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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2022/08/26 13:21:26 UTC

[GitHub] [arrow] jorisvandenbossche commented on a diff in pull request #13126: ARROW-12526: Pre-generating pyarrow.compute and creating a docstring additions system for pyarrow functions

jorisvandenbossche commented on code in PR #13126:

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+.. code-block:: python

Review Comment:
   For our other docstrings (in the code), we do this without the `code-block:: python` (which doctest supports, and sphinx as well to render). I suppose that can be done here as well?
   See eg

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@

Review Comment:
   (we can use the public import name, in which case it will also automatically link)

@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+# File GENERATED by scripts/ - DO NOT EDIT.
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.

Review Comment:
   This module is only needed for the automatic generation, right? So in case we check in the generated file, this is only needed for developers, and can maybe be moved outside of pyarrow? (we don't need to ship this in the packages) For example also in python/scripts ?

@@ -0,0 +1,9381 @@
+# File GENERATED by scripts/ - DO NOT EDIT.
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import pyarrow
+import pyarrow._compute
+from pyarrow._compute import Expression
+def _handle_options(name, options_class, options, args, **kwargs):
+    if options is not None:
+        if isinstance(options, dict):
+            return options_class(**options)
+        elif isinstance(options, options_class):
+            return options
+        raise TypeError(
+            "Function {!r} expected a {} parameter, got {}"
+            .format(name, options_class, type(options)))
+    if args or kwargs:
+        # Note: This check is no longer permissable
+        # Generating function code with real signatures means that
+        # All of the keyword arguments have default values, and so
+        # this would always be true. As the default for the options object
+        # is always false, the options object takes precedence if provided.
+        #
+        # if options is not None:
+        #    raise TypeError(
+        #        "Function {!r} called with both an 'options' argument "
+        #        "and additional arguments"
+        #        .format(name))
+        return options_class(*args, **kwargs)
+    return None
+def abs(x, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Calculate the absolute value of the argument element-wise.
+    Results will wrap around on integer overflow.
+    Use function "abs_checked" if you want overflow
+    to return an error.
+    This wraps the "abs" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('abs')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'abs',
+            [x]
+        )
+    return (
+[x], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def abs_checked(x, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Calculate the absolute value of the argument element-wise.
+    This function returns an error on overflow.  For a variant that
+    doesn't fail on overflow, use function "abs".
+    This wraps the "abs_checked" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('abs_checked')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'abs_checked',
+            [x]
+        )
+    return (
+[x], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def acos(x, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Compute the inverse cosine.
+    NaN is returned for invalid input values;
+    to raise an error instead, see "acos_checked".
+    This wraps the "acos" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('acos')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'acos',
+            [x]
+        )
+    return (
+[x], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def acos_checked(x, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Compute the inverse cosine.
+    Invalid input values raise an error;
+    to return NaN instead, see "acos".
+    This wraps the "acos_checked" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('acos_checked')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'acos_checked',
+            [x]
+        )
+    return (
+[x], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def add(x, y, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Add the arguments element-wise.
+    Results will wrap around on integer overflow.
+    Use function "add_checked" if you want overflow
+    to return an error.
+    This wraps the "add" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    y : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('add')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'add',
+            [x, y]
+        )
+    return (
+[x, y], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def add_checked(x, y, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Add the arguments element-wise.
+    This function returns an error on overflow.  For a variant that
+    doesn't fail on overflow, use function "add".
+    This wraps the "add_checked" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    y : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('add_checked')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'add_checked',
+            [x, y]
+        )
+    return (
+[x, y], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def all(array, *, skip_nulls=True, min_count=1, options=None,
+        memory_pool=None):
+    """Test whether all elements in a boolean array evaluate to true.
+    Null values are ignored by default.
+    If the `skip_nulls` option is set to false, then Kleene logic is used.
+    See "kleene_and" for more details on Kleene logic.
+    This wraps the "all" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    array : Array-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    skip_nulls : bool, default True
+        Whether to skip (ignore) nulls in the input.
+        If False, any null in the input forces the output to null.
