * version of the code addresses some possible attack vectors that the
-- * developers have identified but we do not claim to be sufficiently devious to
-- * have thought of and prevented every possible attack vector.
-- * </p>
-- * <p>
-- * Therefore we <strong>strongly</strong> recommend that users concerned about
-- * SPARQL Injection attacks perform their own validation on provided parameters
-- * and test their use of this class themselves prior to its use in any security
-- * conscious deployment. We also recommend that users do not use easily
-- * guess-able variable names for their parameters as these can allow a chained
-- * injection attack though generally speaking the code should prevent these.
-- * </p>
-- */
--public class ParameterizedSparqlString implements PrefixMapping {
--    private Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
--    private StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder();
--    private String baseUri;
--    private Map<String, Node> params = new HashMap<>();
--    private Map<Integer, Node> positionalParams = new HashMap<>();
--    private PrefixMapping prefixes;
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Raw Command Text
--     * @param map
--     *            Initial Parameters to inject
--     * @param base
--     *            Base URI
--     * @param prefixes
--     *            Prefix Mapping
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, QuerySolutionMap map, String base, PrefixMapping prefixes) {
--        if (command != null)
--            this.cmd.append(command);
--        this.setParams(map);
--        this.baseUri = (base != null && !base.equals("") ? base : null);
--        this.prefixes = new PrefixMappingImpl();
--        if (prefixes != null)
--            this.prefixes.setNsPrefixes(prefixes);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Raw Command Text
--     * @param map
--     *            Initial Parameters to inject
--     * @param base
--     *            Base URI
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, QuerySolutionMap map, String base) {
--        this(command, map, base, null);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Raw Command Text
--     * @param map
--     *            Initial Parameters to inject
--     * @param prefixes
--     *            Prefix Mapping
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, QuerySolutionMap map, PrefixMapping prefixes) {
--        this(command, map, null, prefixes);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Raw Command Text
--     * @param map
--     *            Initial Parameters to inject
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, QuerySolutionMap map) {
--        this(command, map, null, null);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Raw Command Text
--     * @param base
--     *            Base URI
--     * @param prefixes
--     *            Prefix Mapping
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, String base, PrefixMapping prefixes) {
--        this(command, null, base, prefixes);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Raw Command Text
--     * @param prefixes
--     *            Prefix Mapping
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, PrefixMapping prefixes) {
--        this(command, null, null, prefixes);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Raw Command Text
--     * @param base
--     *            Base URI
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, String base) {
--        this(command, null, base, null);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Raw Command Text
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command) {
--        this(command, null, null, null);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param map
--     *            Initial Parameters to inject
--     * @param prefixes
--     *            Prefix Mapping
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(QuerySolutionMap map, PrefixMapping prefixes) {
--        this(null, map, null, prefixes);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param map
--     *            Initial Parameters to inject
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(QuerySolutionMap map) {
--        this(null, map, null, null);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @param prefixes
--     *            Prefix Mapping
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString(PrefixMapping prefixes) {
--        this(null, null, null, prefixes);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Creates a new parameterized string with an empty command text
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString() {
--        this("", null, null, null);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets the command text, overwriting any existing command text. If you want
--     * to append to the command text use one of the {@link #append(String)},
--     * {@link #appendIri(String)}, {@link #appendLiteral(String)} or
--     * {@link #appendNode(Node)} methods instead
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Command Text
--     */
--    public void setCommandText(String command) {
--        this.cmd = new StringBuilder();
--        this.cmd.append(command);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends some text as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
--     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
--     * {@link #appendLiteral(String)} or {@link #appendIri(String)} method as
--     * appropriate
--     * 
--     * @param text
--     *            Text to append
--     */
--    public void append(String text) {
--        this.cmd.append(text);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a character as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
--     * formatting when used as a constant consider using one of the
--     * {@code appendLiteral()} methods
--     * 
--     * @param c
--     *            Character to append
--     */
--    public void append(char c) {
--        this.cmd.append(c);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a boolean as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
--     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
--     * {@link #appendLiteral(boolean)} method
--     * 
--     * @param b
--     *            Boolean to append
--     */
--    public void append(boolean b) {
--        this.cmd.append(b);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a double as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
--     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
--     * {@link #appendLiteral(double)} method
--     * 
--     * @param d
--     *            Double to append
--     */
--    public void append(double d) {
--        this.cmd.append(d);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a float as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
--     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
--     * {@link #appendLiteral(float)} method
--     * 
--     * @param f
--     *            Float to append
--     */
--    public void append(float f) {
--        this.cmd.append(f);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends an integer as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
--     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
--     * {@link #appendLiteral(int)} method
--     * 
--     * @param i
--     *            Integer to append
--     */
--    public void append(int i) {
--        this.cmd.append(i);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a long as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
--     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
--     * {@link #appendLiteral(long)} method
--     * 
--     * @param l
--     *            Long to append
--     */
--    public void append(long l) {
--        this.cmd.append(l);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends an object as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
--     * formatting when used as a constant consider converting into a more
--     * specific type and using the appropriate {@code appendLiteral()},
--     * {@code appendIri()} or {@code appendNode} methods
--     * 
--     * @param obj
--     *            Object to append
--     */
--    public void append(Object obj) {
--        this.cmd.append(obj);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a Node to the command text as a constant using appropriate
--     * formatting
--     * 
--     * @param n
--     *            Node to append
--     */
--    public void appendNode(Node n) {
--        SerializationContext context = new SerializationContext(this.prefixes);
--        context.setBaseIRI(this.baseUri);
--        this.cmd.append(this.stringForNode(n, context));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a Node to the command text as a constant using appropriate
--     * formatting
--     * 
--     * @param n
--     *            Node to append
--     */
--    public void appendNode(RDFNode n) {
--        this.appendNode(n.asNode());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a URI to the command text as a constant using appropriate
--     * formatting
--     * 
--     * @param uri
--     *            URI to append
--     */
--    public void appendIri(String uri) {
--        this.appendNode(NodeFactory.createURI(uri));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends an IRI to the command text as a constant using appropriate
--     * formatting
--     * 
--     * @param iri
--     *            IRI to append
--     */
--    public void appendIri(IRI iri) {
--        this.appendNode(NodeFactory.createURI(iri.toString()));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a simple literal as a constant using appropriate formatting
--     * 
--     * @param value
--     *            Lexical Value
--     */
--    public void appendLiteral(String value) {
--        this.appendNode(NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, null, null));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a literal with a lexical value and language to the command text
--     * as a constant using appropriate formatting
--     * 
--     * @param value
--     *            Lexical Value
--     * @param lang
--     *            Language
--     */
--    public void appendLiteral(String value, String lang) {
--        this.appendNode(NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, lang, null));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a Typed Literal to the command text as a constant using
--     * appropriate formatting
--     * 
--     * @param value
--     *            Lexical Value
--     * @param datatype
--     *            Datatype
--     */
