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[29/69] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-rya git commit: RYA-198 Renaming Files
diff --git a/dao/mongodb.rya/src/test/java/org/apache/rya/mongodb/ b/dao/mongodb.rya/src/test/java/org/apache/rya/mongodb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be5fdb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dao/mongodb.rya/src/test/java/org/apache/rya/mongodb/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package mvm.rya.mongodb;
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema.ANYURI;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
+import com.mongodb.DBObject;
+import com.mongodb.MongoException;
+import mvm.rya.api.domain.RyaStatement;
+import mvm.rya.api.domain.RyaStatement.RyaStatementBuilder;
+import mvm.rya.api.domain.RyaURI;
+import mvm.rya.api.persist.RyaDAOException;
+import mvm.rya.mongodb.dao.SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy;
+public class SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategyTest {
+    private static final String SUBJECT = "";
+    private static final String PREDICATE = "";
+    private static final String OBJECT = "";
+    private static final String CONTEXT = "";
+    private static final RyaStatement testStatement;
+    private static final DBObject testDBO;
+    private final SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy storageStrategy = new SimpleMongoDBStorageStrategy();
+    static {
+        final RyaStatementBuilder builder = new RyaStatementBuilder();
+        builder.setPredicate(new RyaURI(PREDICATE));
+        builder.setSubject(new RyaURI(SUBJECT));
+        builder.setObject(new RyaURI(OBJECT));
+        builder.setContext(new RyaURI(CONTEXT));
+        builder.setTimestamp(null);
+        testStatement =;
+        testDBO = new BasicDBObject();
+        testDBO.put("_id", "d5f8fea0e85300478da2c9b4e132c69502e21221");
+        testDBO.put("subject", SUBJECT);
+        testDBO.put("predicate", PREDICATE);
+        testDBO.put("object", OBJECT);
+        testDBO.put("objectType", ANYURI.stringValue());
+        testDBO.put("context", CONTEXT);
+        testDBO.put("insertTimestamp", null);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSerializeStatementToDBO() throws RyaDAOException, MongoException, IOException {
+        final DBObject dbo = storageStrategy.serialize(testStatement);
+        assertEquals(testDBO, dbo);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDeSerializeStatementToDBO() throws RyaDAOException, MongoException, IOException {
+        final RyaStatement statement = storageStrategy.deserializeDBObject(testDBO);
+        /**
+         * Since RyaStatement creates a timestamp using JVM time if the timestamp is null, we want to re-null it
+         * for this test.  Timestamp is created at insert time by the Server, this test
+         * can be found in the RyaDAO.
+         */
+        statement.setTimestamp(null);
+        assertEquals(testStatement, statement);
+    }
diff --git a/dao/mongodb.rya/src/test/java/org/apache/rya/mongodb/instance/ b/dao/mongodb.rya/src/test/java/org/apache/rya/mongodb/instance/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9faa595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dao/mongodb.rya/src/test/java/org/apache/rya/mongodb/instance/
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+package mvm.rya.mongodb.instance;
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import java.util.Date;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
+import com.mongodb.DBObject;
+import com.mongodb.util.JSON;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.EntityCentricIndexDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.FreeTextIndexDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.GeoIndexDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.JoinSelectivityDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.FluoDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.PCJDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.PCJDetails.PCJUpdateStrategy;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.ProspectorDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.TemporalIndexDetails;
+import mvm.rya.mongodb.instance.MongoDetailsAdapter.MalformedRyaDetailsException;
+ * Tests the methods of {@link MongoDetailsAdapter}.
+ */
+public class MongoDetailsAdapterTest {
+    @Test
+    public void ryaDetailsToMongoTest() {
+        // Convert the Details into a Mongo DB OBject.
+        final RyaDetails details = RyaDetails.builder()
+            .setRyaInstanceName("test")
+            .setRyaVersion("1")
+            .setEntityCentricIndexDetails(new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true))
+            .setGeoIndexDetails(new GeoIndexDetails(true))
+            .setPCJIndexDetails(
+                PCJIndexDetails.builder()
+                .setEnabled(true)
+                .setFluoDetails(new FluoDetails("fluo"))
+                .addPCJDetails(
+                        PCJDetails.builder()
+                        .setId("pcj_0")
+                        .setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH)
+                        .setLastUpdateTime(new Date(0L)))
+                .addPCJDetails(
+                        PCJDetails.builder()
+                        .setId("pcj_1")
+                        .setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH)
+                        .setLastUpdateTime(new Date(1L))))
+            .setTemporalIndexDetails(new TemporalIndexDetails(true))
+            .setFreeTextDetails(new FreeTextIndexDetails(true))
+            .setProspectorDetails(new ProspectorDetails(Optional.fromNullable(new Date(0L))))
+            .setJoinSelectivityDetails(new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.fromNullable(new Date(1L))))
+            .build();
+        final BasicDBObject actual = MongoDetailsAdapter.toDBObject(details);
+        // Ensure it matches the expected object.
+        final DBObject expected = (DBObject) JSON.parse(
+            "{ "
+            + "instanceName : \"test\","
+            + "version : \"1\","
+            + "entityCentricDetails : true,"
+            + "geoDetails : true,"
+            + "pcjDetails : {"
+            +    "enabled : true ,"
+            +    "fluoName : \"fluo\","
+            +    "pcjs : [ "
+            +       "{"
+            +          "id : \"pcj_0\","
+            +          "updateStrategy : \"BATCH\","
+            +          "lastUpdate : { $date : \"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\"}"
+            +       "},"
+            +       "{"
+            +          "id : \"pcj_1\","
+            +          "updateStrategy : \"BATCH\","
+            +          "lastUpdate : { $date : \"1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z\"}"
+            +       "}]"
+            + "},"
+            + "temporalDetails : true,"
+            + "freeTextDetails : true,"
+            + "prospectorDetails : { $date : \"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\"},"
+            + "joinSelectivitiyDetails : { $date : \"1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z\"}"
+          + "}"
+        );
+        assertEquals(expected.toString(), actual.toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void mongoToRyaDetailsTest() throws MalformedRyaDetailsException {
+        // Convert the Mongo object into a RyaDetails.
+        final BasicDBObject mongo = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(
+            "{ "
+            + "instanceName : \"test\","
+            + "version : \"1\","
+            + "entityCentricDetails : true,"
+            + "geoDetails : true,"
+            + "pcjDetails : {"
+            +    "enabled : true ,"
+            +    "fluoName : \"fluo\","
+            +    "pcjs : [ "
+            +       "{"
+            +          "id : \"pcj_0\","
+            +          "updateStrategy : \"BATCH\","
+            +          "lastUpdate : { $date : \"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\"}"
+            +       "},"
+            +       "{"
+            +          "id : \"pcj_1\","
+            +          "updateStrategy : \"BATCH\","
+            +          "lastUpdate : { $date : \"1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z\"}"
+            +       "}]"
+            + "},"
+            + "temporalDetails : true,"
+            + "freeTextDetails : true,"
+            + "prospectorDetails : { $date : \"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\"},"
+            + "joinSelectivitiyDetails : { $date : \"1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z\"}"
+          + "}"
+        );
+        final RyaDetails actual = MongoDetailsAdapter.toRyaDetails(mongo);
+        // Ensure it matches the expected object.
