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[1/4] cqlsh: add unit tests; patch by Paul Cannon with minor changes by Aleksey Yeschenko, reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko for CASSANDRA-3920
diff --git a/pylib/cqlshlib/test/ b/pylib/cqlshlib/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbce527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylib/cqlshlib/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# to configure behavior, define $CQL_TEST_HOST to the destination address
+# for Thrift connections, and $CQL_TEST_PORT to the associated port.
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import re
+from itertools import izip
+from .basecase import (BaseTestCase, cqlshlog, dedent, at_a_time, cql,
+                       TEST_HOST, TEST_PORT)
+from .cassconnect import (get_test_keyspace, testrun_cqlsh, testcall_cqlsh,
+                          cassandra_cursor, split_cql_commands, quote_name)
+from .ansi_colors import (ColoredText, lookup_colorcode, lookup_colorname,
+                          lookup_colorletter, ansi_seq)
+CONTROL_C = '\x03'
+CONTROL_D = '\x04'
+class TestCqlshOutput(BaseTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        pass
+    def tearDown(self):
+        pass
+    def assertNoHasColors(self, text, msg=None):
+        self.assertNotRegexpMatches(text, ansi_seq, msg='ANSI CSI sequence found in %r' % text)
+    def assertHasColors(self, text, msg=None):
+        self.assertRegexpMatches(text, ansi_seq, msg=msg)
+    def assertColored(self, coloredtext, colorname):
+        wanted_colorcode = lookup_colorcode(colorname)
+        for num, c in enumerate(coloredtext):
+            if not c.isspace():
+                ccolor = c.colorcode()
+                self.assertEqual(ccolor, wanted_colorcode,
+                                 msg='Output text %r (char #%d) is colored %s, not %s'
+                                     % (coloredtext, num, lookup_colorname(ccolor), colorname))
+    def assertColorFromTags(self, coloredtext, tags):
+        for (char, tag) in izip(coloredtext, tags):
+            if char.isspace():
+                continue
+            if tag.isspace():
+                tag = 'n'  # neutral
+            self.assertEqual(char.colorcode(), lookup_colorletter(tag),
+                             msg='Coloring mismatch.\nExpected coloring: %s\n'
+                                 'Actually got:      %s\ncolor code:        %s'
+                                 % (tags, coloredtext.colored_version(), coloredtext.colortags()))
+    def assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput(self, queries_and_expected_outputs,
+                                             cqlver=(), **kwargs):
+        if not isinstance(cqlver, (tuple, list)):
+            cqlver = (cqlver,)
+        for ver in cqlver:
+            self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput(queries_and_expected_outputs, cqlver=ver, **kwargs)
+    def assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput(self, queries_and_expected_outputs,
+                                       sort_results=False, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Allow queries and expected output to be specified in structured tuples,
+        along with expected color information.
+        """
+        with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True, **kwargs) as c:
+            for query, expected in queries_and_expected_outputs:
+                cqlshlog.debug('Testing %r' % (query,))
+                output = c.cmd_and_response(query).lstrip("\r\n")
+                c_output = ColoredText(output)
+                pairs = at_a_time(dedent(expected).split('\n'), 2)
+                outlines = c_output.splitlines()
+                if sort_results:
+                    if outlines[1].plain().startswith('---'):
+                        firstpart = outlines[:2]
+                        sortme = outlines[2:]
+                    else:
+                        firstpart = []
+                        sortme = outlines
+                    lastpart = []
+                    while sortme[-1].plain() == '':
+                        lastpart.append(sortme.pop(-1))
+                    outlines = firstpart + sorted(sortme, key=lambda c:c.plain()) + lastpart
+                for (plain, colorcodes), outputline in zip(pairs, outlines):
+                    self.assertEqual(outputline.plain().rstrip(), plain)
+                    self.assertColorFromTags(outputline, colorcodes)
+    def test_no_color_output(self):
+        for termname in ('', 'dumb', 'vt100'):
+            cqlshlog.debug('TERM=%r' % termname)
+            with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True, env={'TERM': termname}) as c:
+                c.send('select * from has_all_types;\n')
+                self.assertNoHasColors(c.read_to_next_prompt())
+                c.send('select * from has_value_encoding_errors;\n')
+                self.assertNoHasColors(c.read_to_next_prompt())
+                c.send('select count(*) from has_all_types;\n')
+                self.assertNoHasColors(c.read_to_next_prompt())
+                c.send('totally invalid cql;\n')
+                self.assertNoHasColors(c.read_to_next_prompt())
+    def test_no_prompt_or_colors_output(self):
+        # CQL queries and number of lines expected in output:
+        queries = (('select * from has_all_types limit 1;', 5),
+                   ('select * from has_value_encoding_errors limit 1;', 6))
+        for termname in ('', 'dumb', 'vt100', 'xterm'):
+            cqlshlog.debug('TERM=%r' % termname)
+            for cql, lines_expected in queries:
+                output, result = testcall_cqlsh(prompt=None, env={'TERM': termname},
+                                                tty=False, input=cql + '\n')
+                output = output.splitlines()
+                for line in output:
+                    self.assertNoHasColors(line)
+                    self.assertNotRegexpMatches(line, r'^cqlsh\S*>')
+                self.assertEqual(len(output), lines_expected,
+                                 msg='output: %r' % '\n'.join(output))
+                self.assertEqual(output[0], '')
+                self.assertNicelyFormattedTableHeader(output[1])