--    public void appendLiteral(String value, RDFDatatype datatype) {
--        this.appendNode(NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, null, datatype.getURI()));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a boolean to the command text as a constant using appropriate
--     * formatting
--     * 
--     * @param b
--     *            Boolean to append
--     */
--    public void appendLiteral(boolean b) {
--        this.appendNode(this.model.createTypedLiteral(b));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends an integer to the command text as a constant using appropriate
--     * formatting
--     * 
--     * @param i
--     *            Integer to append
--     */
--    public void appendLiteral(int i) {
--        this.appendNode(NodeFactoryExtra.intToNode(i));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a long to the command text as a constant using appropriate
--     * formatting
--     * 
--     * @param l
--     *            Long to append
--     */
--    public void appendLiteral(long l) {
--        this.appendNode(NodeFactoryExtra.intToNode(l));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a float to the command text as a constant using appropriate
--     * formatting
--     * 
--     * @param f
--     *            Float to append
--     */
--    public void appendLiteral(float f) {
--        this.appendNode(this.model.createTypedLiteral(f));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a double to the command text as a constant using appropriate
--     * formatting
--     * 
--     * @param d
--     *            Double to append
--     */
--    public void appendLiteral(double d) {
--        this.appendNode(this.model.createTypedLiteral(d));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Appends a date time to the command text as a constant using appropriate
--     * formatting
--     * 
--     * @param dt
--     *            Date Time to append
--     */
--    public void appendLiteral(Calendar dt) {
--        this.appendNode(this.model.createTypedLiteral(dt));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Gets the basic Command Text
--     * <p>
--     * <strong>Note:</strong> This will not reflect any injected parameters, to
--     * see the command with injected parameters invoke the {@link #toString()}
--     * method
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @return Command Text
--     */
--    public String getCommandText() {
--        return this.cmd.toString();
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets the Base URI which will be prepended to the query/update
--     * 
--     * @param base
--     *            Base URI
--     */
--    public void setBaseUri(String base) {
--        this.baseUri = base;
--    }
--    /**
--     * Gets the Base URI which will be prepended to a query
--     * 
--     * @return Base URI
--     */
--    public String getBaseUri() {
--        return this.baseUri;
--    }
--    /**
--     * Helper method which does the validation of the parameters
--     * 
--     * @param n
--     *            Node
--     */
--    protected void validateParameterValue(Node n) {
--        if (n.isURI()) {
--            if (n.getURI().contains(">"))
--                throw new ARQException("Value for the parameter contains a SPARQL injection risk");
--        }
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets the Parameters
--     * 
--     * @param map
--     *            Parameters
--     */
--    public void setParams(QuerySolutionMap map) {
--        if (map != null) {
--            Iterator<String> iter = map.varNames();
--            while (iter.hasNext()) {
--                String var =;
--                this.setParam(var, map.get(var).asNode());
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a Positional Parameter
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param n
--     *            Node
--     */
--    public void setParam(int index, Node n) {
--        if (index < 0)
--            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
--        if (n != null) {
--            this.validateParameterValue(n);
--            this.positionalParams.put(index, n);
--        } else {
--            this.positionalParams.remove(index);
--        }
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param n
--     *            Value
--     * 
--     */
--    public void setParam(String var, Node n) {
--        if (var == null)
--            throw new IllegalArgumentException("var cannot be null");
--        if (var.startsWith("?") || var.startsWith("$"))
--            var = var.substring(1);
--        if (n != null) {
--            this.validateParameterValue(n);
--            this.params.put(var, n);
--        } else {
--            this.params.remove(var);
--        }
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param n
--     *            Node
--     */
--    public void setParam(int index, RDFNode n) {
--        this.setParam(index, n.asNode());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param n
--     *            Value
--     */
--    public void setParam(String var, RDFNode n) {
--        this.setParam(var, n.asNode());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to an IRI
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param iri
--     *            IRI
--     */
--    public void setIri(int index, String iri) {
--        this.setParam(index, NodeFactory.createURI(iri));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to an IRI
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param iri
--     *            IRI
--     */
--    public void setIri(String var, String iri) {
--        this.setParam(var, NodeFactory.createURI(iri));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to an IRI
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param iri
--     *            IRI
--     */
--    public void setIri(int index, IRI iri) {
--        this.setIri(index, iri.toString());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to an IRI
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param iri
--     *            IRI
--     */
--    public void setIri(String var, IRI iri) {
--        this.setIri(var, iri.toString());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to an IRI
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param url
--     *            URL
--     */
--    public void setIri(int index, URL url) {
--        this.setIri(index, url.toString());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to an IRI
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param url
--     *            URL used as IRI
--     * 
--     */
--    public void setIri(String var, URL url) {
--        this.setIri(var, url.toString());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to a Literal
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param lit
--     *            Value
--     * 
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(int index, Literal lit) {
--        this.setParam(index, lit.asNode());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to a Literal
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param lit
--     *            Value
--     * 
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(String var, Literal lit) {
--        this.setParam(var, lit.asNode());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to a literal
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param value
--     *            Lexical Value
--     * 
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(int index, String value) {
--        this.setParam(index, NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, null, null));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to a literal
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param value
--     *            Lexical Value
--     * 
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(String var, String value) {
--        this.setParam(var, NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, null, null));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to a literal with a language
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional index
--     * @param value
--     *            Lexical Value
--     * @param lang
--     *            Language
--     * 
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(int index, String value, String lang) {
--        this.setParam(index, NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, lang, null));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to a literal with a language
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param value
--     *            Lexical Value
--     * @param lang
--     *            Language
--     * 
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(String var, String value, String lang) {
--        this.setParam(var, NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, lang, null));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional arameter to a typed literal
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param value
--     *            Lexical Value
--     * @param datatype
--     *            Datatype
--     * 
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(int index, String value, RDFDatatype datatype) {
--        this.setParam(index, this.model.createTypedLiteral(value, datatype));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to a typed literal
--     * <p>
--     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
--     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param value
--     *            Lexical Value
--     * @param datatype
--     *            Datatype
--     * 
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(String var, String value, RDFDatatype datatype) {
--        this.setParam(var, this.model.createTypedLiteral(value, datatype));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to a boolean literal
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param value
--     *            boolean
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(int index, boolean value) {
--        this.setParam(index, this.model.createTypedLiteral(value));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to a boolean literal
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param value
--     *            boolean
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(String var, boolean value) {
--        this.setParam(var, this.model.createTypedLiteral(value));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to an integer literal
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param i
--     *            Integer Value
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(int index, int i) {
