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Posted to by on 2021/03/08 12:26:24 UTC

[incubator-nlpcraft] 03/05: WIP.

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sergeykamov pushed a commit to branch NLPCRAFT-261
in repository

commit 7815090de3aa042a4839793cdb65cd1677afbb86
Author: Sergey Kamov <>
AuthorDate: Mon Mar 8 15:23:17 2021 +0300

 .../apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/NCNlpSentence.scala | 776 +--------------------
 .../org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/     | 241 -------
 .../org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/NCProbeBoot.scala    |   2 +
 .../probe/mgrs/nlp/NCProbeEnrichmentManager.scala  |   3 +-
 .../mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/NCModelEnricher.scala |   7 +-
 .../mgrs/sentence/NCSentenceManager.scala}         | 380 +++-------
 .../nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/  | 278 --------
 .../model/NCEnricherNestedModelSpec4.scala         |   2 +-
 .../probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/      | 135 ----
 .../probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/      | 114 ---
 10 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 1830 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/NCNlpSentence.scala b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/NCNlpSentence.scala
index 95a98a3..11d515a 100644
--- a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/NCNlpSentence.scala
+++ b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/NCNlpSentence.scala
@@ -18,778 +18,17 @@
 package org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp
 import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.NCE
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp.pos.NCPennTreebank
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.util.NCComboRecursiveTask
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCModel
-import{Serializable => JSerializable}
-import java.util
-import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
-import java.util.{Collections, Comparator, List => JList}
+import{Serializable ⇒ JSerializable}
+import java.util.{Collections, List ⇒ JList}
 import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
 import scala.collection.{Map, Seq, Set, mutable}
 import scala.language.implicitConversions
 object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
-    implicit def toTokens(x: NCNlpSentence): ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken] = x.tokens
     case class NoteKey(start: Int, end: Int)
     case class TokenKey(id: String, start: Int, end: Int)
     case class NoteLink(note: String, indexes: Seq[Int])
-    case class PartKey(id: String, start: Int, end: Int) {
-        require(start <= end)
-        private def in(i: Int): Boolean = i >= start && i <= end
-        def intersect(id: String, start: Int, end: Int): Boolean = id == && (in(start) || in(end))
-    }
-    object PartKey {
-        def apply(m: util.HashMap[String, JSerializable]): PartKey = {
-            def get[T](name: String): T = m.get(name).asInstanceOf[T]
-            PartKey(get("id"), get("startcharindex"), get("endcharindex"))
-        }
-        def apply(t: NCNlpSentenceNote, sen: NCNlpSentence): PartKey =
-            PartKey(t.noteType, sen(t.tokenFrom).startCharIndex, sen(t.tokenTo).endCharIndex)
-    }
-    private def getLinks(notes: Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote]): Seq[NoteLink] = {
-        val noteLinks = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[NoteLink]
-        for (n ← notes.filter(n ⇒ n.noteType == "nlpcraft:limit" || n.noteType == "nlpcraft:references"))
-            noteLinks += NoteLink(n("note").asInstanceOf[String], n("indexes").asInstanceOf[JList[Int]].asScala.sorted)
-        for (n ← notes.filter(_.noteType == "nlpcraft:sort")) {
-            def add(noteName: String, idxsName: String): Unit = {
-                val names = n(noteName).asInstanceOf[JList[String]]
-                val idxsSeq = n(idxsName).asInstanceOf[JList[JList[Int]]]
-                require(names.size() == idxsSeq.size())
-                noteLinks ++=
-                    (for ((name, idxs) ←
-                        yield NoteLink(name, idxs.sorted)
-                    )
-            }
-            if (n.contains("subjnotes")) add("subjnotes", "subjindexes")
-            if (n.contains("bynotes")) add("bynotes", "byindexes")
-        }
-        noteLinks
-    }
-    private def getPartKeys(notes: NCNlpSentenceNote*): Seq[PartKey] =
-        notes.
-            filter(_.isUser).
-            flatMap(n ⇒ {
-                val optList: Option[JList[util.HashMap[String, JSerializable]]] = n.dataOpt("parts")
-                optList
-            }).flatMap(_.asScala).map(m ⇒ PartKey(m)).distinct
-    /**
-      *
-      * @param ns
-      * @param idxs
-      * @param notesType
-      * @param note
-      * @return
-      */
-    private def checkRelation(ns: NCNlpSentence, idxs: Seq[Int], notesType: String, note: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean = {
-        val types = idxs.flatMap(idx ⇒ ns(idx).map(p ⇒ p).filter(!_.isNlp).map(_.noteType)).distinct
-        /**
-          * Example:
-          * 1. Sentence 'maximum x' (single element related function)
-          * - maximum is aggregate function linked to date element.
-          * - x defined as 2 elements: date and num.
-          * So, the variant 'maximum x (as num)' should be excluded.
-          * *
-          * 2. Sentence 'compare x and y' (multiple elements related function)
-          * - compare is relation function linked to date element.
-          * - x an y defined as 2 elements: date and num.
-          * So, variants 'x (as num) and x (as date)'  and 'x (as date) and x (as num)'
-          * should not be excluded, but invalid relation should be deleted for these combinations.
-          */
-        types.size match {
-            case 0 ⇒ false
-            case 1 ⇒ types.head == notesType
-            case _ ⇒
-                // Equal elements should be processed together with function element.
-                if (types.size == 1)
-                    false
-                else {
-                    ns.removeNote(note)
-                    logger.trace(s"Removed note: $note")
-                    true
-                }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-      * Fixes notes with references to other notes indexes.
-      * Note that 'idxsField' is 'indexes' and 'noteField' is 'note' for all kind of references.
-      *
-      * @param noteType Note type.
-      * @param idxsField Indexes field.
-      * @param noteField Note field.
-      * @param ns Sentence.
-      * @param history Indexes transformation history.
-      * @return Valid flag.
-      */
-    private def fixIndexesReferences(
-        noteType: String,
-        idxsField: String,
-        noteField: String,
-        ns: NCNlpSentence,
-        history: Seq[(Int, Int)]
-    ): Boolean = {
-        ns.filter(_.isTypeOf(noteType)).foreach(tok ⇒
-            tok.getNoteOpt(noteType, idxsField) match {
-                case Some(n) ⇒
-                    val idxs: Seq[Int] =[JList[Int]](idxsField).asScala
-                    var fixed = idxs
-                    history.foreach { case (idxOld, idxNew) ⇒ fixed = ⇒ if (i == idxOld) idxNew else i) }
-                    fixed = fixed.distinct
-                    if (idxs != fixed)
-                        ns.fixNote(n, "indexes" → fixed.asJava.asInstanceOf[JSerializable])
-                case None ⇒ // No-op.
-            }
-        )
-        ns.flatMap(_.getNotes(noteType)).forall(
-            n ⇒ checkRelation(ns,[JList[Int]]("indexes").asScala,[String](noteField), n)
-        )
-    }
-    /**
-      *
-      * @param note
-      * @param idxsField
-      * @param noteField
-      * @param ns
-      */
-    private def fixNoteIndexes(note: String, idxsField: String, noteField: String, ns: NCNlpSentence): Unit =
-        ns.flatMap(_.getNotes(note)).foreach(
-            n ⇒ checkRelation(ns,[JList[Int]](idxsField).asScala,[String](noteField), n)
-        )
-    /**
-      *
-      * @param note
-      * @param idxsField
-      * @param noteField
-      * @param ns
-      */
-    private def fixNoteIndexesList(note: String, idxsField: String, noteField: String, ns: NCNlpSentence): Unit = {
-        ns.flatMap(_.getNotes(note)).foreach(rel ⇒
-            rel.dataOpt[JList[JList[Int]]](idxsField) match {
-                case Some(idxsList) ⇒
-                    val notesTypes =[JList[String]](noteField)
-                    require(idxsList.size() == notesTypes.size())
-           {
-                        case (idxs, notesType) ⇒ checkRelation(ns, idxs.asScala, notesType, rel)
-                    }
-                case None ⇒ // No-op.
-            }
-        )
-    }
-    /**
-      * Copies token.
-      *
-      * @param ns Sentence.
-      * @param history Indexes transformation history.
-      * @param toksCopy Copied tokens.
-      * @param i Index.
-      */
-    private def simpleCopy(
-        ns: NCNlpSentence,
-        history: mutable.ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)],
-        toksCopy: NCNlpSentence, i: Int
-    ): Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken] = {
-        val tokCopy = toksCopy(i)
-        history += tokCopy.index → ns.size
-        ns += tokCopy.clone(ns.size)
-    }
-    /**
-      * Glues stop words.
-      *
-      * @param ns Sentence.
-      * @param userNoteTypes Notes types.
-      * @param history Indexes transformation history.
