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Posted to by on 2017/09/11 21:06:36 UTC

[fluo] branch fluo-parent-2-rc1 created (now e6565ed)

This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

ctubbsii pushed a change to branch fluo-parent-2-rc1
in repository

      at e6565ed  [maven-release-plugin] prepare release rel/fluo-parent-2

This branch includes the following new commits:

     new 585ff3c  Add convenience script for staging releases
     new e6565ed  [maven-release-plugin] prepare release rel/fluo-parent-2

The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

To stop receiving notification emails like this one, please contact
['"" <>'].

[fluo] 01/02: Add convenience script for staging releases

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

ctubbsii pushed a commit to branch fluo-parent-2-rc1
in repository

commit 585ff3cccc3347f0a22b38af8386c3efe79c54ad
Author: Christopher Tubbs <>
AuthorDate: Mon Sep 11 17:04:10 2017 -0400

    Add convenience script for staging releases
 contrib/ | 294 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 294 insertions(+)

diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4cff9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." || exit 1
+scriptname=$(basename "$0")
+sourceArtifactName="Fluo Parent POM"
+binArtifact="" # blank for none
+# check for gpg2
+hash gpg2 2>/dev/null && gpgCommand=gpg2 || gpgCommand=gpg
+# check if running in a color terminal
+terminalSupportsColor() {
+  local c; c=$(tput colors 2>/dev/null) || c=-1
+  [[ -t 1 ]] && [[ $c -ge 8 ]]
+terminalSupportsColor && doColor=1 || doColor=0
+color() { local c; c=$1; shift; [[ $doColor -eq 1 ]] && echo -e "\\e[0;${c}m${*}\\e[0m" || echo "$@"; }
+red() { color 31 "$@"; }
+green() { color 32 "$@"; }
+yellow() { color 33 "$@"; }
+fail() { echo -e ' ' "$@"; exit 1; }
+runLog() { local o; o=$1 && shift && echo "$(green Running) $(yellow "$@" '>>' "$o")" && echo Running "$@" >> "$o" && eval "$@" >> "$o"; }
+run() { echo "$(green Running) $(yellow "$@")" && eval "$@"; }
+runOrFail() { run "$@" || fail "$(yellow "$@")" "$(red failed)"; }
+currentBranch() { local b; b=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) && echo "${b##refs/heads/}"; }
+cacheGPG() {
+  # make sure gpg agent has key cached
+  # first clear cache, to reset timeouts (best attempt)
+  { hash gpg-connect-agent && gpg-connect-agent reloadagent /bye; } &>/dev/null
+  # TODO prompt for key instead of using default?
+  local TESTFILE; TESTFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir "${USER}-gpgTestFile-XXXXXXXX.txt")
+  [[ -r $TESTFILE ]] && "$gpgCommand" --sign "${TESTFILE}" && rm -f "${TESTFILE}" "${TESTFILE}.gpg"
+prompter() {
+  # $1 description; $2 pattern to validate against
+  local x
+  read -r -p "Enter the $1: " x
+  until eval "[[ \$x =~ ^$2\$ ]]"; do
+    echo "  $(red "$x") is not a proper $1" 1>&2
+    read -r -p "Enter the $1: " x
+  done
+  echo "$x"
+pretty() { local f; f=$1; shift; git log "--pretty=tformat:$f" "$@"; }
+gitCommits() { pretty %H "$@"; }
+gitCommit()  { gitCommits -n1 "$@"; }
+gitSubject() { pretty %s "$@"; }
+createEmail() {
+  # $1 version (optional); $2 rc seqence num (optional); $3 staging repo num (optional)
+  local ver; [[ -n $1 ]] && ver=$1 || ver=$(prompter 'version to be released (eg. 1, 2, etc.)' '[0-9]+')
+  local rc; [[ -n $2 ]] && rc=$2 || rc=$(prompter 'release candidate sequence number (eg. 1, 2, etc.)' '[0-9]+')