--        this.setParam(index, NodeFactoryExtra.intToNode(i));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to an integer literal
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param i
--     *            Integer Value
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(String var, int i) {
--        this.setParam(var, NodeFactoryExtra.intToNode(i));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to an integer literal
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param l
--     *            Integer Value
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(int index, long l) {
--        this.setParam(index, NodeFactoryExtra.intToNode(l));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to an integer literal
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param l
--     *            Integer Value
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(String var, long l) {
--        this.setParam(var, NodeFactoryExtra.intToNode(l));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to a float literal
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param f
--     *            Float value
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(int index, float f) {
--        this.setParam(index, NodeFactoryExtra.floatToNode(f));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to a float literal
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param f
--     *            Float value
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(String var, float f) {
--        this.setParam(var, NodeFactoryExtra.floatToNode(f));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to a double literal
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param d
--     *            Double value
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(int index, double d) {
--        this.setParam(index, this.model.createTypedLiteral(d));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to a double literal
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param d
--     *            Double value
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(String var, double d) {
--        this.setParam(var, this.model.createTypedLiteral(d));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a positional parameter to a date time literal
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @param dt
--     *            Date Time value
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(int index, Calendar dt) {
--        this.setParam(index, this.model.createTypedLiteral(dt));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Sets a variable parameter to a date time literal
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param dt
--     *            Date Time value
--     */
--    public void setLiteral(String var, Calendar dt) {
--        this.setParam(var, this.model.createTypedLiteral(dt));
--    }
--    /**
--     * Gets the current value for a variable parameter
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @return Current value or null if not set
--     */
--    public Node getParam(String var) {
--        return this.params.get(var);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Gets the current value for a positional parameter
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     * @return Current value or null if not set
--     */
--    public Node getParam(int index) {
--        return this.positionalParams.get(index);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Gets the variable names which are currently treated as variable
--     * parameters (i.e. have values set for them)
--     * 
--     * @return Iterator of variable names
--     */
--    @Deprecated
--    public Iterator<String> getVars() {
--        return this.params.keySet().iterator();
--    }
--    /**
--     * Gets the map of currently set variable parameters, this will be an
--     * unmodifiable map
--     * 
--     * @return Map of variable names and values
--     */
--    public Map<String, Node> getVariableParameters() {
--        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.params);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Gets the map of currently set positional parameters, this will be an
--     * unmodifiable map
--     * 
--     * @return Map of positional indexes and values
--     */
--    public Map<Integer, Node> getPositionalParameters() {
--        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.positionalParams);
--    }
--    // TODO: Detecting eligible variable parameters
--    // public Iterator<String> getEligibleVariableParameters() {
--    //
--    // }
--    /**
--     * Gets the eligible positional parameters i.e. detected positional
--     * parameters that may be set in the command string as it currently stands
--     * 
--     * @return Iterator of eligible positional parameters
--     */
--    public Iterator<Integer> getEligiblePositionalParameters() {
--        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\?)[\\s;,.]");
--        List<Integer> positions = new ArrayList<>();
--        int index = 0;
--        Matcher matcher = p.matcher(this.cmd.toString());
--        while (matcher.find()) {
--            positions.add(index);
--            index++;
--        }
--        return positions.iterator();
--    }
--    /**
--     * Clears the value for a variable parameter so the given variable will not
--     * have a value injected
--     * 
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     */
--    public void clearParam(String var) {
--        this.params.remove(var);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Clears the value for a positional parameter
--     * 
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional Index
--     */
--    public void clearParam(int index) {
--        this.positionalParams.remove(index);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Clears all values for both variable and positional parameters
--     */
--    public void clearParams() {
--        this.params.clear();
--        this.positionalParams.clear();
--    }
--    /**
--     * Helper method which checks whether it is safe to inject to a variable
--     * parameter the given value
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Current command string
--     * @param var
--     *            Variable
--     * @param n
--     *            Value to inject
--     * @throws ARQException
--     *             Thrown if not safe to inject, error message will describe why
--     *             it is unsafe to inject
--     */
--    protected void validateSafeToInject(String command, String var, Node n) throws ARQException {
--        // Looks for the known injection attack vectors and throws an error if
--        // any are encountered
--        // A ?var surrounded by " or ' where the variable is a literal is an
--        // attack vector
--        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\"[?$]" + var + "\"|'[?$]" + var + "'");
--        if (p.matcher(command).find() && n.isLiteral()) {
--            throw new ARQException(
--                    "Command string is vunerable to injection attack, variable ?"
--                            + var
--                            + " appears surrounded directly by quotes and is bound to a literal which provides a SPARQL injection attack vector");
--        }
--        // Parse out delimiter info
--        DelimiterInfo delims = this.findDelimiters(command);
--        // Check each occurrence of the variable for safety
--        p = Pattern.compile("([?$]" + var + ")([^\\w]|$)");
--        Matcher matcher = p.matcher(command);
--        while (matcher.find()) {
--            MatchResult posMatch = matcher.toMatchResult();
--            if (n.isLiteral()) {
--                if (delims.isInsideLiteral(posMatch.start(1), posMatch.end(1))) {
--                    throw new ARQException(
--                            "Command string is vunerable to injection attack, variable ?"
--                                    + var
--                                    + " appears inside of a literal and is bound to a literal which provides a SPARQL injection attack vector");
--                }
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    /**
--     * Helper method which checks whether it is safe to inject to a positional
--     * parameter the given value
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Current command string
--     * @param index
--     *            Positional parameter index
--     * @param position
--     *            Position within the command string at which the positional
--     *            parameter occurs
--     * @param n
--     *            Value to inject
--     * @throws ARQException
--     *             Thrown if not safe to inject, error message will describe why
--     *             it is unsafe to inject
--     */
--    protected void validateSafeToInject(String command, int index, int position, Node n) throws ARQException {
--        // Parse out delimiter info
--        DelimiterInfo delims = this.findDelimiters(command);
--        // Check each occurrence of the variable for safety
--        if (n.isLiteral()) {
--            if (delims.isInsideLiteral(position, position)) {
--                throw new ARQException(
--                        "Command string is vunerable to injection attack, a positional paramter (index "
--                                + index
--                                + ") appears inside of a literal and is bound to a literal which provides a SPARQL injection attack vector");
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    /**
--     * Helper method which does light parsing on the command string to find the
--     * position of all relevant delimiters
--     * 
--     * @param command
--     *            Command String
--     * @return DelimiterInfo
--     */
--    protected final DelimiterInfo findDelimiters(String command) {
--        DelimiterInfo delims = new DelimiterInfo();
--        delims.parseFrom(command);
--        return delims;
--    }
--    protected final String stringForNode(Node n, SerializationContext context) {
--        String str = FmtUtils.stringForNode(n, context);
--        if (n.isLiteral() && str.contains("'")) {
--            // Should escape ' to avoid a possible injection vulnerability
--            str = str.replace("'", "\\'");
--        }
--        return str;
--    }
--    /**
--     * <p>
--     * This method is where the actual work happens, the original command text
--     * is always preserved and we just generated a temporary command string by
--     * prepending the defined Base URI and namespace prefixes at the start of
--     * the command and injecting the set parameters into a copy of that base
--     * command string and return the resulting command.
