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Posted to by João Luz <> on 2006/07/23 17:33:33 UTC

Need Help: Calling external webservice problem!

I need urgent help.
I'm trying too call a simple Hello WebService using xfire. Using X-Fire is fine the problem is when a proxy this web service with servicemix.
>From log I see that servicemix receives the soap message and forward it to my webservice. The problem is that ServiceMix doesn't return the response for the client.
>From servicemix log I obtain the following lines (among others)...
16:24:37,861 | DEBUG | Thread-72  | DeliveryChannelImpl      | .messaging.DeliveryChannelImpl  577 | Processing inbound exchange: MessageExchange[
  id: ID:jluz-pt-3896-1153666319255-6:20
  status: Active
  role: consumer
  service: {}HelloService
  endpoint: xpto
  operation: {}hello
  in: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><hello xmlns="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""/>
  out: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><helloResponse xmlns="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""><out xmlns="">Hello!</out></helloResponse>

As you can see the response is there, it means that service mix did the first part (forwarding request to the real web service).
Endpoints configuration is as follows:
<http:endpoint service="xns:HelloServiceProxy" endpoint="endpoint" targetService="xns:HelloService" targetEndpoint="xpto" role="consumer"  soap="true" 
                            soapVersion="1.1" locationURI=http://localhost:8192/HelloServiceProxy/"defaultMep="" />

<http:endpoint service="xns:HelloService" endpoint="xpto"
                            soap="true" soapVersion="1.1" 
                            targetEndpoint="HelloServiceHttpPort" locationURI=http://localhost:8080/xfire-ws/services/HelloService" 
                     wsdlResource="http://localhost:8080/xfire-ws/services/HelloService?wsdl" />

The problem is that the client doesn't receive de response. The code I use for acessing is the following.
public class ClientXFire {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, Exception {
        String serviceDesc = http://localhost:8192/HelloServiceProxy/ <http://localhost:8192/HelloServiceProxy/> ;
        //String serviceDesc = http://localhost:8080/xfire-ws/services/HelloService <http://localhost:8080/xfire-ws/services/HelloService> ;
        Service serviceModel = new ObjectServiceFactory().create(IHelloService.class);
        IHelloService service = (IHelloService) new XFireProxyFactory().create(serviceModel, serviceDesc);

If I access directly the real web service (http://localhost:8080/xfire-ws/services/HelloService <http://localhost:8080/xfire-ws/services/HelloService> ) the output is as excepted, i.e:
    Hello World!

I hope you can have some helpfull ideas for what may be the cause of this strange behaviour...
Best Regards,