+        final RyaDetails expected = RyaDetails.builder()
+            .setRyaInstanceName("test")
+            .setRyaVersion("1")
+            .setEntityCentricIndexDetails(new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true))
+            .setGeoIndexDetails(new GeoIndexDetails(true))
+            .setPCJIndexDetails(
+                PCJIndexDetails.builder()
+                    .setEnabled(true)
+                    .setFluoDetails(new FluoDetails("fluo"))
+                    .addPCJDetails(
+                        PCJDetails.builder()
+                            .setId("pcj_0")
+                            .setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH)
+                            .setLastUpdateTime(new Date(0L)))
+                    .addPCJDetails(
+                            PCJDetails.builder()
+                                .setId("pcj_1")
+                                .setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH)
+                                .setLastUpdateTime(new Date(1L))))
+            .setTemporalIndexDetails(new TemporalIndexDetails(true))
+            .setFreeTextDetails(new FreeTextIndexDetails(true))
+            .setProspectorDetails(new ProspectorDetails(Optional.<Date>fromNullable(new Date(0L))))
+            .setJoinSelectivityDetails(new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.<Date>fromNullable(new Date(1L))))
+            .build();
+        assertEquals(expected, actual);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void absentOptionalToRyaDetailsTest() throws MalformedRyaDetailsException {
+        // Convert the Mongo object into a RyaDetails.
+        final BasicDBObject mongo = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(
+                "{ "
+                + "instanceName : \"test\","
+                + "version : \"1\","
+                + "entityCentricDetails : true,"
+                + "geoDetails : false,"
+                + "pcjDetails : {"
+                +    "enabled : false,"
+                +    "fluoName : \"fluo\","
+                +    "pcjs : [ "
+                +       "{"
+                +          "id : \"pcj_1\","
+                +       "}"
+                +    "]"
+                + "},"
+                + "temporalDetails : false,"
+                + "freeTextDetails : true,"
+                + "prospectorDetails : null,"
+                + "joinSelectivitiyDetails : null"
+              + "}"
+            );
+        final RyaDetails actual = MongoDetailsAdapter.toRyaDetails(mongo);
+        // Ensure it matches the expected object.
+        final RyaDetails expected = RyaDetails.builder()
+            .setRyaInstanceName("test")
+            .setRyaVersion("1")
+            .setEntityCentricIndexDetails(new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true))
+            .setGeoIndexDetails(new GeoIndexDetails(false))
+            .setPCJIndexDetails(
+                    PCJIndexDetails.builder()
+                    .setEnabled(false)
+                    .setFluoDetails(new FluoDetails("fluo"))
+                    .addPCJDetails(
+                        PCJDetails.builder()
+                            .setId("pcj_1")
+                            .setLastUpdateTime(null)))
+            .setTemporalIndexDetails(new TemporalIndexDetails(false))
+            .setFreeTextDetails(new FreeTextIndexDetails(true))
+            .setProspectorDetails(new ProspectorDetails(Optional.<Date>absent()))
+            .setJoinSelectivityDetails(new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.<Date>absent()))
+            .build();
+        assertEquals(expected, actual);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void absentOptionalToMongoTest() {
+        // Convert the Details into a Mongo DB OBject.
+        final RyaDetails details = RyaDetails.builder()
+            .setRyaInstanceName("test")
+            .setRyaVersion("1")
+            .setEntityCentricIndexDetails(new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true))
+            .setGeoIndexDetails(new GeoIndexDetails(false))
+            .setPCJIndexDetails(
+                PCJIndexDetails.builder()
+                    .setEnabled(true)
+                    .setFluoDetails(new FluoDetails("fluo")))
+            .setTemporalIndexDetails(new TemporalIndexDetails(false))
+            .setFreeTextDetails(new FreeTextIndexDetails(true))
+            .setProspectorDetails(new ProspectorDetails(Optional.<Date>absent()))
+            .setJoinSelectivityDetails(new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.<Date>absent()))
+            .build();
+        final DBObject actual = MongoDetailsAdapter.toDBObject(details);
+        // Ensure it matches the expected object.
+        final BasicDBObject expected = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(
+                "{ "
+                + "instanceName : \"test\","
+                + "version : \"1\","
+                + "entityCentricDetails : true,"
+                + "geoDetails : false,"
+                + "pcjDetails : {"
+                +    "enabled : true,"
+                +    "fluoName : \"fluo\","
+                +    "pcjs : [ ]"
+                + "},"
+                + "temporalDetails : false,"
+                + "freeTextDetails : true"
+              + "}"
+            );
+        assertEquals(expected, actual);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void toDBObject_pcjDetails() {
+        final PCJDetails details = PCJDetails.builder()
+                .setId("pcjId")
+                .setLastUpdateTime( new Date() )
+                .setUpdateStrategy( PCJUpdateStrategy.INCREMENTAL )
+                .build();
+        // Convert it into a Mongo DB Object.
+        final BasicDBObject dbo = (BasicDBObject) MongoDetailsAdapter.toDBObject(details);
+        // Convert the dbo back into the original object.
+        final PCJDetails restored = MongoDetailsAdapter.toPCJDetails(dbo).build();
+        // Ensure the restored value matches the original.
+        assertEquals(details, restored);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void toDBObject_pcjDetails_missing_optionals() {
+        final PCJDetails details = PCJDetails.builder()
+                .setId("pcjId")
+                .build();
+        // Convert it into a Mongo DB Object.
+        final BasicDBObject dbo = (BasicDBObject) MongoDetailsAdapter.toDBObject(details);
+        // Convert the dbo back into the original object.
+        final PCJDetails restored = MongoDetailsAdapter.toPCJDetails(dbo).build();
+        // Ensure the restored value matches the original.
+        assertEquals(details, restored);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dao/mongodb.rya/src/test/java/org/apache/rya/mongodb/instance/ b/dao/mongodb.rya/src/test/java/org/apache/rya/mongodb/instance/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ce2e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dao/mongodb.rya/src/test/java/org/apache/rya/mongodb/instance/
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+package mvm.rya.mongodb.instance;
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import java.util.Date;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
+import com.mongodb.MongoException;
+import de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo.tests.MongodForTestsFactory;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.EntityCentricIndexDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.FreeTextIndexDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.GeoIndexDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.JoinSelectivityDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.FluoDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.PCJDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.PCJIndexDetails.PCJDetails.PCJUpdateStrategy;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.ProspectorDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetails.TemporalIndexDetails;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsRepository;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsRepository.AlreadyInitializedException;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsRepository.ConcurrentUpdateException;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsRepository.NotInitializedException;
+import mvm.rya.api.instance.RyaDetailsRepository.RyaDetailsRepositoryException;
+ * Tests the methods of {@link AccumuloRyaDetailsRepository} by using a {@link MiniAccumuloCluster}.
+ */
+public class MongoRyaDetailsRepositoryIT {
+    private static MongoClient client = null;
+    @BeforeClass
+    public static void startMiniAccumulo() throws MongoException, IOException {
+        final MongodForTestsFactory mongoFactory = new MongodForTestsFactory();
+        client = mongoFactory.newMongo();
+    }
+    @Before
+    public void clearLastTest() {
+        client.dropDatabase("testInstance");
+    }
+    @AfterClass
+    public static void stopMiniAccumulo() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
+        client.close();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void initializeAndGet() throws AlreadyInitializedException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
+        final String instanceName = "testInstance";
+        // Create the metadata object the repository will be initialized with.
