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[03/12] hadoop git commit: HADOOP-11633. Convert remaining branch-2 .apt.vm files to markdown. Contributed by Masatake Iwasaki.
diff --git a/hadoop-mapreduce-project/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs/src/site/markdown/ b/hadoop-mapreduce-project/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs/src/site/markdown/
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+++ b/hadoop-mapreduce-project/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs/src/site/markdown/
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+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
+MapReduce History Server REST API's.
+* [MapReduce History Server REST API's.](#MapReduce_History_Server_REST_APIs.)
+    * [Overview](#Overview)
+    * [History Server Information API](#History_Server_Information_API)
+        * [URI](#URI)
+        * [HTTP Operations Supported](#HTTP_Operations_Supported)
+        * [Query Parameters Supported](#Query_Parameters_Supported)
+        * [Elements of the historyInfo object](#Elements_of_the_historyInfo_object)
+        * [Response Examples](#Response_Examples)
+    * [MapReduce API's](#MapReduce_APIs)
+        * [Jobs API](#Jobs_API)
+        * [Job API](#Job_API)
+        * [Elements of the acls object](#Elements_of_the_acls_object)
+        * [Job Attempts API](#Job_Attempts_API)
+        * [Job Counters API](#Job_Counters_API)
+        * [Job Conf API](#Job_Conf_API)
+        * [Tasks API](#Tasks_API)
+        * [Task API](#Task_API)
+        * [Task Counters API](#Task_Counters_API)
+        * [Task Attempts API](#Task_Attempts_API)
+        * [Task Attempt API](#Task_Attempt_API)
+        * [Task Attempt Counters API](#Task_Attempt_Counters_API)
+The history server REST API's allow the user to get status on finished applications.
+History Server Information API
+The history server information resource provides overall information about the history server.
+### URI
+Both of the following URI's give you the history server information, from an application id identified by the appid value.
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/info
+### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+### Query Parameters Supported
+      None
+### Elements of the *historyInfo* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| startedOn | long | The time the history server was started (in ms since epoch) |
+| hadoopVersion | string | Version of hadoop common |
+| hadoopBuildVersion | string | Hadoop common build string with build version, user, and checksum |
+| hadoopVersionBuiltOn | string | Timestamp when hadoop common was built |
+### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/info
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "historyInfo" : {
+          "startedOn":1353512830963,
+          "hadoopVersionBuiltOn" : "Wed Jan 11 21:18:36 UTC 2012",
+          "hadoopBuildVersion" : "0.23.1-SNAPSHOT from 1230253 by user1 source checksum bb6e554c6d50b0397d826081017437a7",
+          "hadoopVersion" : "0.23.1-SNAPSHOT"
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/info
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 330
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <historyInfo>
+      <startedOn>1353512830963</startedOn>
+      <hadoopVersion>0.23.1-SNAPSHOT</hadoopVersion>
+      <hadoopBuildVersion>0.23.1-SNAPSHOT from 1230253 by user1 source checksum bb6e554c6d50b0397d826081017437a7</hadoopBuildVersion>
+      <hadoopVersionBuiltOn>Wed Jan 11 21:18:36 UTC 2012</hadoopVersionBuiltOn>
+    </historyInfo>
+MapReduce API's
+The following list of resources apply to MapReduce.
+### Jobs API
+The jobs resource provides a list of the MapReduce jobs that have finished. It does not currently return a full list of parameters
+#### URI
+      *  http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+Multiple paramters can be specified. The started and finished times have a begin and end parameter to allow you to specify ranges. For example, one could request all jobs that started between 1:00am and 2:00pm on 12/19/2011 with startedTimeBegin=1324256400&startedTimeEnd=1324303200. If the Begin parameter is not specfied, it defaults to 0, and if the End parameter is not specified, it defaults to infinity.
+      * user - user name
+      * state - the job state
+      * queue - queue name
+      * limit - total number of app objects to be returned
+      * startedTimeBegin - jobs with start time beginning with this time, specified in ms since epoch
+      * startedTimeEnd - jobs with start time ending with this time, specified in ms since epoch
+      * finishedTimeBegin - jobs with finish time beginning with this time, specified in ms since epoch
+      * finishedTimeEnd - jobs with finish time ending with this time, specified in ms since epoch
+#### Elements of the *jobs* object
+When you make a request for the list of jobs, the information will be returned as an array of job objects. See also
+[Job API](#Job_API)
+for syntax of the job object. Except this is a subset of a full job. Only startTime, finishTime, id, name, queue, user, state, mapsTotal, mapsCompleted, reducesTotal, and reducesCompleted are returned.