-      */
-    private def unionStops(
-        ns: NCNlpSentence,
-        userNoteTypes: Seq[String],
-        history: mutable.ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]
-    ): Unit = {
-        // Java collection used because using scala collections (mutable.Buffer.empty[mutable.Buffer[Token]]) is reason
-        // Of compilation errors which seems as scala compiler internal error.
-        val bufs = new util.ArrayList[mutable.Buffer[NCNlpSentenceToken]]()
-        def last[T](l: JList[T]): T = l.get(l.size() - 1)
-        ns.filter(t ⇒ t.isStopWord && !t.isBracketed).foreach(t ⇒
-            if (!bufs.isEmpty && last(bufs).last.index + 1 == t.index)
-                last(bufs) += t
-            else
-                bufs.add(mutable.Buffer.empty[NCNlpSentenceToken] :+ t)
-        )
-        val idxsSeq = bufs.asScala.filter(_.lengthCompare(1) > 0).map(
-        if (idxsSeq.nonEmpty) {
-            val nsCopyToks = ns.clone()
-            ns.clear()
-            val buf = mutable.Buffer.empty[Int]
-            for (i ← nsCopyToks.indices)
-                idxsSeq.find(_.contains(i)) match {
-                    case Some(idxs) ⇒
-                        if (!buf.contains(idxs.head)) {
-                            buf += idxs.head
-                            ns += mkCompound(ns, nsCopyToks, idxs, stop = true, ns.size, None, history)
-                        }
-                    case None ⇒ simpleCopy(ns, history, nsCopyToks, i)
-                }
-            fixIndexes(ns, userNoteTypes)
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-      * Fixes indexes for all notes after recreating tokens.
-      *
-      * @param ns Sentence.
-      * @param userNoteTypes Notes types.
-      */
-    private def fixIndexes(ns: NCNlpSentence, userNoteTypes: Seq[String]) {
-        // Replaces other notes indexes.
-        for (t ← userNoteTypes :+ "nlpcraft:nlp"; note ← ns.getNotes(t)) {
-            val toks = ns.filter(_.contains(note)).sortBy(_.index)
-            val newNote = note.clone(, toks.flatMap(_.wordIndexes).sorted)
-            toks.foreach(t ⇒ {
-                t.remove(note)
-                t.add(newNote)
-            })
-        }
-        // Special case - field index of core NLP note.
-        ns.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (tok, idx) ⇒ ns.fixNote(tok.getNlpNote, "index" → idx) }
-    }
-    /**
-      * Zip notes with same type.
-      *
-      * @param ns Sentence.
-      * @param nType Notes type.
-      * @param userNotesTypes Notes types.
-      * @param history Indexes transformation history.
-      */
-    private def zipNotes(
-        ns: NCNlpSentence,
-        nType: String,
-        userNotesTypes: Seq[String],
-        history: mutable.ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]
-    ): Unit = {
-        val nts = ns.getNotes(nType).filter(n ⇒ n.tokenFrom != n.tokenTo).sortBy(_.tokenFrom)
-        val overlapped =
-            nts.flatMap(n ⇒ n.tokenFrom to n.tokenTo).map(ns(_)).exists(
-                t ⇒ ⇒ t.getNotes(pt).size).sum > 1
-            )
-        if (nts.nonEmpty && !overlapped) {
-            val nsCopyToks = ns.clone()
-            ns.clear()
-            val buf = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]
-            for (i ← nsCopyToks.indices)
-                nts.find(_.tokenIndexes.contains(i)) match {
-                    case Some(n) ⇒
-                        if (!buf.contains(n.tokenFrom)) {
-                            buf += n.tokenFrom
-                            ns += mkCompound(ns, nsCopyToks, n.tokenIndexes, stop = false, ns.size, Some(n), history)
-                        }
-                    case None ⇒ simpleCopy(ns, history, nsCopyToks, i)
-                }
-            fixIndexes(ns, userNotesTypes)
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-      * Makes compound note.
-      *
-      * @param ns Sentence.
-      * @param nsCopyToks Tokens.
-      * @param indexes Indexes.
-      * @param stop Flag.
-      * @param idx Index.
-      * @param commonNote Common note.
-      * @param history Indexes transformation history.
-      */
-    private def mkCompound(
-        ns: NCNlpSentence,
-        nsCopyToks: Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken],
-        indexes: Seq[Int],
-        stop: Boolean,
-        idx: Int,
-        commonNote: Option[NCNlpSentenceNote],
-        history: mutable.ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]
-    ): NCNlpSentenceToken = {
-        val t = NCNlpSentenceToken(idx)
-        // Note, it adds stop-words too.
-        val content = nsCopyToks.zipWithIndex.filter(p ⇒ indexes.contains(p._2)).map(_._1)
-        content.foreach(t ⇒ history += t.index → idx)
-        def mkValue(get: NCNlpSentenceToken ⇒ String): String = {
-            val buf = mutable.Buffer.empty[String]
-            val n = content.size - 1
-            content.zipWithIndex.foreach(p ⇒ {
-                val t = p._1
-                val idx = p._2
-                buf += get(t)
-                if (idx < n && t.endCharIndex != content(idx + 1).startCharIndex)
-                    buf += " "
-            })
-            buf.mkString
-        }
-        val origText = mkValue((t: NCNlpSentenceToken) ⇒ t.origText)
-        val idxs = Seq(idx)
-        val wordIdxs = content.flatMap(_.wordIndexes).sorted
-        val direct =
-            commonNote match {
-                case Some(n) if n.isUser ⇒ n.isDirect
-                case _ ⇒ content.forall(_.isDirect)
-            }
-        val params = Seq(
-            "index" → idx,
-            "pos" → NCPennTreebank.SYNTH_POS,
-            "posDesc" → NCPennTreebank.SYNTH_POS_DESC,
-            "lemma" → mkValue((t: NCNlpSentenceToken) ⇒ t.lemma),
-            "origText" → origText,
-            "normText" → mkValue((t: NCNlpSentenceToken) ⇒ t.normText),
-            "stem" → mkValue((t: NCNlpSentenceToken) ⇒ t.stem),
-            "start" → content.head.startCharIndex,
-            "end" → content.last.endCharIndex,
-            "charLength" → origText.length,
-            "quoted" → false,
-            "stopWord" → stop,
-            "bracketed" → false,
-            "direct" → direct,
-            "dict" → (if (nsCopyToks.size == 1)[Boolean]("dict") else false),
-            "english" → nsCopyToks.forall([Boolean]("english")),
-            "swear" → nsCopyToks.exists([Boolean]("swear"))
-        )
-        val nlpNote = NCNlpSentenceNote(idxs, wordIdxs, "nlpcraft:nlp", params: _*)
-        t.add(nlpNote)
-        // Adds processed note with fixed indexes.
-        commonNote match {
-            case Some(n) ⇒
-                ns.removeNote(n)
-                t.add(n.clone(idxs, wordIdxs))
-            case None ⇒ // No-op.
-        }
-        t
-    }
-    /**
-      * Fixes notes with references list to other notes indexes.
-      *
-      * @param noteType Note type.
-      * @param idxsField Indexes field.
-      * @param noteField Note field.
-      * @param ns Sentence.
-      * @param history Indexes transformation history.
-      * @return Valid flag.
-      */
-    private def fixIndexesReferencesList(
-        noteType: String,
-        idxsField: String,
-        noteField: String,
-        ns: NCNlpSentence,
-        history: Seq[(Int, Int)]
-    ): Boolean = {
-        var ok = true
-        for (tok ← ns.filter(_.isTypeOf(noteType)) if ok)
-            tok.getNoteOpt(noteType, idxsField) match {
-                case Some(n) ⇒
-                    val idxs: Seq[Seq[Int]] =
-              [JList[JList[Int]]](idxsField)
-                    var fixed = idxs
-                    history.foreach {
-                        case (idxOld, idxNew) ⇒ fixed = ⇒ if (i == idxOld) idxNew else i).distinct)
-                    }
-                    if (fixed.forall(_.size == 1))
-                        // Fix double dimension array to one dimension,
-                        // so it should be called always in spite of 'fixIndexesReferences' method.
-                        ns.fixNote(n, idxsField →[JSerializable])
-                    else
-                        ok = false
-                case None ⇒ // No-op.
-            }
-        ok &&
-            ns.flatMap(_.getNotes(noteType)).forall(rel ⇒
-                rel.dataOpt[JList[Int]](idxsField) match {
-                    case Some(idxsList) ⇒
-                        val notesTypes =[JList[String]](noteField)
-                        require(idxsList.size() == notesTypes.size())
-               {
-                            case (idxs, notesType) ⇒ checkRelation(ns, Seq(idxs), notesType, rel)
-                        }
-                    case None ⇒ true
-                }
-            )
-    }
-    /**
-      * Fixes tokens positions.
-      *
-      * @param ns Sentence.
-      * @param notNlpTypes Token types.
-      */
-    private def collapseSentence(ns: NCNlpSentence, notNlpTypes: Seq[String]): Boolean = {
-        ns.
