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+Title: Apache Felix Tutorial Example 8
+# Example 8 - Spell Checker Service using Service Binder
+*\[Note: The Service Binder was the original project to attempt to automate service dependency management for the OSGi platform and was the inspiration for Declarative Services introduced in OSGi R4. The Service Binder is no longer under active development, but this example is kept in the tutorial for historical purposes. New projects should consider using one of the other dependency injection technologies (e.g., Declarative Services, Dependency Manager, or iPOJO).]({{ refs.note-the-service-binder-was-the-original-project-to-attempt-to-automate-service-dependency-management-for-the-osgi-platform-and-was-the-inspiration-for-declarative-services-introduced-in-osgi-r4-the-service-binder-is-no-longer-under-active-development-but-this-example-is-kept-in-the-tutorial-for-historical-purposes-new-projects-should-consider-using-one-of-the-other-dependency-injection-technologies-e-g-declarative-services-dependency-manager-or-ipojo.path }})*
+The purpose of this example is to re-implement the spell checker service in Example 6, but to do so using the Service Binder; to complete this, we must download the [Service Binder]({{ }}) bundle. The Service Binder bundle is needed to compile the example and at run time to execute the example.
+The spell checker service of Example 6 was complex because it needed to aggregate all available dictionary services and monitor their dynamic availability. In addition, the spell checker service's own availability was dependent upon the availability of dictionary services; in other words, the spell checker service had a dynamic, one-to-many dependency on dictionary services. As it turns out, service dependencies are not managed at all by the OSGi framework and end up being the responsibility of the application developer. The Service Binder tries to eliminate complex and error-prone service dependency handling by automating it. To do this, the Service Binder replaces the BundleActivator code with a generic bundle activator that parses an XML file that describes the instances we want to create and their service dependencies. Instead of writing a lot of complex code, we simply write a declarative XML file. For an example, consider the following code for the new service's bundle
  activator in a file called ``:
+    /*
+     * Apache Felix OSGi tutorial.
+    **/
+    package tutorial.example8;
+    import org.apache.felix.servicebinder.GenericActivator;
+    /**
+     * This example re-implements the spell checker service of
+     * Example 6 using the Service Binder. The Service Binder
+     * greatly simplifies creating OSGi applications by
+     * essentially eliminating the need to write OSGi-related
+     * code; instead of writing OSGi code for your bundle, you
+     * create a simple XML file to describe your bundle's service
+     * dependencies. This class extends the generic bundle activator;
+     * it does not provide any additional functionality. All
+     * functionality for service-related tasks, such as look-up and
+     * binding, is handled by the generic activator base class using
+     * data from the metadata.xml file. All application
+     * functionality is defined in the
+     * file.
+    **/
+    public class Activator extends GenericActivator
+    {
+    }
+All custom functionality has been removed from the bundle activator, it is only necessary to subclass the generic activator exported by the Service Binder. The generic activator performs its task by parsing an XML meta-data file that describes what instances should be created and what their service dependencies are; for our example, we create a file called `metadata.xml` that contains the instance and service dependency meta-data:
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <bundle>
+      <!--
+        -- This meta-data file instructs the Service Binder to
+        -- create one instance of "SpellCheckerImpl". It also
+        -- tells the generic activator that this instance implements the
+        -- "SpellChecker" service interface and that it has an
+        -- aggregate dependency on "DictionaryService" services. Since
+        -- the service dependency on dictionary services has a lower
+        -- cardinality of one, the generic activator will create the instance
+        -- and offer its spell checker service only when there is at least
+        -- one dictionary service available. The service dependency is
+        -- "dynamic", which means that dictionary service availability
+        -- will be monitored dynamically at runtime and it also tells the
+        -- generic activator which methods to call when adding and removing
+        -- dictionary services.
+        -->
+      <instance class="tutorial.example8.SpellCheckerImpl">
+        <service interface="tutorial.example6.service.SpellChecker"/>
+        <requires
+          service="tutorial.example2.service.DictionaryService"
+          filter="(Language=*)"
+          cardinality="1..n"
+          policy="dynamic"
+          bind-method="addDictionary"
+          unbind-method="removeDictionary"
+        />
+      </instance>
+    </bundle>
+The above meta-data tells the generic activator to create one instance of `tutorial.example8.SpellCheckerImpl`, which we will define next. The meta-data also tells the generic activator that the instance has an aggregate service dependency (in this case, one-to-many) on dictionary services and that the services should be tracked dynamically. It also specifies the bind and unbind methods that should be called on the instance when dictionary services appear and disappear. It is important to understand that the generic activator is constantly trying to maintain the instances defined in the meta-data file. At any given point in time, a specific instance may be valid (if all service dependencies are satisfied) or invalid (if any service dependencies are unsatisfied), but at all times the generic activator is trying to get the declared instances into a valid state. The code for our new spell checker service is very similar to the implementation in Example 6, but it is no longer im
 plemented as an inner class of the activator. We define the new spell checker service in a file called `` as follows:
+    /*
+     * Apache Felix OSGi tutorial.
+    **/
+    package tutorial.example8;
+    import;
+    import;
+    import;
+    import java.util.ArrayList;
+    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+    import tutorial.example2.service.DictionaryService;
+    import tutorial.example6.service.SpellChecker;
+    /**
+     * This class re-implements the spell checker service of Example 6.
+     * This service implementation behaves exactly like the one in
+     * Example 6, specifically, it aggregates all available dictionary
+     * services, monitors their dynamic availability, and only offers
+     * the spell checker service if there are dictionary services
+     * available. The service implementation is greatly simplified,
+     * though, by using the Service Binder. Notice that there is no OSGi
+     * references in the application code; instead, the metadata.xml
+     * file describes the service dependencies, which is read by the
+     * Service Binder to automatically manage the dependencies and
+     * register the spell checker service as appropriate.
+    **/
+    public class SpellCheckerImpl implements SpellChecker
+    {
+        // List of service objects.
+        private ArrayList m_svcObjList = new ArrayList();
+        /**
+         * This method is used by the Service Binder to add
+         * new dictionaries to the spell checker service.
+         * @param dictionary the dictionary to add to the spell
+         *                   checker service.
+        **/
+        public void addDictionary(DictionaryService dictionary)
+        {
+            // Lock list and add service object.
+            synchronized (m_svcObjList)
+            {
+                m_svcObjList.add(dictionary);
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * This method is used by the Service Binder to remove
+         * dictionaries from the spell checker service.
+         * @param dictionary the dictionary to remove from the spell
+         *                   checker service.
+        **/
+        public void removeDictionary(DictionaryService dictionary)
+        {
+            // Lock list and remove service object.