+    min_count : int, default 1
+        Minimum number of non-null values in the input.  If the number
+        of non-null values is below `min_count`, the output is null.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.ScalarAggregateOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import pyarrow as pa
+    >>> import pyarrow.compute as pc
+    >>> arr = pa.array([True, True, None, False, True])
+    >>> pc.all(arr)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: False>
+    >>> arr = pa.array([True, True, None, True, None, None])
+    >>> pc.all(arr)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: True>
+    >>> pc.all(arr, skip_nulls = False)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: None>
+    >>> pc.all(arr, min_count = 4)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: None>
+    >>> pc.all(arr, min_count = 10)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: None>
+    >>> pc.all(arr, min_count = 2)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: True>
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'all',
+        pyarrow._compute.ScalarAggregateOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        skip_nulls=skip_nulls,
+        min_count=min_count
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('all')
+    if isinstance(array, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'all',
+            [array],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[array], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def and_(x, y, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Logical 'and' boolean values.
+    When a null is encountered in either input, a null is output.
+    For a different null behavior, see function "and_kleene".
+    This wraps the "and" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    y : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('and')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'and_',
+            [x, y]
+        )
+    return (
+[x, y], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def and_kleene(x, y, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Logical 'and' boolean values (Kleene logic).
+    This function behaves as follows with nulls:
+    - true and null = null
+    - null and true = null
+    - false and null = false
+    - null and false = false
+    - null and null = null
+    In other words, in this context a null value really means "unknown",
+    and an unknown value 'and' false is always false.
+    For a different null behavior, see function "and".
+    This wraps the "and_kleene" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    y : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('and_kleene')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'and_kleene',
+            [x, y]
+        )
+    return (
+[x, y], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def and_not(x, y, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Logical 'and not' boolean values.
+    When a null is encountered in either input, a null is output.
+    For a different null behavior, see function "and_not_kleene".
+    This wraps the "and_not" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    y : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('and_not')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'and_not',
+            [x, y]
+        )
+    return (
+[x, y], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def and_not_kleene(x, y, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Logical 'and not' boolean values (Kleene logic).
+    This function behaves as follows with nulls:
+    - true and null = null
+    - null and false = null
+    - false and null = false
+    - null and true = false
+    - null and null = null
+    In other words, in this context a null value really means "unknown",
+    and an unknown value 'and not' true is always false, as is false
+    'and not' an unknown value.
+    For a different null behavior, see function "and_not".
+    This wraps the "and_not_kleene" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    y : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('and_not_kleene')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'and_not_kleene',
+            [x, y]
+        )
+    return (
+[x, y], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def any(array, *, skip_nulls=True, min_count=1, options=None,
+        memory_pool=None):
+    """Test whether any element in a boolean array evaluates to true.
+    Null values are ignored by default.
+    If the `skip_nulls` option is set to false, then Kleene logic is used.
+    See "kleene_or" for more details on Kleene logic.
+    This wraps the "any" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    array : Array-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    skip_nulls : bool, default True
+        Whether to skip (ignore) nulls in the input.
+        If False, any null in the input forces the output to null.
+    min_count : int, default 1
+        Minimum number of non-null values in the input.  If the number
+        of non-null values is below `min_count`, the output is null.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.ScalarAggregateOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import pyarrow as pa
+    >>> import pyarrow.compute as pc
+    >>> arr = pa.array([True, True, None, False, True])
+    >>> pc.any(arr)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: True>
+    >>> pc.any(arr, min_count = 4)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: True>
+    >>> pc.any(arr, min_count = len(arr))
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: None>
+    >>> arr = pa.array([False, False, None, False, True])
+    >>> pc.any(arr)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: True>
+    >>> pc.any(arr, min_count = 2)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: True>
+    >>> pc.any(arr, min_count = len(arr))
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: None>
+    >>> pc.any(arr, skip_nulls = False)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: True>
+    >>> pc.any([False,None], skip_nulls = False)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: None>
+    >>> pc.any([False,None], skip_nulls = True)
+    <pyarrow.BooleanScalar: False>
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'any',
+        pyarrow._compute.ScalarAggregateOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        skip_nulls=skip_nulls,
+        min_count=min_count
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('any')
+    if isinstance(array, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'any',
+            [array],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[array], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def approximate_median(array, *, skip_nulls=True, min_count=1, options=None,
+                       memory_pool=None):
+    """Approximate median of a numeric array with T-Digest algorithm.