-            filter(!_.isNlp).
-            filter(_.isStopWord).
-            flatten.
-            filter(_.isNlp).
-            foreach(n ⇒ ns.fixNote(n, "stopWord" → false))
-        val all = ns.tokens.flatten
-        val nsNotes: Map[String, Seq[Int]] = ⇒ p.noteType → p.tokenIndexes).toMap
-        for (
-            t ← ns.tokens; stopReason ← t.stopsReasons
-                if all.contains(stopReason) && nsNotes.getOrElse(stopReason.noteType, Seq.empty) == stopReason.tokenIndexes
-        )
-            ns.fixNote(t.getNlpNote, "stopWord" → true)
-        val history = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(Int, Int)]
-        fixNoteIndexes("nlpcraft:relation", "indexes", "note", ns)
-        fixNoteIndexes("nlpcraft:limit", "indexes", "note", ns)
-        fixNoteIndexesList("nlpcraft:sort", "subjindexes", "subjnotes", ns)
-        fixNoteIndexesList("nlpcraft:sort", "byindexes", "bynotes", ns)
-        notNlpTypes.foreach(typ ⇒ zipNotes(ns, typ, notNlpTypes, history))
-        unionStops(ns, notNlpTypes, history)
-        val res =
-            fixIndexesReferences("nlpcraft:relation", "indexes", "note", ns, history) &&
-            fixIndexesReferences("nlpcraft:limit", "indexes", "note", ns, history) &&
-            fixIndexesReferencesList("nlpcraft:sort", "subjindexes", "subjnotes", ns, history) &&
-            fixIndexesReferencesList("nlpcraft:sort", "byindexes", "bynotes", ns, history)
-        if (res) {
-            // Validation (all indexes calculated well)
-            require(
-                !res ||
-                    !ns.flatten.
-                        exists(n ⇒ ns.filter(_.wordIndexes.exists(n.wordIndexes.contains)).exists(t ⇒ !t.contains(n))),
-                s"Invalid sentence:\n" +
-           ⇒
-                        // Human readable invalid sentence for debugging.
-                        s"${t.origText}{index:${t.index}}[${ ⇒ s"${n.noteType}, {range:${n.tokenFrom}-${n.tokenTo}}").mkString("|")}]"
-                    ).mkString("\n")
-            )
-        }
-        res
-    }
-    private def dropAbstract(mdl: NCModel, ns: NCNlpSentence): Unit =
-        if (!mdl.getAbstractTokens.isEmpty) {
-            val notes = ns.flatten
-            val keys = getPartKeys(notes: _*)
-            val noteLinks = getLinks(notes)
-            notes.filter(n ⇒ {
-                val noteToks = ns.tokens.filter(_.contains(n))
-                mdl.getAbstractTokens.contains(n.noteType) &&
-                    !keys.exists(_.intersect(n.noteType, noteToks.head.startCharIndex, noteToks.last.startCharIndex)) &&
-                    !noteLinks.contains(NoteLink(n.noteType, n.tokenIndexes.sorted))
-            }).foreach(ns.removeNote)
-        }
-    private def getNotNlpNotes(toks: Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]): Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] =
-        toks.flatten.filter(!_.isNlp).distinct
-    private def addDeleted(thisSen: NCNlpSentence, sen: NCNlpSentence, dels: Iterable[NCNlpSentenceNote]): Unit =
-        sen.deletedNotes ++= ⇒ {
-            val savedDelNote = n.clone()
-            val savedDelToks = ⇒ thisSen(idx).clone())
-            val mainNotes = savedDelToks.flatten.filter(n ⇒ n.noteType != "nlpcraft:nlp" && n != savedDelNote)
-            // Deleted note's tokens should contains only nlp data and deleted notes.
-            for (savedDelTok ← savedDelToks; mainNote ← mainNotes)
-                savedDelTok.remove(mainNote)
-            savedDelNote → savedDelToks
-        })
-    /**
-      * This collapser handles several tasks:
-      * - "overall" collapsing after all other individual collapsers had their turn.
-      * - Special further enrichment of tokens like linking, etc.
-      *
-      * In all cases of overlap (full or partial) - the "longest" note wins. In case of overlap and equal
-      * lengths - the winning note is chosen based on this priority.
-      */
-    @throws[NCE]
-    private def collapseSentence(thisSen: NCNlpSentence, mdl: NCModel, lastPhase: Boolean = false): Seq[NCNlpSentence] = {
-        def collapse0(ns: NCNlpSentence): Option[NCNlpSentence] = {
-            if (lastPhase)
-                dropAbstract(mdl, ns)
-            if (collapseSentence(ns, getNotNlpNotes(ns).map(_.noteType).distinct)) Some(ns) else None
-        }
-        // Always deletes `similar` notes.
-        // Some words with same note type can be detected various ways.
-        // We keep only one variant -  with `best` direct and sparsity parameters,
-        // other variants for these words are redundant.
-        val redundant: Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] =
-            thisSen.flatten.filter(!_.isNlp).distinct.
-                groupBy(_.getKey()).
-                map(p ⇒ p._2.sortBy(p ⇒
-                    (
-                        // System notes don't have such flags.
-                        if (p.isUser) {
-                            if (p.isDirect)
-                                0
-                            else
-                                1
-                        }
-                        else
-                            0,
-                        if (p.isUser)
-                            p.sparsity
-                        else
-                            0
-                    )
-                )).
-                flatMap(_.drop(1)).
-                toSeq
-        redundant.foreach(thisSen.removeNote)
-        var delCombs: Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] =
-            getNotNlpNotes(thisSen).
-                flatMap(note ⇒ getNotNlpNotes( ⇒ thisSen(i))).filter(_ != note)).
-                distinct
-        println("delCombs="+delCombs.mkString("\n"))
-        // Optimization. Deletes all wholly swallowed notes.
-        val links = getLinks(thisSen.flatten)
-        val swallowed =
-            delCombs.
-                // There aren't links on it.
-                filter(n ⇒ !links.contains(NoteLink(n.noteType, n.tokenIndexes.sorted))).
-                // It doesn't have links.
-                filter(getPartKeys(_).isEmpty).
-                flatMap(note ⇒ {
-                    val noteWordsIdxs = note.wordIndexes.toSet
-                    val key = PartKey(note, thisSen)
-                    val delCombOthers =
-                        delCombs.filter(_ != note).flatMap(n ⇒ if (getPartKeys(n).contains(key)) Some(n) else None)
-                    if (delCombOthers.exists(o ⇒ noteWordsIdxs == o.wordIndexes.toSet)) Some(note) else None
-                })
-        delCombs = delCombs.filter(p ⇒ !swallowed.contains(p))
-        addDeleted(thisSen, thisSen, swallowed)
-        swallowed.foreach(thisSen.removeNote)
-        val toksByIdx: Seq[Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote]] =
-            delCombs.flatMap(note ⇒ → note)).
-                groupBy { case (idx, _) ⇒ idx }.
-                map { case (_, seq) ⇒ { case (_, note) ⇒ note } }.
-                toSeq.sortBy(-_.size)
-//        val toksByIdx1 =
-//            delCombs.flatMap(note ⇒ → note)).
-//                groupBy { case (idx, _) ⇒ idx }.
-//                map { case (idx, seq) ⇒ idx → { case (_, note) ⇒ note } }.
-//                toSeq.sortBy(_._2.size)
-//        toksByIdx.foreach{ case (seq) ⇒
-//            println(s"toksByIdx seq=${ ⇒ s"${i.noteType} ${i.wordIndexes.mkString(",")}").mkString(" | ")}")
-//        }
-//        toksByIdx1.sortBy(_._1).foreach{ case (i, seq) ⇒
-//            println(s"toksByIdx1 ${i} seq=${ ⇒ s"${i.noteType} ${i.wordIndexes.mkString(",")}").mkString(" | ")}")
-//        }
-        val dict = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, NCNlpSentenceNote]
-        val dictBack = mutable.HashMap.empty[NCNlpSentenceNote, String]
-        var i = 'A'
-        val converted: Seq[Seq[String]] =
-   ⇒ {
-                    n ⇒ {
-                        val s =
-                            dictBack.get(n) match {
-                                case Some(s) ⇒ s
-                                case None ⇒ {
-                                    val s = s"$i"
-                                    i = (i.toInt + 1).toChar
-                                    dict += s → n
-                                    dictBack += n → s
-                                    s
-                                }
-                            }
-                        s
-                    }
-                )
-            })
-        //val minDelSize = if (toksByIdx.isEmpty) 1 else - 1
-        var sens =
-            if (delCombs.nonEmpty) {
-                val p = new ForkJoinPool()
-                val tmp = NCComboRecursiveTask.findCombinations(
-          ,
-                    p
-                )
-                p.shutdown()
-                val seq1 =
-                val sens =
-                    seq1.
