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Posted to by gerard uolaquetalestem <> on 2004/01/20 23:53:58 UTC

Re: perl sections howto?

Maybe this time ... Stas i send you a copy with another mail, that is not in the list so i
can't send (i've proved) to

I'm doing tests, these are my results:


- Without a <PERL> section in httpd.conf, most of sites i have (in localhost) do not work
(message: Forbidden), but there is one that yes it does.

This site is different from all the others, it doesn't have the next directives that all
other sites have (inside directory hash):

PerlHeaderParserHandler => "Blogum::BlogumHeaders",
AddOutputFilter => "INCLUDES .bhtml .html",
Files => {
    "*.bhtml" => {
          PerlOutputFilterHandler => "Blogum::BlogumFilter",


- With a <PERL> section inside the httpd.conf (a section containing a directory hash, with
no one of those directives mentioned above), i have all the sites working.


- With the directive in httpd.conf
PerlTransHandler +Blogum::BlogumURI
All sites still continue working


- With the directive in .pl file
$PerlTransHandler = "+Blogum::BlogumURI";
having erased the httpd.conf directive or not, i have the same problems as before, only
one site works, that that have no one of those directives mentioned before.


Then, first question is clear, that directive in .pl file is correct?? And, any idea about
the behaviour commented before?? Thanks!

>what would it take for people to play nice on this list and truncate those
>silly quote-the-whole-thread at the bottom mess/waste? :( Think about
>those people who are going to reuse the archives. And it can be you at
>some point.
>Please truncate! Thanks.

Was this message to me? (because i don't understant very well the meaning, english
questions (sight))

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