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Posted to by qMax <> on 2005/06/14 11:53:28 UTC

Re[2]: untranslated problem

Sunday, June 12, 2005, 2:17:37 AM, Michael Wohlfart wrote:
MW> <i18n:text i18n:key="key_text">Default value</i18n:text>

MW> The string "Default value" is displayed if "key_text" isn't
MW> found in the dictionary

MW> pros:
MW> 1. The text reads correctly (if you ignore the key)
MW> 2. Maintenance is easy in the dictionaries
3. having (contexted!) keys also allows more quality translations for words appeared
in various contexts.

MW> The only drawback is that you don't get a friendly "untranslated"
MW> warning if you forget to translate a key.
For native speaking translators it's not much hard to note foreign phrase in a page.

And IMHO, keeping translations in sync (avoiding missing keys) is issue of maitaining
dictionaries, rather then debugging pages.
I posted some suggestions about it at
"Translation catalogues synchronization.":


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