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| job | array of job objects(json)/zero or more job objects(XML) | The collection of job objects |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "jobs" : {
+          "job" : [
+             {
+                "submitTime" : 1326381344449,
+                "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
+                "user" : "user1",
+                "reducesTotal" : 1,
+                "mapsCompleted" : 1,
+                "startTime" : 1326381344489,
+                "id" : "job_1326381300833_1_1",
+                "name" : "word count",
+                "reducesCompleted" : 1,
+                "mapsTotal" : 1,
+                "queue" : "default",
+                "finishTime" : 1326381356010
+             },
+             {
+                "submitTime" : 1326381446500
+                "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
+                "user" : "user1",
+                "reducesTotal" : 1,
+                "mapsCompleted" : 1,
+                "startTime" : 1326381446529,
+                "id" : "job_1326381300833_2_2",
+                "name" : "Sleep job",
+                "reducesCompleted" : 1,
+                "mapsTotal" : 1,
+                "queue" : "default",
+                "finishTime" : 1326381582106
+             }
+          ]
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 1922
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <jobs>
+      <job>
+        <submitTime>1326381344449</submitTime>
+        <startTime>1326381344489</startTime>
+        <finishTime>1326381356010</finishTime>
+        <id>job_1326381300833_1_1</id>
+        <name>word count</name>
+        <queue>default</queue>
+        <user>user1</user>
+        <state>SUCCEEDED</state>
+        <mapsTotal>1</mapsTotal>
+        <mapsCompleted>1</mapsCompleted>
+        <reducesTotal>1</reducesTotal>
+        <reducesCompleted>1</reducesCompleted>
+      </job>
+      <job>
+        <submitTime>1326381446500</submitTime>
+        <startTime>1326381446529</startTime>
+        <finishTime>1326381582106</finishTime>
+        <id>job_1326381300833_2_2</id>
+        <name>Sleep job</name>
+        <queue>default</queue>
+        <user>user1</user>
+        <state>SUCCEEDED</state>
+        <mapsTotal>1</mapsTotal>
+        <mapsCompleted>1</mapsCompleted>
+        <reducesTotal>1</reducesTotal>
+        <reducesCompleted>1</reducesCompleted>
+      </job>
+    </jobs>
+### Job API
+A Job resource contains information about a particular job identified by jobid.
+#### URI
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/{jobid}
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+      None
+#### Elements of the *job* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| id | string | The job id |
+| name | string | The job name |
+| queue | string | The queue the job was submitted to |
+| user | string | The user name |
+| state | string | the job state - valid values are: NEW, INITED, RUNNING, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, KILL\_WAIT, KILLED, ERROR |
+| diagnostics | string | A diagnostic message |
+| submitTime | long | The time the job submitted (in ms since epoch) |
+| startTime | long | The time the job started (in ms since epoch) |
+| finishTime | long | The time the job finished (in ms since epoch) |
+| mapsTotal | int | The total number of maps |
+| mapsCompleted | int | The number of completed maps |
+| reducesTotal | int | The total number of reduces |
+| reducesCompleted | int | The number of completed reduces |
+| uberized | boolean | Indicates if the job was an uber job - ran completely in the application master |
+| avgMapTime | long | The average time of a map task (in ms) |
+| avgReduceTime | long | The average time of the reduce (in ms) |
+| avgShuffleTime | long | The average time of the shuffle (in ms) |
+| avgMergeTime | long | The average time of the merge (in ms) |
+| failedReduceAttempts | int | The number of failed reduce attempts |
+| killedReduceAttempts | int | The number of killed reduce attempts |
+| successfulReduceAttempts | int | The number of successful reduce attempts |
+| failedMapAttempts | int | The number of failed map attempts |
+| killedMapAttempts | int | The number of killed map attempts |
+| successfulMapAttempts | int | The number of successful map attempts |
+| acls | array of acls(json)/zero or more acls objects(xml) | A collection of acls objects |
+### Elements of the *acls* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| value | string | The acl value |
+| name | string | The acl name |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+      Content-Length: 720
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "job" : {
+          "submitTime":  1326381446500,
+          "avgReduceTime" : 124961,
+          "failedReduceAttempts" : 0,
+          "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
+          "successfulReduceAttempts" : 1,
+          "acls" : [
+             {
+                "value" : " ",
+                "name" : "mapreduce.job.acl-modify-job"
+             },
+             {
+                "value" : " ",
+                "name" : "mapreduce.job.acl-view-job"
+             }
+          ],
+          "user" : "user1",
+          "reducesTotal" : 1,
+          "mapsCompleted" : 1,
+          "startTime" : 1326381446529,
+          "id" : "job_1326381300833_2_2",
+          "avgMapTime" : 2638,
+          "successfulMapAttempts" : 1,
+          "name" : "Sleep job",
+          "avgShuffleTime" : 2540,
+          "reducesCompleted" : 1,
+          "diagnostics" : "",
+          "failedMapAttempts" : 0,
+          "avgMergeTime" : 2589,
+          "killedReduceAttempts" : 0,
+          "mapsTotal" : 1,
+          "queue" : "default",
+          "uberized" : false,
+          "killedMapAttempts" : 0,
+          "finishTime" : 1326381582106
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 983
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <job>
+      <submitTime>1326381446500</submitTime>
+      <startTime>1326381446529</startTime>
+      <finishTime>1326381582106</finishTime>
+      <id>job_1326381300833_2_2</id>
+      <name>Sleep job</name>
+      <queue>default</queue>
+      <user>user1</user>
+      <state>SUCCEEDED</state>
+      <mapsTotal>1</mapsTotal>
+      <mapsCompleted>1</mapsCompleted>
+      <reducesTotal>1</reducesTotal>
+      <reducesCompleted>1</reducesCompleted>
+      <uberized>false</uberized>
+      <diagnostics/>
+      <avgMapTime>2638</avgMapTime>
+      <avgReduceTime>124961</avgReduceTime>
+      <avgShuffleTime>2540</avgShuffleTime>
+      <avgMergeTime>2589</avgMergeTime>
+      <failedReduceAttempts>0</failedReduceAttempts>
+      <killedReduceAttempts>0</killedReduceAttempts>
+      <successfulReduceAttempts>1</successfulReduceAttempts>
+      <failedMapAttempts>0</failedMapAttempts>
+      <killedMapAttempts>0</killedMapAttempts>
+      <successfulMapAttempts>1</successfulMapAttempts>
+      <acls>
+        <name>mapreduce.job.acl-modify-job</name>
+        <value> </value>
+      </acls>
+      <acls>
+        <name>mapreduce.job.acl-view-job</name>
+        <value> </value>
+      </acls>
+    </job>
+### Job Attempts API
+With the job attempts API, you can obtain a collection of resources that represent a job attempt. When you run a GET operation on this resource, you obtain a collection of Job Attempt Objects.