+        final RyaDetails details = RyaDetails.builder()
+            .setRyaInstanceName(instanceName)
+            .setRyaVersion("")
+            .setEntityCentricIndexDetails( new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setGeoIndexDetails( new GeoIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setTemporalIndexDetails( new TemporalIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setFreeTextDetails( new FreeTextIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setPCJIndexDetails(
+                    PCJIndexDetails.builder()
+                        .setEnabled(true)
+                        .setFluoDetails( new FluoDetails("test_instance_rya_pcj_updater") )
+                        .addPCJDetails(
+                                PCJDetails.builder()
+                                    .setId("pcj 1")
+                                    .setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH)
+                                    .setLastUpdateTime( new Date() ))
+                        .addPCJDetails(
+                                PCJDetails.builder()
+                                    .setId("pcj 2")))
+            .setProspectorDetails( new ProspectorDetails(Optional.of(new Date())) )
+            .setJoinSelectivityDetails( new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.of(new Date())) )
+            .build();
+        // Setup the repository that will be tested using a mock instance of MongoDB.
+        final RyaDetailsRepository repo = new MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(client, instanceName);
+        // Initialize the repository
+        repo.initialize(details);
+        // Fetch the stored details.
+        final RyaDetails stored = repo.getRyaInstanceDetails();
+        // Ensure the fetched object is equivalent to what was stored.
+        assertEquals(details, stored);
+    }
+    @Test(expected = AlreadyInitializedException.class)
+    public void initialize_alreadyInitialized() throws AlreadyInitializedException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
+        final String instanceName = "testInstance";
+        // Create the metadata object the repository will be initialized with.
+        final RyaDetails details = RyaDetails.builder()
+            .setRyaInstanceName(instanceName)
+            .setRyaVersion("")
+            .setEntityCentricIndexDetails( new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setGeoIndexDetails( new GeoIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setTemporalIndexDetails( new TemporalIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setFreeTextDetails( new FreeTextIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setPCJIndexDetails(
+                    PCJIndexDetails.builder()
+                        .setEnabled(true)
+                        .setFluoDetails( new FluoDetails("test_instance_rya_pcj_updater") )
+                        .addPCJDetails(
+                                PCJDetails.builder()
+                                    .setId("pcj 1")
+                                    .setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH)
+                                    .setLastUpdateTime( new Date() ))
+                        .addPCJDetails(
+                                PCJDetails.builder()
+                                    .setId("pcj 2")))
+            .setProspectorDetails( new ProspectorDetails(Optional.of(new Date())) )
+            .setJoinSelectivityDetails( new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.of(new Date())) )
+            .build();
+        // Setup the repository that will be tested using a mock instance of MongoDB.
+        final RyaDetailsRepository repo = new MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(client, instanceName);
+        // Initialize the repository
+        repo.initialize(details);
+        // Initialize it again.
+        repo.initialize(details);
+    }
+    @Test(expected = NotInitializedException.class)
+    public void getRyaInstance_notInitialized() throws NotInitializedException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
+        // Setup the repository that will be tested using a mock instance of Accumulo.
+        final RyaDetailsRepository repo = new MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(client, "testInstance");
+        // Try to fetch the details from the uninitialized repository.
+        repo.getRyaInstanceDetails();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void isInitialized_true() throws AlreadyInitializedException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
+        final String instanceName = "testInstance";
+        // Create the metadata object the repository will be initialized with.
+        final RyaDetails details = RyaDetails.builder()
+            .setRyaInstanceName(instanceName)
+            .setRyaVersion("")
+            .setEntityCentricIndexDetails( new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setGeoIndexDetails( new GeoIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setTemporalIndexDetails( new TemporalIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setFreeTextDetails( new FreeTextIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setPCJIndexDetails(
+                    PCJIndexDetails.builder()
+                        .setEnabled(true)
+                        .setFluoDetails( new FluoDetails("test_instance_rya_pcj_updater") )
+                        .addPCJDetails(
+                                PCJDetails.builder()
+                                    .setId("pcj 1")
+                                    .setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH)
+                                    .setLastUpdateTime( new Date() ))
+                        .addPCJDetails(
+                                PCJDetails.builder()
+                                    .setId("pcj 2")))
+            .setProspectorDetails( new ProspectorDetails(Optional.of(new Date())) )
+            .setJoinSelectivityDetails( new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.of(new Date())) )
+            .build();
+        // Setup the repository that will be tested using a mock instance of MongoDB.
+        final RyaDetailsRepository repo = new MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(client, "testInstance");
+        // Initialize the repository
+        repo.initialize(details);
+        // Ensure the repository reports that it has been initialized.
+        assertTrue( repo.isInitialized() );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void isInitialized_false() throws RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
+        // Setup the repository that will be tested using a mock instance of MongoDB.
+        final RyaDetailsRepository repo = new MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(client, "testInstance");
+        // Ensure the repository reports that is has not been initialized.
+        assertFalse( repo.isInitialized() );
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void update() throws AlreadyInitializedException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
+        final String instanceName = "testInstance";
+        // Create the metadata object the repository will be initialized with.
+        final RyaDetails details = RyaDetails.builder()
+            .setRyaInstanceName(instanceName)
+            .setRyaVersion("")
+            .setEntityCentricIndexDetails( new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setGeoIndexDetails( new GeoIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setTemporalIndexDetails( new TemporalIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setFreeTextDetails( new FreeTextIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setPCJIndexDetails(
+                    PCJIndexDetails.builder()
+                        .setEnabled(true)
+                        .setFluoDetails( new FluoDetails("test_instance_rya_pcj_updater") )
+                        .addPCJDetails(
+                                PCJDetails.builder()
+                                    .setId("pcj 1")
+                                    .setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH)
+                                    .setLastUpdateTime( new Date() ))
+                        .addPCJDetails(
+                                PCJDetails.builder()
+                                    .setId("pcj 2")))
+            .setProspectorDetails( new ProspectorDetails(Optional.of(new Date())) )
+            .setJoinSelectivityDetails( new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.of(new Date())) )
+            .build();
+        // Setup the repository that will be tested using a mock instance of MongoDB.
+        final RyaDetailsRepository repo = new MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(client, "testInstance");
+        // Initialize the repository
+        repo.initialize(details);
+        // Create a new state for the details.
+        final RyaDetails updated = new RyaDetails.Builder( details )
+                .setGeoIndexDetails( new GeoIndexDetails(false) )
+                .build();
+        // Execute the update.
+        repo.update(details, updated);
+        // Show the new state that is stored matches the updated state.
+        final RyaDetails fetched = repo.getRyaInstanceDetails();
+        assertEquals(updated, fetched);
+    }
+    @Test(expected = ConcurrentUpdateException.class)
+    public void update_outOfDate() throws AlreadyInitializedException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
+        final String instanceName = "testInstance";
+        // Create the metadata object the repository will be initialized with.
+        final RyaDetails details = RyaDetails.builder()
+            .setRyaInstanceName(instanceName)
+            .setRyaVersion("")
+            .setEntityCentricIndexDetails( new EntityCentricIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setGeoIndexDetails( new GeoIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setTemporalIndexDetails( new TemporalIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setFreeTextDetails( new FreeTextIndexDetails(true) )
+            .setPCJIndexDetails(
+                    PCJIndexDetails.builder()
+                        .setEnabled(true)
+                        .setFluoDetails( new FluoDetails("test_instance_rya_pcj_updater") )
+                        .addPCJDetails(
+                                PCJDetails.builder()
+                                    .setId("pcj 1")
+                                    .setUpdateStrategy(PCJUpdateStrategy.BATCH)
+                                    .setLastUpdateTime( new Date() ))
+                        .addPCJDetails(
+                                PCJDetails.builder()
+                                    .setId("pcj 2")))
+            .setProspectorDetails( new ProspectorDetails(Optional.of(new Date())) )
+            .setJoinSelectivityDetails( new JoinSelectivityDetails(Optional.of(new Date())) )
+            .build();
+        // Setup the repository that will be tested using a mock instance of MongoDB.