+                self.assertNicelyFormattedTableRule(output[2])
+                self.assertNicelyFormattedTableData(output[3])
+                self.assertEqual(output[4].strip(), '')
+    def test_color_output(self):
+        for termname in ('xterm', 'unknown-garbage'):
+            cqlshlog.debug('TERM=%r' % termname)
+            with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True, env={'TERM': termname}) as c:
+                c.send('select * from has_all_types;\n')
+                self.assertHasColors(c.read_to_next_prompt())
+                c.send('select * from has_value_encoding_errors;\n')
+                self.assertHasColors(c.read_to_next_prompt())
+                c.send('select count(*) from has_all_types;\n')
+                self.assertHasColors(c.read_to_next_prompt())
+                c.send('totally invalid cql;\n')
+                self.assertHasColors(c.read_to_next_prompt())
+    def test_count_output(self):
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ('select count(*) from has_all_types;', """
+             count
+             MMMMM
+            -------
+                 4
+                 G
+            """),
+            ('select COUNT(*) FROM empty_table;', """
+             count
+             MMMMM
+            -------
+                 0
+                 G
+            """),
+            ('select COUNT(*) FROM empty_composite_table;', """
+             count
+             MMMMM
+            -------
+                 0
+                 G
+            """),
+            ('select COUNT(*) FROM twenty_rows_table limit 10;', """
+             count
+             MMMMM
+            -------
+                10
+                GG
+            """),
+            ('select COUNT(*) FROM twenty_rows_table limit 1000000;', """
+             count
+             MMMMM
+            -------
+                20
+                GG
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3))
+        # different results cql2/cql3
+        q = 'select COUNT(*) FROM twenty_rows_composite_table limit 1000000;'
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            (q, """
+             count
+             MMMMM
+            -------
+                 1
+                GG
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=2)
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            (q, """
+             count
+             MMMMM
+            -------
+                20
+                GG
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=3)
+    def test_dynamic_cf_output(self):
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ('select * from dynamic_columns;', """
+             somekey,1 | 1.2,one point two
+             somekey,2 | 2.3,two point three
+             somekey,3 | -0.0001,negative ten thousandth | 3.46,three point four six | 99,ninety-nine point oh
+            """),
+            ('select somekey, 2.3 from dynamic_columns;', """
+             somekey | 2.3
+             MMMMMMM   MMM
+            ---------+-----------------
+                   1 |            null
+                   G              RRRR
+                   2 | two point three
+                   G   YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
+                   3 |            null
+                   G              RRRR
+            """),
+            ('select first 1 * from dynamic_columns where somekey = 2;', """
+             2.3
+             MMM
+            -----------------
+             two point three
+            """),
+            ('select * from dynamic_columns where somekey = 2;', """
+             somekey | 2.3
+             MMMMMMM   MMM
+            ---------+-----------------
+                   2 | two point three
+                   G   YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=2, sort_results=True)
+    def test_static_cf_output(self):
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ('select a, b from twenty_rows_table where a in (1, 13, 2);', """
+             a  | b
+             MM   MM
+            ----+----
+              1 |  1
+             YY   YY
+             13 | 13
+             YY   YY
+              2 |  2
+             YY   YY
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3))
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ('select * from dynamic_columns;', """
+             somekey | column1 | value
+             MMMMMMM   MMMMMMM   MMMMM
+            ---------+---------+-------------------------
+                   1 |     1.2 |           one point two
+                   2 |     2.3 |         two point three
+                   3 |      99 |    ninety-nine point oh
+                   3 |    3.46 |    three point four six
+                   3 | -0.0001 | negative ten thousandth
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=3, sort_results=True)
+    def test_empty_cf_output(self):
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ('select * from empty_table;', """
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3))
+        q = 'select * from has_all_types where num = 999;'
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            (q, """
+             num
+             MMM
+            -----
+             999
+             GGG
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=2)
+        # same query should show up as empty in cql 3
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            (q, """
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=3)
+    def test_columnless_key_output(self):
+        q = 'select a from twenty_rows_table where a in (1, 2, -9192);'
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            (q, """
+             a
+             MMMMM
+            -------
+                 1
+             YYYYY
+                 2
+             YYYYY
+             -9192
+             YYYYY
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=2)
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            (q, """
+             a
+             M
+            ---
+             1
+             Y
+             2
+             Y
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=3)
+    def test_numeric_output(self):
