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Posted to by Gump <> on 2010/02/18 12:52:49 UTC

[GUMP@vmgump]: Project commons-vfs-test (in module apache-commons) failed

To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at

Project commons-vfs-test has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 1 projects,
 and has been outstanding for 32 runs.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Build Failed'.
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
    - commons-vfs-test :  Apache Commons

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were provided:
 -WARNING- Overriding Maven2 settings: [/srv/gump/public/workspace/apache-commons/vfs/gump_mvn_settings.xml]
 -DEBUG- (Gump generated) Maven2 Settings in: /srv/gump/public/workspace/apache-commons/vfs/gump_mvn_settings.xml
 -INFO- Failed with reason build failed
 -DEBUG- Maven POM in: /srv/gump/public/workspace/apache-commons/vfs/pom.xml
 -INFO- Project Reports in: /srv/gump/public/workspace/apache-commons/vfs/core/target/surefire-reports

The following work was performed:
Work Name: build_apache-commons_commons-vfs-test (Type: Build)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 1 min 46 secs
Command Line: mvn --batch-mode --settings /srv/gump/public/workspace/apache-commons/vfs/gump_mvn_settings.xml package 
[Working Directory: /srv/gump/public/workspace/apache-commons/vfs]
CLASSPATH: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/lib/tools.jar:/srv/gump/public/workspace/apache-commons/vfs/core/target/commons-vfs-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
skipping testManualCache because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testOnResolveCache because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testOnCallCache because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testRandomRead because TarFileSystem does not have capability RANDOM_ACCESS_READ
skipping testListener because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testFolderCreate because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testFileCreate because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testFileCreateMismatched because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testDelete because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testCopySameFileSystem because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testOverwriteSameFileSystem because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testCreateDeleteCreateSameFileSystem because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testListChildren because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testAppendContent because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testRandomWrite because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testRenameFile because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testDeleteFiles because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testDeleteFile because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testDeleteNonExistantFile because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testDeleteAllFiles because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
skipping testDeleteOneFiles because TarFileSystem does not have capability CREATE
created threads still running:
#1: main	org.apache.commons.vfs.cache.SoftRefFilesCache$SoftRefReleaseThread	daemon	null

Tests run: 56, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.995 sec

Results :

Failed tests: 

Tests run: 974, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] There are test failures.

Please refer to /srv/gump/public/workspace/apache-commons/vfs/core/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1 minute 44 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Feb 18 03:52:46 PST 2010
[INFO] Final Memory: 23M/42M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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