+        final RyaDetailsRepository repo = new MongoRyaInstanceDetailsRepository(client, "testInstance");
+        // Initialize the repository
+        repo.initialize(details);
+        // Create a new state for the details.
+        final RyaDetails wrongOriginal = new RyaDetails.Builder( details )
+                .setTemporalIndexDetails( new TemporalIndexDetails(false) )
+                .build();
+        final RyaDetails updated = new RyaDetails.Builder( details )
+                .setGeoIndexDetails( new GeoIndexDetails(false) )
+                .build();
+        // Try to execute the update where the old state is not the currently stored state.
+        repo.update(wrongOriginal, updated);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/documentIndex/ b/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/documentIndex/
deleted file mode 100644
index fefd651..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/documentIndex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.accumulo.documentIndex;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class DocIndexIteratorUtil {
-    public static final String DOC_ID_INDEX_DELIM = "\u001D" + "\u001E";
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/documentIndex/ b/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/documentIndex/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad38b2b..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/documentIndex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,850 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.accumulo.documentIndex;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.IteratorSetting;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.IteratorEnvironment;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.SortedKeyValueIterator;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.tabletserver.thrift.TabletClientService;
-import org.apache.accumulo.core.util.TextUtil;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
- * This iterator facilitates document-partitioned indexing. It involves grouping a set of documents together and indexing those documents into a single row of
- * an Accumulo table. This allows a tablet server to perform boolean AND operations on terms in the index.
- * 
- * The table structure should have the following form:
- * 
- * row: shardID, colfam: term, colqual: docID
- * 
- * When you configure this iterator with a set of terms (column families), it will return only the docIDs that appear with all of the specified terms. The
- * result will have an empty column family, as follows:
- * 
- * row: shardID, colfam: (empty), colqual: docID
- * 
- * This iterator is commonly used with BatchScanner or AccumuloInputFormat, to parallelize the search over all shardIDs.
- * 
- * This iterator will *ignore* any columnFamilies passed to {@link #seek(Range, Collection, boolean)} as it performs intersections over terms. Extending classes
- * should override the {@link TermSource#seekColfams} in their implementation's {@link #init(SortedKeyValueIterator, Map, IteratorEnvironment)} method.
- * 
- * README.shard in docs/examples shows an example of using the IntersectingIterator.
- */
-public class DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator implements SortedKeyValueIterator<Key,Value> {
-  protected Text nullText = new Text();
-  protected Text getRow(Key key) {
-    return key.getRow();
-  }
-  protected Text getTerm(Key key) {
-    return key.getColumnFamily();
-  }
-  protected Text getTermCond(Key key) {
-    return key.getColumnQualifier();
-  }
-  protected Key buildKey(Text row, TextColumn column) {
-      return new Key(row, (column.getColumnFamily() == null) ? nullText: column.getColumnFamily(), column.getColumnQualifier());
-  }
-  protected Key buildKey(Text row, Text term) {
-    return new Key(row, (term == null) ? nullText : term);
-  }
-  protected Key buildKey(Text row, Text term, Text termCond) {
-    return new Key(row, (term == null) ? nullText : term, termCond);
-  }
-  protected Key buildFollowRowKey(Key key, Text term, Text termCond) {
-    return new Key(getRow(key.followingKey(PartialKey.ROW)),(term == null) ? nullText : term, termCond);
-  }
-    protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator.class);
-    public static class TermSource {
-        public SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> iter;
-        public Text term;
-        public Text termCond;
-        public Collection<ByteSequence> seekColfams;
-        public TextColumn column;
-        public boolean isPrefix;
-        public Key top ;
-        public Key next ;
-        public Text currentCQ;
-        private boolean seeked = false;
-        public TermSource(TermSource other) {
-            this.iter = other.iter;
-            this.term = other.term;
-            this.termCond = other.termCond;
-            this.seekColfams = other.seekColfams;
-            this.column = other.column;
-   =;
-   =;
-            this.currentCQ = other.currentCQ;
-            this.isPrefix = other.isPrefix;
-        }
-        public TermSource(SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> iter, TextColumn column) {
-            this.iter = iter;
-            this.column = column;
-            this.term = column.getColumnFamily();
-            this.termCond = column.getColumnQualifier();
-            this.currentCQ = new Text(emptyByteArray);
-            this.seekColfams = Collections.<ByteSequence> singletonList(new ArrayByteSequence(term
-                    .getBytes(), 0, term.getLength()));
-        }
-        public void seek(Range r) throws IOException {
-            if (seeked) {
-                if (next != null && !r.beforeStartKey(next)) {
-                    if (next.getColumnFamily().equals(term)) {
-                        this.updateTop();
-                    }
-                } else if (iter.hasTop()) {
-          , seekColfams, true);
-                    this.updateTopNext();
-                } else {
-                    top = null;
-                    next = null;
-                }
-            } else {
-      , seekColfams, true);
-                this.updateTopNext();
-                seeked = true;
-            }
-        }
-        public void next() throws IOException {
-            this.updateTop();
-        }
-        public void updateTop() throws IOException {
-            top = next;
-            if (next != null) {
-      ;
-                if (iter.hasTop()) {
-                    next = iter.getTopKey();
-                } else {
-                    next = null;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        public void updateTopNext() throws IOException {
-            if (iter.hasTop()) {
-                top = iter.getTopKey();
-            } else {
-                top = null;
-                next = null;
-                return;
-            }
-  ;
-            if(iter.hasTop()) {
-                next = iter.getTopKey();
-            } else {
-                next = null;
-            }
-        }
-        public boolean hasTop() {
-            return top != null;
-        }
-        public String getTermString() {
-            return (this.term == null) ? new String("Iterator") : this.term.toString();
-        }
-    }
-  TermSource[] sources;
-  int sourcesCount = 0;
-  Range overallRange;
-  // query-time settings
-  protected Text currentRow = null;
-  protected Text currentTermCond = new Text(emptyByteArray);
-  static final byte[] emptyByteArray = new byte[0];
-  protected Key topKey = null;
-  protected Value value = new Value(emptyByteArray);
-  protected String ctxt = null;
-  protected boolean hasContext = false;
-  protected boolean termCondSet = false;
-  public DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator() {}
-  @Override
-  public SortedKeyValueIterator<Key,Value> deepCopy(IteratorEnvironment env) {
-      //"Calling deep copy on " + this);
-    return new DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator(this, env);
-  }
-  private DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator(DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator other, IteratorEnvironment env) {
-    if (other.sources != null) {
-      sourcesCount = other.sourcesCount;
-      sources = new TermSource[sourcesCount];
-      for (int i = 0; i < sourcesCount; i++) {
-        sources[i] = new TermSource(other.sources[i].iter.deepCopy(env), other.sources[i].column);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Key getTopKey() {
-    return topKey;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Value getTopValue() {
-    // we don't really care about values
-    return value;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public boolean hasTop() {
-    return currentRow != null;
-  }
-    // precondition: currentRow is not null
-    private boolean seekOneSource(int sourceID) throws IOException {
-        // find the next key in the appropriate column family that is at or
-        // beyond the cursor (currentRow, currentCQ)
-        // advance the cursor if this source goes beyond it
