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Posted to by on 2010/11/22 13:42:51 UTC

New project: constants generator for translation keys and wicket ids

Hi everybody,

I want to announce a new project that a few of you might like:



see github readme


I like compile time checks, and have always been frustrated about the 
runtime errors when a wicket component id could not be found in a 
template due to a refactoring of some sort.

Therefore I have coded a tool that generates java interfaces with 
constants of the wicket ids found in templates. These can then be used in 
the constructor calls of wicket components.

Then I noticed that the same thing would come in handy for translations.

The whole thing is implemented as an annotation processor (like bindgen), 
so it will magically "just work" (tm) if you put it in your classpath and 
even works after saving a component class with a template/translation 
file in eclipse (when configured).

Feel free to comment/nag/review/fork...

Known Issues:

* Only works one way, java code contains no references to nonexisting 
template ids and translations, but that's enough for me.
* Only works on locale unspecific translation files. Again, enough for me.
