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Posted to by Serge Smertin <> on 2015/03/05 14:54:16 UTC

[Aggregation] [Optimistic Locking] [Hazelcast] DefaultExchangeHolder for distributed concurrent maps


Currently i have an aggregation route with approximately following

Adding new exchanges result in error:
*Optimistic locking failed for exchange with key other: IMap#replace
returned no Exchanges, while it's expected to replace one*

Code from HazelcastAggregationRepository that is related to the issue:
        if (!cache.replace(key, oldHolder, newHolder)) {
                LOG.error("Optimistic locking failed for exchange with key
{}: IMap#replace returned no Exchanges, while it's expected to replace one",
                throw new OptimisticLockingException();

And i guess the source of the problem is in marshalling of exchange holder:
hazelcast does compare-and-swap based on serialized binary content and not
hashcode. If default exchange holder contains any hashmaps (either headers,
properties or hashmap withing a body), binary representations are
different, but hash codes are the same: 70 3F 40  0C 77 74 vs 70 3F 40  77

I'm not sure - should this problem be fixed on hazelcast component level or
camel core, so I reported a bug -

There are some possible ways to get optimistic locking working with
hazelcast (and probably other storages that have atomic update
functionality, like InfiniSpan):
- Hazelcast supports InMemory.OBJECT storage, so that ObjectRecordFactory
would invoke DefaultExchangeHolder#equals method. Though, it
invokes Object#equals, as current implementation in 2.14 doesn't have
equals() method
- think about making serialisation of exchange holder to more consistent
binary form.
- don't use HashMaps in aggregated exchanges at all. that means, no headers
as well.

Something like that, thank you for reading this.