+    Nulls and NaNs are ignored.
+    A null scalar is returned if there is no valid data point.
+    This wraps the "approximate_median" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    array : Array-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    skip_nulls : bool, default True
+        Whether to skip (ignore) nulls in the input.
+        If False, any null in the input forces the output to null.
+    min_count : int, default 1
+        Minimum number of non-null values in the input.  If the number
+        of non-null values is below `min_count`, the output is null.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.ScalarAggregateOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'approximate_median',
+        pyarrow._compute.ScalarAggregateOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        skip_nulls=skip_nulls,
+        min_count=min_count
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('approximate_median')
+    if isinstance(array, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'approximate_median',
+            [array],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[array], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def array_filter(array, selection_filter, null_selection_behavior='drop', *,
+                 options=None, memory_pool=None):
+    """Filter with a boolean selection filter.
+    The output is populated with values from the input `array` at positions
+    where the selection filter is non-zero.  Nulls in the selection filter
+    are handled based on FilterOptions.
+    This wraps the "array_filter" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    array : Array-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    selection_filter : Array-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    null_selection_behavior : str, default "drop"
+        How to handle nulls in the selection filter.
+        Accepted values are "drop", "emit_null".
+    options : pyarrow.compute.FilterOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'array_filter',
+        pyarrow._compute.FilterOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        null_selection_behavior=null_selection_behavior
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('array_filter')
+    if isinstance(array, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'array_filter',
+            [array, selection_filter],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[array, selection_filter], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def array_sort_indices(array, order='ascending', *, null_placement='at_end',
+                       options=None, memory_pool=None):
+    """Return the indices that would sort an array.
+    This function computes an array of indices that define a stable sort
+    of the input array.  By default, Null values are considered greater
+    than any other value and are therefore sorted at the end of the array.
+    For floating-point types, NaNs are considered greater than any
+    other non-null value, but smaller than null values.
+    The handling of nulls and NaNs can be changed in ArraySortOptions.
+    This wraps the "array_sort_indices" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    array : Array-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    order : str, default "ascending"
+        Which order to sort values in.
+        Accepted values are "ascending", "descending".
+    null_placement : str, default "at_end"
+        Where nulls in the input should be sorted.
+        Accepted values are "at_start", "at_end".
+    options : pyarrow.compute.ArraySortOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'array_sort_indices',
+        pyarrow._compute.ArraySortOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        order=order,
+        null_placement=null_placement
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('array_sort_indices')
+    if isinstance(array, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'array_sort_indices',
+            [array],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[array], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def array_take(array, indices, *, boundscheck=True, options=None,
+               memory_pool=None):
+    """Select values from an array based on indices from another array.
+    The output is populated with values from the input array at positions
+    given by `indices`.  Nulls in `indices` emit null in the output.
+    This wraps the "array_take" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    array : Array-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    indices : Array-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    boundscheck : boolean, default True
+        Whether to check indices are within bounds. If False and an
+        index is out of boundes, behavior is undefined (the process
+        may crash).
+    options : pyarrow.compute.TakeOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'array_take',
+        pyarrow._compute.TakeOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        boundscheck=boundscheck
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('array_take')
+    if isinstance(array, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'array_take',
+            [array, indices],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[array, indices], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_capitalize(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Capitalize the first character of ASCII input.
+    For each string in `strings`, return a capitalized version.
+    This function assumes the input is fully ASCII.  If it may contain
+    non-ASCII characters, use "utf8_capitalize" instead.
+    This wraps the "ascii_capitalize" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_capitalize')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_capitalize',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_center(strings, width=None, padding=' ', *, options=None,
+                 memory_pool=None):
+    """Center strings by padding with a given character.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit a centered string by padding both
+        sides
+    with the given ASCII character.
+    Null values emit null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_center" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    width : int
+        Desired string length.