+  local stagingrepo; [[ -n $3 ]] && stagingrepo=$3 || stagingrepo=$(prompter 'staging repository number from' '[0-9]+')
+  local branch; branch=$sourceArtifact-$ver-rc$rc
+  local commit; commit=$(gitCommit "$branch") || exit 1
+  local tag; tag=rel/$sourceArtifact-$ver
+  echo
+  echo
+  echo    "    Don't forget to push a branch named $(green "$branch") with"
+  echo    "    its head at $(green "${commit:0:7}") so others can review using:"
+  echo    "      $(green "git push origin ${commit:0:7}:refs/heads/$branch")"
+  echo
+  echo    "    Remember, $(red DO NOT PUSH) the $(red "$tag") tag until after the vote"
+  echo    "    passes and the tag is re-made with a gpg signature using:"
+  echo    "      $(red "git tag -f -m 'Apache $sourceArtifactName $ver' -s $tag ${commit:0:7}")"
+  echo
+  echo
+  read -r -s -p 'Press Enter to generate the [VOTE] email...'
+  echo 1>&2
+  # compute the date with a buffer of 30 minutes
+  local votedate; votedate=$(date -d "+3 days 30 minutes" "+%s")
+  # round back to the previous half-hour
+  local halfhour; halfhour=$((votedate - (votedate % 1800)))
+  votedate=$(date -u -d"1970-01-01 $halfhour seconds UTC")
+  export TZ="America/New_York"
+  local edtvotedate; edtvotedate=$(date -d"1970-01-01 $halfhour seconds UTC")
+  export TZ="America/Los_Angeles"
+  local pdtvotedate; pdtvotedate=$(date -d"1970-01-01 $halfhour seconds UTC")
+  local fingerprint; fingerprint=$("$gpgCommand" --list-secret-keys --with-colons --with-fingerprint 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '$1 == "fpr" {print $10}')
+  [[ -z $fingerprint ]] && fingerprint="UNSPECIFIED"
+  local binArtifactPath; [[ -n $binArtifact ]] && binArtifactPath="Binary: $(green "$projectGroup-$stagingrepo/org/apache/$projectGroup/$binArtifact/$ver/$binArtifact-${ver}-bin.tar.gz")"
+  cat <<EOF
+$(yellow '============================================================')
+Subject: $(green [VOTE] "$sourceArtifactName" "$branch")
+$(yellow '============================================================')
+$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${projectGroup:0:1})${projectGroup:1} Developers,
+Please consider the following candidate for $sourceArtifactName $(green "$ver").
+Git Commit:
+    $(green "$commit")
+    $(green "$branch")
+If this vote passes, a gpg-signed tag will be created using:
+    $(green "git tag -f -m 'Apache $sourceArtifactName $ver' -s $tag") \\
+    $(green "$commit")
+Staging repo: $(green "$projectGroup-$stagingrepo")
+Source (official release artifact): $(green "$projectGroup-$stagingrepo/org/apache/$projectGroup/$sourceArtifact/$ver/$source-artifact-${ver}-source-release.tar.gz")
+(Append ".sha1", ".md5", or ".asc" to download the signature/hash for a given artifact.)
+All artifacts were built and staged with:
+    mvn release:prepare && mvn release:perform
+Signing keys are available at$projectGroup/KEYS
+(Expected fingerprint: $(green "$fingerprint"))
+Release notes (in progress) can be found at: $(green "https://$$ver")
+Please vote one of:
+[ ] +1 - I have verified and accept...
+[ ] +0 - I have reservations, but not strong enough to vote against...
+[ ] -1 - Because..., I do not accept...
+... these artifacts as the $(green "$ver") release of Apache $sourceArtifactName.
+This vote will remain open until at least $(green "$votedate") ($(green "$edtvotedate") / $(green "$pdtvotedate")).