-                        flatMap(p ⇒ {
-                            val delComb: Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] = p
-                            val nsClone = thisSen.clone()
-                            // Saves deleted notes for sentence and their tokens.
-                            addDeleted(thisSen, nsClone, delComb)
-                            delComb.foreach(nsClone.removeNote)
-                            // Has overlapped notes for some tokens.
-                            require(
-                                !nsClone.exists(_.count(!_.isNlp) > 1),
-                                s"Invalid notes: ${nsClone.filter(_.count(!_.isNlp) > 1).mkString("|")}"
-                            )
-                            collapse0(nsClone)
-                        })
-                // It removes sentences which have only one difference - 'direct' flag of their user tokens.
-                // `Direct` sentences have higher priority.
-                case class Key(sysNotes: Seq[Map[String, JSerializable]], userNotes: Seq[Map[String, JSerializable]])
-                case class Value(sentence: NCNlpSentence, directCount: Int)
-                val m = mutable.HashMap.empty[Key, Value]
-       ⇒ {
-                    val notes = sen.flatten
-                    val sysNotes = notes.filter(_.isSystem)
-                    val nlpNotes = notes.filter(_.isNlp)
-                    val userNotes = notes.filter(_.isUser)
-                    def get(seq: Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote]): Seq[Map[String, JSerializable]] =
-               ⇒
-                            // We have to delete some keys to have possibility to compare sentences.
-                            p.clone().filter(_._1 != "direct")
-                        )
-                    (Key(get(sysNotes), get(userNotes)), sen, ⇒ if (p.isDirect) 0 else 1).sum)
-                }).
-                    foreach { case (key, sen, directCnt) ⇒
-                        m.get(key) match {
-                            case Some(v) ⇒
-                                // Best sentence is sentence with `direct` synonyms.
-                                if (v.directCount > directCnt)
-                                    m += key → Value(sen, directCnt)
-                            case None ⇒ m += key → Value(sen, directCnt)
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-            else
-                collapse0(thisSen).flatMap(p ⇒ Option(Seq(p))).getOrElse(Seq.empty)
-        sens = sens.distinct
-        sens.foreach(sen ⇒
-            sen.foreach(tok ⇒
-                tok.size match {
-                    case 1 ⇒ require(tok.head.isNlp, s"Unexpected non-'nlpcraft:nlp' token: $tok")
-                    case 2 ⇒ require(tok.head.isNlp ^ tok.last.isNlp, s"Unexpected token notes: $tok")
-                    case _ ⇒ require(requirement = false, s"Unexpected token notes count: $tok")
-                }
-            )
-        )
-        // Drops similar sentences (with same tokens structure).
-        // Among similar sentences we prefer one with minimal free words count.
-        sens.groupBy(_.flatten.filter(!_.isNlp).map(_.getKey(withIndexes = false))).
-            map { case (_, seq) ⇒ seq.minBy(_.filter(p ⇒ p.isNlp && !p.isStopWord).map(_.wordIndexes.length).sum) }.
-            toSeq
-    }
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp.NCNlpSentence._
@@ -975,7 +214,10 @@ class NCNlpSentence(
     def getDeletedNotes: Predef.Map[NCNlpSentenceNote, Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]] = deletedNotes.toMap
-    def collapse(mdl: NCModel, lastPhase: Boolean = false): Seq[NCNlpSentence] = {
-        collapseSentence(this, mdl, lastPhase)
-    }
+    /***
+      *
+      * @param deletedNotes
+      */
+    def addDeletedNotes(deletedNotes: Map[NCNlpSentenceNote, Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]]): Unit =
+       this.deletedNotes ++= deletedNotes
diff --git a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/ b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/
deleted file mode 100644
index db5f657..0000000
--- a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
-import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
-import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveTask;
-import static;
-import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
-import static;
-public class SyTest {
-    public static class ComboSearch extends RecursiveTask<List<Long>> {
-        private static final long THRESHOLD = (long)Math.pow(2, 20);
-        private final long lo;
-        private final long hi;
-        private final long[] wordBits;
-        private final int[] wordCounts;
-        public ComboSearch(
-            long lo,
-            long hi,
-            long[] words,
-            int[] wordCounts
-        ) {
-            this.lo = lo;
-            this.hi = hi;
-            this.wordBits = words;
-            this.wordCounts = wordCounts;
-        }
-        public static <T> List<List<T>> findCombos(List<List<T>> inp, ForkJoinPool pool) {
-            List<List<T>> uniqueInp =
-                .filter(row -> -> it != row && it.containsAll(row)))
-                .map(i ->
-                .collect(toList());
-            // Build dictionary of unique words.
-            List<T> dict =
-                .flatMap(Collection::stream)
-                .distinct()
-                .sorted()
-                .collect(toList());
-            System.out.println("uniqueInp="+uniqueInp.size());
-            System.out.println("dict="+dict.size());
-            if (dict.size() > Long.SIZE) {
-                // Note: Power set of 64 words results in 9223372036854775807 combinations.
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can handle more than " + Long.SIZE + " unique words in the dictionary.");
-            }
-            // Convert words to bitmasks (each bit corresponds to an index in the dictionary).
-            long[] wordBits =
-                .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(List::size))
-                .mapToLong(row -> wordsToBits(row, dict))
-                .toArray();
-            // Cache words count per row.
-            int[] wordCounts =
-                .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(List::size))
-                .mapToInt(List::size)
-                .toArray();
-            // Prepare Fork/Join task to iterate over the power set of all combinations.
-            int lo = 1;
-            long hi = (long)Math.pow(2, dict.size());
-            ComboSearch task = new ComboSearch(
-                lo,
-                hi,
-                wordBits,
-                wordCounts
-            );
-            return pool.invoke(task).stream()
-                .map(bits -> bitsToWords(bits, dict))
-                .collect(toList());
-        }
-        @Override
-        protected List<Long> compute() {
-            if (hi - lo <= THRESHOLD) {
-                return computeLocal();
-            } else {
-                return forkJoin();
-            }
-        }
-        private List<Long> computeLocal() {
-            List<Long> result = new ArrayList<>();
-            for (long comboBits = lo; comboBits < hi; comboBits++) {
-                boolean match = true;
-                // For each input row we check if subtracting the current combination of words
-                // from the input row would give us the expected result.
-                for (int j = 0; j < wordBits.length; j++) {
-                    // Get bitmask of how many words can be subtracted from the row.
-                    long commonBits = wordBits[j] & comboBits;
-                    int wordsToRemove = Long.bitCount(commonBits);
-                    // Check if there is more than 1 word remaining after subtraction.
-                    if (wordCounts[j] - wordsToRemove > 1) {
-                        // Skip this combination.
-                        match = false;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (match && !includes(comboBits, result)) {
-                    result.add(comboBits);
-                }
-            }
-            return result;
-        }
-        private List<Long> forkJoin() {
-            long mid = lo + hi >>> 1L;
-            ComboSearch t1 = new ComboSearch(lo, mid, wordBits, wordCounts);
-            ComboSearch t2 = new ComboSearch(mid, hi, wordBits, wordCounts);
-            t2.fork();
-            return merge(t1.compute(), t2.join());
-        }
-        private List<Long> merge(List<Long> l1, List<Long> l2) {
-            if (l1.isEmpty()) {
-                return l2;
-            } else if (l2.isEmpty()) {
-                return l1;
-            }
-            int size1 = l1.size();
-            int size2 = l2.size();
-            if (size1 == 1 && size2 > 1 || size2 == 1 && size1 > 1) {
-                // Minor optimization in case if one of the lists has only one element.
