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Posted to by on 2011/10/27 13:17:28 UTC

[PATCH core 8/8] CIMI: Getting rid of @dtfm_item Hash in all 'show' operations in prior to access Deltacloud model properties directly

From: Michal Fojtik <>

Signed-off-by: Michal fojtik <>
 .../cimi/machine_configurations/show.html.haml     |   10 +++---
 .../cimi/machine_configurations/show.xml.haml      |   36 ++++++------------
 server/views/cimi/machine_images/show.xml.haml     |   21 ++++-------
 server/views/cimi/machines/show.xml.haml           |   39 +++++++-------------
 server/views/cimi/volumes/show.xml.haml            |   21 ++++-------
 5 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/server/views/cimi/machine_configurations/show.html.haml b/server/views/cimi/machine_configurations/show.html.haml
index 38dc867..80c1b76 100644
--- a/server/views/cimi/machine_configurations/show.html.haml
+++ b/server/views/cimi/machine_configurations/show.html.haml
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 %h1 View/Edit machine configuration
 %form{ :action => machine_configurations_url }
-  %input{ :name => :id, :type => :hidden, :value => @dmtfitem["uri"] }/
+  %input{ :name => :id, :type => :hidden, :value => url_for("/cimi/machine_configurations/#{}") }/
   %input{ :name => :xmlRootNode, :type => :hidden, :value => @xml_root_node }/
   %input{ :name => :refreshURI, :type => :hidden, :value => machine_configurations_url }/
-    %input{ :name => :name, :size => 50, :value => @dmtfitem["name"], :style => "width:50%;" }
-    %input{ :name => :created, :type => :hidden, :size => 50, :value => @dmtfitem["created"] }
+    %input{ :name => :name, :size => 50, :value =>, :style => "width:50%;" }
+    %input{ :name => :created, :type => :hidden, :size => 50, :value => @object.launch_time || }
-    %textarea{ :name => :description, :cols => 50, :rows => 4, :style => "width:50%;" } #{@dmtfitem['description']}
+    %textarea{ :name => :description, :cols => 50, :rows => 4, :style => "width:50%;" }
@@ -156,4 +156,4 @@
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
+  }
diff --git a/server/views/cimi/machine_configurations/show.xml.haml b/server/views/cimi/machine_configurations/show.xml.haml
index c337fe1..095bebd 100644
--- a/server/views/cimi/machine_configurations/show.xml.haml
+++ b/server/views/cimi/machine_configurations/show.xml.haml
@@ -1,27 +1,15 @@
 - unless defined?(partial)
   !!! XML
 %MachineConfiguration{ :xmlns => CMWG_NAMESPACE }
-  %uri=machine_configurations_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"]
-  %name=@dmtfitem["name"]
-  %description=@dmtfitem["description"]
-  %created=@dmtfitem["created"]
-  - if @dmtfitem["property"]
-    - if @dmtfitem["property"]["name"] && @dmtfitem["property"]["content"]
-      - property_object = {"#{@dmtfitem['property']['name']}" => {"content" => @dmtfitem["property"]["content"]}}
-    - else
-      - property_object = @dmtfitem["property"]
-    - property_object.each_pair do |key, value|
-      %property{ :name => key}=value["content"]
-  %cpu=@dmtfitem["cpu"]
-  %memory{ :quantity => @dmtfitem["memory"]["quantity"], :units => @dmtfitem["memory"]["units"] }
-  - if @dmtfitem["disk"]
-    - if @dmtfitem["disk"].kind_of?(Array)
-      - property_object = @dmtfitem["disk"]
-    - else
-      - property_object = [@dmtfitem["disk"]]
-    - property_object.each do |disk|
-      %disk
-        %capacity{ :quantity => disk["capacity"]["quantity"], :units => disk["capacity"]["units"] }
-        %guestInterface= disk["guestInterface"]
-  %operation{ :rel => "edit", :href => machine_configurations_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"] }
-  %operation{ :rel => "delete", :href => machine_configurations_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"] }
\ No newline at end of file
+  %uri=machine_configurations_url + "/" +
+  %uri=url_for("/cimi/machine_configurations/#{}")
+  %description="#{} machine configuration"
+  %cpu=@object.architecture.value
+  %memory{ :quantity => @object.memory.value, :units => @object.memory.unit }/
+  %disk
+    %capacity{ :quantity =>, :units => }/
+    %guestInterface SATA
+  %operation{ :rel => "edit", :href => machine_configurations_url + "/" + }/
+  %operation{ :rel => "delete", :href => machine_configurations_url + "/" + }/
diff --git a/server/views/cimi/machine_images/show.xml.haml b/server/views/cimi/machine_images/show.xml.haml
index a00713c..9ff2f3b 100644
--- a/server/views/cimi/machine_images/show.xml.haml
+++ b/server/views/cimi/machine_images/show.xml.haml
@@ -1,17 +1,10 @@
 - unless defined?(partial)
   !!! XML
 %MachineImage{ :xmlns => CMWG_NAMESPACE }
-  %uri=machine_images_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"]
-  %name=@dmtfitem["name"]
-  %description=@dmtfitem["description"]
