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[1/13] git commit: Clean up documentation

Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/5.4-js-rewrite e366af0ff -> 48127ffda

Clean up documentation


Branch: refs/heads/5.4-js-rewrite
Commit: 48127ffda45a4ae41c8240f479fad308070227b2
Parents: acaa569
Author: Howard M. Lewis Ship <>
Authored: Fri Aug 10 15:07:13 2012 -0700
Committer: Howard M. Lewis Ship <>
Committed: Fri Aug 10 15:07:13 2012 -0700

 .../META-INF/modules/core/            |  257 ++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tapestry-core/src/main/coffeescript/META-INF/modules/core/ b/tapestry-core/src/main/coffeescript/META-INF/modules/core/
index 96856b6..8f3a65b 100644
--- a/tapestry-core/src/main/coffeescript/META-INF/modules/core/
+++ b/tapestry-core/src/main/coffeescript/META-INF/modules/core/
@@ -12,140 +12,147 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+# ## core/pubsub
 # Framework/application publish and subscribe that is independent of
 # the DOM. Parts of this are modelled on how jQuery DOM events work.
+define ["_"],
+  (_) ->
-define ["_"], (_) ->
-  exports = {}
+    exports = {}
-  subscribers = { }
+    subscribers = { }
-  kullSubs = (name, namespaces, responder) ->
-    list = subscribers[name]
-    return if list is null
+    kullSubs = (name, namespaces, responder) ->
+      list = subscribers[name]
+      return if list is null
-    # Work backwards to avoid excessive copies
-    for i in [list.length - 1 .. 0]
-      subscriber = list[i]
-      # TODO: _.intersection is expensive
-      if (!responder or subscriber.fn is responder) and
-         (namespaces.length == 0 or _.intersection(namespaces, subscriber.namespaces).length > 0)
-        if list.iterating
-          subscribers[name] = list = list[..]
-        list.splice i, 1
-    return
-  addSub = (stimulusName, addFirst, responder) ->
-    [simpleName, namespaces...] = stimulusName.split '.'
-    subscriber =
-      stimulus: simpleName
-      namespaces: namespaces
-      fn: responder
-    list = subscribers[simpleName]
-    if not list
-      subscribers[simpleName] = [subscriber]
-    else
-      # If iterating the list (during a publish), then do a copy-on-write.
-      # This allows a clean way to have listeners unsubscribe one first notification, or
-      # otherwise change the subscriptions.
-      if list.iterating
-        subscribers[simpleName] = list = list.slice[..]
-      list[if addFirst then "unshift" else "push"] subscriber
-    return
-  # Adds a responder for a stimulus.  The stimulus name consists of a simple topic name
-  # (used when publishing a message), and optional set of namespaces; each namespace
-  # is preceded by a '.'.  The namespaces make it easier to identify specific responders
-  # later, such as when removing a responder.
-  # The ordering identifies where the listener will be placed.
-  # The listenerfn is a function to be invoked via the publisher. A topic publisher
-  # will publish a message with an application-specific memo.  The listenerfn receives
-  # the memo parameter, and an event parameter.  The event parameter allows the
-  # message to be terminated early.
-  # stimulus - name of stimulus to respond to, with namespaces appended
-  # responder - function to be invoked when the stimulus is fired. The responder
-  # is passed a memo object, and an event. The event can be used to cancel or
-  # pause the stimulus.
-  # Returns this module's exports, for easy chaining of calls.
-  exports.respondTo = exports.on = (stimulusName, responder) ->
-    addSub stimulusName, false, responder
-    return exports
+      # Work backwards to avoid excessive copies
+      for i in [list.length - 1 .. 0]
+        subscriber = list[i]
+        # TODO: _.intersection is expensive
+        if (!responder or subscriber.fn is responder) and
+           (namespaces.length == 0 or _.intersection(namespaces, subscriber.namespaces).length > 0)
+          if list.iterating
+            subscribers[name] = list = list[..]
+          list.splice i, 1
-  # Adds a responder for a stimulus, but the responder is added first in the list.
-  # Otherwise, the same as respondsTo().
-  # Returns this module's exports, for easy chaining of calls.
-  exports.respondFirst = exports.first = (stimulusName, responder) ->
-    addSub stimulusName, true, responder
+      return
-    return exports
-  # Stops responding to a stimulus. The parameters identify zero or more responders
-  # that will no longer be triggered.
-  # Only previously added responders that match a specifically as possible will be removed.
-  # If a responder is provided, it must match exactly.
-  # If a stimulus name is provided, the name must match exactly.
-  # If any namespaces were provided, then at least ONE namespace must match a namespace provided when
-  # the responder was added.
-  # stimulusName - optional, identifies a stimulus and optional namespaces
-  # responder - optional, identifies a specific responder to remove
-  # Returns this module's exports, to support chaining.
-  exports.stopResponding = = (stimulusName = "", responder) ->
-    if _.isFunction stimulusName
-      responder = stimulusName
-      stimulusName = ""
-    [simpleName, namespaces...] = stimulusName.split '.'
-    if simpleName isnt ""
-      kullSubs simpleName, namespaces, responder
-    else
-      kullSubs name, namespaces, responder for name of subscribers
-    return exports
+    addSub = (stimulusName, addFirst, responder) ->
+      [simpleName, namespaces...] = stimulusName.split '.'