+    padding : str, default " "
+        What to pad the string with. Should be one byte or codepoint.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.PadOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'ascii_center',
+        pyarrow._compute.PadOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        width=width,
+        padding=padding
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_center')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_center',
+            [strings],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_is_alnum(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Classify strings as ASCII alphanumeric.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is non-empty
+    and consists only of alphanumeric ASCII characters.  Null strings emit
+        null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_is_alnum" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_is_alnum')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_is_alnum',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_is_alpha(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Classify strings as ASCII alphabetic.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is non-empty
+    and consists only of alphabetic ASCII characters.  Null strings emit
+        null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_is_alpha" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_is_alpha')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_is_alpha',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_is_decimal(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Classify strings as ASCII decimal.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is non-empty
+    and consists only of decimal ASCII characters.  Null strings emit null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_is_decimal" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_is_decimal')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_is_decimal',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_is_lower(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Classify strings as ASCII lowercase.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is non-empty
+    and consists only of lowercase ASCII characters.  Null strings emit null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_is_lower" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_is_lower')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_is_lower',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_is_printable(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Classify strings as ASCII printable.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is non-empty
+    and consists only of printable ASCII characters.  Null strings emit null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_is_printable" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_is_printable')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_is_printable',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_is_space(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Classify strings as ASCII whitespace.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is non-empty
+    and consists only of whitespace ASCII characters.  Null strings emit
+        null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_is_space" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_is_space')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_is_space',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_is_title(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Classify strings as ASCII titlecase.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is title-cased,
+    i.e. it has at least one cased character, each uppercase character
+    follows an uncased character, and each lowercase character follows
+    an uppercase character.
+    This wraps the "ascii_is_title" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_is_title')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_is_title',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_is_upper(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Classify strings as ASCII uppercase.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit true iff the string is non-empty
+    and consists only of uppercase ASCII characters.  Null strings emit null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_is_upper" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_is_upper')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_is_upper',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_lower(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Transform ASCII input to lowercase.
+    For each string in `strings`, return a lowercase version.
+    This function assumes the input is fully ASCII.  If it may contain
+    non-ASCII characters, use "utf8_lower" instead.
+    This wraps the "ascii_lower" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_lower')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_lower',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_lpad(strings, width=None, padding=' ', *, options=None,
+               memory_pool=None):
+    """Right-align strings by padding with a given character.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit a right-aligned string by prepending
+    the given ASCII character.
+    Null values emit null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_lpad" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    width : int
+        Desired string length.
+    padding : str, default " "
+        What to pad the string with. Should be one byte or codepoint.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.PadOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'ascii_lpad',
+        pyarrow._compute.PadOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        width=width,
+        padding=padding
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_lpad')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_lpad',
+            [strings],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_ltrim(strings, characters=None, *, options=None, memory_pool=None):
+    """Trim leading characters.
+    For each string in `strings`, remove any leading characters
+    from the `characters` option (as given in TrimOptions).
+    Null values emit null.
+    Both the `strings` and the `characters` are interpreted as
+    ASCII; to trim non-ASCII characters, use `utf8_ltrim`.
+    This wraps the "ascii_ltrim" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    characters : str
+        Individual characters to be trimmed from the string.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.TrimOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'ascii_ltrim',
+        pyarrow._compute.TrimOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        characters=characters
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_ltrim')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_ltrim',
+            [strings],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_ltrim_whitespace(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Trim leading ASCII whitespace characters.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit a string with leading ASCII whitespace
+    characters removed.  Use `utf8_ltrim_whitespace` to trim leading Unicode
+    whitespace characters. Null values emit null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_ltrim_whitespace" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_ltrim_whitespace')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_ltrim_whitespace',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_reverse(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Reverse ASCII input.
+    For each ASCII string in `strings`, return a reversed version.
+    This function assumes the input is fully ASCII.  If it may contain
+    non-ASCII characters, use "utf8_reverse" instead.
+    This wraps the "ascii_reverse" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_reverse')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_reverse',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_rpad(strings, width=None, padding=' ', *, options=None,
+               memory_pool=None):
+    """Left-align strings by padding with a given character.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit a left-aligned string by appending
+    the given ASCII character.
+    Null values emit null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_rpad" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    width : int
+        Desired string length.
+    padding : str, default " "
+        What to pad the string with. Should be one byte or codepoint.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.PadOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'ascii_rpad',
+        pyarrow._compute.PadOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        width=width,
+        padding=padding
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_rpad')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_rpad',
+            [strings],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_rtrim(strings, characters=None, *, options=None, memory_pool=None):
+    """Trim trailing characters.