+            synchronized (m_svcObjList)
+            {
+                m_svcObjList.remove(dictionary);
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * Checks a given passage for spelling errors. A passage is any
+         * number of words separated by a space and any of the following
+         * punctuation marks: comma (,), period (.), exclamation mark (!),
+         * question mark (?), semi-colon (;), and colon(:).
+         * @param passage the passage to spell check.
+         * @return An array of misspelled words or null if no
+         *         words are misspelled.
+        **/
+        public String[] check(String passage)
+        {
+            // No misspelled words for an empty string.
+            if ((passage == null) || (passage.length() == 0))
+            {
+                return null;
+            }
+            ArrayList errorList = new ArrayList();
+            // Tokenize the passage using spaces and punctionation.
+            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(passage, " ,.!?;:");
+            // Lock the service list.
+            synchronized (m_svcObjList)
+            {
+                // Loop through each word in the passage.
+                while (st.hasMoreTokens())
+                {
+                    String word = st.nextToken();
+                    boolean correct = false;
+                    // Check each available dictionary for the current word.
+                    for (int i = 0; (!correct) && (i < m_svcObjList.size()); i++)
+                    {
+                        DictionaryService dictionary =
+                            (DictionaryService) m_svcObjList.get(i);
+                        if (dictionary.checkWord(word))
+                        {
+                            correct = true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // If the word is not correct, then add it
+                    // to the incorrect word list.
+                    if (!correct)
+                    {
+                        errorList.add(word);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Return null if no words are incorrect.
+            if (errorList.size() == 0)
+            {
+                return null;
+            }
+            // Return the array of incorrect words.
+            return (String[]) errorList.toArray(new String[errorList.size()]);
+        }
+    }
+Notice how much simpler this service implementation is when compared to the same service implemented in Example 6. There are no references to OSGi interfaces in our application code and all tricky and complex code dealing with monitoring of services is handled for us. We must still create a `` file that contains the meta-data for the bundle; the manifest file is as follows:
+    Bundle-Activator: tutorial.example8.Activator
+    Import-Package: tutorial.example2.service, tutorial.example6.service,
+     org.apache.felix.servicebinder
+    Bundle-Name: Service Binder Spell checker service
+    Bundle-Description: A bundle that implements a simple spell checker service
+    Bundle-Vendor: Apache Felix
+    Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
+    Metadata-Location: tutorial/example8/metadata.xml
+We specify which class is used to activate the bundle via the `Bundle-Activator` attribute and also specify that the bundle imports the spell checker, dictionary, and Service Binder packages. (Note: Make sure your manifest file ends in a trailing carriage return or else the last line will be ignored.)
+To compile the source code, we must include the `felix.jar` file (found in Felix' `lib` directory), the servicebinder.jar file, the example2.jar file, and the example6.jar file in the class path. We compile the source file using a command like:
+    javac -d c:\classes *.java
+This command compiles all source files and outputs the generated classes into a subdirectory of the `c:\classes` directory; this subdirectory is `tutorial\example8`, named after the package we specified in the source file. For the above command to work, the `c:\classes` directory must exist.
+Before we can create our bundle JAR file, we must copy the bundle's service dependency meta-data file, called `metadata.xml` above, into the example class' package. Assuming that we used the above command to compile the bundle, then we should copy the `metadata.xml` file into `c:\classes\tutorial\example8`. Now we can create the JAR file for our bundle using the following command:
+    jar cfm example8.jar -C c:\classes tutorial\example8
+This command creates a JAR file using the manifest file we created and includes all of the classes and resources in the `tutorial\example8` directory inside of the `c:\classes` directory. Once the JAR file is created, we are ready to install and start the bundle.
+To run Felix, we follow the instructions described in usage.html. When we start Felix, it asks for a profile name, we will put all of our bundles in a profile named `tutorial`. After running Felix, we should stop all tutorial bundles except for the service bundles. Use the `lb` command to make sure that only the bundles from Example 2 and Example 2b are active; use the `start` and `stop` commands as appropriate to start and stop the various tutorial bundles, respectively. (Note: Felix uses some bundles to provide its command shell, so do not stop these bundles.) We must also install the `servicebinder.jar` bundle that we downloaded at the beginning of this example. Assuming that we saved the bundle in our tutorial directory, we install the bundle using the following command:
+    install file:/c:/tutorial/servicebinder.jar
+We do not need to start the Service Binder bundle, because it is only a library. Now we can install and start our spell checker service bundle. Assuming that we created our bundle in the directory `c:\tutorial`, we can install and start it in Felix' shell using the following command:
+    start file:/c:/tutorial/example8.jar
+The above command installs and starts the bundle in a single step; it is also possible to install and start the bundle in two steps by using the Felix `install` and `start` shell commands. To stop the bundle, use the Felix `stop` shell command. Use the Felix shell `lb` command to get the bundle identifier number for the spell checker service bundle to stop and restart it at will using the `stop` and `start` commands, respectively. Using the `services` command, we can see which services are currently available in the OSGi framework, including our dictionary and spell checker services. We can experiment with our spell checker service's dynamic availability by stopping the dictionary service bundles; when both dictionary services are stopped, the services command will reveal that our bundle is no longer offering its spell checker service. Likewise, when the dictionary services comeback, so will our spell checker service. This bundle will work with the spell checker client bundl
 e that we created in Example 7, so feel free to experiment. To exit Felix, use the `shutdown` command.
+*\[Note: The spell checker client bundle in Example 7 could also be re-implemented using the Service Binder approach outlined in this example. The spell checker client has a one-to-one, dynamic service dependency on the spell checker service. Further, an entire application of instances could be described in a single `metadata.xml` in a single bundle or across a collection of bundles and the Service Binder will automatically manage the service dependencies among them.]({{ refs.note-the-spell-checker-client-bundle-in-example-7-could-also-be-re-implemented-using-the-service-binder-approach-outlined-in-this-example-the-spell-checker-client-has-a-one-to-one-dynamic-service-dependency-on-the-spell-checker-service-further-an-entire-application-of-instances-could-be-described-in-a-single-metadata-xml-in-a-single-bundle-or-across-a-collection-of-bundles-and-the-service-binder-will-automatically-manage-the-service-dependencies-among-them.path }})*
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Added: felix/site/trunk/content/documentation/tutorials-examples-and-presentations/checking-out-and-building-felix-with-netbeans.mdtext
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+Title: Checking Out and Building Felix with NetBeans
+# Checking out and building Felix with NetBeans
+In this how-to we describe the process of checking out and building Felix from source using the NetBeans IDE.
+## Required Software:
+1. NetBeans 6.1 - You can get NetBeans from the [NetBeans web site](
+1. Subversion command-line client - NetBeans uses the Subversion command-line client for its Subversion integration. You can get the Subversion command-line client from [Tigris]( or if you are working on a Unix machine it will most likely be available in your OS's package repository.