+#### URI
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/{jobid}/jobattempts
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+      None
+#### Elements of the *jobAttempts* object
+When you make a request for the list of job attempts, the information will be returned as an array of job attempt objects.
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| jobAttempt | array of job attempt objects(JSON)/zero or more job attempt objects(XML) | The collection of job attempt objects |
+#### Elements of the *jobAttempt* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| id | string | The job attempt id |
+| nodeId | string | The node id of the node the attempt ran on |
+| nodeHttpAddress | string | The node http address of the node the attempt ran on |
+| logsLink | string | The http link to the job attempt logs |
+| containerId | string | The id of the container for the job attempt |
+| startTime | long | The start time of the attempt (in ms since epoch) |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/jobattempts
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "jobAttempts" : {
+          "jobAttempt" : [
+             {
+                "nodeId" : "",
+                "nodeHttpAddress" : "",
+                "startTime" : 1326381444693,
+                "id" : 1,
+                "logsLink" : "",
+                "containerId" : "container_1326381300833_0002_01_000001"
+             }
+          ]
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/jobattmpts
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 575
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <jobAttempts>
+      <jobAttempt>
+        <nodeHttpAddress></nodeHttpAddress>
+        <nodeId></nodeId>
+        <id>1</id>
+        <startTime>1326381444693</startTime>
+        <containerId>container_1326381300833_0002_01_000001</containerId>
+        <logsLink></logsLink>
+      </jobAttempt>
+    </jobAttempts>
+### Job Counters API
+With the job counters API, you can object a collection of resources that represent al the counters for that job.
+#### URI
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/{jobid}/counters
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+      None
+#### Elements of the *jobCounters* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| id | string | The job id |
+| counterGroup | array of counterGroup objects(JSON)/zero or more counterGroup objects(XML) | A collection of counter group objects |
+#### Elements of the *counterGroup* objecs
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| counterGroupName | string | The name of the counter group |
+| counter | array of counter objects(JSON)/zero or more counter objects(XML) | A collection of counter objects |
+#### Elements of the *counter* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| name | string | The name of the counter |
+| reduceCounterValue | long | The counter value of reduce tasks |
+| mapCounterValue | long | The counter value of map tasks |
+| totalCounterValue | long | The counter value of all tasks |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/counters
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "jobCounters" : {
+          "id" : "job_1326381300833_2_2",
+          "counterGroup" : [
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "Shuffle Errors",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "BAD_ID"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "CONNECTION"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "IO_ERROR"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "WRONG_LENGTH"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "WRONG_MAP"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "WRONG_REDUCE"
+                   }
+                ]
+              },
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.FileSystemCounter",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 2483,
+                      "name" : "FILE_BYTES_READ"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 108525,
+                      "name" : "FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FILE_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FILE_LARGE_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FILE_WRITE_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 48,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_BYTES_READ"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 1,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_LARGE_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_WRITE_OPS"
+                   }
+                ]
+             },
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskCounter",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 1,
+                      "name" : "MAP_INPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 1200,
+                      "name" : "MAP_OUTPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 4800,
+                      "name" : "MAP_OUTPUT_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 2235,
+                      "name" : "MAP_OUTPUT_MATERIALIZED_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 48,
+                      "name" : "SPLIT_RAW_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "COMBINE_OUTPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 1200,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_INPUT_GROUPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 2235,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_SHUFFLE_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 1200,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 2400,
+                      "name" : "SPILLED_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 1,
+                      "name" : "SHUFFLED_MAPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FAILED_SHUFFLE"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 1,
+                      "name" : "MERGED_MAP_OUTPUTS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 113,
+                      "name" : "GC_TIME_MILLIS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 1830,
+                      "name" : "CPU_MILLISECONDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 478068736,
+                      "name" : "PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 2159284224,
+                      "name" : "VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 378863616,
+                      "name" : "COMMITTED_HEAP_BYTES"
+                   }
+                ]
+             },
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormatCounter",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "BYTES_READ"
+                   }
+                ]
+             },
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormatCounter",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "reduceCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "mapCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "totalCounterValue" : 0,
+                      "name" : "BYTES_WRITTEN"
+                   }
+                ]
+             }
+          ]
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/counters
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 7030
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <jobCounters>
+      <id>job_1326381300833_2_2</id>
