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Posted to by Mengwei Shi <> on 2014/07/05 07:27:14 UTC

[Ask for help] How to “create table as ” in HIVE using avro format?


i met some problems in using HIVE to process avro formatted files. Could
anyone help me?

Basically, I have an avro-formatted HIVE table defined as follows:

create external table if not exists AvroTestTable

row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe'

stored as

    inputformat ''


location '<mylocation>'

tblproperties ('avro.schema.literal'='{

    "name": "AvroTestTable",

    "type": "record",

  "fields" : [ {

    "name" : "Id",

    "type" : [ "int", "null" ]

  }, {

    "name" : "Subject",

    "type" : [ "string", "null" ]




Now i want a second (temporary and internal) table whose data comes from
the first table. my query is this:

create table if not exists DerivedTable

row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe'

as select Subject from AvroTestTable;

this would give me error:

FAILED: SemanticException Line 0:-1 Cannot insert into target table because
column number/types are different 'TOK_TMP_FILE': Table insclause-0 has 2
columns, but query has 1 columns.

If my tables were stored as textfile, then i can "create table B as select
whatever from A" without specifying the schema for table B.

But when my tables are in avro format, this seems to be not working. Where
could the problem be?