-        // return whether we advanced the cursor
-        // within this loop progress must be made in one of the following forms:
-        // - currentRow or currentCQ must be increased
-        // - the given source must advance its iterator
-        // this loop will end when any of the following criteria are met
-        // - the iterator for the given source is pointing to the key
-        // (currentRow, columnFamilies[sourceID], currentCQ)
-        // - the given source is out of data and currentRow is set to null
-        // - the given source has advanced beyond the endRow and currentRow is
-        // set to null
-        boolean advancedCursor = false;
-        while (true) {
-//            if(currentRow.toString().equals(s)) {
-//      "Source id is " + sourceID);
-//                if (sources[sourceID].top != null) {
-//          "Top row is " + getRow(sources[sourceID].top));
-//          "Top cq is " + getTermCond(sources[sourceID].top));
-//                }
-//                if (sources[sourceID].next != null) {
-//          "Next row is " + getRow(sources[sourceID].next));
-//          "Next termCond is " + getTermCond(sources[sourceID].next));
-//                }
-//            }
-            if (sources[sourceID].hasTop() == false) {
-                currentRow = null;
-                // setting currentRow to null counts as advancing the cursor
-                return true;
-            }
-            // check if we're past the end key
-            int endCompare = -1;
-            // we should compare the row to the end of the range
-            if (overallRange.getEndKey() != null) {
-                endCompare = overallRange.getEndKey().getRow().compareTo(sources[sourceID].top.getRow());
-                if ((!overallRange.isEndKeyInclusive() && endCompare <= 0) || endCompare < 0) {
-                    currentRow = null;
-                    // setting currentRow to null counts as advancing the cursor
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            int rowCompare = currentRow.compareTo(getRow(sources[sourceID].top));
-            // check if this source is already at or beyond currentRow
-            // if not, then seek to at least the current row
-            if (rowCompare > 0) {
-                // seek to at least the currentRow
-                Key seekKey = buildKey(currentRow, sources[sourceID].term);
-                sources[sourceID].seek(new Range(seekKey, true, null, false));
-                continue;
-            }
-            // check if this source has gone beyond currentRow
-            // if so, advance currentRow
-            if (rowCompare < 0) {
-                currentRow.set(getRow(sources[sourceID].top));
-                //"Current row is " + currentRow);
-                advancedCursor = true;
-                continue;
-            }
-            // we have verified that the current source is positioned in
-            // currentRow
-            // now we must make sure we're in the right columnFamily in the
-            // current row
-            // Note: Iterators are auto-magically set to the correct
-            // columnFamily
-            if (sources[sourceID].column.isValid()) {
-                boolean isPrefix = false;
-                boolean contextEqual = false;
-                String tempContext = "";
-                int termCompare;
-                String[] cQ = getTermCond(sources[sourceID].top).toString().split("\u0000");
-                tempContext = cQ[0];
-                if (!hasContext && ctxt == null) {
-                    ctxt = cQ[0];
-                }
-                contextEqual = ctxt.equals(cQ[0]);
-                String s1 = sources[sourceID].termCond.toString();
-                String s2 = cQ[1] + "\u0000" + cQ[2];
-                if (sources[sourceID].isPrefix) {
-                    isPrefix = s2.startsWith(s1 + "\u0000");
-                } else {
-                    isPrefix = s2.startsWith(s1);
-                }
-                termCompare = (contextEqual && isPrefix) ? 0 : (ctxt + "\u0000" + s1).compareTo(cQ[0] + "\u0000" + s2);
-                // if(currentRow.toString().equals(s)) {
-                //"Term compare is " + termCompare);
-                // }
-                // check if this source is already on the right columnFamily
-                // if not, then seek forwards to the right columnFamily
-                if (termCompare > 0) {
-                    Key seekKey = buildKey(currentRow, sources[sourceID].term, new Text(ctxt + 
-                            "\u0000" + sources[sourceID].termCond.toString()));
-                    sources[sourceID].seek(new Range(seekKey, true, null, false));
-                    continue;
-                }
-                // check if this source is beyond the right columnFamily
-                // if so, then seek to the next row
-                if (termCompare < 0) {
-                    // we're out of entries in the current row, so seek to the
-                    // next one
-                    if (endCompare == 0) {
-                        // we're done
-                        currentRow = null;
-                        // setting currentRow to null counts as advancing the
-                        // cursor
-                        return true;
-                    }
-                    //advance to next row if context set - all entries in given row exhausted
-                    if (hasContext || tempContext.length() == 0) {
-                        Key seekKey = buildFollowRowKey(sources[sourceID].top, sources[sourceID].term,
-                                new Text(ctxt + "\u0000" + sources[sourceID].termCond.toString()));
-                        sources[sourceID].seek(new Range(seekKey, true, null, false));
-                    } else {
-                        if(contextEqual && !isPrefix) {
-                            Key seekKey = buildKey(currentRow, sources[sourceID].term, new Text(ctxt + "\u0001"));
-                            sources[sourceID].seek(new Range(seekKey, true, null, false));
-                            if(sources[sourceID].top != null) {
-                                ctxt = getTermCond(sources[sourceID].top).toString().split("\u0000")[0];
-                            } 
-                        } else {
-                            Key seekKey = buildKey(currentRow, sources[sourceID].term, new Text(tempContext + 
-                                    "\u0000" + sources[sourceID].termCond.toString()));
-                            sources[sourceID].seek(new Range(seekKey, true, null, false));
-                            if(sources[sourceID].top != null) {
-                                ctxt = getTermCond(sources[sourceID].top).toString().split("\u0000")[0];
-                            } 
-                        }
-                    }
-//                    if(currentRow.toString().equals(s)) {
-//              "current term cond is " + currentTermCond);
-//                    }
-                    continue;
-                }
-            }
-            //set currentTermCond -- gets appended to end of currentKey column qualifier
-            //used to determine which term iterator to advance when a new iterator is created
-            sources[sourceID].currentCQ.set(getTermCond(sources[sourceID].top));
-            if (sources[sourceID].next != null) {
-                //is hasContext, only consider sourceID with next having designated context
-                //otherwise don't set currentTermCond
-                if (!termCondSet && hasContext) {
-                    if (sources[sourceID].next.getRow().equals(currentRow)
-                            && sources[sourceID].next.getColumnQualifier().toString()
-                                    .startsWith(ctxt + "\u0000" + sources[sourceID].termCond.toString())) {
-                        currentTermCond.set(new Text(Integer.toString(sourceID)));
-                        termCondSet = true;
-                    }
-                } else if(!termCondSet){
-                    String[] cq = getTermCond(sources[sourceID].next).toString().split("\u0000");
-                    //set currentTermCond with preference given to sourceID having next with same context
-                    //otherwise set currentTermCond sourceID with next having termCond as prefix
-                    if (sources[sourceID].next.getRow().equals(currentRow)) {
-                        if (sources[sourceID].next.getColumnQualifier().toString()
-                                .startsWith(ctxt + "\u0000" + sources[sourceID].termCond.toString())) {
-                            currentTermCond.set(new Text(Integer.toString(sourceID)));
-                            termCondSet = true;
-                        } else if ((cq[1] + "\u0000" + cq[2]).startsWith(sources[sourceID].termCond.toString())) {
-                            currentTermCond.set(new Text(Integer.toString(sourceID)));
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } 
-            break;
-        }
-        return advancedCursor;
-    }
-  @Override
-  public void next() throws IOException {