+    For each string in `strings`, remove any trailing characters
+    from the `characters` option (as given in TrimOptions).
+    Null values emit null.
+    Both the `strings` and the `characters` are interpreted as
+    ASCII; to trim non-ASCII characters, use `utf8_rtrim`.
+    This wraps the "ascii_rtrim" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    characters : str
+        Individual characters to be trimmed from the string.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.TrimOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'ascii_rtrim',
+        pyarrow._compute.TrimOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        characters=characters
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_rtrim')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_rtrim',
+            [strings],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_rtrim_whitespace(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Trim trailing ASCII whitespace characters.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit a string with trailing ASCII
+        whitespace
+    characters removed. Use `utf8_rtrim_whitespace` to trim trailing Unicode
+    whitespace characters. Null values emit null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_rtrim_whitespace" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_rtrim_whitespace')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_rtrim_whitespace',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_split_whitespace(strings, *, max_splits=None, reverse=False,
+                           options=None,
+                           memory_pool=None):
+    """Split string according to any ASCII whitespace.
+    Split each string according any non-zero length sequence of ASCII
+    whitespace characters.  The output for each string input is a list
+    of strings.
+    The maximum number of splits and direction of splitting
+    (forward, reverse) can optionally be defined in SplitOptions.
+    This wraps the "ascii_split_whitespace" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    max_splits : int or None, default None
+        Maximum number of splits for each input value (unlimited if None).
+    reverse : bool, default False
+        Whether to start splitting from the end of each input value.
+        This only has an effect if `max_splits` is not None.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.SplitOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'ascii_split_whitespace',
+        pyarrow._compute.SplitOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        max_splits=max_splits,
+        reverse=reverse
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_split_whitespace')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_split_whitespace',
+            [strings],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_swapcase(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Transform ASCII input by inverting casing.
+    For each string in `strings`, return a string with opposite casing.
+    This function assumes the input is fully ASCII.  If it may contain
+    non-ASCII characters, use "utf8_swapcase" instead.
+    This wraps the "ascii_swapcase" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_swapcase')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_swapcase',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_title(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Titlecase each word of ASCII input.
+    For each string in `strings`, return a titlecased version.
+    Each word in the output will start with an uppercase character and its
+    remaining characters will be lowercase.
+    This function assumes the input is fully ASCII.  If it may contain
+    non-ASCII characters, use "utf8_title" instead.
+    This wraps the "ascii_title" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_title')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_title',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_trim(strings, characters=None, *, options=None, memory_pool=None):
+    """Trim leading and trailing characters.
+    For each string in `strings`, remove any leading or trailing characters
+    from the `characters` option (as given in TrimOptions).
+    Null values emit null.
+    Both the `strings` and the `characters` are interpreted as
+    ASCII; to trim non-ASCII characters, use `utf8_trim`.
+    This wraps the "ascii_trim" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    characters : str
+        Individual characters to be trimmed from the string.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.TrimOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'ascii_trim',
+        pyarrow._compute.TrimOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        characters=characters
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_trim')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_trim',
+            [strings],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_trim_whitespace(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Trim leading and trailing ASCII whitespace characters.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit a string with leading and trailing
+        ASCII
+    whitespace characters removed. Use `utf8_trim_whitespace` to trim Unicode
+    whitespace characters. Null values emit null.
+    This wraps the "ascii_trim_whitespace" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_trim_whitespace')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_trim_whitespace',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ascii_upper(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Transform ASCII input to uppercase.
+    For each string in `strings`, return an uppercase version.
+    This function assumes the input is fully ASCII.  It it may contain
+    non-ASCII characters, use "utf8_upper" instead.
+    This wraps the "ascii_upper" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ascii_upper')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ascii_upper',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def asin(x, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Compute the inverse sine.
+    NaN is returned for invalid input values;
+    to raise an error instead, see "asin_checked".
+    This wraps the "asin" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('asin')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'asin',
+            [x]
+        )
+    return (
+[x], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def asin_checked(x, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Compute the inverse sine.
+    Invalid input values raise an error;
+    to return NaN instead, see "asin".
+    This wraps the "asin_checked" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('asin_checked')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'asin_checked',
+            [x]
+        )
+    return (
+[x], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def assume_timezone(timestamps, timezone=None, *, ambiguous='raise',
+                    nonexistent='raise', options=None,
+                    memory_pool=None):
+    """Convert naive timestamp to timezone-aware timestamp.
