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Posted to by William Bathurst <> on 2014/12/03 00:07:32 UTC

Topic naming problem

I have a question about Topic names. I am attempting to create an MQTT 
Topic queue with the name:


in the Apollo UI console. I see a 500: Server error message displayed 
after clicking the submit button. I looked and found the following error 
in the log file:

2014-12-02 15:27:13,312 | WARN  | HTTP request from 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XX' for 
PUT '/api/json/broker/virtual-hosts/m2miBroker/topics/test/testing' 
caused internal server error: 
org.apache.activemq.apollo.util.path.PathParser$PathException: Invalid 
destination: 'test/testing', it does not match regex: [ 
a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\%\~\:\(\)]+ | 14a0ce13641

Does anyone have any examples of how to get normal MQTT topic paths to 
work? I tried the following without success:

<connector id="tcp" bind="tcp://" connection_limit="200000" 

Then I made the modification:

  <connector id="tcp" bind="tcp://" connection_limit="200000">
     <detect protocols="mqtt"/>
     <mqtt path_separator="/" />

This also did not work.

Thanks in advance!