-                List<Long> list = size1 == 1 ? l2 : l1;
-                Long val = size1 == 1 ? l1.get(0) : l2.get(0);
-                if (!includes(val, list)) {
-                    list.add(val);
-                }
-                return list;
-            } else {
-                List<Long> result = new ArrayList<>(size1 + size2);
-                for (int i = 0, max = Math.max(size1, size2); i < max; i++) {
-                    Long v1 = i < size1 ? l1.get(i) : null;
-                    Long v2 = i < size2 ? l2.get(i) : null;
-                    if (v1 != null && v2 != null) {
-                        if (containsAllBits(v1, v2)) {
-                            v1 = null;
-                        } else if (containsAllBits(v2, v1)) {
-                            v2 = null;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (v1 != null && !includes(v1, result)) {
-                        result.add(v1);
-                    }
-                    if (v2 != null && !includes(v2, result)) {
-                        result.add(v2);
-                    }
-                }
-                return result;
-            }
-        }
-        private static boolean includes(long bits, List<Long> allBits) {
-            for (long existing : allBits) {
-                if (containsAllBits(bits, existing)) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-        private static boolean containsAllBits(long bitSet1, long bitSet2) {
-            return (bitSet1 & bitSet2) == bitSet2;
-        }
-        private static <T> long wordsToBits(List<T> words, List<T> dict) {
-            long bits = 0;
-            for (int i = 0; i < dict.size(); i++) {
-                if (words.contains(dict.get(i))) {
-                    bits |= 1L << i;
-                }
-            }
-            return bits;
-        }
-        private static <T> List<T> bitsToWords(long bits, List<T> dict) {
-            List<T> words = new ArrayList<>(Long.bitCount(bits));
-            for (int i = 0; i < dict.size(); i++) {
-                if ((bits & 1L << i) != 0) {
-                    words.add(dict.get(i));
-                }
-            }
-            return words;
-        }
-    }
-    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
-        List<List<String>> words = IntStream.range(0, 35)
-            .mapToObj(i -> IntStream.range(0, i + 1).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(toUnmodifiableList()))
-            .collect(toUnmodifiableList());
-        long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool();
-        final List<List<String>> combos = ComboSearch.findCombos(words, forkJoinPool);
-        System.out.println("size=" + combos.size());
-        System.out.println("time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t));
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/NCProbeBoot.scala b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/NCProbeBoot.scala
index 19308e3..da13b07 100644
--- a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/NCProbeBoot.scala
+++ b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/NCProbeBoot.scala
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers.sort.NCSortEnricher
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers.stopword.NCStopWordEnricher
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers.suspicious.NCSuspiciousNounsEnricher
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.validate.NCValidateManager
+import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.sentence.NCSentenceManager
 import resource.managed
@@ -512,6 +513,7 @@ private [probe] object NCProbeBoot extends LazyLogging with NCOpenCensusTrace {
             startedMgrs += NCProbeEnrichmentManager.start(span)
             startedMgrs += NCConnectionManager.start(span)
             startedMgrs += NCDialogFlowManager.start(span)
+            startedMgrs += NCSentenceManager.start(span)
diff --git a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/NCProbeEnrichmentManager.scala b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/NCProbeEnrichmentManager.scala
index 368f0c4..c328e57 100644
--- a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/NCProbeEnrichmentManager.scala
+++ b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/NCProbeEnrichmentManager.scala
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers.stopword.NCStopWordEnricher
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers.suspicious.NCSuspiciousNounsEnricher
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.impl._
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.validate._
+import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.sentence.NCSentenceManager
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.{NCProbeMessage, NCProbeVariants}
@@ -500,7 +501,7 @@ object NCProbeEnrichmentManager extends NCService with NCOpenCensusModelStats {
-            nlpSen.clone().collapse(mdl.model, lastPhase = true).
+            NCSentenceManager.collapse(mdl.model, nlpSen.clone(), lastPhase = true).
                 // Sorted to support deterministic logs.
                 sortBy(p ⇒
        ⇒ {
diff --git a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/NCModelEnricher.scala b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/NCModelEnricher.scala
index 2a9dec0..82edf69 100644
--- a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/NCModelEnricher.scala
+++ b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/NCModelEnricher.scala
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import org.apache.nlpcraft.model._
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.NCProbeSynonymChunkKind.{NCSynonymChunkKind, TEXT}
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.NCProbeEnricher
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.impl.NCRequestImpl
+import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.sentence.NCSentenceManager
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.{NCProbeModel, NCProbeSynonym, NCProbeVariants}
@@ -355,7 +356,11 @@ object NCModelEnricher extends NCProbeEnricher with DecorateAsScala {
        ⇒ (t.origText, t.index)).mkString(" ")
             var permCnt = 0
-            lazy val collapsedSens = NCProbeVariants.convert(ns.srvReqId, mdl, ns.clone().collapse(mdl.model)).map(_.asScala)
+            lazy val collapsedSens = NCProbeVariants.convert(
+                ns.srvReqId,
+                mdl,
+                NCSentenceManager.collapse(mdl.model, ns.clone())
+            ).map(_.asScala)
diff --git a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/NCNlpSentence.scala b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/sentence/NCSentenceManager.scala
similarity index 68%
copy from nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/NCNlpSentence.scala
copy to nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/sentence/NCSentenceManager.scala
index 95a98a3..e0dd59c 100644
--- a/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/common/nlp/NCNlpSentence.scala
+++ b/nlpcraft/src/main/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/sentence/NCSentenceManager.scala
@@ -15,29 +15,30 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-package org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp
+package org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.sentence
-import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.NCE
+import io.opencensus.trace.Span
+import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp.NCNlpSentence.NoteLink
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp.pos.NCPennTreebank
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.util.NCComboRecursiveTask
+import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp.{NCNlpSentence, NCNlpSentenceNote, NCNlpSentenceToken}
+import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.{NCE, NCService, U}
 import org.apache.nlpcraft.model.NCModel
-import{Serializable => JSerializable}
+import{Serializable ⇒ JSerializable}
 import java.util
-import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
-import java.util.{Collections, Comparator, List => JList}
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import java.util.{List ⇒ JList}
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters.{asScalaBufferConverter, _}
 import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
 import scala.collection.{Map, Seq, Set, mutable}
 import scala.language.implicitConversions
-object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
-    implicit def toTokens(x: NCNlpSentence): ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken] = x.tokens
+  * Sentences processing manager.
+  */
+object NCSentenceManager extends NCService {
+    @volatile private var pool: java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool = _
-    case class NoteKey(start: Int, end: Int)
-    case class TokenKey(id: String, start: Int, end: Int)
-    case class NoteLink(note: String, indexes: Seq[Int])
+    implicit def toTokens(x: NCNlpSentence): ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken] = x.tokens
     case class PartKey(id: String, start: Int, end: Int) {
         require(start <= end)
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
                 noteLinks ++=
                     (for ((name, idxs) ←
                         yield NoteLink(name, idxs.sorted)
-                    )
+                        )
             if (n.contains("subjnotes")) add("subjnotes", "subjindexes")
@@ -462,8 +463,8 @@ object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
                     if (fixed.forall(_.size == 1))
-                        // Fix double dimension array to one dimension,
-                        // so it should be called always in spite of 'fixIndexesReferences' method.
+                    // Fix double dimension array to one dimension,
+                    // so it should be called always in spite of 'fixIndexesReferences' method.
                         ns.fixNote(n, idxsField →[JSerializable])
                         ok = false
@@ -521,9 +522,9 @@ object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
         val res =
             fixIndexesReferences("nlpcraft:relation", "indexes", "note", ns, history) &&
-            fixIndexesReferences("nlpcraft:limit", "indexes", "note", ns, history) &&
-            fixIndexesReferencesList("nlpcraft:sort", "subjindexes", "subjnotes", ns, history) &&
-            fixIndexesReferencesList("nlpcraft:sort", "byindexes", "bynotes", ns, history)
+                fixIndexesReferences("nlpcraft:limit", "indexes", "note", ns, history) &&
+                fixIndexesReferencesList("nlpcraft:sort", "subjindexes", "subjnotes", ns, history) &&
+                fixIndexesReferencesList("nlpcraft:sort", "byindexes", "bynotes", ns, history)
         if (res) {
             // Validation (all indexes calculated well)
@@ -562,7 +563,7 @@ object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
     private def addDeleted(thisSen: NCNlpSentence, sen: NCNlpSentence, dels: Iterable[NCNlpSentenceNote]): Unit =
-        sen.deletedNotes ++= ⇒ {
+        sen.addDeletedNotes( ⇒ {
             val savedDelNote = n.clone()
             val savedDelToks = ⇒ thisSen(idx).clone())
@@ -573,7 +574,7 @@ object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
             savedDelNote → savedDelToks
-        })
+        }).toMap)
       * This collapser handles several tasks:
@@ -597,27 +598,27 @@ object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
         // We keep only one variant -  with `best` direct and sparsity parameters,
         // other variants for these words are redundant.
         val redundant: Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] =
-            thisSen.flatten.filter(!_.isNlp).distinct.
-                groupBy(_.getKey()).
-                map(p ⇒ p._2.sortBy(p ⇒
-                    (
-                        // System notes don't have such flags.
-                        if (p.isUser) {
-                            if (p.isDirect)
-                                0
-                            else
-                                1
-                        }
-                        else
-                            0,
-                        if (p.isUser)
-                            p.sparsity
-                        else
+        thisSen.flatten.filter(!_.isNlp).distinct.
+            groupBy(_.getKey()).
+            map(p ⇒ p._2.sortBy(p ⇒
+                (
+                    // System notes don't have such flags.
+                    if (p.isUser) {
+                        if (p.isDirect)
-                    )
-                )).
-                flatMap(_.drop(1)).
-                toSeq
+                        else
+                            1
+                    }
+                    else
+                        0,
+                    if (p.isUser)
+                        p.sparsity
+                    else
+                        0
+                )
+            )).
+            flatMap(_.drop(1)).
+            toSeq
@@ -626,8 +627,6 @@ object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
                 flatMap(note ⇒ getNotNlpNotes( ⇒ thisSen(i))).filter(_ != note)).