-    if (currentRow == null) {
-      return;
-    }
-    if(currentTermCond.getLength() != 0) {
-        int id = Integer.parseInt(currentTermCond.toString());
-        sources[id].next();
-        currentTermCond.set(emptyByteArray);
-        termCondSet = false;
-        if(sources[id].top != null && !hasContext) {
-            ctxt = getTermCond(sources[id].top).toString().split("\u0000")[0];
-        }
-        advanceToIntersection();
-        return;
-    }
-    sources[0].next();
-    if(sources[0].top != null && !hasContext) {
-        ctxt = getTermCond(sources[0].top).toString().split("\u0000")[0];
-    }
-    advanceToIntersection();
-  }
-  protected void advanceToIntersection() throws IOException {
-    boolean cursorChanged = true;
-    while (cursorChanged) {
-      // seek all of the sources to at least the highest seen column qualifier in the current row
-      cursorChanged = false;
-      for (int i = 0; i < sourcesCount; i++) {
-//"New sourceID is " + i);
-        if (currentRow == null) {
-          topKey = null;
-          return;
-        }
-        if (seekOneSource(i)) {
-          currentTermCond.set(emptyByteArray); 
-          termCondSet = false;
-          cursorChanged = true;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    String cq = "";
-    for(int i = 0; i < sourcesCount; i++) {
-        cq = cq + sources[i].currentCQ.toString() + DocIndexIteratorUtil.DOC_ID_INDEX_DELIM;
-    }
-        if (currentTermCond.getLength() == 0) {
-            topKey = buildKey(currentRow, nullText, new Text(cq + -1));
-        } else {
-            topKey = buildKey(currentRow, nullText, new Text(cq + currentTermCond.toString()));
-        }
-  }
-  public static String stringTopKey(SortedKeyValueIterator<Key,Value> iter) {
-    if (iter.hasTop())
-      return iter.getTopKey().toString();
-    return "";
-  }
-  private static final String columnOptionName = "columns";
-  private static final String columnPrefix = "prefixes";
-  private static final String context = "context";
-  protected static String encodeColumns(TextColumn[] columns) {
-      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-      for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
-        sb.append(new String(Base64.encodeBase64(TextUtil.getBytes(columns[i].getColumnFamily()))));
-        sb.append('\n');
-        sb.append(new String(Base64.encodeBase64(TextUtil.getBytes(columns[i].getColumnQualifier()))));
-        sb.append('\u0001');
-      }
-      return sb.toString();
-    }
-  protected static TextColumn[] decodeColumns(String columns) {
-      String[] columnStrings = columns.split("\u0001");
-      TextColumn[] columnTexts = new TextColumn[columnStrings.length];
-      for (int i = 0; i < columnStrings.length; i++) {
-        String[] columnComponents = columnStrings[i].split("\n");
-        columnTexts[i] = new TextColumn(new Text(Base64.decodeBase64(columnComponents[0].getBytes())), 
-                new Text(Base64.decodeBase64(columnComponents[1].getBytes())));
-      }
-      return columnTexts;
-    }
-  /**
-   * @param context
-   * @return encoded context
-   */
-  protected static String encodeContext(String context) {
-    return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(context.getBytes()));
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param context
-   * @return decoded context
-   */
-    protected static String decodeContext(String context) {
-        if (context == null) {
-            return null;
-        } else {
-            return new String(Base64.decodeBase64(context.getBytes()));
-        }
-    }
-  protected static String encodeBooleans(boolean[] prefixes) {
-      byte[] bytes = new byte[prefixes.length];
-      for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
-        if (prefixes[i])
-          bytes[i] = 1;
-        else
-          bytes[i] = 0;
-      }
-      return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(bytes));
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param flags
-     * @return decoded flags
-     */
-    protected static boolean[] decodeBooleans(String prefixes) {
-      // return null of there were no flags
-      if (prefixes == null)
-        return null;
-      byte[] bytes = Base64.decodeBase64(prefixes.getBytes());
-      boolean[] bFlags = new boolean[bytes.length];
-      for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
-        if (bytes[i] == 1)
-          bFlags[i] = true;
-        else
-          bFlags[i] = false;
-      }
-      return bFlags;
-    }
-  @Override
-  public void init(SortedKeyValueIterator<Key,Value> source, Map<String,String> options, IteratorEnvironment env) throws IOException {
-    TextColumn[] terms = decodeColumns(options.get(columnOptionName));
-    boolean[] prefixes = decodeBooleans(options.get(columnPrefix));
-    ctxt = decodeContext(options.get(context));
-    if(ctxt != null) {
-        hasContext = true;
-    }
-    if (terms.length < 2) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("IntersectionIterator requires two or more columns families");
-    }
-    sources = new TermSource[terms.length];
-    sources[0] = new TermSource(source, terms[0]);
-    for (int i = 1; i < terms.length; i++) {
-        //"For decoded column " + i + " column family is " + terms[i].getColumnFamily() + " and qualifier is " + terms[i].getColumnQualifier());
-      sources[i] = new TermSource(source.deepCopy(env), terms[i]);
-      sources[i].isPrefix = prefixes[i];
-    }
-    sourcesCount = terms.length;
-  }
-    @Override
-    public void seek(Range range, Collection<ByteSequence> seekColumnFamilies, boolean inclusive) throws IOException {
-        overallRange = new Range(range);
-        currentRow = new Text();
-        currentTermCond.set(emptyByteArray);
-        termCondSet = false;
-//"Calling seek with range " + range);
-        // seek each of the sources to the right column family within the row
-        // given by key
-        Key sourceKey;
-        if (rangeCqValid(range)) {
-            String[] cqInfo = cqParser(range.getStartKey().getColumnQualifier());
-            int id = Integer.parseInt(cqInfo[1]);
-            if (id >= 0) {
-                for (int i = 0; i < sourcesCount; i++) {
-                    if (i == id) {
-                        sourceKey = buildKey(getRow(range.getStartKey()), sources[i].term, new Text(cqInfo[0]));
-                        sources[i].seek(new Range(sourceKey, true, null, false));
-                        sources[i].next();
-                        if(!hasContext && sources[i].hasTop()) {
-                            ctxt = getTermCond(sources[i].top).toString().split("\u0000")[0];
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        sourceKey = buildKey(getRow(range.getStartKey()), sources[i].term);
-                        sources[i].seek(new Range(sourceKey, true, null, false));
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                for (int i = 0; i < sourcesCount; i++) {
-                    sourceKey = buildKey(getRow(range.getStartKey()), sources[i].term, range.getStartKey()
-                            .getColumnQualifier());
-                    sources[i].seek(new Range(sourceKey, true, null, false));
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-//  "Range is invalid.");
-            for (int i = 0; i < sourcesCount; i++) {
-                if (range.getStartKey() != null) {
-                    sourceKey = buildKey(getRow(range.getStartKey()), sources[i].term);
-                    // Seek only to the term for this source as a column family
-                    sources[i].seek(new Range(sourceKey, true, null, false));
-                } else {
-                    // Seek only to the term for this source as a column family
-                    sources[i].seek(range);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        advanceToIntersection();
-    }
-    private String[] cqParser(Text cq) {
-        String cQ = cq.toString();
-        String[] cqComponents = cQ.split(DocIndexIteratorUtil.DOC_ID_INDEX_DELIM);
-        int id = -1;
-        String[] valPos = new String[2];
-        if(cqComponents.length > 1) {
-            id = Integer.parseInt(cqComponents[cqComponents.length-1]);
-            if (id >= 0) {
-                valPos[0] = cqComponents[id].toString();
-                valPos[1] = "" + id;
-            } else {
-                valPos[0] = cqComponents[0].toString();
-                valPos[1] = "" + id;
-            }
-        } else {
-            valPos[0] = cq.toString();
-            valPos[1] = "" + -1;
-        }
-        return valPos;
-    }
-  private boolean rangeCqValid(Range range) {
-      return (range.getStartKey() != null) && (range.getStartKey().getColumnQualifier() != null);
-  }
-  public void addSource(SortedKeyValueIterator<Key,Value> source, IteratorEnvironment env, TextColumn column) {
-    // Check if we have space for the added Source
-    if (sources == null) {
-      sources = new TermSource[1];
-    } else {
-      // allocate space for node, and copy current tree.