+1. NetBeans Maven plugin - You can install this from within NetBeans by selecting "`Tools->Plugins`" menu item, then choosing the Maven plugin from the "`Available Plugins`" tab and pressing the "`Install`" button on the bottom of the dialog. For a good introduction on what you can do with this plugin see the [Maven Best Practices]( page on the NetBeans wiki.
+1. Maven - You will also need to locally install Maven to complete this how-to. You can download Maven from the [Maven web site](
+<div class="note" markdown="1">
+**Why do we need maven?**
+## Checking out Felix
+*1)* From NetBeans' main menu select "`Versioning->Subversion->Checkout`" as shown in Figure 1.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 1: NetBeans Subversion Menu{color}
+*2)* Now we need to fill in the checkout dialog box. For this dialog box all we need to do is fill in the "`Repository URL`" (See below for what this should be). Once you have set the Repository URL you can press the "`Next`" button. See Figure 2 for what the dialog should look like when you are done.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 2: NetBeans checkout dialog box{color}
+*3)* In the next panel of the checkout dialog box we need to set where we want to put the source code as well as some parameters that will get passed to the subversion client.
+* Repository Folder(s) - This should be set for you, but if it is not it should be "`felix/trunk`"
+* Repository Revision - Leave this one blank. *NOTE:* If you want to check out a particular version of Felix you can put the revision number here and that revision will be checked out. For our purposes here we want to get the latest revision. 
+* Skip "trunk" check box - Check this. This option means that the source code will be checked out into the root of the folder/directory that we supply.
+* Local Folder - This is where the source code will be checked out locally. You can press the browse button to select a directory. *NOTE:* If you need to create a sub-directory pick the parent then in the edit box add it to the path. It will be created for you during the check out. 
+* Scan for NetBeans Projects after checkout check box - You can either check or uncheck this box. Either way NetBeans will not open any of the projects because there are approximately 183 projects in the Felix source tree. Later we will pick the specific project we need for compiling Felix. 
+Once you have filled in the second panel of the checkout dialog press the "`Finish`" button at the bottom of the dialog. See Figure 3 for how the dialog should look.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 3: NetBeans checkout dialog box (panel 2){color}
+*4)* It may take a while for the checkout to complete. If you want to see what is happening, take a look at the output window at the bottom of the NetBeans window. If you don't see it select "`Window->Output->Output`" to make it display. You should see something like what is shown in Figure 4.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 4: NetBeans output window{color}
+*5)* If you left the "`Scan for NetBeans Projects after checkout`" check box checked you will see the dialog in Figure 5 when Subversion finishes checking out Felix. For now just press the "`Cancel`" button.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 5: NetBeans open project dialog{color}
+*6)* This concludes the section on checking out the Felix source code.
+## Building Felix
+In this section we will be going over how to build Felix from within NetBeans. 
+*1)* Setup external Maven in NetBeans
+Before we can build Felix, we need to set up NetBeans so that it can use our external Maven instead of the one bundled with the Maven plugin. You do this in the NetBeans options dialog ("`Tools->Options`"). Select the "`Miscellaneous`" icon at the top of the dialog. Then select the "`Maven 2`" tab. What we want to do here is tell NetBeans where we installed Maven. You can press the "`Browse`" button to browse to the directory where you installed Maven. You can leave the rest of the options as they are. See Figure 6 for how this dialog looks and how to set it up.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 6: NetBeans Maven option dialog{color}
+*2)* Open the Felix project folder
+Now we need to open the Felix build project folder. This will be the "`pom`" project. It is located in the directory where you checked out the source code. When you locate it select the project and press the `Open Project` button. See Figure 7 for how this looks.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 7: NetBeans Open Project dialog{color}
+When the project is opened your "`Projects`" pane should look something like Figure 8.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure8 : NetBeans Project pane{color}
+*3)* Configure the project
+We now need to change one aspect of the project configuration. So right click on the project and select the "`Properties`" menu item, then select the "`Actions`" category. What we need to do here is check the "`Use external Maven for build execution`" checkbox. Once you have done this you can press the "`OK`" Button. See Figure 9 for how this should look.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 9: NetBeans Project properties dialog{color}
+*4)* Select a build profile
+Felix is built in two phases. These two phases are controlled by Maven profiles so we want to set the profile that we want to build. You do this by right clicking on the project then select "`Profiles->packaging-plugins`" to select the profile, see Figure 10.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 10: NetBeans Project profiles{color}
+*5)* Build Felix plugins
+Now that we have selected the correct profile all we have to do is build it. Right click on the project and select the "`Clean and Build`" menu item. You should see something like Figure 11 when the build is complete. *NOTE:* If you have not done this before it may take a little while, since Maven needs to download a bunch of plugins.
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 11: Plugins build output{color}
+*6)* Build Felix bundle
+Now that we have built the plugins it is time to build the Felix bundle. Like in step 4, we right click on the project and select "`Profiles->packaging-plugins`" (to unselect it), then do it again but this time select "`Profiles->packaging-bundle`". Once you have done that you can "`Clean and Build`" the project. See Figure 12 for what you should see in the output window when the build completes.
+<div class="note" markdown="1">
+**Did you get a OutOfMemoryError during the bundle build?**
+Sometimes, the Felix bundle build throws this error. Just try to build it again and it should go away after you do it a couple of times as there will be less to build each time. Or if you want you can increase the memory available to Maven. I have found that setting the environment variable MAVEN_OPTS to "-Xmx1024m -Xms512m" allows me to build Felix completely the first time though. It should be noted that if you change this you may need to shut down and restart NetBeans before Maven will see this environment variable as Maven inherits its environment variables from NetBeans and NetBeans will not get the new or updated variable until you restart it. 
+{color:#4f81bd}Figure 12: Bundle build output{color}
+## Conclusion
+If every thing went as expected then you should have a built and ready to run Felix installation in the "`main`" directory under the directory where you checked out Felix. You can now run Felix from the command line by changing to that directory and running this command:
+    java -jar bin/felix.jar
+## Other documentation
+You may also want to read:
+* [Integrating Felix with NetBeans]({{ refs.integrating-felix-with-netbeans.path }}) - A how-to style document that shows how to run Felix under NetBeans. 
+* [Felix usage]({{ refs.apache-felix-framework-usage-documentation.path }}) - Go to the Felix usage page to learn how to launch the Felix framework. 
+## How to get help
+If you need any help or have questions about this document you can ask on the Felix Users Mailing list. See [Felix Mailing lists]({{ refs.mailinglists.path }}) for how to subscribe to the list.
