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Posted to by Gregory Joseph <> on 2003/09/03 19:34:37 UTC

Requested Action Not Found

Hi list again,

I'm running through a probably simple problem:
I've made my own simple HelloWorld portlet, consisting of a jsp and an Action
class. But i keep on getting the following in the logs: (and indeed the
template is rendered without the request attributes that should have been set
by the action)

GenericMVCPortlet - error executing actionjava.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
        Requested Action not found: HelloWorldJSPPortletAction
        Turbine looked in the following modules.packages path:
        [, org.apache.jetspeed.modules,

I added this line in my local properties file

My action class looks like [see end of this mail]
My local-portlets.xreg looks like [see end of this mail]

Well, I really have no clue what could be going on. In my project's compile
path, I used to have the servlet2.2.jar from jetspeed's war. I read in some
archived mail someone solved his by problem by using a servlet2.3.jar, which
I tried with no results.

Hope this hasn't been discussed over&over, but I can't seem to find a
solution that works for me in the archives.

Thanks for any idea,


My action class:

import org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.JspPortletAction;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet;
import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;

public class HelloWorldJSPPortletAction extends JspPortletAction {
    protected void buildNormalContext(Portlet portlet, RunData rundata)
throws Exception {
        rundata.getRequest().setAttribute("result", new Integer(8));

My local-portlets.xreg:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<portlet-entry name="HelloWorld" hidden="false" type="ref"
               parent="JSP" application="false">
    <title>Greg's HelloWorld in Jetspeed</title>
      Chalala pededepepe
  <parameter name="template" value="helloworld.jsp" hidden="true"/>
  <parameter name="action" hidden="true"
             value="HelloWorldJSPPortletAction" />
  <media-type ref="html"/>