+Voting can continue after this deadline until the release manager sends an email ending the vote.
+P.S. Hint: download the whole staging repo with
+    wget -erobots=off -r -l inf -np -nH \\
+    $(green "$projectGroup-$stagingrepo/")
+    # note the trailing slash is needed
+$(yellow '============================================================')
+cleanUpAndFail() {
+  # $1 command; $2 log; $3 original branch; $4 next branch
+  echo "  Failure in $(red "$1")!"
+  echo "  Check output in $(yellow "$2")"
+  echo "  Initiating clean up steps..."
+  run git checkout "$3"
+  # pre-populate branches with expected next branch; de-duplicate later
+  local branches; branches=("$4")
+  local tags; tags=()
+  local x; local y
+  for x in $(gitCommits "${cBranch}..${nBranch}"); do
+    for y in $(git branch --contains "$x" | cut -c3-); do
+      branches=("${branches[@]}" "$y")
+    done
+    for y in $(git tag --contains "$x"); do
+      tags=("${tags[@]}" "$y")
+    done
+  done
+  # de-duplicate branches
+  local a
+  branches=($(printf "%s\n" "${branches[@]}" | sort -u))
+  for x in "${branches[@]}"; do
+    echo "Do you wish to clean up (delete) the branch $(yellow "$x")?"
+    a=$(prompter "letter 'y' or 'n'" '[yn]')
+    [[ $a == 'y' ]] && git branch -D "$x"
+  done
+  for x in "${tags[@]}"; do
+    echo "Do you wish to clean up (delete) the tag $(yellow "$x")?"
+    a=$(prompter "letter 'y' or 'n'" '[yn]')
+    [[ $a == 'y' ]] && git tag -d "$x"
+  done
+  exit 1
+createReleaseCandidate() {
+  echo
+  echo    "  This will modify your local git repository by creating"
+  echo    "  branches and tags. Afterwards, you may need to perform"
+  echo    "  some manual steps to complete the release or to rollback"
+  echo    "  in the case of failure."
+  echo
+  echo
+  local extraReleaseArgs; extraReleaseArgs=("$@")
+  if [[ ${#extraReleaseArgs[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
+    red "CAUTION!! Extra release args may create a non-standard release!!"
+    red "You added '${extraReleaseArgs[*]}'"
+  fi
+  [[ ${#extraReleaseArgs[@]} -eq 0 ]] && [[ $gpgCommand != 'gpg' ]] && extraReleaseArgs=("-Dgpg.executable=$gpgCommand")
+  extraReleaseArgs="-DextraReleaseArguments='${extraReleaseArgs[*]}'"
+  local ver
+  ver=$(xmllint --shell pom.xml <<<'xpath /*[local-name()="project"]/*[local-name()="version"]/text()' | grep content= | cut -f2 -d=)
+  ver=${ver%%-SNAPSHOT}
+  echo "Building release candidate for version: $(green "$ver")"
+  local tag; tag=rel/$sourceArtifact-$ver
+  local cBranch; cBranch=$(currentBranch) || fail "$(red Failure)" to get current branch from git
+  local rc; rc=$(prompter 'release candidate sequence number (eg. 1, 2, etc.)' '[0-9]+')
+  local nextVer; nextVer=$(prompter 'next snapshot version to be released (eg. 1, 2, etc.)' '[0-9]+')
+  local rcBranch; rcBranch=$sourceArtifact-$ver-rc$rc
+  local nBranch; nBranch=$rcBranch-next
+  cacheGPG || fail "Unable to cache GPG credentials into gpg-agent"
+  # create working branch
+  {
+    run git branch "$nBranch" "$cBranch" && run git checkout "$nBranch"
+  } || fail "Unable to create working branch $(red "$nBranch") from $(red "$cBranch")!"
+  # create a release candidate from a branch
+  local oFile; oFile=$(mktemp --tmpdir "$projectGroup-build-$rcBranch-XXXXXXXX.log")
+  {
+    [[ -w $oFile ]] && runLog "$oFile" mvn clean release:clean
+  } || cleanUpAndFail 'mvn clean release:clean' "$oFile" "$cBranch" "$nBranch"