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Added: felix/site/trunk/content/documentation/tutorials-examples-and-presentations/presentations.mdtext
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+Title: Presentations
+# Felix & OSGi Presentations
+| Date | Event | Download | Presenter(s) | Summary |
+| 11-14 october 2005 | OSGi World Congress, Paris, France | [download]({{ refs.-apache-directory-osgi-pdf.path }}) | Enrique Rodriguez | Apache Directory's use of OSGi. |
+| 11-14 october 2005 | OSGi World Congress, Paris, France | [download]({{ refs.-dependencymanagement-pdf.path }}) | Marcel Offermans | Introducing the dependency manager, which introduces an API to dynamically define and manipulate service dependencies. |
+| 14 december 2005 | ApacheCon | [download]({{ refs.-osgi-apachecon-20051214-pdf.path }}) | Richard S. Hall | Presentation discussing OSGi R4 support for modularity in Java and how it differs from OSGi R3 support. |
+| 28 june 2006 | ApacheCon EU, Dublin, Ireland | [download]({{ refs.-osgi-apachecon-20060628-pdf.path }}) | Richard S. Hall | Presentation discussing Java modularity, OSGi, and JSRs 277, 291, and 294. |
+| 28 june 2006 | ApacheCon EU, Dublin, Ireland | [download]({{ refs.-best-practices-apachecon-20060628-pdf.path }}) | Marcel Offermans | Presentation discussing OSGi best practices. |
+| 21 march 2007 | Akquinet, Berlin, Germany | [download]({{ refs.-osgi-berlin-20070321-pdf.path }}) | Richard S. Hall | OSGi overview presentation. |
+| 27 june 2007 | OSGi Community Event, Munich, Germany | [download]({{ refs.-obr-osgi-community-20070627-pdf.path }}) | Richard S. Hall | Presentation about OBR. |
+| 14 november 2007 | ApacheCon US | [download]({{ refs.-felix-apachecon-20071114-pdf.path }}) | Richard S. Hall | Presentation discussing how to use Felix to build applications. |
+| 27 february 2008 | NL-JUG University, De Bilt, The Netherlands | [download]({{ refs.-osgi-university-session-pdf.path }}) | Karl Pauls, Marcel Offermans | Slides of a two hour university session on OSGi. |
+| 23-26 march 2008 | EclipseCon / OSGiCon, Santa Clara, United States | [download]({{ refs.-building-secure-osgi-applications-workshop-pdf.path }}) | Karl Pauls, Marcel Offermans | Workshop on how to build secure OSGi applications using OSGi security, with various samples for Apache Felix and Equinox. |
+| 9 april 2008 | ApacheCon EU, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | [download]({{ refs.-felix-apachecon-20080409-pdf.path }}) | Richard S. Hall | Presentation, which is an updated version of the ApacheCon US 2007 presentation describing how to build OSGi-based applications. |
+| 16 april 2008 | NL-JUG J-Spring 2008, Bussum, The Netherlands | [download]({{ refs.-building-secure-osgi-applications-pdf.path }}) | Marcel Offermans, Karl Pauls | Presentation on how to build secure OSGi applications using OSGi security. |
+| 16 april 2008 | NL-JUG J-Spring 2008, Bussum, The Netherlands | [download]({{ refs.-osgi-on-google-android-using-apache-felix-pdf.path }}) | Marcel Offermans, Karl Pauls | Presentationn on how to build OSGi-based applications on Google Android. |
+| 10 june 2008 | OSGi Community Event, Berlin, Germany | [download]({{ refs.-06_bossenbroek-pdf.path }}) | Hans Bossenbroek, Martijn van Berkum | <GX> WebManager 9, an OSGi business case that uses Apache Felix. |
+| 11 june 2008 | OSGi Community Event, Berlin, Germany | [download]({{ refs.-ipojo-berlin-20080611-pdf.path }}) | Richard S. Hall | iPOJO: The Simple Life. |
+| 7 february 2009 | FOSDEM 2009, Brussels, Belgium | [download]({{ refs.-dynamic-deployment-with-apache-felix-pdf.path }}) [video|] | Marcel Offermans | Dynamic Deployment with Apache Felix |
+| 25 march 2009 | ApacheCon EU, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | [download]({{ refs.-apache-felix-on-androids-pdf.path }}) | Marcel Offermans, Christian van Spaandonk | Shows how to create and dynamically deploy applications on Google Android up to the point where things get dynamically deployed based on context (user's location, etc.). |
+| 25 January 2011 | N/A | [download]({{ refs.-learning-to-ignore_osgi-pdf.path }}) | Richard S. Hall | Discusses the minimum understanding of OSGi technology you must possess to effectively use it. |

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+Title: downloads
+# Downloads
+To get the latest development release of Apache Felix, you can check out the [sources]({{ refs.source-code.path }}) and [build Felix|Building Felix] yourself. Otherwise, the releases below are available for download. To install, just download and extract. These [KEYS|] can be used to verify the release archive.
+All Apache Felix products are distributed under the terms of The Apache Software License (version 2.0). See our [license page]({{ refs.license.path }}), or the LICENSE file included in each distribution.
+## Mirrors
+Use the links below to download binary or source distributions of Apache Felix from one of our mirrors.
+You are currently using *\[preferred\]({{ refs.preferred.path }})*. If you encounter a problem with this mirror, please select another mirror. If all mirrors are failing, there are backup mirrors (at the end of the mirrors list) that should be available.
