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Posted to by Jem Berkes <> on 2005/08/23 07:23:48 UTC

Committed mod_smtpd/trunk/mod_smtpd_rbl and mod_dnsbl_lookup

> Hopefully later today I should have this completely done and checked in.

I waited for Rian to update the mod_smtpd structures, and I have now 
checked in my code for RBL functionality. There are README files in both 
directories describing use. However could someone tell me how to properly 
use mod_smtpd.h and dnsbl_lookup.h in the build process? I've copied them 
between directories but this can't be the right way to do it.
- Adds RBL whitelisting and blacklisting to mod_smtpd, either
rejecting client IPs upon connection (DNSBL) or envelope sender
domains (RHSBL). By hooking into Rian's smtp this remains totally
modular and does not alter mod_smtpd itself.
- Does the actual DNSBL and RHSBL lookups, supporting rather advanced
configuration in the form of distinct query chains.  Many chains can
be defined so admins can use chains for different purposes.  Flags to
the lookup functions allow different query styles, such as either
stopping on one match or querying everything and returning a table of
response details.

Sample configuration for mod_smtpd + mod_smtpd_rbl + mod_dnsbl_lookup

# Enable mod_smtpd
SmtpProtocol On

# Define whitelist and blacklist chains for mod_smtpd_rbl
SmtpWhitelist mywhitelist
SmtpBlacklist myblacklist

# Enable mod_dnsbl_lookup
DnsblLookups On

# The zones and chains for mod_dnsbl_lookup

RhsblZone myblacklist
RhsblZone myblacklist

DnsblZone myblacklist	any
DnsblZone myblacklist	any