--     * </p>
--     * <p>
--     * This class makes no guarantees about the validity of the returned string
--     * for use as a SPARQL Query or Update, for example if a variable parameter
--     * was injected which was mentioned in the SELECT variables list you'd have
--     * a syntax error when you try to parse the query. If you run into issues
--     * like this try using a mixture of variable and positional parameters.
--     * </p>
--     * 
--     * @throws ARQException
--     *             May be thrown if the code detects a SPARQL Injection
--     *             vulnerability because of the interaction of the command
--     *             string and the injected variables
--     */
--    @Override
--    public String toString() {
--        String command = this.cmd.toString();
--        Pattern p;
--        // Go ahead and inject Variable Parameters
--        SerializationContext context = new SerializationContext(this.prefixes);
--        context.setBaseIRI(this.baseUri);
--        for (String var : this.params.keySet()) {
--            Node n = this.params.get(var);
--            if (n == null) {
--                continue;
--            }
--            this.validateSafeToInject(command, var, n);
--            p = Pattern.compile("([?$]" + var + ")([^\\w]|$)");
--            command = p.matcher(command).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement(this.stringForNode(n, context)) + "$2");
--        }
--        // Then inject Positional Parameters
--        // To do this we need to find the ? we will replace
--        p = Pattern.compile("(\\?)[\\s;,.]");
--        int index = -1;
--        int adj = 0;
--        Matcher matcher = p.matcher(command);
--        while (matcher.find()) {
--            index++;
--            MatchResult posMatch = matcher.toMatchResult();
--            Node n = this.positionalParams.get(index);
--            if (n == null)
--                continue;
--            this.validateSafeToInject(command, index, posMatch.start(1) + adj, n);
--            String nodeStr = this.stringForNode(n, context);
--            command = command.substring(0, posMatch.start() + adj) + nodeStr
--                    + command.substring(posMatch.start() + adj + 1);
--            // Because we are using a matcher over the string state prior to
--            // starting replacements we need to
--            // track the offset adjustments to make
--            adj += nodeStr.length() - 1;
--        }
--        // Build the final command string
--        StringBuilder finalCmd = new StringBuilder();
--        // Add BASE declaration
--        if (this.baseUri != null) {
--            finalCmd.append("BASE ");
--            finalCmd.append(FmtUtils.stringForURI(this.baseUri, null, null));
--            finalCmd.append('\n');
--        }
--        // Then pre-pend prefixes
--        for (String prefix : this.prefixes.getNsPrefixMap().keySet()) {
--            finalCmd.append("PREFIX ");
--            finalCmd.append(prefix);
--            finalCmd.append(": ");
--            finalCmd.append(FmtUtils.stringForURI(this.prefixes.getNsPrefixURI(prefix), null, null));
--            finalCmd.append('\n');
--        }
--        finalCmd.append(command);
--        return finalCmd.toString();
--    }
--    /**
--     * Attempts to take the command text with parameters injected from the
--     * {@link #toString()} method and parse it as a {@link Query}
--     * 
--     * @return Query if the command text is a valid SPARQL query
--     * @exception QueryException
--     *                Thrown if the command text does not parse
--     */
--    public Query asQuery() throws QueryException {
--        return QueryFactory.create(this.toString());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Attempts to take the command text with parameters injected from the
--     * {@link #toString()} method and parse it as a {@link UpdateRequest}
--     * 
--     * @return Update if the command text is a valid SPARQL Update request
--     *         (one/more update commands)
--     */
--    public UpdateRequest asUpdate() {
--        return UpdateFactory.create(this.toString());
--    }
--    /**
--     * Makes a full copy of this parameterized string
--     * 
--     * @return Copy of the string
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString copy() {
--        return this.copy(true, true, true);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Makes a copy of the command text, base URI and prefix mapping and
--     * optionally copies parameter values
--     * 
--     * @param copyParams
--     *            Whether to copy parameters
--     * @return Copy of the string
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString copy(boolean copyParams) {
--        return this.copy(copyParams, true, true);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Makes a copy of the command text and optionally copies other aspects
--     * 
--     * @param copyParams
--     *            Whether to copy parameters
--     * @param copyBase
--     *            Whether to copy the Base URI
--     * @param copyPrefixes
--     *            Whether to copy the prefix mappings
--     * @return Copy of the string
--     */
--    public ParameterizedSparqlString copy(boolean copyParams, boolean copyBase, boolean copyPrefixes) {
--        ParameterizedSparqlString copy = new ParameterizedSparqlString(this.cmd.toString(), null,
--                (copyBase ? this.baseUri : null), (copyPrefixes ? this.prefixes : null));
--        if (copyParams) {
--            Iterator<String> vars = this.getVars();
--            while (vars.hasNext()) {
--                String var =;
--                copy.setParam(var, this.getParam(var));
--            }
--            for (Entry<Integer, Node> entry : this.positionalParams.entrySet()) {
--                copy.setParam(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
--            }
--        }
--        return copy;
--    }
--    @Override
--    public PrefixMapping setNsPrefix(String prefix, String uri) {
--        return this.prefixes.setNsPrefix(prefix, uri);
--    }
--    @Override
--    public PrefixMapping removeNsPrefix(String prefix) {
--        return this.prefixes.removeNsPrefix(prefix);
--    }
--    @Override
--    public PrefixMapping setNsPrefixes(PrefixMapping other) {
--        return this.prefixes.setNsPrefixes(other);
--    }
--    @Override
--    public PrefixMapping setNsPrefixes(Map<String, String> map) {
--        return this.prefixes.setNsPrefixes(map);
--    }
--    @Override
--    public PrefixMapping withDefaultMappings(PrefixMapping map) {
--        return this.prefixes.withDefaultMappings(map);
--    }
--    @Override
--    public String getNsPrefixURI(String prefix) {
--        return this.prefixes.getNsPrefixURI(prefix);
--    }
--    @Override
--    public String getNsURIPrefix(String uri) {
--        return this.prefixes.getNsURIPrefix(uri);
--    }
--    @Override
--    public Map<String, String> getNsPrefixMap() {
--        return this.prefixes.getNsPrefixMap();
--    }
--    @Override
--    public String expandPrefix(String prefixed) {
--        return this.prefixes.expandPrefix(prefixed);
--    }
--    @Override
--    public String shortForm(String uri) {
--        return this.prefixes.shortForm(uri);
--    }
--    @Override
--    public String qnameFor(String uri) {
--        return this.prefixes.qnameFor(uri);
--    }
--    @Override
--    public PrefixMapping lock() {
--        return this.prefixes.lock();
--    }
--    @Override
--    public boolean samePrefixMappingAs(PrefixMapping other) {
--        return this.prefixes.samePrefixMappingAs(other);
--    }
--    /**
--     * Represents information about delimiters in a string
--     * 
--     */
--    private class DelimiterInfo {
--        private List<Pair<Integer, String>> starts = new ArrayList<>();
--        private Map<Integer, Integer> stops = new HashMap<>();
--        /**
--         * Parse delimiters from a string, discards any previously parsed
--         * information
--         * 
--         * @param command
--         *            Command string
--         */
--        public void parseFrom(String command) {
--            this.starts.clear();
--            this.stops.clear();
--            char[] cs = command.toCharArray();
--            for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
--                switch (cs[i]) {
--                case '"':
--                    // Start of a Literal
--                    // Is it a long literal?