+If the mirror displayed above is labeled *preferred*, then please reload this page by [clicking here](
+<form action="[location]({{ refs.location.path }})" method="get" id="SelectMirror">
+Other mirrors: </P><select name="Preferred">
+[if-any http]({{ refs.if-any-http.path }})
+[for http]({{ refs.for-http.path }})<option value="[http]">[http]</option>[end]
+[end]({{ refs.end.path }})
+[if-any ftp]({{ refs.if-any-ftp.path }})
+[for ftp]({{ refs.for-ftp.path }})<option value="[ftp]">[ftp]</option>[end]
+[end]({{ refs.end.path }})
+[if-any backup]({{ refs.if-any-backup.path }})
+[for backup]({{ refs.for-backup.path }})<option value="[backup]">[backup] (backup)</option>[end]
+[end]({{ refs.end.path }})
+<input type="submit" value="Change"></input>
+### Felix Framework Distribution
+| Artifact | Version | Binary |
+| Felix Framework Distribution | 4.0.3 | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.main.distribution-4.0.3{felixdownload} |
+### Subprojects
+{HTMLcomment:hidden}Please keep the list in alphabetical order{HTMLcomment}
+| Artifact | Version | Binary | Source |
+| AutoConf Resource Processor | 0.1.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.deployment.rp.autoconf-0.1.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.deployment.rp.autoconf-0.1.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| Bundle Repository | 1.6.6 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.bundlerepository-1.6.6{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.bundlerepository-1.6.6-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Configuration Admin | 1.6.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.6.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.6.0-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Dependency Manager | 3.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.dependencymanager-3.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.dependencymanager-3.0.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| Dependency Manager Annotation | 3.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.annotation-3.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.annotation-3.0.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| Dependency Manager Compat | 3.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.compat-3.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.compat-3.0.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| Dependency Manager Runtime | 3.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.runtime-3.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.runtime-3.0.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| Dependency Manager Shell | 3.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}{felixdownload} |
+| Deployment Admin | 0.9.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.deploymentadmin-0.9.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.deploymentadmin-0.9.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| Event Admin | 1.3.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.eventadmin-1.3.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.eventadmin-1.3.0-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| File Install | 3.2.4 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.fileinstall-3.2.4{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.fileinstall-3.2.4-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Framework | 4.0.3 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Framework Security | 2.0.1 | {felixdownload:jar}{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}{felixdownload} |
+| Gogo Runtime | 0.10.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime-0.10.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime-0.10.0-project{felixdownload} | 
+| Gogo Shell | 0.10.0 | {felixdownload:jar}{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}{felixdownload} | 
+| Gogo Command | 0.12.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.gogo.command-0.12.0{felixdownload} |{felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.gogo.command-0.12.0-project{felixdownload} | 
+| HTTP Service API | 2.2.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.http.api-2.2.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.http.api-2.2.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| HTTP Service Base | 2.2.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.http.base-2.2.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.http.base-2.2.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| HTTP Service Bridge | 2.2.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.http.bridge-2.2.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.http.bridge-2.2.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| HTTP Service Bundle | 2.2.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.http.bundle-2.2.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.http.bundle-2.2.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| HTTP Service Jetty | 2.2.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.http.jetty-2.2.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.http.jetty-2.2.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| HTTP Service Proxy | 2.2.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.http.proxy-2.2.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.http.jetty-2.2.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| HTTP Service Whiteboard | 2.2.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.http.whiteboard-2.2.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.http.whiteboard-2.2.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| iPOJO | 1.8.4 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo-1.8.4{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo-1.8.4-project{felixdownload} |
+| iPOJO Architecture Command for the Felix Shell| 1.6.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.arch-1.6.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.arch-1.6.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO Architecture Command for Gogo | 1.0.1 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.arch.gogo-1.0.1{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.arch.gogo-1.0.1-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO Composite | 1.8.4 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.composite-1.8.4{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.composite-1.8.4-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO Annotations | 1.8.4 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations-1.8.4{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations-1.8.4-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO Ant Task | 1.8.6 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.ant-1.8.6{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.ant-1.8.6-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO BND Plugin | 1.8.6 | {felixdownload:jar}bnd-ipojo-plugin-1.8.6{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}bnd-ipojo-plugin-1.8.6-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO WebConsole Plugin | 1.6.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.webconsole-1.6.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.webconsole-1.6.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO API | 1.6.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.api-1.6.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.api-1.6.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO Manipulator | 1.8.6 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.manipulator-1.8.6{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.manipulator-1.8.6-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO Whiteboard pattern handler | 1.6.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.whiteboard-1.6.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.whiteboard-1.6.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO Extender pattern handler | 1.4.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.extender-1.4.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.extender-1.4.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO JMX handler | 1.4.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.jmx-1.4.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.jmx-1.4.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO Event Admin handler | 1.8.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.eventadmin-1.8.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.eventadmin-1.8.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| iPOJO Temporal Dependency handler | 1.6.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.temporal-1.6.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.temporal-1.6.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| junit4osgi | 1.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.junit4osgi-1.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.junit4osgi-1.0.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| junit4osgi - shell command | 1.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.junit4osgi.felix-command-1.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.junit4osgi.felix-command-1.0.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| junit4osgi - swing gui | 1.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.ipojo.junit4osgi.swing-gui-1.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.ipojo.junit4osgi.swing-gui-1.0.0-project{felixdownload}|
+| Lightweight HTTP Service Core | 0.1.4 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.httplite.core-0.1.4{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.httplite.core-0.1.4-project{felixdownload} |
+| Lightweight HTTP Service Complete | 0.1.4 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.httplite.complete-0.1.4{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.httplite.complete-0.1.2-project{felixdownload} |
+| Log | 1.0.1 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.log-1.0.1{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.log-1.0.1-project{felixdownload} |
+| Main | 4.0.3 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.main-4.0.3{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.main-4.0.3-project{felixdownload} |
+| Metatype | 1.0.6 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.metatype-1.0.6{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.metatype-1.0.6-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| OSGi OBR service API | 1.0.2 | {felixdownload:jar}org.osgi.service.obr-1.0.2{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.osgi.service.obr-1.0.2-project{felixdownload} |
+| Preferences | 1.0.4 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.prefs-1.0.4{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.prefs-1.0.4-project{felixdownload} |
+| Remote Shell | 1.1.2 | {felixdownload:jar}{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}{felixdownload} |