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ('''select intcol, bigintcol, varintcol \
+                  from has_all_types \
+                 where num in (0, 1, 2, 3);''', """
+             intcol      | bigintcol            | varintcol
+             MMMMMM        MMMMMMMMM              MMMMMMMMM
+            -------------+----------------------+-----------------------------
+                     -12 |  1234567890123456789 |  10000000000000000000000000
+              2147483647 |  9223372036854775807 |                           9
+                       0 |                    0 |                           0
+             -2147483648 | -9223372036854775808 | -10000000000000000000000000
+            """),
+            ('''select decimalcol, doublecol, floatcol \
+                  from has_all_types \
+                 where num in (0, 1, 2, 3);''', """
+             decimalcol       | doublecol | floatcol
+            ------------------+-----------+----------
+                  19952.11882 |         1 |     -2.1
+                        1E-14 |     1e+07 |    1e+05
+                          0.0 |         0 |        0
+             10.0000000000000 |   -1004.1 |    1e+08
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3))
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ('''select * from dynamic_columns where somekey = 3;''', """
+             somekey | -0.0001                 | 3.46                 | 99
+             MMMMMMM   MMMMMMM                   MMMM                   MM
+            ---------+-------------------------+----------------------+----------------------
+                   3 | negative ten thousandth | three point four six | ninety-nine point oh
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=2)
+    def test_timestamp_output(self):
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ('''select timestampcol from has_all_types where num = 0;''', """
+             timestampcol
+             MMMMMMMMMMMM
+            --------------------------
+             2012-05-14 12:53:20+0000
+            """),
+        ), env={'TZ': 'Etc/UTC'})
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ('''select timestampcol from has_all_types where num = 0;''', """
+             timestampcol
+             MMMMMMMMMMMM
+            --------------------------
+             2012-05-14 07:53:20-0500
+            """),
+        ), env={'TZ': 'EST'})
+    def test_boolean_output(self):
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ('select num, booleancol from has_all_types where num in (0, 1, 2, 3);', """
+             num | booleancol
+             MMM   MMMMMMMMMM
+            -----+------------
+               0 |       True
+               G        GGGGG
+               1 |       True
+               G        GGGGG
+               2 |      False
+               G        GGGGG
+               3 |      False
+               G        GGGGG
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3))
+    def test_null_output(self):
+        # column with metainfo but no values
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ("select k, c, notthere from undefined_values_table where k in ('k1', 'k2');", """
+             k  | c  | notthere
+             M    M    MMMMMMMM
+            ----+----+----------
+             k1 | c1 |     null
+             YY   YY       RRRR
+             k2 | c2 |     null
+             YY   YY       RRRR
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3))
+        # all-columns, including a metainfo column has no values (cql3)
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ("select * from undefined_values_table where k in ('k1', 'k2');", """
+             k  | c  | notthere
+             M    M    MMMMMMMM
+            ----+----+----------
+             k1 | c1 |     null
+             YY   YY       RRRR
+             k2 | c2 |     null
+             YY   YY       RRRR
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=3)
+        # all-columns, including a metainfo column has no values (cql2)
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ("select * from undefined_values_table where k in ('k1', 'k2');", """
+             k  | c
+             M    M
+            ----+----
+             k1 | c1
+             YY   YY
+             k2 | c2
+             YY   YY
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=2)
+        # column not in metainfo, which has no values (invalid query in cql3)
+        self.assertQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ("select num, fakecol from has_all_types where num in (1, 2);", """
+             num
+             MMM
+            -----
+               1
+             GGG
+               2
+             GGG
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=2)
+    def test_string_output_ascii(self):
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ("select * from ascii_with_invalid_and_special_chars where k in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4);", r"""
+             k | val
+             M   MMM
+            ---+-----------------------------------------------
+             0 |                                    newline:\n
+             G                                      YYYYYYYYmm
+             1 |                         return\rand null\x00!
+             G                           YYYYYYmmYYYYYYYYmmmmY
+             2 | \x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05control chars\x06\x07
+             G   mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmYYYYYYYYYYYYYmmmmmmmm
+             3 |                       \xfe\xffbyte order mark 
+             G                         mmmmmmmmYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
+             4 |                      fake special chars\x00\n
+             G                        YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3))
+    def test_string_output_utf8(self):
+        # many of these won't line up visually here, to keep the source code
+        # here ascii-only. note that some of the special Unicode characters
+        # here will render as double-width or zero-width in unicode-aware
+        # terminals, but the color-checking machinery here will still treat
+        # it as one character, so those won't seem to line up visually either.