+    Input timestamps are assumed to be relative to the timezone given in the
+    `timezone` option. They are converted to UTC-relative timestamps and
+    the output type has its timezone set to the value of the `timezone`
+    option. Null values emit null.
+    This function is meant to be used when an external system produces
+    "timezone-naive" timestamps which need to be converted to
+    "timezone-aware" timestamps. An error is returned if the timestamps
+    already have a defined timezone.
+    This wraps the "assume_timezone" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    timestamps : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    timezone : str
+        Timezone to assume for the input.
+    ambiguous : str, default "raise"
+        How to handle timestamps that are ambiguous in the assumed timezone.
+        Accepted values are "raise", "earliest", "latest".
+    nonexistent : str, default "raise"
+        How to handle timestamps that don't exist in the assumed timezone.
+        Accepted values are "raise", "earliest", "latest".
+    options : pyarrow.compute.AssumeTimezoneOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'assume_timezone',
+        pyarrow._compute.AssumeTimezoneOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        timezone=timezone,
+        ambiguous=ambiguous,
+        nonexistent=nonexistent
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('assume_timezone')
+    if isinstance(timestamps, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'assume_timezone',
+            [timestamps],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[timestamps], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def atan(x, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Compute the inverse tangent of x.
+    The return value is in the range [-pi/2, pi/2];
+    for a full return range [-pi, pi], see "atan2".
+    This wraps the "atan" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('atan')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'atan',
+            [x]
+        )
+    return (
+[x], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def atan2(y, x, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Compute the inverse tangent of y/x.
+    The return value is in the range [-pi, pi].
+    This wraps the "atan2" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    y : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('atan2')
+    if isinstance(y, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'atan2',
+            [y, x]
+        )
+    return (
+[y, x], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def binary_join(strings, separator, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Join a list of strings together with a separator.
+    Concatenate the strings in `list`. The `separator` is inserted
+    between each given string.
+    Any null input and any null `list` element emits a null output.
+    This wraps the "binary_join" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    separator : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('binary_join')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'binary_join',
+            [strings, separator]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings, separator], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def binary_join_element_wise(*strings, null_handling='emit_null',
+                             null_replacement='',
+                             options=None,
+                             memory_pool=None):
+    """Join string arguments together, with the last argument as separator.
+    Concatenate the `strings` except for the last one. The last argument
+    in `strings` is inserted between each given string.
+    Any null separator element emits a null output. Null elements either
+    emit a null (the default), are skipped, or replaced with a given string.
+    This wraps the "binary_join_element_wise" compute function in the Arrow
+        C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    *strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    null_handling : str, default "emit_null"
+        How to handle null values in the inputs.
+        Accepted values are "emit_null", "skip", "replace".
+    null_replacement : str, default ""
+        Replacement string to emit for null inputs if `null_handling`
+        is "replace".
+    options : pyarrow.compute.JoinOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'binary_join_element_wise',
+        pyarrow._compute.JoinOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        null_handling=null_handling,
+        null_replacement=null_replacement
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('binary_join_element_wise')
+    return (
+[*strings], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def binary_length(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Compute string lengths.
+    For each string in `strings`, emit its length of bytes.
+    Null values emit null.
+    This wraps the "binary_length" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('binary_length')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'binary_length',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def binary_repeat(strings, num_repeats, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Repeat a binary string.
+    For each binary string in `strings`, return a replicated version.
+    This wraps the "binary_repeat" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    num_repeats : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('binary_repeat')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'binary_repeat',
+            [strings, num_repeats]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings, num_repeats], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def binary_replace_slice(strings, start=None, stop=None, replacement=None, *,
+                         options=None,
+                         memory_pool=None):
+    """Replace a slice of a binary string.
+    For each string in `strings`, replace a slice of the string defined by
+        `start`
+    and `stop` indices with the given `replacement`. `start` is inclusive
+    and `stop` is exclusive, and both are measured in bytes.
+    Null values emit null.
+    This wraps the "binary_replace_slice" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    start : int
+        Index to start slicing at (inclusive).
+    stop : int
+        Index to stop slicing at (exclusive).