+      <counterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>Shuffle Errors</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>BAD_ID</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>CONNECTION</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>IO_ERROR</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>WRONG_LENGTH</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>WRONG_MAP</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>WRONG_REDUCE</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+      </counterGroup>
+      <counterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.FileSystemCounter</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_BYTES_READ</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>2483</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>108525</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_READ_OPS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_LARGE_READ_OPS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_WRITE_OPS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_BYTES_READ</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>48</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_READ_OPS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>1</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_LARGE_READ_OPS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_WRITE_OPS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+      </counterGroup>
+      <counterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskCounter</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>MAP_INPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>1</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>MAP_OUTPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>1200</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>MAP_OUTPUT_BYTES</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>4800</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>MAP_OUTPUT_MATERIALIZED_BYTES</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>2235</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>SPLIT_RAW_BYTES</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>48</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>COMBINE_OUTPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_INPUT_GROUPS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>1200</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_SHUFFLE_BYTES</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>2235</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>1200</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>SPILLED_RECORDS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>2400</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>SHUFFLED_MAPS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>1</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FAILED_SHUFFLE</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>MERGED_MAP_OUTPUTS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>1</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>GC_TIME_MILLIS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>113</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>CPU_MILLISECONDS</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>1830</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>478068736</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BYTES</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>2159284224</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>COMMITTED_HEAP_BYTES</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>378863616</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+      </counterGroup>
+      <counterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormatCounter</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>BYTES_READ</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+      </counterGroup>
+      <counterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormatCounter</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>BYTES_WRITTEN</name>
+          <totalCounterValue>0</totalCounterValue>
+          <mapCounterValue>0</mapCounterValue>
+          <reduceCounterValue>0</reduceCounterValue>
+        </counter>
+      </counterGroup>
+    </jobCounters>
+### Job Conf API
+A job configuration resource contains information about the job configuration for this job.
+#### URI
+Use the following URI to obtain th job configuration information, from a job identified by the jobid value.
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/{jobid}/conf
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+      None
+#### Elements of the *conf* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| path | string | The path to the job configuration file |
+| property | array of the configuration properties(JSON)/zero or more configuration properties(XML) | Collection of configuration property objects |
+#### Elements of the *property* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| name | string | The name of the configuration property |
+| value | string | The value of the configuration property |
+| source | string | The location this configuration object came from. If there is more then one of these it shows the history with the latest source at the end of the list. |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/conf
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+This is a small snippet of the output as the output if very large. The real output contains every property in your job configuration file.
+    {
+       "conf" : {
+          "path" : "hdfs://",
+          "property" : [
+             {
+                "value" : "/home/hadoop/hdfs/data",
+                "name" : ""
+                "source" : ["hdfs-site.xml", "job.xml"]
+             },
+             {
+                "value" : "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.webproxy.amfilter.AmFilterInitializer",
+                "name" : "hadoop.http.filter.initializers"
+                "source" : ["programmatically", "job.xml"]
+             },
+             {
+                "value" : "/home/hadoop/tmp",
+                "name" : "mapreduce.cluster.temp.dir"
+                "source" : ["mapred-site.xml"]
+             },
+             ...
+          ]
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/conf
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 552
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <conf>
+      <path>hdfs://</path>
+      <property>
+        <name></name>
+        <value>/home/hadoop/hdfs/data</value>
+        <source>hdfs-site.xml</source>
+        <source>job.xml</source>
+      </property>
+      <property>
+        <name>hadoop.http.filter.initializers</name>
+        <value>org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.webproxy.amfilter.AmFilterInitializer</value>
+        <source>programmatically</source>
+        <source>job.xml</source>
+      </property>
+      <property>
+        <name>mapreduce.cluster.temp.dir</name>
+        <value>/home/hadoop/tmp</value>
+        <source>mapred-site.xml</source>
+      </property>
+      ...
+    </conf>
+### Tasks API
+With the tasks API, you can obtain a collection of resources that represent a task within a job. When you run a GET operation on this resource, you obtain a collection of Task Objects.
+#### URI
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/{jobid}/tasks
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+      * type - type of task, valid values are m or r.  m for map task or r for reduce task.
+#### Elements of the *tasks* object
+When you make a request for the list of tasks , the information will be returned as an array of task objects. See also
+[Task API](#Task_API)
+for syntax of the task object.