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ("select * from utf8_with_special_chars where k in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);", u"""
+             k | val
+             M   MMM
+            ---+-------------------------------
+             0 |                 Normal string
+             G                   YYYYYYYYYYYYY
+             1 |         Text with\\nnewlines\\n
+             G           YYYYYYYYYmmYYYYYYYYmm
+             2 |  Text with embedded \\x01 char
+             3 | \u24c8\u24c5\u24ba\u24b8\u24be\u24b6\u24c1\u2008\u249e\u24a3\u249c\u24ad\u24ae and normal ones
+             4 |          double wides: \u2f91\u2fa4\u2f9a
+             G            YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
+             5 |               zero width\u200bspace
+             G                 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
+             6 |      fake special chars\\x00\\n
+            """.encode('utf-8')),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3), env={'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8'})
+    def test_blob_output(self):
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ("select num, blobcol from has_all_types where num in (0, 1, 2, 3);", r"""
+             num | blobcol
+             MMM   MMMMMMM
+            -----+--------------------
+               0 | 000102030405fffefd
+               G   mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
+               1 | ffffffffffffffffff
+               G   mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
+               2 |
+               G   mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
+               3 |                 80
+               G   mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3))
+    def test_colname_decoding_errors(self):
+        # not clear how to achieve this situation in the first place. the
+        # validator works pretty well, and we can't change the comparator
+        # after insertion.
+        #
+        # guess we could monkey-patch cqlsh or python-cql source to
+        # explicitly generate an exception on the deserialization of type X..
+        pass
+    def test_colval_decoding_errors(self):
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ("select * from has_value_encoding_errors;", r"""
+             pkey | utf8col
+             MMMM   MMMMMMM
+            ------+--------------------
+                A | '\x00\xff\x00\xff'
+                Y   RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
+            Failed to decode value '\x00\xff\x00\xff' (for column 'utf8col') as text: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 1: invalid start byte
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3))
+    def test_key_decoding_errors(self):
+        self.assertCqlverQueriesGiveColoredOutput((
+            ("select * from has_key_encoding_errors;", r"""
+             pkey               | col
+             MMMM                 MMM
+            --------------------+----------
+             '\x00\xff\x02\x8f' | whatever
+            Failed to decode value '\x00\xff\x02\x8f' (for column 'pkey') as text: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 1: invalid start byte
+            """),
+        ), cqlver=(2, 3))
+    def test_prompt(self):
+        with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True, keyspace=None, cqlver=2) as c:
+            self.assertEqual(c.output_header.splitlines()[-1], 'cqlsh> ')
+            c.send('\n')
+            output = c.read_to_next_prompt().replace('\r\n', '\n')
+            self.assertEqual(output, '\ncqlsh> ')
+            cmd = "USE '%s';\n" % get_test_keyspace().replace("'", "''")
+            c.send(cmd)
+            output = c.read_to_next_prompt().replace('\r\n', '\n')
+            self.assertEqual(output, '%scqlsh:%s> ' % (cmd, get_test_keyspace()))
+            c.send('use system;\n')
+            output = c.read_to_next_prompt().replace('\r\n', '\n')
+            self.assertEqual(output, 'use system;\ncqlsh:system> ')
+            c.send('use NONEXISTENTKEYSPACE;\n')
+            outputlines = c.read_to_next_prompt().splitlines()
+            self.assertEqual(outputlines[0], 'use NONEXISTENTKEYSPACE;')
+            self.assertEqual(outputlines[3], 'cqlsh:system> ')
+            midline = ColoredText(outputlines[1])
+            self.assertEqual(midline.plain(),
+                             "Bad Request: Keyspace 'NONEXISTENTKEYSPACE' does not exist")
+            self.assertColorFromTags(midline,
+    def check_describe_keyspace(self, fullcqlver):
+        with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True, cqlver=fullcqlver) as c:
+            ks = get_test_keyspace()
+            qks = quote_name(fullcqlver, ks)
+            for cmd in ('describe keyspace', 'desc keyspace'):
+                for givename in ('system', '', qks):
+                    for semicolon in ('', ';'):
+                        fullcmd = cmd + (' ' if givename else '') + givename + semicolon
+                        desc = c.cmd_and_response(fullcmd)
+                        self.check_describe_keyspace_output(desc, givename or qks, fullcqlver)
+            # try to actually execute that last keyspace description, with a
+            # new keyspace name
+            new_ks_name = 'COPY_OF_' + ks
+            copy_desc = desc.replace(ks, new_ks_name)
+            statements = split_cql_commands(copy_desc, cqlver=fullcqlver)
+            do_drop = True
+            with cassandra_cursor(cql_version=fullcqlver) as curs:
+                try:
+                    for stmt in statements:
+                        cqlshlog.debug('TEST EXEC: %s' % stmt)
+                        try:
+                            curs.execute(stmt)
+                        except cql.ProgrammingError, e:
+                            # expected sometimes under cql3, since some existing
+                            # tables made under cql2 are not recreatable with cql3
+                            for errmsg in ('No definition found that is not part of the PRIMARY KEY',
+                                           "mismatched input '<' expecting EOF"):
+                                if errmsg in str(e):
+                                    do_drop = False
+                                    break
+                            else:
+                                raise
+                    # maybe we should do some checks that the two keyspaces
+                    # match up as much as we expect at this point?