+| SCR (Declarative Services) | 1.6.2 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.scr-1.6.2{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.scr-1.6.2-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| SCR Annotations | 1.7.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.scr.annotations-1.7.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.scr.annotations-1.7.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| SCR DS Annotations | 1.2.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.scr.ds-annotations-1.2.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.scr.ds-annotations-1.2.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| SCR Generator | 1.3.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.scr.generator-1.3.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.scr.generator-1.3.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| Shell | 1.4.3 | {felixdownload:jar}{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}{felixdownload} |
+| Shell Text UI | 1.4.1 | {felixdownload:jar}{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}{felixdownload} |
+| UPnP Base Driver | 0.8.0 | For JDK 1.4+ {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.upnp.basedriver-0.8.0{felixdownload} 
+For JDK 1.3 {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.upnp.basedriver-0.8.0-jdk13{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.upnp.basedriver-0.8.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| UPnP Extra | 0.4.0 |  {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.upnp.extra-0.4.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.upnp.extra-0.4.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| UPnP Tester | 0.4.0 |  {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.upnp.tester-0.4.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.upnp.tester-0.4.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| User Admin | 1.0.3 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.useradmin-1.0.3{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.useradmin-1.0.3-project{felixdownload} |
+| User Admin File-based store | 1.0.2 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.useradmin.filestore-1.0.2{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.useradmin.filestore-1.0.2-project{felixdownload} |
+| User Admin MongoDB-based store | 1.0.1 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.useradmin.mongodb-1.0.1{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.useradmin.mongodb-1.0.1-project{felixdownload} |
+| Utils | 1.2.0 |  {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.utils-1.2.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.utils-1.2.0-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Web Console | 4.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.webconsole-4.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.webconsole-4.0.0-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Web Console DS Plugin | 1.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.ds-1.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.ds-1.0.0-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Web Console Event Admin Plugin | 1.0.2 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.event-1.0.2{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.event-1.0.2-project{felixdownload} |
+| Web Console Memory Usage Plugin | 1.0.4 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.memoryusage-1.0.4{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.memoryusage-1.0.4-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Web Console OBR Plugin | 1.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.obr-1.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.obr-1.0.0-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Web Console PackageAdmin Plugin | 1.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.packageadmin-1.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.packageadmin-1.0.0-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Web Console UPNP Plugin | 1.0.2 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.upnp-1.0.2{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.webconsole.plugins.upnp-1.0.2-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Web Console ServiceDiagnostics Plugin | 0.1.1 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.servicediagnostics.plugin-0.1.1{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.servicediagnostics.plugin-0.1.1-source-release{felixdownload} |
+### Maven Plugins
+{HTMLcomment:hidden}Please keep the list in alphabetical order{HTMLcomment}
+| Artifact | Version | Binary | Source |
+| Maven Bundle Plugin | 2.3.7 | {felixdownload:jar}maven-bundle-plugin-2.3.7{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}maven-bundle-plugin-2.3.7-source-release{felixdownload} |
+| Maven iPOJO Plugin | 1.8.4 | {felixdownload:jar}maven-ipojo-plugin-1.8.4{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}maven-ipojo-plugin-1.8.4-project{felixdownload} |
+| Maven junit4osgi Plugin | 1.0.0 | {felixdownload:jar}maven-junit4osgi-plugin-1.0.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}maven-junit4osgi-plugin-1.0.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| Maven OBR Plugin | 1.2.0 | {felixdownload:jar}maven-obr-plugin-1.2.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}maven-obr-plugin-1.2.0-project{felixdownload} |
+| Maven SCR Plugin | 1.9.0 | {felixdownload:jar}maven-scr-plugin-1.9.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}maven-scr-plugin-1.9.0-project{felixdownload} |
+### Ant Tasks
+| SCR Ant Task | 1.3.0 | {felixdownload:jar}org.apache.felix.scr.ant-1.3.0{felixdownload} | {felixdownload:bin}org.apache.felix.scr.ant-1.3.0-project{felixdownload} |
+If you are looking for previous releases of Apache Felix, have a look in the [archives](
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+++ felix/site/trunk/content/index.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
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-Title:     Home Page
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+Title: Index
-# Welcome
+# Welcome to Apache Felix
-Welcome to the Apache CMS.  Please see the following resources for further help:
+Apache Felix is a community effort to implement the [OSGi R4 Service Platform]( and other interesting OSGi-related technologies under the Apache license. The OSGi specifications originally targeted embedded devices and home services gateways, but they are ideally suited for any project interested in the principles of modularity, component-orientation, and/or service-orientation. OSGi technology combines aspects of these aforementioned principles to define a dynamic service deployment framework that is amenable to remote management.
- - <>
- - <>
+# News 
+{{ }}
+Refer to the news [archive]({{ }}) for all news.
+# Apache Felix Subprojects
+The Felix project is organized into subprojects, where each subproject targets a specific OSGi specification or OSGi-related technology; the following list summarizes each released subproject:
+* [Config Admin]({{ refs.apache-felix-config-admin.path }}) - An implementation of the OSGi Configuration Admin service specification for managing bundle configuration properties.
+* [Dependency Manager]({{ refs.apache-felix-dependency-manager.path }}) - An API-based component model to simplify OSGi-based development.
+* [Event Admin]({{ refs.apache-felix-event-admin.path }}) - An implementation of the OSGi Event Admin service specification for event-based communication.
+* [File Install]({{ refs.apache-felix-file-install.path }}) - A simple, directory-based management agent for managing bundle deployment.
+* [Framework]({{ refs.apache-felix-framework.path }}) - An implementation of the OSGi R4.2 core framework.
+* [Gogo]({{ refs.apache-felix-gogo.path }}) - An advanced shell for interacting with OSGi frameworks.
+* [HTTP Service]({{ refs.apache-felix-http-service.path }}) - An implementation of the OSGi HTTP Service specification.
+* [iPOJO]({{ refs.apache-felix-ipojo.path }}) - A sophisticated service-oriented component model to simplify OSGi-based development.
+* [Log]({{ refs.apache-felix-log.path }}) - A simple, memory-based implementation of the OSGi Log service specification.
+* [Maven Bundle Plugin]({{ refs.apache-felix-maven-bundle-plugin-bnd.path }}) - A Maven plugin to simplify building bundles.
+* [Maven SCR Plugin]({{ refs.apache-felix-maven-scr-plugin.path }}) - A Maven plugin to simplify using Declarative Services.
+* [Metatype]({{ refs.apache-felix-metatype-service.path }}) - An implementation of the OSGi Metatype service to describe types needed by bundles.
+* [OSGi Bundle Repository]({{ refs.apache-felix-osgi-bundle-repository.path }}) - A bundle repository service to simplify discovering and deploying bundles and their dependencies.
+* [Preferences]({{ refs.apache-felix-preferences-service.path }}) - An implementation of the OSGi Preferences service specification for storing settings and preferences.
+* [Remote Shell]({{ refs.apache-felix-remote-shell.path }}) - A remote, text-based interface to the Apache Felix Shell.
+* [Service Component Runtime]({{ refs.apache-felix-service-component-runtime.path }}) - An implementation of the OSGi Declarative Services specification providing a service-oriented component model to simplify OSGi-based development.
+* [Shell]({{ refs.apache-felix-shell.path }}) - A very simple shell service implemented as a bundle for interacting with an OSGi framework instance.
+* [Shell TUI]({{ refs.apache-felix-shell-tui.path }}) - A simple, text-based interface to the Apache Felix Shell.
+* [UPnP]({{ refs.apache-felix-upnp.path }}) - An implementation of the OSGi UPnP Device service specification for UPnP device integration.
+* [Web Console]({{ refs.apache-felix-web-console.path }}) - A simple tool to inspect and manage OSGi framework instances using your favorite Web Browser.
+Several other unreleased subprojects also exist, please refer to the [Subprojects]({{ refs.subprojects.path }}) page for more. To see some projects using Felix subprojects, refer to the [community|Projects Using Felix] documentation.
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Added: felix/site/trunk/content/license.mdtext
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@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+Title: license
+                                     Apache License
+                               Version 2.0, January 2004
+       1. Definitions.
+          "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+          and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+          "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+          the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+          "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+          other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+          control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+          "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+          direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+          otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+          outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+          "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+          exercising permissions granted by this License.