-        println("delCombs="+delCombs.mkString("\n"))
         // Optimization. Deletes all wholly swallowed notes.
         val links = getLinks(thisSen.flatten)
@@ -651,89 +650,55 @@ object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
         addDeleted(thisSen, thisSen, swallowed)
-        val toksByIdx: Seq[Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote]] =
+        val toksByIdx: Seq[Set[NCNlpSentenceNote]] =
             delCombs.flatMap(note ⇒ → note)).
                 groupBy { case (idx, _) ⇒ idx }.
-                map { case (_, seq) ⇒ { case (_, note) ⇒ note } }.
+                map { case (_, seq) ⇒ { case (_, note) ⇒ note }.toSet }.
-//        val toksByIdx1 =
-//            delCombs.flatMap(note ⇒ → note)).
-//                groupBy { case (idx, _) ⇒ idx }.
-//                map { case (idx, seq) ⇒ idx → { case (_, note) ⇒ note } }.
-//                toSeq.sortBy(_._2.size)
-//        toksByIdx.foreach{ case (seq) ⇒
-//            println(s"toksByIdx seq=${ ⇒ s"${i.noteType} ${i.wordIndexes.mkString(",")}").mkString(" | ")}")
-//        }
-//        toksByIdx1.sortBy(_._1).foreach{ case (i, seq) ⇒
-//            println(s"toksByIdx1 ${i} seq=${ ⇒ s"${i.noteType} ${i.wordIndexes.mkString(",")}").mkString(" | ")}")
-//        }
-        val dict = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, NCNlpSentenceNote]
-        val dictBack = mutable.HashMap.empty[NCNlpSentenceNote, String]
-        var i = 'A'
-        val converted: Seq[Seq[String]] =
-   ⇒ {
-                    n ⇒ {
-                        val s =
-                            dictBack.get(n) match {
-                                case Some(s) ⇒ s
-                                case None ⇒ {
-                                    val s = s"$i"
-                                    i = (i.toInt + 1).toChar
-                                    dict += s → n
-                                    dictBack += n → s
-                                    s
-                                }
-                            }
-                        s
-                    }
-                )
-            })
-        //val minDelSize = if (toksByIdx.isEmpty) 1 else - 1
+//        val minDelSize = if (toksByIdx.isEmpty) 1 else - 1
         var sens =
             if (delCombs.nonEmpty) {
-                val p = new ForkJoinPool()
-                val tmp = NCComboRecursiveTask.findCombinations(
-          ,
-                    p
-                )
-                p.shutdown()
-                val seq1 =
+                val deleted = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Set[NCNlpSentenceNote]]
+//                val combs = (minDelSize to delCombs.size).
+//                    flatMap(i ⇒
+//                        delCombs.combinations(i).
+//                            filter(delComb ⇒
+//                                !toksByIdx.exists(
+//                                    rec ⇒
+//                                        rec.size - delCombs.size <= 1 &&
+//                                            rec.count(note ⇒ !delComb.contains(note)) > 1
+//                                )
+//                            )
+//                    ).
+//                    sortBy(_.size).
+//                    map(_.toSet)
+                val combs = NCComboHelper.findCombinations(, pool)
                 val sens =
-                    seq1.
-                        flatMap(p ⇒ {
-                            val delComb: Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] = p
+                    combs.
+                        flatMap(delComb ⇒
+                            // Already processed with less subset of same deleted tokens.
+                            if (!deleted.exists(_.subsetOf(delComb.toSet))) {
+                                val nsClone = thisSen.clone()
-                            val nsClone = thisSen.clone()
+                                // Saves deleted notes for sentence and their tokens.
+                                addDeleted(thisSen, nsClone, delComb)
+                                delComb.foreach(nsClone.removeNote)
-                            // Saves deleted notes for sentence and their tokens.
-                            addDeleted(thisSen, nsClone, delComb)
-                            delComb.foreach(nsClone.removeNote)
+                                // Has overlapped notes for some tokens.
+                                require(!nsClone.exists(_.count(!_.isNlp) > 1))
-                            // Has overlapped notes for some tokens.
-                            require(
-                                !nsClone.exists(_.count(!_.isNlp) > 1),
-                                s"Invalid notes: ${nsClone.filter(_.count(!_.isNlp) > 1).mkString("|")}"
-                            )
+                                deleted += delComb.toSet
-                            collapse0(nsClone)
-                        })
+                                collapse0(nsClone)
+                            }
+                            else
+                                None
+                        )
                 // It removes sentences which have only one difference - 'direct' flag of their user tokens.
                 // `Direct` sentences have higher priority.
@@ -790,192 +755,23 @@ object NCNlpSentence extends LazyLogging {
             map { case (_, seq) ⇒ seq.minBy(_.filter(p ⇒ p.isNlp && !p.isStopWord).map(_.wordIndexes.length).sum) }.
-import org.apache.nlpcraft.common.nlp.NCNlpSentence._
-  * Parsed NLP sentence is a collection of tokens. Each token is a collection of notes and
-  * each note is a collection of KV pairs.
-  *
-  * @param srvReqId Server request ID.
-  * @param text Normalized text.
-  * @param enabledBuiltInToks Enabled built-in tokens.
-  * @param tokens Initial buffer.
-  * @param deletedNotes Deleted overridden notes with their tokens.
-  */
-class NCNlpSentence(
-    val srvReqId: String,
-    val text: String,
-    val enabledBuiltInToks: Set[String],
-    override val tokens: mutable.ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken] = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[NCNlpSentenceToken](32),
-    private val deletedNotes: mutable.HashMap[NCNlpSentenceNote, Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]] = mutable.HashMap.empty,
-    private var initNlpNotes: Map[NoteKey, NCNlpSentenceNote] = null,
-    private val nlpTokens: mutable.HashMap[TokenKey, NCNlpSentenceToken] = mutable.HashMap.empty
-) extends NCNlpSentenceTokenBuffer(tokens) with JSerializable {
-    @transient
-    private var hash: java.lang.Integer = _
-    private def calcHash(): Int =
-        Seq(srvReqId, text, enabledBuiltInToks, tokens).map(_.hashCode()).foldLeft(0)((a, b) ⇒ 31 * a + b)
-    // Deep copy.
-    override def clone(): NCNlpSentence =
-        new NCNlpSentence(
-            srvReqId,
-            text,
-            enabledBuiltInToks,
-  ,
-   ⇒ p._1.clone() →,
-            initNlpNotes = initNlpNotes
-        )
+    override def start(parent: Span): NCService = {
+        ackStarting()
-    /**
-      * Utility method that gets set of notes for given note type collected from
-      * tokens in this sentence. Notes are sorted in the same order they appear
-      * in this sentence.
-      *
-      * @param noteType Note type.
-      */
-    def getNotes(noteType: String): Seq[NCNlpSentenceNote] = this.flatMap(_.getNotes(noteType)).distinct
+        pool = new java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool()
-    /**
-      * Utility method that removes note with given ID from all tokens in this sentence.
-      * No-op if such note wasn't found.
-      *
-      * @param note Note.
-      */
-    def removeNote(note: NCNlpSentenceNote): Unit = this.foreach(_.remove(note))
-    //noinspection HashCodeUsesVar
-    override def hashCode(): Int = {
-        if (hash == null)
-            hash = calcHash()
-        hash
+        ackStarted()
-    def fixNote(note: NCNlpSentenceNote, kvs: (String, JSerializable)*): Unit = {
-        val fixed = note.clone(kvs: _*)
+    override def stop(parent: Span): Unit = {
+        ackStopping()
-        this.filter(t ⇒ t.index >= fixed.tokenIndexes.head && t.index <= fixed.tokenIndexes.last).foreach(t ⇒ {
-            t.remove(note)
-            t.add(fixed)
-        })
+        U.shutdownPool(pool)
-        hash = null
+        ackStopped()
-    /**
-      * Returns flag are note notes equal (or similar) or not. Reason of ignored difference can be stopwords tokens.
-      *
-      * @param n1 First note.
-      * @param n2 Second note.
-      */
-    def notesEqualOrSimilar(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean =
-        if (n1.noteType != n2.noteType)
-            false
-        else {
-            val stopIdxs = this.filter(_.isStopWord).map(_.index)
-            // One possible difference - stopwords indexes.
-            def wordsEqualOrSimilar0(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean = {
-                val set1 = n1.wordIndexes.toSet
-                val set2 = n2.wordIndexes.toSet
-                set1 == set2 || set1.subsetOf(set2) && set2.diff(set1).forall(stopIdxs.contains)
-            }
-            def wordsEqualOrSimilar(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean =
-                wordsEqualOrSimilar0(n1, n2) || wordsEqualOrSimilar0(n2, n1)
-            def tokensEqualOrSimilar0(set1: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken], set2: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken]): Boolean =
-                set1 == set2 || set1.subsetOf(set2) && set2.diff(set1).forall(_.isStopWord)
-            def tokensEqualOrSimilar(set1: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken], set2: Set[NCNlpSentenceToken]): Boolean =
-                tokensEqualOrSimilar0(set1, set2) || tokensEqualOrSimilar0(set2, set1)
-            def getList(n: NCNlpSentenceNote, refIdxName: String): Set[NCNlpSentenceToken] =
-                n.getOrElse(refIdxName, Collections.emptyList).asInstanceOf[JList[Int]].asScala.