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| task | array of task objects(JSON)/zero or more task objects(XML) | The collection of task objects. |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "tasks" : {
+          "task" : [
+             {
+                "progress" : 100,
+                "elapsedTime" : 6777,
+                "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
+                "startTime" : 1326381446541,
+                "id" : "task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0",
+                "type" : "MAP",
+                "successfulAttempt" : "attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0",
+                "finishTime" : 1326381453318
+             },
+             {
+                "progress" : 100,
+                "elapsedTime" : 135559,
+                "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
+                "startTime" : 1326381446544,
+                "id" : "task_1326381300833_2_2_r_0",
+                "type" : "REDUCE",
+                "successfulAttempt" : "attempt_1326381300833_2_2_r_0_0",
+                "finishTime" : 1326381582103
+             }
+          ]
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 653
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <tasks>
+      <task>
+        <startTime>1326381446541</startTime>
+        <finishTime>1326381453318</finishTime>
+        <elapsedTime>6777</elapsedTime>
+        <progress>100.0</progress>
+        <id>task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0</id>
+        <state>SUCCEEDED</state>
+        <type>MAP</type>
+        <successfulAttempt>attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0</successfulAttempt>
+      </task>
+      <task>
+        <startTime>1326381446544</startTime>
+        <finishTime>1326381582103</finishTime>
+        <elapsedTime>135559</elapsedTime>
+        <progress>100.0</progress>
+        <id>task_1326381300833_2_2_r_0</id>
+        <state>SUCCEEDED</state>
+        <type>REDUCE</type>
+        <successfulAttempt>attempt_1326381300833_2_2_r_0_0</successfulAttempt>
+      </task>
+    </tasks>
+### Task API
+A Task resource contains information about a particular task within a job.
+#### URI
+Use the following URI to obtain an Task Object, from a task identified by the taskid value.
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskid}
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+      None
+#### Elements of the *task* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| id | string | The task id |
+| state | string | The state of the task - valid values are: NEW, SCHEDULED, RUNNING, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, KILL\_WAIT, KILLED |
+| type | string | The task type - MAP or REDUCE |
+| successfulAttempt | string | The id of the last successful attempt |
+| progress | float | The progress of the task as a percent |
+| startTime | long | The time in which the task started (in ms since epoch) or -1 if it was never started |
+| finishTime | long | The time in which the task finished (in ms since epoch) |
+| elapsedTime | long | The elapsed time since the application started (in ms) |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks/task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "task" : {
+          "progress" : 100,
+          "elapsedTime" : 6777,
+          "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
+          "startTime" : 1326381446541,
+          "id" : "task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0",
+          "type" : "MAP",
+          "successfulAttempt" : "attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0",
+          "finishTime" : 1326381453318
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks/task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 299
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <task>
+      <startTime>1326381446541</startTime>
+      <finishTime>1326381453318</finishTime>
+      <elapsedTime>6777</elapsedTime>
+      <progress>100.0</progress>
+      <id>task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0</id>
+      <state>SUCCEEDED</state>
+      <type>MAP</type>
+      <successfulAttempt>attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0</successfulAttempt>
+    </task>
+### Task Counters API
+With the task counters API, you can object a collection of resources that represent all the counters for that task.
+#### URI
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskid}/counters
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+      None
+#### Elements of the *jobTaskCounters* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| id | string | The task id |
+| taskcounterGroup | array of counterGroup objects(JSON)/zero or more counterGroup objects(XML) | A collection of counter group objects |
+#### Elements of the *counterGroup* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| counterGroupName | string | The name of the counter group |
+| counter | array of counter objects(JSON)/zero or more counter objects(XML) | A collection of counter objects |
+#### Elements of the *counter* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| name | string | The name of the counter |
+| value | long | The value of the counter |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks/task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0/counters
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "jobTaskCounters" : {
+          "id" : "task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0",
+          "taskCounterGroup" : [
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.FileSystemCounter",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "value" : 2363,
+                      "name" : "FILE_BYTES_READ"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 54372,
+                      "name" : "FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FILE_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FILE_LARGE_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FILE_WRITE_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_BYTES_READ"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_LARGE_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_WRITE_OPS"
+                   }
+                ]
+             },
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskCounter",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "COMBINE_OUTPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 460,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_INPUT_GROUPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 2235,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_SHUFFLE_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 460,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "SPILLED_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 1,
+                      "name" : "SHUFFLED_MAPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FAILED_SHUFFLE"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 1,
+                      "name" : "MERGED_MAP_OUTPUTS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 26,
+                      "name" : "GC_TIME_MILLIS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 860,
+                      "name" : "CPU_MILLISECONDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 107839488,
+                      "name" : "PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 1123147776,
+                      "name" : "VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 57475072,
+                      "name" : "COMMITTED_HEAP_BYTES"
+                   }
+                ]
+             },
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "Shuffle Errors",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "BAD_ID"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "CONNECTION"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "IO_ERROR"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "WRONG_LENGTH"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "WRONG_MAP"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "WRONG_REDUCE"
+                   }
+                ]
+             },
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormatCounter",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "BYTES_WRITTEN"
+                   }
+                ]
+             }
+          ]
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks/task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0/counters
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 2660
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <jobTaskCounters>
+      <id>task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0</id>