+                finally:
+                    curs.execute('use system')
+                    if do_drop:
+                        curs.execute('drop keyspace %s' % quote_name(fullcqlver, new_ks_name))
+    def check_describe_keyspace_output(self, output, qksname, fullcqlver):
+        expected_bits = [r'(?im)^CREATE KEYSPACE %s WITH\b' % re.escape(qksname),
+                         r'(?im)^USE \S+;$',
+                         r';\s*$']
+        if fullcqlver == '3.0.0':
+            expected_bits.append(r'\breplication = {\n  \'class\':')
+        else:
+            expected_bits.append(r'\bstrategy_class =')
+        for expr in expected_bits:
+            self.assertRegexpMatches(output, expr)
+    def test_describe_keyspace_output(self):
+        for v in ('2.0.0', '3.0.0'):
+            self.check_describe_keyspace(v)
+    def test_describe_columnfamily_output(self):
+        # we can change these to regular expressions if/when it makes sense
+        # to do so; these will likely be subject to lots of adjustments.
+        table_desc2 = dedent("""
+            CREATE TABLE has_all_types (
+              num int PRIMARY KEY,
+              intcol int,
+              timestampcol timestamp,
+              floatcol float,
+              uuidcol uuid,
+              bigintcol bigint,
+              doublecol double,
+              booleancol boolean,
+              decimalcol decimal,
+              asciicol ascii,
+              blobcol blob,
+              varcharcol text,
+              textcol text,
+              varintcol varint
+            ) WITH
+              comment='' AND
+              comparator=text AND
+              read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND
+              gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
+              default_validation=text AND
+              min_compaction_threshold=4 AND
+              max_compaction_threshold=32 AND
+              replicate_on_write='true' AND
+              compaction_strategy_class='SizeTieredCompactionStrategy' AND
+              compression_parameters:sstable_compression='SnappyCompressor';
+        """)
+        # note columns are now comparator-ordered instead of original-order.
+        table_desc3 = dedent("""
+            CREATE TABLE has_all_types (
+              num int PRIMARY KEY,
+              asciicol ascii,
+              bigintcol bigint,
+              blobcol blob,
+              booleancol boolean,
+              decimalcol decimal,
+              doublecol double,
+              floatcol float,
+              intcol int,
+              textcol text,
+              timestampcol timestamp,
+              uuidcol uuid,
+              varcharcol text,
+              varintcol varint
+              bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND
+              caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
+              comment='' AND
+              dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND
+              gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
+              read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND
+              replicate_on_write='true' AND
+              compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND
+              compression={'sstable_compression': 'SnappyCompressor'};
+        """)
+        for v in ('2.0.0', '3.0.0'):
+            with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True, cqlver=v) as c:
+                for cmdword in ('describe table', 'desc columnfamily'):
+                    for semicolon in (';', ''):
+                        output = c.cmd_and_response('%s has_all_types%s' % (cmdword, semicolon))
+                        self.assertNoHasColors(output)
+                        self.assertEqual(output, {'2.0.0': table_desc2, '3.0.0': table_desc3}[v])
+    def test_describe_columnfamilies_output(self):
+        output_re = r'''
+            \n
+            Keyspace [ ] (?P<ksname> \S+ ) \n
+            -----------* \n
+            (?P<cfnames> .*? )
+            \n
+        '''
+        ks = get_test_keyspace()
+        with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True, keyspace=None, cqlver=3) as c:
+            # when not in a keyspace
+            for cmdword in ('DESCRIBE COLUMNFAMILIES', 'desc tables'):
+                for semicolon in (';', ''):
+                    ksnames = []
+                    output = c.cmd_and_response(cmdword + semicolon)
+                    self.assertNoHasColors(output)
+                    self.assertRegexpMatches(output, '(?xs) ^ ( %s )+ $' % output_re)
+                    for section in re.finditer('(?xs)' + output_re, output):
+                        ksname ='ksname')
+                        ksnames.append(ksname)
+                        cfnames ='cfnames')
+                        self.assertNotIn('\n\n', cfnames)
+                        if ksname == ks:
+                            self.assertIn('ascii_with_invalid_and_special_chars', cfnames)
+                    self.assertIn('system', ksnames)
+                    self.assertIn(quote_name('3.0.0', ks), ksnames)
+            # when in a keyspace
+            c.send('USE %s;\n' % quote_name('3.0.0', ks))