+    replacement : str
+        What to replace the slice with.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.ReplaceSliceOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'binary_replace_slice',
+        pyarrow._compute.ReplaceSliceOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        start=start,
+        stop=stop,
+        replacement=replacement
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('binary_replace_slice')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'binary_replace_slice',
+            [strings],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def binary_reverse(strings, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Reverse binary input.
+    For each binary string in `strings`, return a reversed version.
+    This function reverses the binary data at a byte-level.
+    This wraps the "binary_reverse" compute function in the Arrow C++
+        library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    strings : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('binary_reverse')
+    if isinstance(strings, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'binary_reverse',
+            [strings]
+        )
+    return (
+[strings], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def bit_wise_and(x, y, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Bit-wise AND the arguments element-wise.
+    Null values return null.
+    This wraps the "bit_wise_and" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    y : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('bit_wise_and')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'bit_wise_and',
+            [x, y]
+        )
+    return (
+[x, y], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def bit_wise_not(x, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Bit-wise negate the arguments element-wise.
+    Null values return null.
+    This wraps the "bit_wise_not" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('bit_wise_not')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'bit_wise_not',
+            [x]
+        )
+    return (
+[x], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def bit_wise_or(x, y, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Bit-wise OR the arguments element-wise.
+    Null values return null.
+    This wraps the "bit_wise_or" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    y : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('bit_wise_or')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'bit_wise_or',
+            [x, y]
+        )
+    return (
+[x, y], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def bit_wise_xor(x, y, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Bit-wise XOR the arguments element-wise.
+    Null values return null.
+    This wraps the "bit_wise_xor" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    y : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('bit_wise_xor')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'bit_wise_xor',
+            [x, y]
+        )
+    return (
+[x, y], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def case_when(cond, *cases, memory_pool=None):
+    """Choose values based on multiple conditions.
+    `cond` must be a struct of Boolean values. `cases` can be a mix
+    of scalar and array arguments (of any type, but all must be the
+    same type or castable to a common type), with either exactly one
+    datum per child of `cond`, or one more `cases` than children of
+    `cond` (in which case we have an "else" value).
+    Each row of the output will be the corresponding value of the
+    first datum in `cases` for which the corresponding child of `cond`
+    is true, or otherwise the "else" value (if given), or null.
+    Essentially, this implements a switch-case or if-else, if-else...
+        statement.
+    This wraps the "case_when" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    cond : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    *cases : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('case_when')
+    return (
+[cond, *cases], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def cast(input, target_type=None, *, allow_int_overflow=None,
+         allow_time_truncate=None, allow_time_overflow=None,
+         allow_decimal_truncate=None, allow_float_truncate=None,
+         allow_invalid_utf8=None, options=None, memory_pool=None):
+    """Cast values to another data type.
+    Behavior when values wouldn't fit in the target type
+    can be controlled through CastOptions.
+    This wraps the "cast" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    input : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    target_type : DataType, optional
+        The PyArrow type to cast to.
+    allow_int_overflow : bool, default False
+        Whether integer overflow is allowed when casting.
+    allow_time_truncate : bool, default False
+        Whether time precision truncation is allowed when casting.
+    allow_time_overflow : bool, default False
+        Whether date/time range overflow is allowed when casting.
+    allow_decimal_truncate : bool, default False
+        Whether decimal precision truncation is allowed when casting.
+    allow_float_truncate : bool, default False
+        Whether floating-point precision truncation is allowed when casting.
+    allow_invalid_utf8 : bool, default False
+        Whether producing invalid utf8 data is allowed when casting.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.CastOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'cast',
+        pyarrow._compute.CastOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        target_type=target_type,
+        allow_int_overflow=allow_int_overflow,
+        allow_time_truncate=allow_time_truncate,
+        allow_time_overflow=allow_time_overflow,
+        allow_decimal_truncate=allow_decimal_truncate,
+        allow_float_truncate=allow_float_truncate,
+        allow_invalid_utf8=allow_invalid_utf8
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('cast')
+    if isinstance(input, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'cast',
+            [input],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[input], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def ceil(x, *, memory_pool=None):
+    """Round up to the nearest integer.
+    Compute the smallest integer value not less in magnitude than `x`.
