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Posted to by James Strachan <> on 2008/11/26 10:39:16 UTC

Re: Camel and object memory management

2008/11/26 mta38 <>:
> Hi all,
> I have a global question about Camel behaviour. To be 'clear' as much as
> possible I give an example :
> Suppose the following route (in Spring config file):
> <route>
>        <from uri="jms:queue:A">
>        <multicast>
>                <to uri=" jms:queue:B">
>                <to uri=" jms:queue:C">
>        </multicast>
> </route>
> <route>
>        <from uri="jms:queue:B">
>        <process ref="processor1">
> </route>
> <route>
>        <from uri=" jms:queue:C">
>        <to ref=" processor2">
> </route>
> Message content, Consumer and provider behaviour are not important for my
> question.
> My question is about the number of instance of processor1 and processor2
> Camel or Spring will construct.
> Is this number of instance depends on the value of "concurrentConsumer"
> which can be specify to queue B and queue C ?
> Thanks in advance for your answer.

If you give a reference to a bean or processor in Camel; it will
typically look it up each time (in each consumer) so it is up to your
IoC container (Spring/Guice/JNDI) to decide whether to return the same
instance each time, to use a singleton or to use some kind of pool

Though there are places in Camel; particularly in the Java DSL - where
you can pass the actual instance into the DSL; so it will just use
that one instance in those cases.


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