+            c.read_to_next_prompt()
+            for cmdword in ('DESCRIBE COLUMNFAMILIES', 'desc tables'):
+                for semicolon in (';', ''):
+                    output = c.cmd_and_response(cmdword + semicolon)
+                    self.assertNoHasColors(output)
+                    self.assertEqual(output[0], '\n')
+                    self.assertEqual(output[-1], '\n')
+                    self.assertNotIn('Keyspace %s' % quote_name('3.0.0', ks), output)
+                    self.assertIn('has_value_encoding_errors', output)
+                    self.assertIn('undefined_values_table', output)
+    def test_describe_cluster_output(self):
+        output_re = r'''(?x)
+            ^
+            \n
+            Cluster: [ ] (?P<clustername> .* ) \n
+            Partitioner: [ ] (?P<partitionername> .* ) \n
+            Snitch: [ ] (?P<snitchname> .* ) \n
+            \n
+        '''
+        ringinfo_re = r'''
+            Range[ ]ownership: \n
+            (
+              [ ] .*? [ ][ ] \[ ( \d+ \. ){3} \d+ \] \n
+            )+
+            \n
+        '''
+        with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True, keyspace=None, cqlver=3) as c:
+            # not in a keyspace
+            for semicolon in ('', ';'):
+                output = c.cmd_and_response('describe cluster' + semicolon)
+                self.assertNoHasColors(output)
+                self.assertRegexpMatches(output, output_re + '$')
+            c.send('USE %s;\n' % quote_name('3.0.0', get_test_keyspace()))
+            c.read_to_next_prompt()
+            for semicolon in ('', ';'):
+                output = c.cmd_and_response('describe cluster' + semicolon)
+                self.assertNoHasColors(output)
+                self.assertRegexpMatches(output, output_re + ringinfo_re + '$')
+    def test_describe_schema_output(self):
+        with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True) as c:
+            for semicolon in ('', ';'):
+                output = c.cmd_and_response('desc schema' + semicolon)
+                self.assertNoHasColors(output)
+                self.assertRegexpMatches(output, '^\nCREATE KEYSPACE')
+                self.assertIn("\nCREATE KEYSPACE system WITH replication = {\n  'class': 'LocalStrategy'\n};\n",
+                              output)
+                self.assertRegexpMatches(output, ';\s*$')
+    def test_show_output(self):
+        with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True) as c:
+            output = c.cmd_and_response('show version;')
+            self.assertRegexpMatches(output,
+                    '^\[cqlsh \S+ \| Cassandra \S+ \| CQL spec \S+ \| Thrift protocol \S+\]$')
+            output = c.cmd_and_response('show host;')
+            self.assertHasColors(output)
+            self.assertRegexpMatches(output, '^Connected to .* at %s:%d\.$'
+                                             % (re.escape(TEST_HOST), TEST_PORT))
+    def test_show_assumptions_output(self):
+        expected_output = '\nUSE %s;\n\n' % quote_name('', get_test_keyspace())
+        with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True) as c:
+            output = c.cmd_and_response('show assumptions')
+            self.assertEqual(output, 'No overrides.\n')
+            c.cmd_and_response('assume dynamic_values VALUES aRe uuid;')
+            expected_output += 'ASSUME dynamic_values VALUES ARE uuid;\n'
+            output = c.cmd_and_response('show assumptions')
+            self.assertEqual(output, expected_output + '\n')
+            c.cmd_and_response('Assume has_all_types names arE float;')
+            expected_output += 'ASSUME has_all_types NAMES ARE float;\n'
+            output = c.cmd_and_response('show assumptions')
+            self.assertEqual(output, expected_output + '\n')
+            c.cmd_and_response('assume twenty_rows_table ( b ) values are decimal;')
+            expected_output += 'ASSUME twenty_rows_table(b) VALUES ARE decimal;\n'
+            output = c.cmd_and_response('show assumptions')
+            self.assertEqual(output, expected_output + '\n')
+    def test_eof_prints_newline(self):
+        with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True) as c:
+            c.send(CONTROL_D)
+            out = c.read_lines(1)[0].replace('\r', '')
+            self.assertEqual(out, '\n')
+            with self.assertRaises(BaseException) as cm:
+                c.read_lines(1)
+            self.assertIn(type(cm.exception), (EOFError, OSError))
+    def test_exit_prints_no_newline(self):
+        for semicolon in ('', ';'):
+            with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True) as c:
+                cmd = 'exit%s\n' % semicolon
+                c.send(cmd)
+                out = c.read_lines(1)[0].replace('\r', '')
+                self.assertEqual(out, cmd)
+                with self.assertRaises(BaseException) as cm:
+                    c.read_lines(1)
+                self.assertIn(type(cm.exception), (EOFError, OSError))
+    def test_help_types(self):
+        with testrun_cqlsh(tty=True) as c:
+            output = c.cmd_and_response('help types')
+    def test_help(self):
+        pass
+    def test_printing_parse_error(self):