--                    if (i < cs.length - 2 && cs[i + 1] == '"' && cs[i + 2] == '"') {
--                        this.addStart(i, "\"\"\"");
--                        for (int j = i + 3; j < cs.length - 2; j++) {
--                            if (cs[j] == '"' && cs[j + 1] == '"' && cs[j + 2] == '"') {
--                                this.addStop(i, j + 2);
--                                i = j + 2;
--                            }
--                        }
--                        // Was unterminated
--                    } else {
--                        // Normal literal, scan till we see a " which is not
--                        // preceded by a \
--                        this.addStart(i, "\"");
--                        for (int j = i + 1; j < cs.length; j++) {
--                            if (cs[j] == '"' && cs[j - 1] != '\\') {
--                                this.addStop(i, j);
--                                i = j;
--                                continue;
--                            }
--                        }
--                        // Was unterminated
--                    }
--                    break;
--                case '<':
--                    // Start of a URI
--                    this.addStart(i, "<");
--                    for (int j = i + 1; j < cs.length; j++) {
--                        if (cs[j] == '>' && cs[j - 1] != '\\') {
--                            this.addStop(i, j);
--                            i = j;
--                            continue;
--                        }
--                    }
--                    // Was unterminated
--                    break;
--                case '\'':
--                    // Start of alternative literal form
--                    // Start of a Literal
--                    // Is it a long literal?
--                    if (i < cs.length - 2 && cs[i + 1] == '\'' && cs[i + 2] == '\'') {
--                        this.addStart(i, "'''");
--                        for (int j = i + 3; j < cs.length - 2; j++) {
--                            if (cs[j] == '\'' && cs[j + 1] == '\'' && cs[j + 2] == '\'') {
--                                this.addStop(i, j + 2);
--                                i = j + 2;
--                            }
--                        }
--                        // Was unterminated
--                    } else {
--                        // Normal literal, scan till we see a ' which is not
--                        // preceded by a \
--                        this.addStart(i, "'");
--                        for (int j = i + 1; j < cs.length; j++) {
--                            if (cs[j] == '\'' && cs[j - 1] != '\\') {
--                                this.addStop(i, j);
--                                i = j;
--                                continue;
--                            }
--                        }
--                        // Was unterminated
--                    }
--                    break;
--                case '#':
--                    // Start of a comment
--                    // Scan to next newline
--                    this.addStart(i, "#");
--                    for (int j = i + 1; j < cs.length; j++) {
--                        if (cs[j] == '\n' || cs[j] == '\r') {
--                            this.addStop(i, j);
--                            i = j;
--                            continue;
--                        }
--                    }
--                    this.addStop(i, cs.length - 1);
--                    break;
--                case '\n':
--                case '\r':
--                case '.':
--                case ',':
--                case ';':
--                case '(':
--                case ')':
--                case '{':
--                case '}':
--                case '[':
--                case ']':
--                    // Treat various punctuation as delimiters
--                    this.addStart(i, new String(new char[] { cs[i] }));
--                    this.addStop(i, i);
--                    break;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        public void addStart(int index, String delim) {
--            this.starts.add(new Pair<>(index, delim));
--        }
--        public void addStop(int start, int stop) {
--            this.stops.put(start, stop);
--        }
--        public Pair<Integer, String> findBefore(int index) {
--            Pair<Integer, String> found = null;
--            for (Pair<Integer, String> pair : this.starts) {
--                if (pair.getLeft() < index)
--                    found = pair;
--                if (pair.getLeft() >= index)
--                    break;
--            }
--            return found;
--        }
--        public Pair<Integer, String> findAfter(int index) {
--            for (Pair<Integer, String> pair : this.starts) {
--                if (pair.getLeft() > index)
--                    return pair;
--            }
--            return null;
--        }
--        public boolean isInsideLiteral(int start, int stop) {
--            Pair<Integer, String> pair = this.findBefore(start);
--            if (pair == null)
--                return false;
--            if (pair.getRight().equals("\"")) {
--                Integer nearestStop = this.stops.get(pair.getLeft());
--                if (nearestStop == null)
--                    return true; // Inside unterminated literal
--                return (nearestStop > stop); // May be inside a literal
--            } else {
--                // Not inside a literal
--                return false;
--            }
--        }
--        public boolean isInsideAltLiteral(int start, int stop) {
--            Pair<Integer, String> pair = this.findBefore(start);
--            if (pair == null)
--                return false;
--            if (pair.getRight().equals("'")) {
--                Integer nearestStop = this.stops.get(pair.getLeft());
--                if (nearestStop == null)
--                    return true; // Inside unterminated literal
--                return (nearestStop > stop); // May be inside a literal
--            } else {
--                // Not inside a literal
--                return false;
--            }
--        }
--        public boolean isBetweenLiterals(int start, int stop) {
--            Pair<Integer, String> pairBefore = this.findBefore(start);
--            if (pairBefore == null)
--                return false;
--            if (pairBefore.getRight().equals("\"")) {
--                Integer stopBefore = this.stops.get(pairBefore.getLeft());
--                if (stopBefore == null)
--                    return false; // Inside unterminated literal
--                // We occur after a literal, is there a subsequent literal?
