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Posted to by felix gao <> on 2011/07/15 02:14:53 UTC

Tasks that takes long time to finish?

recently we had some resolver issues so i have added all the ips of the
slaves, namenode, jobtracker to the /etc/hosts file in all the slaves,
namenode, and jobtracker.
This is one of the 5000+ task attemp, it seems every task is taking around 6
minutes to process. I don't have the number in hand but it seems long to me
to process 150MB little over 6 minutes.
I am not sure if we are still having some network related problem. Can
someone tell me is this normal?
*syslog logs*

2011-07-14 18:58:54,830 INFO org.apache.hadoop.metrics.jvm.JvmMetrics:
Initializing JVM Metrics with processName=MAP, sessionId=
2011-07-14 18:58:55,387 WARN truncating
long string: 119379 chars, starting with /user/logs
2011-07-14 19:05:11,283 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskRunner:
Task:attempt_201107141056_0010_m_003403_0 is done. And is in the
process of commiting
2011-07-14 19:05:14,479 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskRunner: Task
attempt_201107141056_0010_m_003403_0 is allowed to commit now
2011-07-14 19:05:16,055 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter: Saved
output of task 'attempt_201107141056_0010_m_003403_0' to
2011-07-14 19:05:16,058 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskRunner: Task
'attempt_201107141056_0010_m_003403_0' done.

Counters for task_201107141056_0010_m_003403

HDFS_BYTES_READ 134,297,584
*Map-Reduce Framework*
Map input records 396,178
Spilled Records 0
Map output records 200,435