+      <taskCounterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.FileSystemCounter</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_BYTES_READ</name>
+          <value>2363</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN</name>
+          <value>54372</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_READ_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_LARGE_READ_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_WRITE_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_BYTES_READ</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_READ_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_LARGE_READ_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_WRITE_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+      </taskCounterGroup>
+      <taskCounterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskCounter</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>COMBINE_OUTPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_INPUT_GROUPS</name>
+          <value>460</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_SHUFFLE_BYTES</name>
+          <value>2235</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <value>460</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>SPILLED_RECORDS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>SHUFFLED_MAPS</name>
+          <value>1</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FAILED_SHUFFLE</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>MERGED_MAP_OUTPUTS</name>
+          <value>1</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>GC_TIME_MILLIS</name>
+          <value>26</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>CPU_MILLISECONDS</name>
+          <value>860</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES</name>
+          <value>107839488</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BYTES</name>
+          <value>1123147776</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>COMMITTED_HEAP_BYTES</name>
+          <value>57475072</value>
+        </counter>
+      </taskCounterGroup>
+      <taskCounterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>Shuffle Errors</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>BAD_ID</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>CONNECTION</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>IO_ERROR</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>WRONG_LENGTH</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>WRONG_MAP</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>WRONG_REDUCE</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+      </taskCounterGroup>
+      <taskCounterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormatCounter</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>BYTES_WRITTEN</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+      </taskCounterGroup>
+    </jobTaskCounters>
+### Task Attempts API
+With the task attempts API, you can obtain a collection of resources that represent a task attempt within a job. When you run a GET operation on this resource, you obtain a collection of Task Attempt Objects.
+#### URI
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskid}/attempts
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+      None
+#### Elements of the *taskAttempts* object
+When you make a request for the list of task attempts, the information will be returned as an array of task attempt objects. See also
+[Task Attempt API](#Task_Attempt_API)
+for syntax of the task object.
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| taskAttempt | array of task attempt objects(JSON)/zero or more task attempt objects(XML) | The collection of task attempt objects |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks/task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0/attempts
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "taskAttempts" : {
+          "taskAttempt" : [
+             {
+                "assignedContainerId" : "container_1326381300833_0002_01_000002",
+                "progress" : 100,
+                "elapsedTime" : 2638,
+                "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
+                "diagnostics" : "",
+                "rack" : "/",
+                "nodeHttpAddress" : "",
+                "startTime" : 1326381450680,
+                "id" : "attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0",
+                "type" : "MAP",
+                "finishTime" : 1326381453318
+             }
+          ]
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks/task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0/attempts
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 537
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <taskAttempts>
+      <taskAttempt>
+        <startTime>1326381450680</startTime>
+        <finishTime>1326381453318</finishTime>
+        <elapsedTime>2638</elapsedTime>
+        <progress>100.0</progress>
+        <id>attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0</id>
+        <rack>/</rack>
+        <state>SUCCEEDED</state>
+        <nodeHttpAddress></nodeHttpAddress>
+        <diagnostics/>
+        <type>MAP</type>
+        <assignedContainerId>container_1326381300833_0002_01_000002</assignedContainerId>
+      </taskAttempt>
+    </taskAttempts>
+### Task Attempt API
+A Task Attempt resource contains information about a particular task attempt within a job.
+#### URI
+Use the following URI to obtain an Task Attempt Object, from a task identified by the attemptid value.
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskid}/attempts/{attemptid}
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+      None
+#### Elements of the *taskAttempt* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| id | string | The task id |
+| rack | string | The rack |
+| type | string | The type of task |
+| assignedContainerId | string | The container id this attempt is assigned to |
+| nodeHttpAddress | string | The http address of the node this task attempt ran on |
+| diagnostics | string | A diagnostics message |
+| progress | float | The progress of the task attempt as a percent |
+| startTime | long | The time in which the task attempt started (in ms since epoch) |
+| finishTime | long | The time in which the task attempt finished (in ms since epoch) |
+| elapsedTime | long | The elapsed time since the task attempt started (in ms) |
+For reduce task attempts you also have the following fields:
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| shuffleFinishTime | long | The time at which shuffle finished (in ms since epoch) |
+| mergeFinishTime | long | The time at which merge finished (in ms since epoch) |
+| elapsedShuffleTime | long | The time it took for the shuffle phase to complete (time in ms between reduce task start and shuffle finish) |
+| elapsedMergeTime | long | The time it took for the merge phase to complete (time in ms between the shuffle finish and merge finish) |
+| elapsedReduceTime | long | The time it took for the reduce phase to complete (time in ms between merge finish to end of reduce task) |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks/task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0/attempts/attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "taskAttempt" : {
+          "assignedContainerId" : "container_1326381300833_0002_01_000002",
+          "progress" : 100,
+          "elapsedTime" : 2638,
+          "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
+          "diagnostics" : "",
+          "rack" : "/",
+          "nodeHttpAddress" : "",
+          "startTime" : 1326381450680,
+          "id" : "attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0",
+          "type" : "MAP",
+          "finishTime" : 1326381453318
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks/task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0/attempts/attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 691
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <taskAttempt>
+      <startTime>1326381450680</startTime>
+      <finishTime>1326381453318</finishTime>
+      <elapsedTime>2638</elapsedTime>
+      <progress>100.0</progress>
+      <id>attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0</id>
+      <rack>/</rack>
+      <state>SUCCEEDED</state>
+      <nodeHttpAddress></nodeHttpAddress>
+      <diagnostics/>
+      <type>MAP</type>
+      <assignedContainerId>container_1326381300833_0002_01_000002</assignedContainerId>
+    </taskAttempt>
+### Task Attempt Counters API
+With the task attempt counters API, you can object a collection of resources that represent al the counters for that task attempt.