-                    map(this (_)).toSet
-            def getListList(n: NCNlpSentenceNote, refIdxName: String): Set[NCNlpSentenceToken] =
-                n.getOrElse(refIdxName, Collections.emptyList).asInstanceOf[JList[JList[Int]]].asScala.
-                    flatMap( (_))).toSet
-            def referencesEqualOrSimilar0(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean = {
-                require(n1.noteType == n2.noteType)
-                n1.noteType match {
-                    case "nlpcraft:sort" ⇒
-                        tokensEqualOrSimilar(getListList(n1, "subjindexes"), getListList(n2, "subjindexes")) &&
-                            tokensEqualOrSimilar(getListList(n1, "byindexes"), getListList(n2, "byindexes"))
-                    case "nlpcraft:limit" ⇒
-                        tokensEqualOrSimilar(getList(n1, "indexes"), getList(n2, "indexes"))
-                    case "nlpcraft:reference" ⇒
-                        tokensEqualOrSimilar(getList(n1, "indexes"), getList(n2, "indexes"))
-                    case _ ⇒ true
-                }
-            }
-            def referencesEqualOrSimilar(n1: NCNlpSentenceNote, n2: NCNlpSentenceNote): Boolean =
-                referencesEqualOrSimilar0(n1, n2) || referencesEqualOrSimilar0(n2, n1)
-            def getUniqueKey0(n: NCNlpSentenceNote): Seq[Any] = n.getKey(withIndexes = false, withReferences = false)
-            getUniqueKey0(n1) == getUniqueKey0(n2) && wordsEqualOrSimilar(n1, n2) && referencesEqualOrSimilar(n1, n2)
-        }
-    override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
-        case x: NCNlpSentence ⇒
-            tokens == x.tokens &&
-                srvReqId == x.srvReqId &&
-                text == x.text &&
-                enabledBuiltInToks == x.enabledBuiltInToks
-        case _ ⇒ false
-    }
-    /**
-      *
-      */
-    def saveNlpNotes(): Unit =
-        initNlpNotes = ⇒ NoteKey(t.startCharIndex, t.endCharIndex) → t.getNlpNote).toMap
-    /**
-      *
-      * @return
-      */
-    def findInitialNlpNote(startCharIndex: Int, endCharIndex: Int): Option[NCNlpSentenceNote] =
-        initNlpNotes.get(NoteKey(startCharIndex, endCharIndex))
-    /**
-      *
-      * @param nlp
-      */
-    def addNlpToken(nlp: NCNlpSentenceToken): Unit = {
-        require(nlp.size <= 2)
-        nlp.foreach(n ⇒ nlpTokens += TokenKey(n.noteType, nlp.startCharIndex, nlp.endCharIndex) → nlp)
-    }
-    /**
-      *
-      * @param noteType
-      * @param startCharIndex
-      * @param endCharIndex
-      * @return
-      */
-    def findNlpToken(noteType: String, startCharIndex: Int, endCharIndex: Int): Option[NCNlpSentenceToken] =
-        nlpTokens.get(TokenKey(noteType, startCharIndex, endCharIndex))
-    /**
-      *
-      */
-    def getDeletedNotes: Predef.Map[NCNlpSentenceNote, Seq[NCNlpSentenceToken]] = deletedNotes.toMap
-    def collapse(mdl: NCModel, lastPhase: Boolean = false): Seq[NCNlpSentence] = {
-        collapseSentence(this, mdl, lastPhase)
-    }
+    def collapse(mdl: NCModel, sen: NCNlpSentence, lastPhase: Boolean = false): Seq[NCNlpSentence] =
+        collapseSentence(sen, mdl, lastPhase)
diff --git a/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/ b/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d9ab4..0000000
--- a/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.NavigableSet;
-import java.util.Optional;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
-import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
-import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
-import static;
-import static;
-public class SyTest {
-    public static void main(String[] args) {
-//        List<List<String>> words = asList(
-//            asList("A", "B", "C"),
-//            asList("B", "C", "D"),
-//            asList("B", "D")
-//        );
-        List<List<String>> words = asList(
-            asList("A", "B"),
-            asList("C", "B"),
-            asList("D", "E"),
-            asList("D", "F"),
-            asList("G", "H"),
-            asList("I", "H"),
-            asList("J", "K"),
-            asList("L", "K"),
-            asList("M", "N"),
-            asList("M", "O"),
-            asList("P", "Q"),
-            asList("P", "R"),
-            asList("S", "T"),
-            asList("S", "U"),
-            asList("V", "W"),
-            asList("X", "W")
-            ,
-            asList("Y", "Z"),
-            asList("A1", "A2"),
-            asList("A3", "A3"),
-            asList("A4", "A5", "A6")
-        );
-        System.out.println(
-            "Dictionary size:"
-                +
-                .flatMap(Collection::stream)
-                .distinct()
-                .count()
-        );
-        System.out.println("===== Performance =====");
-        for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
-            long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
-            Set<Set<String>> combos = findCombos(words);
-            System.out.println("Iteration " + i + " Time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + ", resCnt=" + combos.size());
-        }
-        if (true) {
-            return;
-        }
-        Set<Set<String>> combos = findCombos(words);
-        System.out.println();
-        System.out.println("===== Result =====");
-        System.out.println("Total combos: " + combos.size());
-        System.out.println();
-//            .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Collection::size))
-//            .forEach(combo ->
-//                print(words, combo)
-//            );
-    }
-    public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Set<Set<T>> findCombos(List<List<T>> inp) {
-        List<List<T>> uniqueInp =
-            .filter(row -> -> it != row && it.containsAll(row)))
-            .map(i ->
-            .collect(toList());
-        // Build dictionary of unique words.
-        List<T> dict =
-            .flatMap(Collection::stream)
-            .distinct()
-            .sorted()
-            .collect(toList());
-        if (dict.size() > Integer.SIZE) {
-            // Note: Power set of 32 words results in 4294967296 combinations.
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can handle more than " + Integer.SIZE + " unique words in the dictionary.");
-        }
-        // Convert words to bitmasks (each bit corresponds to an index in the dictionary).
-        int[] wordBits =
-            .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(List::size))
-            .mapToInt(row -> wordsToBits(row, dict))
-            .toArray();
-        // Cache words count per row.
-        int[] wordCounts =
-            .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(List::size))
-            .mapToInt(List::size)
-            .toArray();
-        int min = 1;
-        int max = (int)Math.pow(2, dict.size()) - 1;
-        int batchFactor = 100;
-        int threads = 13;
-        ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);
-        CountDownLatch cdl = new CountDownLatch(batchFactor);
-        int divRes = max / batchFactor;
-        int divRest = max % batchFactor;
-        int to = 0;
-        List<Integer> result = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
-        for (int k = 0; k < batchFactor; k++) {
-            to += divRes;
-            if (k == divRes - 1) {
-                to += divRest;
-            }
-            int toFinal = to;
-            int fromFinal = min + k * divRes;
-            pool.execute(
-                () -> {
-                    List<Integer> locRes = new ArrayList<>();
-                    for (int comboBits = fromFinal; comboBits < toFinal; comboBits++) {
-                        boolean match = true;
-                        // For each input row we check if subtracting the current combination of words
-                        // from the input row would give us the expected result.
-                        for (int j = 0; j < wordBits.length; j++) {
-                            // Get bitmask of how many words can be subtracted from the row.
-                            int commonBits = wordBits[j] & comboBits;
-                            int wordsToRemove = Integer.bitCount(commonBits);
-                            // Check if there are more than 1 word remaining after subtraction.
-                            if (wordCounts[j] - wordsToRemove > 1) {
-                                // Skip this combination.
-                                match = false;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (match && !includes(comboBits, locRes)) {
-                            locRes.add(comboBits);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    result.addAll(locRes);
-                    cdl.countDown();
-                }
-            );
-        }
-// Iterate over the power set.
-        //pool.shutdown();
-        try {
-            cdl.await(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
-            //pool.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
-        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-            e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-        // Convert found results from bitmasks back to words.
-        TreeSet<Set<T>> treeSet = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparingInt(Set::size));
-        treeSet.addAll( -> bitsToWords(bits, dict)).collect(toSet()));
-        Set<Set<T>> normCombs = new HashSet<>();
-        for (Set<T> set : treeSet) {
-            boolean b = true;
-            for (Set<T> added : normCombs) {
-                if (added.containsAll(set)) {
-                    b = false;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (b) {
-                normCombs.add(set);
-            }
-        }
-        return normCombs;
-    }
-    private static <T> Set<Set<T>> squeeze(Set<Set<T>> combs) {
-        Set<Set<T>> normCombs = new HashSet<>();
- -> {
-            // Skips already added shorter variants.