+        pass
+    def test_printing_lex_error(self):
+        pass
+    def test_multiline_statements(self):
+        pass
+    def test_cancel_statement(self):
+        pass
+    def test_printing_integrity_error(self):
+        pass
+    def test_printing_cql_error(self):
+        pass
+    def test_empty_line(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/pylib/cqlshlib/test/test_keyspace_init2.cql b/pylib/cqlshlib/test/test_keyspace_init2.cql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..415becc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylib/cqlshlib/test/test_keyspace_init2.cql
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+CREATE TABLE has_all_types (
+    num int PRIMARY KEY,
+    intcol int,
+    asciicol ascii,
+    bigintcol bigint,
+    blobcol blob,
+    booleancol boolean,
+    decimalcol decimal,
+    doublecol double,
+    floatcol float,
+    textcol text,
+    timestampcol timestamp,
+    uuidcol uuid,
+    varcharcol varchar,
+    varintcol varint
+INSERT INTO has_all_types (num, intcol, asciicol, bigintcol, blobcol, booleancol,
+                           decimalcol, doublecol, floatcol, textcol,
+                           timestampcol, uuidcol, varcharcol, varintcol)
+VALUES (0, -12, 'abcdefg', 1234567890123456789, '000102030405fffefd', 'true',
+        19952.11882, 1.0, -2.1, 'Voilá!', '2012-05-14 12:53:20+0000',
+        bd1924e1-6af8-44ae-b5e1-f24131dbd460, '"', 10000000000000000000000000);
+INSERT INTO has_all_types (num, intcol, asciicol, bigintcol, blobcol, booleancol,
+                           decimalcol, doublecol, floatcol, textcol,
+                           timestampcol, uuidcol, varcharcol, varintcol)
+VALUES (1, 2147483647, '__!''$#@!~"', 9223372036854775807, 'ffffffffffffffffff', true,
+        0.00000000000001, 9999999.999, 99999.99, '∭Ƕ⑮ฑ➳❏''', '1900-01-01+0000',
+        ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff, 'newline->
+<-', 9);
+INSERT INTO has_all_types (num, intcol, asciicol, bigintcol, blobcol, booleancol,
+                           decimalcol, doublecol, floatcol, textcol,
+                           timestampcol, uuidcol, varcharcol, varintcol)
+VALUES (2, 0, '', 0, '', false,
+        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, '', 0,
+        00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, '', 0);
+INSERT INTO has_all_types (num, intcol, asciicol, bigintcol, blobcol, booleancol,
+                           decimalcol, doublecol, floatcol, textcol,
+                           timestampcol, uuidcol, varcharcol, varintcol)
+VALUES (3, -2147483648, '''''''', -9223372036854775808, '80', 'false',
+        10.0000000000000, -1004.10, 100000000.9, '龍馭鬱', '2038-01-19T03:14-1200',
+        ffffffff-ffff-1fff-8fff-ffffffffffff, '''', -10000000000000000000000000);
+CREATE TABLE has_value_encoding_errors (
+    pkey ascii PRIMARY KEY,
+    utf8col blob
+INSERT INTO has_value_encoding_errors (pkey, utf8col) VALUES ('A', '00ff00ff');
+ALTER TABLE has_value_encoding_errors ALTER utf8col TYPE text;
+CREATE TABLE has_key_encoding_errors (
+    pkey blob PRIMARY KEY,
+    col text
+INSERT INTO has_key_encoding_errors (pkey, col) VALUES ('00ff028f', 'whatever');
+ALTER TABLE has_key_encoding_errors ALTER pkey TYPE text;
+CREATE TABLE empty_table (
+    lonelykey float primary key,
+    lonelycol text
+CREATE COLUMNFAMILY dynamic_columns (
+    somekey int PRIMARY KEY
+) WITH comparator = float
+   AND default_validation = text;
+INSERT INTO dynamic_columns (somekey, 1.2) VALUES (1, 'one point two');
+INSERT INTO dynamic_columns (somekey, 2.3) VALUES (2, 'two point three');
+INSERT INTO dynamic_columns (somekey, 3.46) VALUES (3, 'three point four six');
+INSERT INTO dynamic_columns (somekey, 99.0) VALUES (3, 'ninety-nine point oh');
+INSERT INTO dynamic_columns (somekey, -0.0001) VALUES (3, 'negative ten thousandth');
+CREATE TABLE twenty_rows_table (
+    a text primary key,
+    b text
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (1, 1);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (2, 2);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (3, 3);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (4, 4);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (5, 5);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (6, 6);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (7, 7);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (8, 8);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (9, 9);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (10, 10);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (11, 11);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (12, 12);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (13, 13);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (14, 14);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (15, 15);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (16, 16);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (17, 17);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (18, 18);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (19, 19);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b) VALUES (20, 20);
+-- one row is twenty cols wide