--                Pair<Integer, String> pairAfter = this.findAfter(stop);
--                return pairAfter != null && pairAfter.getRight().equals("\"");
--            } else {
--                // Previous deliminator is not that of a literal
--                return false;
--            }
--        }
--    }
++ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
++ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
++ * distributed with this work for additional information
++ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
++ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
++ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
++ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
++ *
++ *
++ *
++ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
++ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
++ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
++ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
++ * limitations under the License.
++ */
++package org.apache.jena.query;
++import java.util.ArrayList;
++import java.util.Calendar;
++import java.util.Collections;
++import java.util.HashMap;
++import java.util.Iterator;
++import java.util.List;
++import java.util.Map;
++import java.util.Map.Entry;
++import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
++import java.util.regex.Matcher;
++import java.util.regex.Pattern;
++import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Pair;
++import org.apache.jena.datatypes.RDFDatatype ;
++import org.apache.jena.graph.Node ;
++import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory ;
++import org.apache.jena.iri.IRI;
++import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal ;
++import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model ;
++import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory ;
++import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode ;
++import org.apache.jena.shared.PrefixMapping ;
++import org.apache.jena.shared.impl.PrefixMappingImpl ;
++import org.apache.jena.sparql.ARQException ;
++import org.apache.jena.sparql.serializer.SerializationContext ;
++import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.FmtUtils ;
++import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.NodeFactoryExtra ;
++import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateFactory ;
++import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateRequest ;
++ * <p>
++ * A Parameterized SPARQL String is a SPARQL query/update into which values may
++ * be injected.
++ * </p>
++ * <h3>Injecting Values</h3>
++ * <p>
++ * Values may be injected in several ways:
++ * </p>
++ * <ul>
++ * <li>By treating a variable in the SPARQL string as a parameter</li>
++ * <li>Using JDBC style positional parameters</li>
++ * <li>Appending values directly to the command text being built</li>
++ * </ul>
++ * <h4>Variable Parameters</h3>
++ * <p>
++ * Any variable in the command may have a value injected to it, injecting a
++ * value replaces all usages of that variable in the command i.e. substitutes
++ * the variable for a constant, injection is done by textual substitution.
++ * </p> <h4>Positional Parameters</h4>
++ * <p>
++ * You can use JDBC style positional parameters if you prefer, a JDBC style
++ * parameter is a single {@code ?} followed by whitespace or certain punctuation
++ * characters (currently {@code ; , .}). Positional parameters have a unique
++ * index which reflects the order in which they appear in the string. Positional
++ * parameters use a zero based index.
++ * </p>
++ * <h4>Buffer Usage</h3> </p> Additionally you may use this purely as a
++ * {@link StringBuffer} replacement for creating queries since it provides a
++ * large variety of convenience methods for appending things either as-is or as
++ * nodes (which causes appropriate formatting to be applied). </p>
++ * <h3>Intended Usage</h3>
++ * <p>
++ * The intended usage of this is where using a {@link QuerySolutionMap} as
++ * initial bindings is either inappropriate or not possible e.g.
++ * </p>
++ * <ul>
++ * <li>Generating query/update strings in code without lots of error prone and
++ * messy string concatenation</li>
++ * <li>Preparing a query/update for remote execution</li>
++ * <li>Where you do not want to simply say some variable should have a certain
++ * value but rather wish to insert constants into the query/update in place of
++ * variables</li>
++ * <li>Defending against SPARQL injection when creating a query/update using
++ * some external input, see SPARQL Injection notes for limitations.</li>
++ * <li>Provide a more convenient way to prepend common prefixes to your query</li>
++ * </ul>
++ * <p>
++ * This class is useful for preparing both queries and updates hence the generic
++ * name as it provides programmatic ways to replace variables in the query with
++ * constants and to add prefix and base declarations. A {@link Query} or
++ * {@link UpdateRequest} can be created using the {@link #asQuery()} and
++ * {@link #asUpdate()} methods assuming the command an instance represents is
++ * actually valid as a query/update.
++ * </p>
++ * <h3>Warnings</h3>
++ * <ol>
++ * <li>Note that this class does not in any way check that your command is
++ * syntactically correct until such time as you try and parse it as a
++ * {@link Query} or {@link UpdateRequest}.</li>
++ * <li>Also note that injection is done purely based on textual replacement, it
++ * does not understand or respect variable scope in any way. For example if your
++ * command text contains sub queries you should ensure that variables within the
++ * sub query which you don't want replaced have distinct names from those in the
++ * outer query you do want replaced (or vice versa)</li>
++ * </ol>
++ * <h3>SPARQL Injection Notes</h3>
++ * <p>
++ * While this class was in part designed to prevent SPARQL injection it is by no
++ * means foolproof because it works purely at the textual level. The current
++ * version of the code addresses some possible attack vectors that the
++ * developers have identified but we do not claim to be sufficiently devious to
++ * have thought of and prevented every possible attack vector.
++ * </p>
++ * <p>
++ * Therefore we <strong>strongly</strong> recommend that users concerned about
++ * SPARQL Injection attacks perform their own validation on provided parameters
++ * and test their use of this class themselves prior to its use in any security
++ * conscious deployment. We also recommend that users do not use easily
++ * guess-able variable names for their parameters as these can allow a chained
++ * injection attack though generally speaking the code should prevent these.