+  runLog "$oFile" mvn -B release:prepare -DdevelopmentVersion="${nextVer}-SNAPSHOT" "${extraReleaseArgs}" || \
+    cleanUpAndFail "mvn -B release:prepare -DdevelopmentVersion=${nextVer}-SNAPSHOT ${extraReleaseArgs}" "$oFile" "$cBranch" "$nBranch"
+  runLog "$oFile" mvn release:perform "${extraReleaseArgs}" || \
+    cleanUpAndFail "mvn release:perform ${extraReleaseArgs}" "$oFile" "$cBranch" "$nBranch"
+  # switch back to original branch
+  run git checkout "${cBranch}"
+  # verify the next branch contains both expected log messages and no more
+  {
+    [[ $(gitCommits "${cBranch}..${nBranch}" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]] && \
+      [[ $(gitCommit  "${nBranch}~2") ==  $(gitCommit "${cBranch}") ]] && \
+      [[ $(gitSubject "${nBranch}")   =~ ^\[maven-release-plugin\]\ prepare\ for\ next ]] && \
+      [[ $(gitSubject "${nBranch}~1") =~ ^\[maven-release-plugin\]\ prepare\ release\ rel[/] ]]
+  } || cleanUpAndFail "verifying that $nBranch contains only logs from release plugin"
+  # verify the tag is one behind $nBranch and one ahead of $cBranch
+  [[ $(gitCommit "${nBranch}~1") == $(gitCommit "refs/tags/$tag") ]] || \
+    cleanUpAndFail "verifying that ${nBranch}~1 == refs/tags/$tag"
+  # remove tag which was created
+  run git tag -d "$tag" || \
+    cleanUpAndFail "removing unused git tag $tag"
+  # create release candidate branch to vote on
+  run git branch "$rcBranch" "${nBranch}~1" || \
+    cleanUpAndFail "creating branch $rcBranch"
+  # push branches (ask first)
+  local origin; origin=$(git remote -v | grep ^origin | grep push | awk '{print $2}')
+  echo "Do you wish to push the following branches to origin ($(green "$origin"))?"
+  echo "  $(yellow "$rcBranch")      (for others to examine for the vote)"
+  echo "  $(yellow "$nBranch") (for merging into $cBranch if vote passes)"
+  local a; a=$(prompter "letter 'y' or 'n'" '[yn]')
+  {
+    [[ $a == 'y' ]] && \
+      run git push -u origin "refs/heads/$nBranch" "refs/heads/$rcBranch"
+  } || red "Did not push branches; you'll need to perform this step manually."
+  # continue to creating email notification
+  echo "$(red Running)" "$(yellow "$scriptname" --create-email "$ver" "$rc")"
+  createEmail "$ver" "$rc"
+if [[ $1 == '--create' ]]; then
+  shift
+  createReleaseCandidate "$@"
+elif [[ $1 == '--email' ]]; then
+  shift
+  createEmail "$@"
+  fail "Missing one of: $(red --create), $(red --email)"

To stop receiving notification emails like this one, please contact
"" <>.

[fluo] 02/02: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release rel/fluo-parent-2

Posted by
This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

ctubbsii pushed a commit to branch fluo-parent-2-rc1
in repository

commit e6565edc90239423784fe40fc2f39ce6bc7b56e3
Author: Christopher Tubbs <>
AuthorDate: Mon Sep 11 17:05:29 2017 -0400

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release rel/fluo-parent-2
 pom.xml | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 30e162b..7c5d9a8 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-  <version>2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+  <version>2</version>
   <name>Apache Fluo Parent POM</name>
   <description>Parent pom for common configuration across Apache Fluo projects</description>
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
-    <tag>HEAD</tag>
+    <tag>rel/fluo-parent-2</tag>

To stop receiving notification emails like this one, please contact
"" <>.