+    This wraps the "ceil" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    x : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ceil')
+    if isinstance(x, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ceil',
+            [x]
+        )
+    return (
+[x], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def ceil_temporal(timestamps, multiple=1, unit='day', *,
+                  week_starts_monday=True,
+                  ceil_is_strictly_greater=False,
+                  calendar_based_origin=False, options=None,
+                  memory_pool=None):
+    """Round temporal values up to nearest multiple of specified time unit.
+    Null values emit null.
+    An error is returned if the values have a defined timezone but it
+    cannot be found in the timezone database.
+    This wraps the "ceil_temporal" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    timestamps : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    multiple : int, default 1
+        Number of units to round to.
+    unit : str, default "day"
+        The unit in which `multiple` is expressed.
+        Accepted values are "year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day",
+        "hour", "minute", "second", "millisecond", "microsecond",
+        "nanosecond".
+    week_starts_monday : bool, default True
+        If True, weeks start on Monday; if False, on Sunday.
+    ceil_is_strictly_greater : bool, default False
+        If True, ceil returns a rounded value that is strictly greater than
+        the
+        input. For example: ceiling 1970-01-01T00:00:00 to 3 hours would
+        yield 1970-01-01T03:00:00 if set to True and 1970-01-01T00:00:00
+        if set to False.
+        This applies to the ceil_temporal function only.
+    calendar_based_origin : bool, default False
+        By default, the origin is 1970-01-01T00:00:00. By setting this to
+        True,
+        rounding origin will be beginning of one less precise calendar unit.
+        E.g.: rounding to hours will use beginning of day as origin.
+        By default time is rounded to a multiple of units since
+        1970-01-01T00:00:00. By setting calendar_based_origin to true,
+        time will be rounded to number of units since the last greater
+        calendar unit.
+        For example: rounding to multiple of days since the beginning of the
+        month or to hours since the beginning of the day.
+        Exceptions: week and quarter are not used as greater units,
+        therefore days will be rounded to the beginning of the month not
+        week. Greater unit of week is a year.
+        Note that ceiling and rounding might change sorting order of an array
+        near greater unit change. For example rounding YYYY-mm-dd 23:00:00 to
+        5 hours will ceil and round to YYYY-mm-dd+1 01:00:00 and floor to
+        YYYY-mm-dd 20:00:00. On the other hand YYYY-mm-dd+1 00:00:00 will
+        ceil, round and floor to YYYY-mm-dd+1 00:00:00. This can break the
+        order of an already ordered array.
+    options : pyarrow.compute.RoundTemporalOptions, optional
+        Alternative way of passing options.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    _computed_options = _handle_options(
+        'ceil_temporal',
+        pyarrow._compute.RoundTemporalOptions,
+        options,
+        (),
+        multiple=multiple,
+        unit=unit,
+        week_starts_monday=week_starts_monday,
+        ceil_is_strictly_greater=ceil_is_strictly_greater,
+        calendar_based_origin=calendar_based_origin
+    )
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('ceil_temporal')
+    if isinstance(timestamps, Expression):
+        return Expression._call(
+            'ceil_temporal',
+            [timestamps],
+            _computed_options
+        )
+    return (
+[timestamps], _computed_options, memory_pool)
+    )
+def choose(indices, *values, memory_pool=None):
+    """Choose values from several arrays.
+    For each row, the value of the first argument is used as a 0-based index
+    into the list of `values` arrays (i.e. index 0 selects the first of the
+    `values` arrays). The output value is the corresponding value of the
+    selected argument.
+    If an index is null, the output will be null.
+    This wraps the "choose" compute function in the Arrow C++ library.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    indices : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    *values : Array-like or scalar-like
+        Argument to compute function.
+    memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
+        If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
+    """
+    func = pyarrow._compute.get_function('choose')
+    return (
+[indices, *values], memory_pool=memory_pool)
+    )
+def coalesce(*values, memory_pool=None):
+    """Select the first non-null value.
+    Each row of the output will be the value from the first corresponding
+        input
+    for which the value is not null. If all inputs are null in a row, the
+        output
+    will be null.

Review Comment:
   That's probably from trying to keep the line length within flake8 max? We might need to "reflow" the text then ... (or find a way to indicate to flake8 to ignore this file)

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