++ * </p>
++ */
++public class ParameterizedSparqlString implements PrefixMapping {
++    private Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
++    private StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder();
++    private String baseUri;
++    private Map<String, Node> params = new HashMap<>();
++    private Map<Integer, Node> positionalParams = new HashMap<>();
++    private PrefixMapping prefixes;
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param command
++     *            Raw Command Text
++     * @param map
++     *            Initial Parameters to inject
++     * @param base
++     *            Base URI
++     * @param prefixes
++     *            Prefix Mapping
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, QuerySolutionMap map, String base, PrefixMapping prefixes) {
++        if (command != null)
++            this.cmd.append(command);
++        this.setParams(map);
++        this.baseUri = (base != null && !base.equals("") ? base : null);
++        this.prefixes = new PrefixMappingImpl();
++        if (prefixes != null)
++            this.prefixes.setNsPrefixes(prefixes);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param command
++     *            Raw Command Text
++     * @param map
++     *            Initial Parameters to inject
++     * @param base
++     *            Base URI
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, QuerySolutionMap map, String base) {
++        this(command, map, base, null);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param command
++     *            Raw Command Text
++     * @param map
++     *            Initial Parameters to inject
++     * @param prefixes
++     *            Prefix Mapping
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, QuerySolutionMap map, PrefixMapping prefixes) {
++        this(command, map, null, prefixes);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param command
++     *            Raw Command Text
++     * @param map
++     *            Initial Parameters to inject
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, QuerySolutionMap map) {
++        this(command, map, null, null);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param command
++     *            Raw Command Text
++     * @param base
++     *            Base URI
++     * @param prefixes
++     *            Prefix Mapping
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, String base, PrefixMapping prefixes) {
++        this(command, null, base, prefixes);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param command
++     *            Raw Command Text
++     * @param prefixes
++     *            Prefix Mapping
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, PrefixMapping prefixes) {
++        this(command, null, null, prefixes);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param command
++     *            Raw Command Text
++     * @param base
++     *            Base URI
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command, String base) {
++        this(command, null, base, null);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param command
++     *            Raw Command Text
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(String command) {
++        this(command, null, null, null);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param map
++     *            Initial Parameters to inject
++     * @param prefixes
++     *            Prefix Mapping
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(QuerySolutionMap map, PrefixMapping prefixes) {
++        this(null, map, null, prefixes);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param map
++     *            Initial Parameters to inject
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(QuerySolutionMap map) {
++        this(null, map, null, null);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string
++     * 
++     * @param prefixes
++     *            Prefix Mapping
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString(PrefixMapping prefixes) {
++        this(null, null, null, prefixes);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Creates a new parameterized string with an empty command text
++     */
++    public ParameterizedSparqlString() {
++        this("", null, null, null);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets the command text, overwriting any existing command text. If you want
++     * to append to the command text use one of the {@link #append(String)},
++     * {@link #appendIri(String)}, {@link #appendLiteral(String)} or
++     * {@link #appendNode(Node)} methods instead
++     * 
++     * @param command
++     *            Command Text
++     */
++    public void setCommandText(String command) {
++        this.cmd = new StringBuilder();
++        this.cmd.append(command);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends some text as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
++     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
++     * {@link #appendLiteral(String)} or {@link #appendIri(String)} method as
++     * appropriate
++     * 
++     * @param text
++     *            Text to append
++     */
++    public void append(String text) {
++        this.cmd.append(text);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a character as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
++     * formatting when used as a constant consider using one of the
++     * {@code appendLiteral()} methods
++     * 
++     * @param c
++     *            Character to append
++     */
++    public void append(char c) {
++        this.cmd.append(c);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a boolean as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
++     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
++     * {@link #appendLiteral(boolean)} method
++     * 
++     * @param b
++     *            Boolean to append
++     */
++    public void append(boolean b) {
++        this.cmd.append(b);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a double as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
++     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
++     * {@link #appendLiteral(double)} method
++     * 
++     * @param d
++     *            Double to append
++     */
++    public void append(double d) {
++        this.cmd.append(d);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a float as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
++     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
++     * {@link #appendLiteral(float)} method
++     * 
++     * @param f
++     *            Float to append
++     */
++    public void append(float f) {
++        this.cmd.append(f);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends an integer as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
++     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
++     * {@link #appendLiteral(int)} method
++     * 
++     * @param i
++     *            Integer to append
++     */
++    public void append(int i) {
++        this.cmd.append(i);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a long as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
++     * formatting when used as a constant consider using the
++     * {@link #appendLiteral(long)} method
++     * 
++     * @param l
++     *            Long to append
++     */
++    public void append(long l) {
++        this.cmd.append(l);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends an object as-is to the existing command text, to ensure correct
++     * formatting when used as a constant consider converting into a more
++     * specific type and using the appropriate {@code appendLiteral()},
++     * {@code appendIri()} or {@code appendNode} methods
++     * 
++     * @param obj
++     *            Object to append
++     */
++    public void append(Object obj) {
++        this.cmd.append(obj);
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a Node to the command text as a constant using appropriate
++     * formatting
++     * 
++     * @param n
++     *            Node to append
++     */
++    public void appendNode(Node n) {
++        SerializationContext context = new SerializationContext(this.prefixes);
++        context.setBaseIRI(this.baseUri);
++        this.cmd.append(this.stringForNode(n, context));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a Node to the command text as a constant using appropriate
++     * formatting
++     * 
++     * @param n
++     *            Node to append
++     */
++    public void appendNode(RDFNode n) {
++        this.appendNode(n.asNode());
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a URI to the command text as a constant using appropriate
++     * formatting
++     * 
++     * @param uri
++     *            URI to append
++     */
++    public void appendIri(String uri) {
++        this.appendNode(NodeFactory.createURI(uri));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends an IRI to the command text as a constant using appropriate
++     * formatting
++     * 
++     * @param iri
++     *            IRI to append
++     */
++    public void appendIri(IRI iri) {
++        this.appendNode(NodeFactory.createURI(iri.toString()));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a simple literal as a constant using appropriate formatting
++     * 
++     * @param value
++     *            Lexical Value
++     */
++    public void appendLiteral(String value) {
++        this.appendNode(NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, null, null));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a literal with a lexical value and language to the command text
++     * as a constant using appropriate formatting
++     * 
++     * @param value
++     *            Lexical Value
++     * @param lang
++     *            Language
++     */
++    public void appendLiteral(String value, String lang) {
++        this.appendNode(NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, lang, null));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a Typed Literal to the command text as a constant using
++     * appropriate formatting
++     * 
++     * @param value
++     *            Lexical Value
++     * @param datatype
++     *            Datatype
++     */
++    public void appendLiteral(String value, RDFDatatype datatype) {
++        this.appendNode(NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, null, datatype.getURI()));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a boolean to the command text as a constant using appropriate
++     * formatting
++     * 
++     * @param b
++     *            Boolean to append
++     */
++    public void appendLiteral(boolean b) {
++        this.appendNode(this.model.createTypedLiteral(b));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends an integer to the command text as a constant using appropriate
++     * formatting
++     * 
++     * @param i
++     *            Integer to append
++     */
++    public void appendLiteral(int i) {