+          "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+          including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+          source, and configuration files.
+          "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+          transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+          not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+          and conversions to other media types.
+          "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+          Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+          copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+          (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+          "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+          form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+          editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+          represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+          of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+          separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+          the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+          "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+          the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+          to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+          submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+          or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
+          the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
+          means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+          to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+          communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+          and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+          Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+          excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+          designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+          "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+          on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+          subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+       2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+          this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+          worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+          copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+          publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+          Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+       3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+          this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+          worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+          (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
+          use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+          where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
+          by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
+          Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+          with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+          institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+          cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
+          or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
+          or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
+          granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
+          as of the date such litigation is filed.
+       4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
+          Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
+          modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+          meet the following conditions:
+          (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+              Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+          (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+              stating that You changed the files; and
+          (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+              that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+              attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+              excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+              the Derivative Works; and
+          (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+              distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+              include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+              within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+              pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+              of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+              as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+              documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+              within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+              wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+              of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+              do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+              notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+              or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+              that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+              as modifying the License.
+          You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+          may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+          for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+          for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+          reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+          the conditions stated in this License.
+       5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+          any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+          by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+          this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+          Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+          the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
+          with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+       6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+          names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
+          except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
+          origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+       7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+          agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+          Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+          implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+          PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+          appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+          risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+       8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+          whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+          unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+          negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+          liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+          incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+          result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+          Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+          work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+          other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+          has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+       9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+          the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+          and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+          or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+          License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+          on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+          of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+          defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+          incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+          of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+       APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+          To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+          boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+          replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+          the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+          comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+          file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+          same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+          identification within third-party archives.
+       Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+       Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+       you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+       You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+       distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+       WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+       See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+       limitations under the License.

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/links.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/links.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/links.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Title: links
+# Links
+* {link:OSGi and Gravity Service Binder Tutorial|}
+* {link:Service Binder: Simplifying application development on the OSGi services platform|}
+* {link:OSGi Service Platform Specification Release 4 (draft) API|}
+* {link:Oscar Bundle Repository|}
+* {link:OSGI, not just for clients|*not*just_f.html}
+* {link:Fun with OSGi|}

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/mailinglists.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/mailinglists.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/mailinglists.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Title: mailinglists
+# Mailing lists
+The following mailing lists have been established for Apache Felix. For each list, there is a subscribe, unsubscribe, and archive link.
+|*Felix Users* - For people using Felix subprojects and/or developing bundles. |[Subscribe]({{ refs.mailto-users-subscribe-felix-apache-org.path }})|[Unsubscribe|]|[|]|
+|*Felix Dev* - For people interested in the internal development of Felix subprojects. |[Subscribe]({{ refs.mailto-dev-subscribe-felix-apache-org.path }})|[Unsubscribe|]|[|]|
+|*Felix Commits* - For people intested in Felix subproject code changes. |[Subscribe]({{ refs.mailto-commits-subscribe-felix-apache-org.path }})|[Unsubscribe|]|[|]|

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/media.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/media.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/media.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Title: Media
+This page holds all media required for the Apache Felix website. The media are attachments and can be addressed using the following URL: (followed by the actual name of the attachment).
+Currently, some of these attachments are used by the overall site template (only visible/editable by Confluence administrators).

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Title: miscellaneous

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/apache-karaf.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/apache-karaf.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/apache-karaf.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Title: Apache Karaf
+# Apache Karaf
+Karaf has moved out of the Felix project as its own Top Level Project.
+You can find the web site at [](
\ No newline at end of file

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Title: Board Reports
+# Board Reports
+The Apache Felix project must submit quarterly reports to the Apache board. This page serves as a collection point for all submitted board reports. The reports are listed in chronological order, so the most recent board reports is last. Submitted board reports will be labeled as *\[SUBMITTED]({{ refs.submitted.path }})*, but the most recent board report may be labeled *\[NOT SUBMITTED]* while it is being created; once finalized and submitted then it will also be labeled as *\[SUBMITTED]*. The [Apache Felix Board Report Template] provides a proper starting point for creating a board report. 
\ No newline at end of file

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/apache-felix-board-report-template.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/apache-felix-board-report-template.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/apache-felix-board-report-template.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Title: Apache Felix Board Report Template
+**\[NOT SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.not-submitted.path }})**
+Apache Felix is a project aimed at implementing specifications from the OSGi Alliance as well as implementing other supporting tools and technologies aligned with OSGi technology.
+* *\[Add community-related items here]({{ refs.add-community-related-items-here.path }})*
+* *\[Add software-related items here]({{ refs.add-software-related-items-here.path }})*
+*Project Branding*
+* *\[Add branding-related items here]({{ refs.add-branding-related-items-here.path }})*
+*Licensing and other issues* 
+* *\[Add licensing-related and other items here]({{ refs.add-licensing-related-and-other-items-here.path }})*
\ No newline at end of file

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-04.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-04.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-04.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Title: Board Report (2007-04)
+**\[SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.submitted.path }})**
+* Voted on and accepted Config Admin and Metatype service contributions from Day AG.
+* Added Felix Meschberger as committer.
+* Dealt with a PMC membership issue raised as a part of the graduation process; thanks to the board for their help with this issue.
+* Community celebrations after the graduation announcement. :-)
+Migration to TLP
+* Initial announcement sent to the list preparing people for the move, but no real migration progress to report at this point since graduation notification was so recent.
+* Added new OSGi R4 specification functionality to the core framework (e.g., Require-Bundle and extension bundle functionality).
+* Committed two more OSGi R4 service specification implementations (e.g., Config Admin and Metatype) from Day AG.
+* Improvements to OSGi R4 Declarative Services implementation by Felix Meschberger bringing it closer to specification compliance.
+* Felix Commons, headed by Enrique Rodriguez, started to offer bundle-ized versions of common open source libraries. Current contributions by John Conlon and Felix Meschberger.
+* Committed several significant community contributed patches for the Maven Bundle Plugin, our Maven plugin to simplify building OSGi bundles.
+* Continued improvements to other Felix sub-projects (e.g., the iPOJO service-oriented component model).
+Licensing and other issues
+* Software grants for Config Admin and Metatype were previously filed by Day AG.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-05.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-05.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-05.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Title: Board Report (2007-05)
+**\[SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.submitted.path }})**
+* Several Felix community members attended and met at ApacheCon EU.
+* Conducted a Feathercast interview about Felix which is pending publication.
+* Lots of mentions of OSGi technology at various JavaOne sessions, including some that explicitly included mentions of Apache Felix. Session on JSR 291 included a demo of Apache Felix running on Apache Harmony.