+      subscriber =
+        stimulus: simpleName
+        namespaces: namespaces
+        fn: responder
-  # Fires the stimulus, passing the memo and an event to each responder that was previously added.
-  # The event can be used to terminate the stimular prematurely, via its stop() method.
-  # The context object defines the value of this for
-  # the invoked responders; it is often null (or omitted).
-  # stimulusName - simple name of stimulus to fire (it should not contain namespaces)
-  # memo - object to be passed to each responder (as the first parameter)
-  # context - context value (this) used when invoking responders
-  # Returns this module's exports, to support chaining.
- = (stimulusName, memo, context) ->
-    list = subscribers[stimulusName]
-    return exports if not list
-    event =
-      memo: memo
-      running: true
-      stimulus: stimulusName
-      stop: -> running = false
-      # TODO: pause and resume
-    try
-      wasIterating = list.iterating
-      list.iterating = true
-      for subscriber in list when event.running
-        # Pass the memo and the event to the responder.
- context, memo, event
-    finally
-      list.iterating = wasIterating
+      list = subscribers[simpleName]
+      if not list
+        subscribers[simpleName] = [subscriber]
+      else
+        # If iterating the list (during a publish), then do a copy-on-write.
+        # This allows a clean way to have listeners unsubscribe one first notification, or
+        # otherwise change the subscriptions.
+        if list.iterating
+          subscribers[simpleName] = list = list.slice[..]
+        list[if addFirst then "unshift" else "push"] subscriber
+      return
+    # Adds a responder for a stimulus.  The stimulus name consists of a simple topic name
+    # (used when publishing a message), and optional set of namespaces; each namespace
+    # is preceded by a '.'.  The namespaces make it easier to identify specific responders
+    # later, such as when removing a responder.
+    # The ordering identifies where the listener will be placed.
+    # The listenerfn is a function to be invoked via the publisher. A topic publisher
+    # will publish a message with an application-specific memo.  The listenerfn receives
+    # the memo parameter, and an event parameter.  The event parameter allows the
+    # message to be terminated early.
+    #
+    # * stimulus - name of stimulus to respond to, with namespaces appended
+    # * responder - function to be invoked when the stimulus is fired. The responder
+    # is passed a memo object, and an event. The event can be used to cancel or
+    # pause the stimulus.
+    #
+    # Returns this module's exports, for easy chaining of calls.
+    exports.respondTo = exports.on = (stimulusName, responder) ->
+      addSub stimulusName, false, responder
+      return exports
+    # Adds a responder for a stimulus, but the responder is added first in the list.
+    # Otherwise, the same as `respondTo()`.
+    # Returns this module's exports, for easy chaining of calls.
+    exports.respondFirst = exports.first = (stimulusName, responder) ->
+      addSub stimulusName, true, responder
+      return exports
+    # Stops responding to a stimulus. The parameters identify zero or more responders
+    # that will no longer be triggered.
+    # Only previously added responders that match a specifically as possible will be removed.
+    # If a responder is provided, it must match exactly.
+    # If a stimulus name is provided, the name must match exactly.
+    # If any namespaces were provided, then at least ONE namespace must match a namespace provided when
+    # the responder was added.
+    #
+    # * stimulusName - optional, identifies a stimulus and optional namespaces
+    # * responder - optional, identifies a specific responder to remove
+    #
+    # Returns this module's exports, to support chaining.
+    exports.stopResponding = = (stimulusName = "", responder) ->
+      if _.isFunction stimulusName
+        responder = stimulusName
+        stimulusName = ""
+      [simpleName, namespaces...] = stimulusName.split '.'
+      if simpleName isnt ""
+        kullSubs simpleName, namespaces, responder
+      else
+        kullSubs name, namespaces, responder for name of subscribers
+      return exports
+    # Fires the stimulus, passing the memo and an event to each responder that was previously added.
+    # The event can be used to terminate the stimular prematurely, via its stop() method.
+    # The context object defines the value of this for
+    # the invoked responders; it is often null (or omitted).
+    # stimulusName - simple name of stimulus to fire (it should not contain namespaces)
+    #
+    # * memo - object to be passed to each responder (as the first parameter)
+    # * context - context value (this) used when invoking responders
+    #
+    # Returns this module's exports, to support chaining.
+ = (stimulusName, memo, context) ->
+      list = subscribers[stimulusName]
+      return exports if not list
+      event =
+        memo: memo
+        running: true
+        stimulus: stimulusName
+        stop: -> running = false
+        # TODO: pause and resume
+      try
+        wasIterating = list.iterating
+        list.iterating = true
+        for subscriber in list when event.running
+          # Pass the memo and the event to the responder.
+ context, memo, event
+      finally
+        list.iterating = wasIterating
+      return exports
+    # Result of define:
     return exports
-  # Result of define:
-  return exports