++        this.appendNode(NodeFactoryExtra.intToNode(i));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a long to the command text as a constant using appropriate
++     * formatting
++     * 
++     * @param l
++     *            Long to append
++     */
++    public void appendLiteral(long l) {
++        this.appendNode(NodeFactoryExtra.intToNode(l));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a float to the command text as a constant using appropriate
++     * formatting
++     * 
++     * @param f
++     *            Float to append
++     */
++    public void appendLiteral(float f) {
++        this.appendNode(this.model.createTypedLiteral(f));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a double to the command text as a constant using appropriate
++     * formatting
++     * 
++     * @param d
++     *            Double to append
++     */
++    public void appendLiteral(double d) {
++        this.appendNode(this.model.createTypedLiteral(d));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Appends a date time to the command text as a constant using appropriate
++     * formatting
++     * 
++     * @param dt
++     *            Date Time to append
++     */
++    public void appendLiteral(Calendar dt) {
++        this.appendNode(this.model.createTypedLiteral(dt));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Gets the basic Command Text
++     * <p>
++     * <strong>Note:</strong> This will not reflect any injected parameters, to
++     * see the command with injected parameters invoke the {@link #toString()}
++     * method
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @return Command Text
++     */
++    public String getCommandText() {
++        return this.cmd.toString();
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets the Base URI which will be prepended to the query/update
++     * 
++     * @param base
++     *            Base URI
++     */
++    public void setBaseUri(String base) {
++        this.baseUri = base;
++    }
++    /**
++     * Gets the Base URI which will be prepended to a query
++     * 
++     * @return Base URI
++     */
++    public String getBaseUri() {
++        return this.baseUri;
++    }
++    /**
++     * Helper method which does the validation of the parameters
++     * 
++     * @param n
++     *            Node
++     */
++    protected void validateParameterValue(Node n) {
++        if (n.isURI()) {
++            if (n.getURI().contains(">"))
++                throw new ARQException("Value for the parameter contains a SPARQL injection risk");
++        }
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets the Parameters
++     * 
++     * @param map
++     *            Parameters
++     */
++    public void setParams(QuerySolutionMap map) {
++        if (map != null) {
++            Iterator<String> iter = map.varNames();
++            while (iter.hasNext()) {
++                String var =;
++                this.setParam(var, map.get(var).asNode());
++            }
++        }
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a Positional Parameter
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional Index
++     * @param n
++     *            Node
++     */
++    public void setParam(int index, Node n) {
++        if (index < 0)
++            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
++        if (n != null) {
++            this.validateParameterValue(n);
++            this.positionalParams.put(index, n);
++        } else {
++            this.positionalParams.remove(index);
++        }
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param n
++     *            Value
++     * 
++     */
++    public void setParam(String var, Node n) {
++        if (var == null)
++            throw new IllegalArgumentException("var cannot be null");
++        if (var.startsWith("?") || var.startsWith("$"))
++            var = var.substring(1);
++        if (n != null) {
++            this.validateParameterValue(n);
++            this.params.put(var, n);
++        } else {
++            this.params.remove(var);
++        }
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a positional parameter
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional Index
++     * @param n
++     *            Node
++     */
++    public void setParam(int index, RDFNode n) {
++        this.setParam(index, n.asNode());
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param n
++     *            Value
++     */
++    public void setParam(String var, RDFNode n) {
++        this.setParam(var, n.asNode());
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a positional parameter to an IRI
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional Index
++     * @param iri
++     *            IRI
++     */
++    public void setIri(int index, String iri) {
++        this.setParam(index, NodeFactory.createURI(iri));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter to an IRI
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param iri
++     *            IRI
++     */
++    public void setIri(String var, String iri) {
++        this.setParam(var, NodeFactory.createURI(iri));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a positional parameter to an IRI
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional Index
++     * @param iri
++     *            IRI
++     */
++    public void setIri(int index, IRI iri) {
++        this.setIri(index, iri.toString());
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter to an IRI
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param iri
++     *            IRI
++     */
++    public void setIri(String var, IRI iri) {
++        this.setIri(var, iri.toString());
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a positional parameter to an IRI
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional Index
++     * @param url
++     *            URL
++     */
++    public void setIri(int index, URL url) {
++        this.setIri(index, url.toString());
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter to an IRI
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param url
++     *            URL used as IRI
++     * 
++     */
++    public void setIri(String var, URL url) {
++        this.setIri(var, url.toString());
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a positional parameter to a Literal
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional Index
++     * @param lit
++     *            Value
++     * 
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(int index, Literal lit) {
++        this.setParam(index, lit.asNode());
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter to a Literal
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param lit
++     *            Value
++     * 
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(String var, Literal lit) {
++        this.setParam(var, lit.asNode());
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a positional parameter to a literal
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional Index
++     * @param value
++     *            Lexical Value
++     * 
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(int index, String value) {
++        this.setParam(index, NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, null, null));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter to a literal
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param value
++     *            Lexical Value
++     * 
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(String var, String value) {
++        this.setParam(var, NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, null, null));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a positional parameter to a literal with a language
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional index
++     * @param value
++     *            Lexical Value
++     * @param lang
++     *            Language
++     * 
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(int index, String value, String lang) {
++        this.setParam(index, NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, lang, null));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter to a literal with a language
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param value
++     *            Lexical Value
++     * @param lang
++     *            Language
++     * 
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(String var, String value, String lang) {
++        this.setParam(var, NodeFactoryExtra.createLiteralNode(value, lang, null));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a positional arameter to a typed literal
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(int)} for the given index
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional Index
++     * @param value
++     *            Lexical Value
++     * @param datatype
++     *            Datatype
++     * 
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(int index, String value, RDFDatatype datatype) {
++        this.setParam(index, this.model.createTypedLiteral(value, datatype));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter to a typed literal
++     * <p>
++     * Setting a parameter to null is equivalent to calling
++     * {@link #clearParam(String)} for the given variable
++     * </p>
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param value
++     *            Lexical Value
++     * @param datatype
++     *            Datatype
++     * 
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(String var, String value, RDFDatatype datatype) {
++        this.setParam(var, this.model.createTypedLiteral(value, datatype));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a positional parameter to a boolean literal
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional Index
++     * @param value
++     *            boolean
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(int index, boolean value) {
++        this.setParam(index, this.model.createTypedLiteral(value));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter to a boolean literal
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param value
++     *            boolean
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(String var, boolean value) {
++        this.setParam(var, this.model.createTypedLiteral(value));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a positional parameter to an integer literal
++     * 
++     * @param index
++     *            Positional Index
++     * @param i
++     *            Integer Value
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(int index, int i) {
++        this.setParam(index, NodeFactoryExtra.intToNode(i));
++    }
++    /**
++     * Sets a variable parameter to an integer literal
++     * 
++     * @param var
++     *            Variable
++     * @param i
++     *            Integer Value
++     */
++    public void setLiteral(String var, int i) {
++        this.setParam(var, NodeFactoryExtra.intToNode(i));
++    }
++    /