+Migration to TLP
+* Created a web page to monitor the progress of the TLP migration tasks (
+* Mailing lists have been migrated.
+* Subversion repository has been migrated.
+* Web site ( is now redirected to our generated static wiki pages.
+* Removed incubator disclaimer from all NOTICE files.
+* Various smallish commits.
+Licensing and other issues
+* None.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-06.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-06.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-06.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Title: Board Report (2007-06)
+**\[SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.submitted.path }})**
+* Feathercast Felix podcast released.
+* Presentations at OSGi Community Event on June 26/27.
+* Added Clement Escoffier as a new committer.
+* Added Niclas Hedhman as a new committer/PMC member.
+* Continued work on web pages (e.g., new tutorials).
+* Proposed slightly revised community roles/process document that takes into account our TLP move and explicitly resolves an issue that came up on the private mailing list regarding the nomination process for committers/PMC members.
+Migration to TLP
+* Verified committer access to new web site.
+* Deleted incubator web site content.
+* Removed incubator disclaimers from SVN and updated SVN artifacts to no longer mention the incubator or the old incubator web site or mailing lists; the only remaining incubator references are in our version numbers, which will be removed when we make our first non-incubator release.
+* Still some minor incubator status page clean up remaining.
+* Some good commits in the area of specification compliance (one in the area of require-bundle functionality and another fix for a long standing issue for dynamic package imports) and in the area of performance (by adding package indexing to the framework resolver).
+* Added experimental features to Felix to flesh out some potential ideas for next OSGi specification; these features are trying to deal with scenarios such as byte code injection in modules.
+* Other various smallish improvement and minor bug fix commits.
+Licensing and other issues
+* None.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-09.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-09.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-09.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Title: Board Report (2007-09)
+**\[SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.submitted.path }})**
+* Added Stuart McCulloch as new committer.
+* Added new example application and documentation to the web site. ([](
+* Accepted revised community roles/process document that takes into account our TLP move.
+* Upayavira announced his intention to step down from the Felix PMC and the actions necessary to do so have commenced.
+* New Felix logo and website layout created.
+* Donation of Deployment Admin implementation was announced, expected next month.
+Migration to TLP
+* Appears to have been completed.
+* Released the first `1.0.0` non-incubator release of the Felix framework, including various sub-project releases to support the framework (e.g., Maven plugin for creating bundles, shell-related bundles for interacting with the framework, etc.)
+* Uncovered and resolved a couple minor bugs in the `1.0.0` release, so a `1.0.1` release is already in the works.
+* Fixed a number of concurrency issues in the Config Admin and Declarative Services implementations reported by the user community.
+Licensing and other issues
+* None.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-12.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-12.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2007-12.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Title: Board Report (2007-12)
+**\[SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.submitted.path }})**
+* Added Felix Meschberger to the PMC.
+* Presented at ApacheCon in Atlanta; see writeup at [InfoQ](
+* Discussion was raised on the mailing lists about defining a road map for officially releasing more subprojects. The general consensus is that we really need to start working on releases of all reasonably stable subprojects. Hopefully, this will start to happen over the next month or two.
+* Peter Kriens announced his desire to donate his FileInstall bundle; the paperwork has been started, but an official vote is needed.
+* Karl Pauls announced that he was able to get Felix working on Google's Android, see his [blog](*on*google*android*using); we need to determine if we can incorporate his changes into the trunk.
+* Released `1.0.1` version of core Felix sub-projects (i.e., framework and main). This release fixed mostly minor bugs discovered since the prior release, although there were a few minor new features added as well.
+* Preparing `1.0.2` release of core Felix sub-projects (i.e., framework and main); changes to include:
+** Refinements to specification interpretation and/or compliance. (FELIX-383)
+** Additional improvements to make the framework easier to embed in other projects. (FELIX-359, FELIX-380, FELIX-388, FELIX-393, FELIX-414, FELIX-428)
+** Various small bug fixes. (FELIX-371, FELIX-381, FELIX-394, FELIX-416)
+* Updates to numerous subprojects, including iPOJO, Bundle Plugin, and SCR Plugin.
+* Clement Escoffier introduced the Maven OBR plugin, which makes it possible for us to generate bundle repository files for deploying bundles, which has been integrated with the Bundle Plugin.
+Licensing and other issues
+* The paperwork for Peter Kriens' grant was incorrectly recorded (his name, the company name, and the donated code were all misspelled), so we are trying to get that fixed.
+* Need to finalize OSGi TCK access by getting OSGi Alliance TCK license executed by the board, I would assume.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2008-03.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2008-03.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2008-03.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Title: Board Report (2008-03)
+**\[SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.submitted.path }})**
+* Added Stuart McCulloch to the PMC.
+* Added Christian van Spaandonk as a committer to work on Deployment Admin.
+* Released `1.0.1` version of core Felix sub-projects (i.e., framework and main). This release fixed mostly minor bugs discovered since the prior release, although there were a few minor new features added as well.
+* Released `1.0.3` release of Felix framework/main subprojects; which included numerous bug fixes and feature ehancements (including support for running the framework on Google's Android).
+* Released numerous other subprojects, including Bundle Plugin, SCR Plugin, OBR Plugin, Preferences, Config Admin, Metatype, Event Admin, and Bundle Repository.
+* Finalized Deployment Admin contribution from Luminis and committed it to our SVN repository.
+* Finalized Peter Kriens' contribution of the File Install bundle and committed it to our SVN repository.
+* Karl Pauls committed a significant patch that adds more complete security framework to the Felix framework and also provides implementations for security-related OSGi standard services (e.g., Permission Admin and Conditional Permission Admin); these improvements will be made available in a future release.
+Licensing and other issues
+* None this period.

Added: felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2008-06.mdtext
--- felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2008-06.mdtext (added)
+++ felix/site/trunk/content/miscellaneous/board-reports/board-report-2008-06.mdtext Fri Dec 14 14:29:22 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Title: Board Report (2008-06)
+**\[SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.submitted.path }})**
+* Conducted an OSGi security tutorial at EclipseCon in March.
+* Presented a Felix talk at ApacheConEU in April.
+* Presented two Felix talks about security and Android at JSpring 2008 in April.
+* Added Peter Kriens as a committer.
+* Apache Sling project contributed Web Console as a subproject.
+* Accepted Log Service implementation contribution from OPS4J community.
+* Released version 1.0.4 of Felix framework, as well as updates to the core related subprojects.
+* Released new subproject versions of Web Console, Maven Bundle Plugin, Config Admin, and Declarative Services.
+* The iPOJO subproject is working toward its first release vote, which should occur within the month.
+* Committed initial changes to start implementing framework support bundle fragments, the last major piece of missing specification functionality.
+Licensing and other issues
+* None.