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Posted to by Neil Sherman <> on 2001/12/05 17:37:10 UTC

Borland C++ 5 validation exceptions

Hi all!

I'm using the Borland C++ 5 Builder to compile the Xerces library and demo 
files.  The problem is that when I run the DOMCount (or any of the demos 
for that matter) demo and tell it to validate the input file I get an 
"Unxepected exception during parsing" and the program crashes.


> DOMCount -v=always -n -s -f personal-schema.xml

Error at file S:\work\personal-schema.xml, line 2, char 86

Unexpected exception during parsing: "personal-schema.xml"

It would appear that the problem occurs only when asked to validate the XML 
file against a schema.  The XML file ans schema I am using for this test 
are the two files that are supplied with the Xerces distribution.  I have 
modified the XML file slightly so that it will not validate correctly (I 
just changed one of the "id"'s to "i").  If the XML file validates 
correctly then the program behaves as expected and reports the number of 
nodes in the file.  Whats strange is that if I use the same XML file and  
 Schema file with the DOMCount exe that is distributed with the Xerces 
distribution (i.e. one built with VC++ - I think! ) everything works fine 
and I get the output I would expect.  i.e. It tells me that what the errors 
with the XML file are and on what line, without crashing!

Having looked into the problem briefly it would apear that the XML parser 
is creating a "Fatal" error instead of the standard error required to 
produce the expected output.  Howver I am unable to follow the code 
suffiently to discover why this may be!

Is this a bug associated with the Borland compiler??  Has this issue been 
raised previously??  And does anyone have any suggestions or solutions to 
the problem!!

I am using Xerces 2001-12-04, which as I understand it is the latest 
release and what is expected to be version 1.6

It is important that my application is able to validate the XML file 
against the Schema and I am basing my code on the examples provided thus I 
am receiving the same errors!!

Hoping somebody can help!!

Many thanks


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