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Posted to by Martin Hauner <> on 2005/06/05 16:26:05 UTC

[PATCH] V2, Issue 2015, diff summarize


here is another (more complete but still not perfect patch) for diff

open items:

* diff_cmd_baton:

Add svn_diff_summarize_func_t/summarize_baton members.

* svn_wc_diff_callbacks2_t callbacks:

Will there be only only one svn_wc_diff_callbacks2_t function call
for each item, or can mutiple functions be called for a single item?

A few callbacks miss the wanted revisions:

props_changed: no prior/after revisions.
file_added:    prior revision.
file_deleted:  no prior revision.

* props_changed callback parameter:

How do i detect prop changes? Reading the description of the
file_changed callback i assumed that the properties are changed if
the propchanges array is not empty. But that's doesn't work, the
propchanges nelts is most of the time greater than 0.

* The revisions are not as expected, if i run the following command
against my subcommander repository:

./subversion/clients/cmdline/svn diff -s svn://../sc/tags/0.9.0 

i receive an output like this:

M       849      849  subcommander/WcStatusLvi.cpp
M       849      849  subcommander/ScModel.h
M       849      849  subcommander/RepositoryLvi.h
M       849      849  subcommander/RepositoryDialog.cpp
M       849      849  subcommander/ConfigManager.cpp
M       849      849  subcommander/MergeDialog.cpp

The first column show that the files are modified. Unfortunately both
revisions are always 849. 849 is the latest revision in my repository.
I get the same revisions in the ---/+++ lines with a normal diff. Is
this the expected behaviour?


a crossplatform Win32/Unix/MacOSX svn gui client & diff/merge tool.