-            if ( {
-                normCombs.add(comb);
-            }
-        });
-        return normCombs;
-    }
-    private static boolean includes(int bits, List<Integer> allBits) {
-        for (int existing : allBits) {
-            if ((bits & existing) == existing) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    private static <T> int wordsToBits(List<T> words, List<T> dict) {
-        int bits = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < dict.size(); i++) {
-            if (words.contains(dict.get(i))) {
-                bits |= 1 << i;
-            }
-        }
-        return bits;
-    }
-    private static <T> Set<T> bitsToWords(int bits, List<T> dict) {
-        Set<T> words = new HashSet<>(Integer.bitCount(bits));
-        for (int i = 0; i < dict.size(); i++) {
-            if ((bits & 1 << i) != 0) {
-                words.add(dict.get(i));
-            }
-        }
-        return words;
-    }
-    private static void print(List<List<String>> inp, List<String> combo) {
-        System.out.println("==== " + combo + "(" + combo.size() + ')');
- -> {
-            Set<String> s = new TreeSet<>(row);
-            s.removeAll(combo);
-            System.out.println(s);
-        });
-    }
diff --git a/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/NCEnricherNestedModelSpec4.scala b/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/NCEnricherNestedModelSpec4.scala
index afdeaab..b354533 100644
--- a/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/NCEnricherNestedModelSpec4.scala
+++ b/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/NCEnricherNestedModelSpec4.scala
@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ class NCNestedTestModel4 extends NCModelAdapter(
 @NCTestEnvironment(model = classOf[NCNestedTestModel4], startClient = true)
 class NCEnricherNestedModelSpec4 extends NCTestContext {
-    @Test1
+    @Test
     def test(): Unit = checkIntent("the a " * 8, "onE2")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/ b/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 398e858..0000000
--- a/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers.model;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class Test1 {
-    private static List<Set<String>> ROWS =
-        Arrays.asList(
-            ImmutableSet.of("A", "B", "C"),
-            ImmutableSet.of("B", "C", "D"),
-            ImmutableSet.of("B", "D")
-        );
-//    // Uncomment it. Works too long time. Normalized result is 256.
-//    private static List<Set<String>> ROWS = Arrays.asList(
-//        ImmutableSet.of("A", "B"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("C", "B"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("D", "E"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("D", "F"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("G", "H"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("I", "H"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("J", "K"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("L", "K"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("M", "N"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("M", "O"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("P", "Q"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("P", "R"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("S", "T"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("S", "U"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("V", "W"),
-//        ImmutableSet.of("X", "W")
-//    );
-    private static Set<String> ALL =;
-    // Goal: Find minimal set of combinations with following feature.
-    // After removing combination values from each row - list should contain rows with size <= 1.
-    // Expected solution: [C, B], [A, C, D], [A, B, D]
-    // Example:
-    // list - [C, B] = {{A}, {D}, {D}}
-    // list - [A, C, D] = {{B}, {B}, {B}}
-    // list - [A, B, D] = {{C}, {C}, {null}}
-    // Additional. Redundant solutions: [A, B, C] ([C, B] enough),  [A, B, C, D] ([A, C, D] enough) etc
-    // Easiest.
-    public static void main(String[] args) {
-        long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        System.out.println("1. start [time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + ']');
-        // 1. Extends.
-        List<Set<String>> extRows = extendNulls();
-        // 2. All valid rows (permutation)
-        // Or manually permute, like
-        Set<List<String>> allSingleOrNullRows =;
-        System.out.println("2. permuted [size=" + allSingleOrNullRows.size() + ", time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + ']');
-        // 3. Collects all suitable combinations.
-        Set<Set<String>> combs =
-            allSingleOrNullRows.
-            stream().
-            // Calculates how that single or empty lines can be constructed (it is required combination).
-            map(row -> {
-                Set<String> copy = new HashSet<>(ALL);
-                copy.removeAll(row);
-                return copy;
-            }).
-            distinct().
-            filter(Test1::isSuitable).
-            collect(Collectors.toSet());
-        System.out.println("3. calculated [size=" + combs.size() + ", time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + ']');
-        // 3. Normalize variants (keeps only minimal valid subsets, see task description)
-        Set<Set<String>> normCombs = squeeze(combs);
-        System.out.println("4. normalized [size=" + normCombs.size() + ", time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + ']');
-        System.out.println("Norm results:" + normCombs);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Removes `candidate` from each row of ROWS.
-     * Return true if result list doesn't contain any row with size > 1.
-     * <p>
-     * If ROWS is {{a, b}, {a, c}}. Candidate {a, b} - ok, candidate {a} - ok, candidate {b} - no.
-     */
-    private static boolean isSuitable(Set<String> candidate) {
-        for (Set<String> row : ROWS) {
-            Set<String> copy = new HashSet<>(row);
-            copy.removeAll(candidate);
-            if (copy.size() > 1) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    private static Set<Set<String>> squeeze(Set<Set<String>> combs) {
-        Set<Set<String>> normCombs = new HashSet<>();
-        for (Set<String> comb : {
-            // Skips already added shorter variants.
-            if ( {
-                normCombs.add(comb);
-            }
-        }
-        return normCombs;
-    }
-    // Adds "" which means empty row. For example for small row it returns {{A, B, C, ""}, {B, C, D, ""}, {B, D, ""} }
-    private static List<Set<String>> extendNulls() {
-        return
-            p -> Stream.concat(, Stream.of("")).collect(Collectors.toSet())
-        ).collect(Collectors.toList());
-    }
diff --git a/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/ b/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index b8e5e42..0000000
--- a/nlpcraft/src/test/scala/org/apache/nlpcraft/probe/mgrs/nlp/enrichers/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.nlpcraft.probe.mgrs.nlp.enrichers.model;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-public class Test2 {
-//    private static List<Set<String>> ROWS =
-//        Arrays.asList(
-//            ImmutableSet.of("A", "B", "C"),
-//            ImmutableSet.of("B", "C", "D"),
-//            ImmutableSet.of("B", "D")
-//        );
-    // Uncomment it. Works too long time. Normalized result is 256.
-    private static List<Set<String>> ROWS = Arrays.asList(
-        ImmutableSet.of("A", "B"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("C", "B"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("D", "E"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("D", "F"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("G", "H"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("I", "H"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("J", "K"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("L", "K"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("M", "N"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("M", "O"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("P", "Q"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("P", "R"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("S", "T"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("S", "U"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("V", "W"),
-        ImmutableSet.of("X", "W")
-    );
-    private static Set<String> ALL =;
-    // Goal: Find minimal set of combinations with following feature.
-    // After removing combination values from each row - list should contain rows with size <= 1.
-    // Expected solution: [C, B], [A, C, D], [A, B, D]
-    // Example:
-    // list - [C, B] = {{A}, {D}, {D}}
-    // list - [A, C, D] = {{B}, {B}, {B}}
-    // list - [A, B, D] = {{C}, {C}, {null}}
-    // Additional. Redundant solutions: [A, B, C] ([C, B] enough),  [A, B, C, D] ([A, C, D] enough) etc
-    // Easiest.
-    public static void main(String[] args) {
-        long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
-        System.out.println("1. start [time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + ']');
-        Set<Set<String>> combs = new HashSet<>();
-        for (int i = 1; i < ALL.size(); i++) {
-            combs.addAll(
-                Sets.combinations(ALL, i).
-                    stream().
-                    filter(Test2::isSuitable).
-                    collect(Collectors.toSet())
-            );
-        }
-        System.out.println("2. calculated [size=" + combs.size() + ", time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + ']');
-        // Normalize variants (keeps only minimal valid subsets, see task description)
-        Set<Set<String>> normCombs = squeeze(combs);
-        System.out.println("3. normalized [size=" + normCombs.size() + ", time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + ']');
-        System.out.println("Norm results:" + normCombs);
-    }
-    private static Set<Set<String>> squeeze(Set<Set<String>> combs) {
-        Set<Set<String>> normCombs = new HashSet<>();
-        for (Set<String> comb : {
-            // Skips already added shorter variants.
-            if ( {
-                normCombs.add(comb);
-            }
-        }
-        return normCombs;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Removes `candidate` from each row of ROWS.
-     * Return true if result list doesn't contain any row with size > 1.
-     * <p>
-     * If ROWS is {{a, b}, {a, c}}. Candidate {a, b} - ok, candidate {a} - ok, candidate {b} - no.
-     */
-    private static boolean isSuitable(Set<String> candidate) {
-        for (Set<String> row : ROWS) {
-            Set<String> copy = new HashSet<>(row);
-            copy.removeAll(candidate);
-            if (copy.size() > 1) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-        return true;
-    }