-  %created=@dmtfitem["created"]
-  - if @dmtfitem["property"]
-    - if @dmtfitem["property"]["name"] && @dmtfitem["property"]["content"]
-      - property_object = {"#{@dmtfitem['property']['name']}" => {"content" => @dmtfitem["property"]["content"]}}
-    - else
-      - property_object = @dmtfitem["property"]
-    - property_object.each_pair do |key, value|
-      %property{ :name => key}=value["content"]
-  %imageLocation{ :href => @dmtfitem["imageLocation"]}
-  %operation{ :rel => "edit", :href => machine_images_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"] }
-  %operation{ :rel => "delete", :href => machine_images_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"] }
\ No newline at end of file
+  %uri=machine_images_url + "/" +
+  %description="#{} machine image description"
+  %imageLocation{ :href => '/'}/
+  %operation{ :rel => "edit", :href => machine_images_url + "/" + }/
+  %operation{ :rel => "delete", :href => machine_images_url + "/" + }/
diff --git a/server/views/cimi/machines/show.xml.haml b/server/views/cimi/machines/show.xml.haml
index c699b19..2b6da55 100644
--- a/server/views/cimi/machines/show.xml.haml
+++ b/server/views/cimi/machines/show.xml.haml
@@ -1,28 +1,17 @@
 - unless defined?(partial)
   !!! XML
 %Machine{ :xmlns => CMWG_NAMESPACE }
-  %uri=machines_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"]
-  %name=@dmtfitem["name"]
-  %description=@dmtfitem["description"]
-  %created=@dmtfitem["created"]
-  - if @dmtfitem["property"]
-    - if @dmtfitem["property"]["name"] && @dmtfitem["property"]["content"]
-      - property_object = {"#{@dmtfitem['property']['name']}" => {"content" => @dmtfitem["property"]["content"]}}
-    - else
-      - property_object = @dmtfitem["property"]
-    - property_object.each_pair do |key, value|
-      %property{ :name => key}=value["content"]
-  %status=@dmtfitem["status"]
-  %cpu=@dmtfitem["cpu"]
-  %memory{ :quantity => @dmtfitem["memory"]["quantity"], :units => @dmtfitem["memory"]["units"] }
-  - if @dmtfitem["disk"]
-    - if @dmtfitem["disk"].kind_of?(Array)
-      - property_object = @dmtfitem["disk"]
-    - else
-      - property_object = [@dmtfitem["disk"]]
-    - property_object.each do |disk|
-      %disk
-        %capacity{ :quantity => disk["capacity"]["quantity"], :units => disk["capacity"]["units"] }
-        %guestInterface= disk["guestInterface"]
-  %operation{ :rel => "edit", :href => machines_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"] }
-  %operation{ :rel => "delete", :href => machines_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"] }
\ No newline at end of file
+  %uri=machines_url + "/" +
+  %description="#{} machine description"
+  %created=@object.launch_time ||
+  %status=@object.state
+ { |p, v| p == :architecture }.first || @profile.architecture.value
+  - memory_label, memory_value = { |p, v| p == :memory }
+  %memory{ :quantity => memory_value || @profile.memory.value, :units =>  Deltacloud::HardwareProfile::unit(:memory) }/
+  %disk
+    - storage_label, storage_value = { |p, v| p == :storage }
+    %capacity{ :quantity => storage_value ||, :units =>  Deltacloud::HardwareProfile::unit(:storage)}/
+    %guestInterface SATA
+  %operation{ :rel => "edit", :href => machines_url + "/" + }/
+  %operation{ :rel => "delete", :href => machines_url + "/" + }/
diff --git a/server/views/cimi/volumes/show.xml.haml b/server/views/cimi/volumes/show.xml.haml
index 30ef2c2..5f34534 100644
--- a/server/views/cimi/volumes/show.xml.haml
+++ b/server/views/cimi/volumes/show.xml.haml
@@ -1,17 +1,10 @@
 - unless defined?(partial)
   !!! XML
 %Volume{ :xmlns => CMWG_NAMESPACE }
-  %uri=volumes_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"]
-  %name=@dmtfitem["name"]
-  %description=@dmtfitem["description"]
-  %created=@dmtfitem["created"]
-  - if @dmtfitem["property"]
-    - if @dmtfitem["property"]["name"] && @dmtfitem["property"]["content"]
-      - property_object = {"#{@dmtfitem['property']['name']}" => {"content" => @dmtfitem["property"]["content"]}}
-    - else
-      - property_object = @dmtfitem["property"]
-    - property_object.each_pair do |key, value|
-      %property{ :name => key}=value["content"]
-  %capacity{ :quantity => @dmtfitem["capacity"]["quantity"], :units => @dmtfitem["capacity"]["units"]}
-  %operation{ :rel => "edit", :href => volumes_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"] }
-  %operation{ :rel => "delete", :href => volumes_url + "/" + @dmtfitem["uri"] }
\ No newline at end of file
+  %uri=volumes_url + "/" +
+  %description="#{} volume description"
+  %created=@object.created ||
+  %capacity{ :quantity => @object.capacity, :units => 'GB'}
+  %operation{ :rel => "edit", :href => volumes_url + "/" + }
+  %operation{ :rel => "delete", :href => volumes_url + "/" + }