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Posted to by Ray Anderson <> on 2005/01/12 04:30:26 UTC

Body checks not identifying spam

I'm thinking it's because the message is in multi-part embedded multi-part
mime mail, but I'm not sure.

I'm stuck running 2.55 for another 3 months or so before I move to FC3, so
until then, does anyone have any advice?  This is the second message that's
like this, and I'm sure the numbers are going to grow.

Funny, how typing a message step by step forces you to realize your own
mistake.  I had in the
  body testname /pattern/

Instead of 

  rawbody testname /pattern/

Works great now!

I hope me finding my own answer helps someone out there.


As a fighter pilot I knew from my own experiences how decisive surprise and
luck can be for a success, which in the long run only comes to the one who
combines daring with cool thinking.
Lt. General Adolph Galland, Luftwaffe