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b1) VALUES (1, 1);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b2) VALUES (1, 2);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b3) VALUES (1, 3);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b4) VALUES (1, 4);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b5) VALUES (1, 5);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b6) VALUES (1, 6);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b7) VALUES (1, 7);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b8) VALUES (1, 8);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b9) VALUES (1, 9);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b10) VALUES (1, 10);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b11) VALUES (1, 11);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b12) VALUES (1, 12);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b13) VALUES (1, 13);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b14) VALUES (1, 14);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b15) VALUES (1, 15);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b16) VALUES (1, 16);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b17) VALUES (1, 17);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b18) VALUES (1, 18);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_table (a, b19) VALUES (1, 19);
+CREATE TABLE undefined_values_table (
+    k text PRIMARY KEY,
+    c text,
+    notthere text
+INSERT INTO undefined_values_table (k, c) VALUES ('k1', 'c1');
+INSERT INTO undefined_values_table (k, c) VALUES ('k2', 'c2');
+CREATE TABLE ascii_with_invalid_and_special_chars (
+    k int PRIMARY KEY,
+    val blob
+-- "newline:\n"
+INSERT INTO ascii_with_invalid_and_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (0, '6e65776c696e653a0a');
+-- "return\rand null\0!"
+INSERT INTO ascii_with_invalid_and_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (1, '72657475726e0d616e64206e756c6c0021');
+-- "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05control chars\x06\x07"
+INSERT INTO ascii_with_invalid_and_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (2, '000102030405636f6e74726f6c2063686172730607');
+-- "\xfe\xffbyte order mark"
+INSERT INTO ascii_with_invalid_and_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (3, 'feff62797465206f72646572206d61726b');
+-- "fake special chars\\x00\\n"
+INSERT INTO ascii_with_invalid_and_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (4, '66616b65207370656369616c2063686172735c7830305c6e');
+ALTER TABLE ascii_with_invalid_and_special_chars ALTER val TYPE ascii;
+CREATE TABLE utf8_with_special_chars (
+    k int PRIMARY KEY,
+    val text
+INSERT INTO utf8_with_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (0, 'Normal string');
+INSERT INTO utf8_with_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (1, 'Text with
+INSERT INTO utf8_with_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (2, 'Text with embedded  char');
+INSERT INTO utf8_with_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (3, 'ⓈⓅⒺⒸⒾⒶⓁ ⒞⒣⒜⒭⒮ and normal ones');
+INSERT INTO utf8_with_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (4, 'double wides: ⾑⾤⾚');
+INSERT INTO utf8_with_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (5, 'zero width​space');
+INSERT INTO utf8_with_special_chars (k, val) VALUES (6, 'fake special chars\x00\n');
diff --git a/pylib/cqlshlib/test/test_keyspace_init3.cql b/pylib/cqlshlib/test/test_keyspace_init3.cql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c5e4be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylib/cqlshlib/test/test_keyspace_init3.cql
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+CREATE TABLE empty_composite_table (
+    lonelykey float,
+    lonelycol text,
+    lonelyval int,
+    primary key (lonelykey, lonelycol)
+CREATE TABLE twenty_rows_composite_table (
+    a text,
+    b text,
+    c text,
+    primary key (a, b)
+-- all in the same storage engine row:
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 1, 1);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 2, 2);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 3, 3);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 4, 4);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 5, 5);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 6, 6);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 7, 7);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 8, 8);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 9, 9);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 10, 10);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 11, 11);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 12, 12);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 13, 13);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 14, 14);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 15, 15);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 16, 16);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 17, 17);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 18, 18);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 19, 19);
+INSERT INTO twenty_rows_composite_table (a, b, c) VALUES ('A', 20, 20);