-      // TODO: Should we change this to an ArrayList so that we can just add() ? - ACCUMULO-1309
-      TermSource[] localSources = new TermSource[sources.length + 1];
-      int currSource = 0;
-      for (TermSource myTerm : sources) {
-        // TODO: Do I need to call new here? or can I just re-use the term? - ACCUMULO-1309
-        localSources[currSource] = new TermSource(myTerm);
-        currSource++;
-      }
-      sources = localSources;
-    }
-    sources[sourcesCount] = new TermSource(source.deepCopy(env), column);
-    sourcesCount++;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Encode the columns to be used when iterating.
-   * 
-   * @param cfg
-   * @param columns
-   */
-  public static void setColumnFamilies(IteratorSetting cfg, TextColumn[] columns) {
-    if (columns.length < 2)
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must supply at least two terms to intersect");
-    boolean[] prefix = new boolean[columns.length];
-    for(int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
-        prefix[i] = columns[i].isPrefix();
-    }
-    cfg.addOption(DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator.columnPrefix, DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator.encodeBooleans(prefix));
-    cfg.addOption(DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator.columnOptionName, DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator.encodeColumns(columns));
-  }
-  public static void setContext(IteratorSetting cfg, String context) {
-      cfg.addOption(DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator.context, DocumentIndexIntersectingIterator.encodeContext(context));
-    }
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/documentIndex/ b/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/documentIndex/
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index 661f62b..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/documentIndex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.accumulo.documentIndex;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class TextColumn  {
-    private Text columnFamily;
-    private Text columnQualifier;
-    private boolean isPrefix = false;
-    public TextColumn(Text columnFamily, Text columnQualifier) {
-        this.columnFamily = columnFamily;
-        this.columnQualifier = columnQualifier;
-    }
-    public TextColumn(TextColumn other) {
-        this.columnFamily = new Text(other.columnFamily);
-        this.columnQualifier = new Text(other.columnQualifier);
-        this.isPrefix = other.isPrefix;
-    }
-    public Text getColumnFamily() {
-        return columnFamily;
-    }
-    public boolean isPrefix() {
-        return isPrefix;
-    }
-    public void setIsPrefix(boolean isPrefix) {
-        this.isPrefix = isPrefix;
-    }
-    public boolean isValid() {
-        return (columnFamily != null && columnQualifier != null);
-    }
-    public Text getColumnQualifier() {
-        return columnQualifier;
-    }
-    public void setColumnFamily(Text cf) {
-        this.columnFamily = cf;
-    }
-    public void setColumnQualifier(Text cq) {
-        this.columnQualifier = cq;
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-        return columnFamily.toString() + ",  " + columnQualifier.toString() + ",    prefix:" + isPrefix;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean equals(Object other) {
-        if(other == null) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        if(!(other instanceof TextColumn)) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        TextColumn tc = (TextColumn) other;
-        return this.columnFamily.equals(tc.columnFamily) && this.columnQualifier.equals(tc.columnQualifier) && this.isPrefix == tc.isPrefix;
-    }
diff --git a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/pcj/iterators/ b/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/pcj/iterators/
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index 0966903..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/pcj/iterators/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.accumulo.pcj.iterators;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
-import java.util.Set;
-import mvm.rya.indexing.external.tupleSet.ExternalTupleSet;
-import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
-import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
-import org.openrdf.query.algebra.evaluation.QueryBindingSet;
- * This {@link CloseableIteration} performs a hash join by joining each
- * {@link Map.Entry<String, BindingSet>} with all corresponding
- * {@link BindingSet} in a Multimap with the same String key.
- *
- */
-public class BindingSetHashJoinIterator implements
-		CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> {
-	//BindingSets passed to PCJ mapped according to values
-	//associated with common variables with table
-	private Multimap<String, BindingSet> bindingJoinVarHash;
-	//BindingSets taken from PCJ table
-	private CloseableIteration<Map.Entry<String, BindingSet>, QueryEvaluationException> joinIter;
-	private Iterator<BindingSet> joinedBindingSets = Collections
-			.emptyIterator();
-	//If PCJ contains LeftJoin, this is a set of variable in LeftJoin.  Used when performing Join.
-	private Set<String> unAssuredVariables;
-	//indicates when HashJoin formed from a single collection of join variable or if the size and
-	//collection of join variables varies -- this is to optimize the join process
-	private HashJoinType type;
-	private final BindingSet EMPTY_BINDINGSET = new QueryBindingSet();
-	private BindingSet next;
-	private boolean hasNextCalled = false;
-	private boolean isEmpty = false;
-	/**
-	 * Enum type to indicate whether HashJoin will be performed over a fixed
-	 * subset of variables common to each {@link BindingSet}, or if there is a
-	 * collection of variable subsets over which to join.
-	 *
-	 */
-	public enum HashJoinType {
-	};
-	public BindingSetHashJoinIterator(
-			Multimap<String, BindingSet> bindingJoinVarHash,
-			CloseableIteration<Map.Entry<String, BindingSet>, QueryEvaluationException> joinIter,
-			Set<String> unAssuredVariables, HashJoinType type) {
-		this.bindingJoinVarHash = bindingJoinVarHash;
-		this.joinIter = joinIter;
-		this.type = type;
-		this.unAssuredVariables = unAssuredVariables;
-	}
-	@Override
-	public boolean hasNext() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-		if (!hasNextCalled && !isEmpty) {
-			while (joinedBindingSets.hasNext() || joinIter.hasNext()) {
-				if (!joinedBindingSets.hasNext()) {
-					Entry<String, BindingSet> entry =;
-					joinedBindingSets = joinBindingSetEntry(entry);
-				}
-				if (!joinedBindingSets.hasNext()) {
-					continue;
-				}
-				next =;
-				hasNextCalled = true;
-				return true;
-			}
-			isEmpty = true;
-			return false;
-		} else if (isEmpty) {
-			return false;
-		} else {
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	public BindingSet next() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-		if (hasNextCalled) {
-			hasNextCalled = false;
-		} else if (isEmpty) {
-			throw new NoSuchElementException();
-		} else {
-			if (this.hasNext()) {
-				hasNextCalled = false;
-			} else {
-				throw new NoSuchElementException();
-			}
-		}
-		return next;
-	}
-	@Override
-	public void remove() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-	}
-	@Override
-	public void close() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-		joinIter.close();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * This method takes the valOrderString, which is a key used for computing
-	 * hash joins, and generates multiple keys by pulling off one delimiter
-	 * separated component at a time. This is used when the size of the join key
-	 * varies from {@link Map.Entry} to Entry. It allows the BindingSet to be
-	 * joined using all prefixes of the key.