+#### URI
+      * http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/{jobid}/tasks/{taskid}/attempt/{attemptid}/counters
+#### HTTP Operations Supported
+      * GET
+#### Query Parameters Supported
+      None
+#### Elements of the *jobTaskAttemptCounters* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| id | string | The task attempt id |
+| taskAttemptcounterGroup | array of task attempt counterGroup objects(JSON)/zero or more task attempt counterGroup objects(XML) | A collection of task attempt counter group objects |
+#### Elements of the *taskAttemptCounterGroup* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| counterGroupName | string | The name of the counter group |
+| counter | array of counter objects(JSON)/zero or more counter objects(XML) | A collection of counter objects |
+#### Elements of the *counter* object
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| name | string | The name of the counter |
+| value | long | The value of the counter |
+#### Response Examples
+**JSON response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks/task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0/attempts/attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0/counters
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/json
+      Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    {
+       "jobTaskAttemptCounters" : {
+          "taskAttemptCounterGroup" : [
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.FileSystemCounter",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "value" : 2363,
+                      "name" : "FILE_BYTES_READ"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 54372,
+                      "name" : "FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FILE_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FILE_LARGE_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FILE_WRITE_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_BYTES_READ"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN"
+                   },
+                  {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_LARGE_READ_OPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "HDFS_WRITE_OPS"
+                   }
+                ]
+             },
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskCounter",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "COMBINE_OUTPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 460,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_INPUT_GROUPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 2235,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_SHUFFLE_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 460,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "SPILLED_RECORDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 1,
+                      "name" : "SHUFFLED_MAPS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "FAILED_SHUFFLE"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 1,
+                      "name" : "MERGED_MAP_OUTPUTS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 26,
+                      "name" : "GC_TIME_MILLIS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 860,
+                      "name" : "CPU_MILLISECONDS"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 107839488,
+                      "name" : "PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 1123147776,
+                      "name" : "VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BYTES"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 57475072,
+                      "name" : "COMMITTED_HEAP_BYTES"
+                   }
+                ]
+             },
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "Shuffle Errors",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "BAD_ID"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "CONNECTION"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "IO_ERROR"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "WRONG_LENGTH"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "WRONG_MAP"
+                   },
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "WRONG_REDUCE"
+                   }
+                ]
+             },
+             {
+                "counterGroupName" : "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormatCounter",
+                "counter" : [
+                   {
+                      "value" : 0,
+                      "name" : "BYTES_WRITTEN"
+                   }
+                ]
+             }
+          ],
+          "id" : "attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0"
+       }
+    }
+**XML response**
+HTTP Request:
+      GET http://<history server http address:port>/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/job_1326381300833_2_2/tasks/task_1326381300833_2_2_m_0/attempts/attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0/counters
+      Accept: application/xml
+Response Header:
+      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+      Content-Type: application/xml
+      Content-Length: 2735
+      Server: Jetty(6.1.26)
+Response Body:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+    <jobTaskAttemptCounters>
+      <id>attempt_1326381300833_2_2_m_0_0</id>
+      <taskAttemptCounterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.FileSystemCounter</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_BYTES_READ</name>
+          <value>2363</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN</name>
+          <value>54372</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_READ_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_LARGE_READ_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FILE_WRITE_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_BYTES_READ</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_READ_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_LARGE_READ_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>HDFS_WRITE_OPS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+      </taskAttemptCounterGroup>
+      <taskAttemptCounterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskCounter</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>COMBINE_INPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>COMBINE_OUTPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_INPUT_GROUPS</name>
+          <value>460</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_SHUFFLE_BYTES</name>
+          <value>2235</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <value>460</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>SPILLED_RECORDS</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>SHUFFLED_MAPS</name>
+          <value>1</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>FAILED_SHUFFLE</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>MERGED_MAP_OUTPUTS</name>
+          <value>1</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>GC_TIME_MILLIS</name>
+          <value>26</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>CPU_MILLISECONDS</name>
+          <value>860</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES</name>
+          <value>107839488</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>VIRTUAL_MEMORY_BYTES</name>
+          <value>1123147776</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>COMMITTED_HEAP_BYTES</name>
+          <value>57475072</value>
+        </counter>
+      </taskAttemptCounterGroup>
+      <taskAttemptCounterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>Shuffle Errors</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>BAD_ID</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>CONNECTION</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>IO_ERROR</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>WRONG_LENGTH</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>WRONG_MAP</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+        <counter>
+          <name>WRONG_REDUCE</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+      </taskAttemptCounterGroup>
+      <taskAttemptCounterGroup>
+        <counterGroupName>org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormatCounter</counterGroupName>
+        <counter>
+          <name>BYTES_WRITTEN</name>
+          <value>0</value>
+        </counter>
+      </taskAttemptCounterGroup>
+    </jobTaskAttemptCounters>
diff --git a/hadoop-project/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm b/hadoop-project/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 661d942..0000000
--- a/hadoop-project/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-~~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-~~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-~~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
-~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-~~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-~~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-~~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-~~ limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
-  ---
-  Apache Hadoop ${project.version}
-  ---
-  ---
-  ${}
-Apache Hadoop ${project.version}
-  Apache Hadoop ${project.version} is a minor release in the 2.x.y release
-  line, building upon the previous stable release 2.4.1.