-	 *
-	 * @param valOrderString
-	 *            - key used for hash join
-	 * @return
-	 */
-	private List<String> getValueOrders(String valOrderString) {
-		List<String> valueOrders = new ArrayList<>();
-		String[] splitValOrderString = valOrderString
-				.split(ExternalTupleSet.VALUE_DELIM);
-		StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
-		buffer.append(splitValOrderString[0]);
-		valueOrders.add(buffer.substring(0));
-		for (int i = 1; i < splitValOrderString.length; i++) {
-			buffer.append(ExternalTupleSet.VALUE_DELIM + splitValOrderString[i]);
-			valueOrders.add(buffer.substring(0));
-		}
-		return valueOrders;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * This method verifies that all common variables have a common value and
-	 * then joins the BindingSets together. In the case that the PCJ contains a
-	 * LeftJoin, if the leftBs and rightBs have a common variable with distinct
-	 * values and that common variable is unassured (only appears in LeftJoin),
-	 * this method uses the value corresponding to leftBs.
-	 *
-	 * @param leftBs
-	 *            - BindingSet passed into PCJ
-	 * @param rightBs
-	 *            - PCJ BindingSet
-	 * @return - joined BindingSet
-	 */
-	private BindingSet joinBindingSets(BindingSet leftBs, BindingSet rightBs) {
-		Set<String> commonVars = Sets.intersection(leftBs.getBindingNames(),
-				rightBs.getBindingNames());
-		// compare values associated with common variables to make sure
-		// BindingSets can be joined. Possible for leftBs and rightBs
-		// to have a common unAssuredVariable in event PCJ contains LeftJoin.
-		// if values corresponding to common unAssuredVariable do not agree
-		// add value corresponding to leftBs
-		for (String s : commonVars) {
-			if (!leftBs.getValue(s).equals(rightBs.getValue(s))
-					&& !unAssuredVariables.contains(s)) {
-			}
-		}
-		QueryBindingSet bs = new QueryBindingSet(removeConstants(leftBs));
-		rightBs = removeConstants(rightBs);
-		// only add Bindings corresponding to variables that have no value
-		// assigned. This takes into account case where leftBs and rightBs
-		// share a common, unAssuredVariable. In this case, use value
-		// corresponding
-		// to leftBs, which is effectively performing a LeftJoin.
-		for (String s : rightBs.getBindingNames()) {
-			if (bs.getValue(s) == null) {
-				bs.addBinding(s, rightBs.getValue(s));
-			}
-		}
-		return bs;
-	}
-	private BindingSet removeConstants(BindingSet bs) {
-		QueryBindingSet bSet = new QueryBindingSet();
-		for (String s : bs.getBindingNames()) {
-			if (!s.startsWith(ExternalTupleSet.CONST_PREFIX)) {
-				bSet.addBinding(bs.getBinding(s));
-			}
-		}
-		return bSet;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * This method returns an Iterator which joins the given Entry's BindingSet
-	 * to all BindingSets which matching the Entry's key.
-	 *
-	 * @param entry - entry to be joined
-	 * @return - Iterator over joined BindingSets
-	 */
-	private Iterator<BindingSet> joinBindingSetEntry(
-			Map.Entry<String, BindingSet> entry) {
-		List<Collection<BindingSet>> matches = new ArrayList<>();
-		if (type == HashJoinType.CONSTANT_JOIN_VAR) {
-			if (bindingJoinVarHash.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
-				matches.add(bindingJoinVarHash.get(entry.getKey()));
-			}
-		} else {
-			List<String> valOrders = getValueOrders(entry.getKey());
-			for (String s : valOrders) {
-				if (bindingJoinVarHash.containsKey(s)) {
-					matches.add(bindingJoinVarHash.get(s));
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (matches.size() == 0) {
-			return Collections.emptyIterator();
-		} else {
-			return new BindingSetCollectionsJoinIterator(entry.getValue(),
-					matches);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Given a BindingSet and a List of Collections of BindingSets, this
-	 * Iterator joins the BindingSet with the BindingSets in each Collection
-	 *
-	 */
-	private class BindingSetCollectionsJoinIterator implements
-			Iterator<BindingSet> {
-		private Iterator<Collection<BindingSet>> collectionIter;
-		private Iterator<BindingSet> bsIter = Collections.emptyIterator();
-		private BindingSet next;
-		private BindingSet joinBs;
-		private boolean hasNextCalled = false;
-		private boolean isEmpty = false;
-		public BindingSetCollectionsJoinIterator(BindingSet bs,
-				List<Collection<BindingSet>> collection) {
-			this.collectionIter = collection.iterator();
-			this.joinBs = bs;
-		}
-		@Override
-		public boolean hasNext() {
-			if (!hasNextCalled && !isEmpty) {
-				while (bsIter.hasNext() || collectionIter.hasNext()) {
-					if (!bsIter.hasNext()) {
-						bsIter =;
-					}
-					next = joinBindingSets(, joinBs);
-					if (next == EMPTY_BINDINGSET) {
-						continue;
-					}
-					hasNextCalled = true;
-					return true;
-				}
-				isEmpty = true;
-				return false;
-			} else if (isEmpty) {
-				return false;
-			} else {
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		@Override
-		public BindingSet next() {
-			if (hasNextCalled) {
-				hasNextCalled = false;
-			} else if (isEmpty) {
-				throw new NoSuchElementException();
-			} else {
-				if (this.hasNext()) {
-					hasNextCalled = false;
-				} else {
-					throw new NoSuchElementException();
-				}
-			}
-			return next;
-		}
-		@Override
-		public void remove() {
-			throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-		}
-	}
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index 2407865..0000000
--- a/extras/indexing/src/main/java/mvm/rya/accumulo/pcj/iterators/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-package mvm.rya.accumulo.pcj.iterators;
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
-import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
-import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
- *	This {@link CloseableIteration} takes in a list of CloseableIterations
- *	and merges them together into a single CloseableIteration.
- *
- */
-public class IteratorCombiner implements
-		CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> {
-	private Collection<CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException>> iterators;
-	private Iterator<CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException>> iteratorIterator;
-	private CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> currIter;
-	private boolean isEmpty = false;
-	private boolean hasNextCalled = false;
-	private BindingSet next;
-	public IteratorCombiner(Collection<CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException>> iterators) {
-		Preconditions.checkArgument(iterators.size() > 0);
-		this.iterators = iterators;
-		iteratorIterator = iterators.iterator();
-		currIter =;
-	}
-	@Override
-	public boolean hasNext() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-		if (!hasNextCalled && !isEmpty) {
-			while (currIter.hasNext() || iteratorIterator.hasNext()) {
-				if(!currIter.hasNext()) {
-					currIter =;
-				}
-				if(!currIter.hasNext()) {
-					continue;
-				}
-				next =;
-				hasNextCalled = true;
-				return true;
-			}
-			isEmpty = true;
-			return false;
-		} else if (isEmpty) {
-			return false;
-		} else {
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	@Override
-	public BindingSet next() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-		if (hasNextCalled) {
-			hasNextCalled = false;
-		} else if (isEmpty) {
-			throw new NoSuchElementException();
-		} else {
-			if (this.hasNext()) {
-				hasNextCalled = false;
-			} else {
-				throw new NoSuchElementException();
-			}
-		}
-		return next;
-	}
-	@Override
-	public void remove() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-	}
-	@Override
-	public void close() throws QueryEvaluationException {
-		for(CloseableIteration<BindingSet, QueryEvaluationException> iterator: iterators) {
-			iterator.close();
-		}
-	}