-  Here is a short overview of the major features and improvements.
-  * {Common}
-    * Authentication improvements when using an HTTP proxy server. This is
-      useful when accessing WebHDFS via a proxy server.
-    * A new Hadoop metrics sink that allows writing directly to Graphite.
-    * {{{./hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/filesystem/index.html}Specification work}}
-      related to the Hadoop Compatible Filesystem (HCFS) effort.
-  * {HDFS}
-    * Support for POSIX-style filesystem extended attributes. See the
-      {{{./hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/ExtendedAttributes.html}user documentation}}
-      for more details.
-    * Using the OfflineImageViewer, clients can now browse an fsimage via
-      the WebHDFS API.
-    * The NFS gateway received a number of supportability improvements and
-      bug fixes. The Hadoop portmapper is no longer required to run the gateway,
-      and the gateway is now able to reject connections from unprivileged ports.
-    * The SecondaryNameNode, JournalNode, and DataNode web UIs have been
-      modernized with HTML5 and Javascript.
-  * {YARN}
-    * YARN's REST APIs now support write/modify operations. Users can submit and
-      kill applications through REST APIs.
-    * The timeline store in YARN, used for storing generic and
-      application-specific information for applications, supports authentication
-      through Kerberos.
-    * The Fair Scheduler supports dynamic hierarchical user queues, user queues
-      are created dynamically at runtime under any specified parent-queue.
-Getting Started
-  The Hadoop documentation includes the information you need to get started using
-  Hadoop. Begin with the
-  {{{./hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/SingleCluster.html}Single Node Setup}} which
-  shows you how to set up a single-node Hadoop installation. Then move on to the
-  {{{./hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/ClusterSetup.html}Cluster Setup}} to learn how
-  to set up a multi-node Hadoop installation.
diff --git a/hadoop-project/src/site/markdown/ b/hadoop-project/src/site/markdown/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cbc181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadoop-project/src/site/markdown/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
+Apache Hadoop ${project.version}
+Apache Hadoop ${project.version} is a minor release in the 2.x.y release
+line, building upon the previous stable release 2.4.1.
+Here is a short overview of the major features and improvements.
+*   Common
+    *   Authentication improvements when using an HTTP proxy server. This is
+        useful when accessing WebHDFS via a proxy server.
+    *   A new Hadoop metrics sink that allows writing directly to Graphite.
+    *   [Specification work](./hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/filesystem/index.html)
+        related to the Hadoop Compatible Filesystem (HCFS) effort.
+*   HDFS
+    *   Support for POSIX-style filesystem extended attributes. See the
+        [user documentation](./hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/ExtendedAttributes.html)
+        for more details.
+    *   Using the OfflineImageViewer, clients can now browse an fsimage via
+        the WebHDFS API.
+    *   The NFS gateway received a number of supportability improvements and
+        bug fixes. The Hadoop portmapper is no longer required to run the gateway,
+        and the gateway is now able to reject connections from unprivileged ports.
+    *   The SecondaryNameNode, JournalNode, and DataNode web UIs have been
+        modernized with HTML5 and Javascript.
+*   YARN
+    *   YARN's REST APIs now support write/modify operations. Users can submit and
+        kill applications through REST APIs.
+    *   The timeline store in YARN, used for storing generic and
+        application-specific information for applications, supports authentication
+        through Kerberos.
+    *   The Fair Scheduler supports dynamic hierarchical user queues, user queues
+        are created dynamically at runtime under any specified parent-queue.
+Getting Started
+The Hadoop documentation includes the information you need to get started using
+Hadoop. Begin with the
+[Single Node Setup](./hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/SingleCluster.html) which
+shows you how to set up a single-node Hadoop installation. Then move on to the
+[Cluster Setup](./hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/ClusterSetup.html) to learn how
+to set up a multi-node Hadoop installation.