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Posted to by Arnaud LemaƮtre <> on 2007/06/19 11:23:32 UTC

Can't get my 2 result sets !..


I want to use multiple result sets support. It's not working for me. 
I can only get the first one. 

Please, can you tell me where i'm doing wrong ?

Logs below, are showing that only one result set is returned. I can't say
If mysql part is actually returning only one result ?... or may be hopefully
my code is wrong ;

My configuration :

Mysql Server version: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch1-log Debian etch distribution
tomcat 5.5 + Apache 2.2

Here is my Code (for test purpose) :

		List results = null;

		SqlMapClient sqlMap = IbatisUtil.getSqlMapInstance();

			results = sqlMap.queryForList( "test" );
		catch( SQLException sqle ) {
			throw CoreException.wrap( sqle );
		final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( MyCLass.class ); ( "results.size() = " + results.size() );	

mySqlMap.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
<sqlMap namespace = "myNamespace">
    <select id = "test" resultClass = "int, int">
        select 1+1; select 2+2

My iBATIS Config :
( i've set allowMultiQueries to true, when set to false (default) i've
Got sql syntax errors... 

        cacheModelsEnabled = "true"
        enhancementEnabled = "true"
        lazyLoadingEnabled = "true"
        maxRequests = "32"
        maxSessions = "10"
        maxTransactions = "5"
        useStatementNamespaces = "false"/>
    <transactionManager type = "JDBC">
        <dataSource type = "SIMPLE">
            <property name = "JDBC.Driver" value = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
            <property name = "JDBC.ConnectionURL" value =
            <property name = "JDBC.Username" value = "myUsername"/>
            <property name = "JDBC.Password" value = " myPassword"/>
    <sqlMap resource = "com/x/y/z/mySqlMap.xml"/>

Log4j output :

DEBUG TP-Processor3 java.sql.Connection - {conn-100000} Connection
DEBUG TP-Processor3 java.sql.Connection - {conn-100000} Preparing Statement:
select 1+1; select 2+2              
DEBUG TP-Processor3 java.sql.PreparedStatement - {pstm-100001} Executing
Statement:                   select 1+1; select 2+2              
DEBUG TP-Processor3 java.sql.PreparedStatement - {pstm-100001} Parameters:
DEBUG TP-Processor3 java.sql.PreparedStatement - {pstm-100001} Types: []
DEBUG TP-Processor3 java.sql.ResultSet - {rset-100002} ResultSet
DEBUG TP-Processor3 java.sql.ResultSet - {rset-100002} Header: [1+1]
DEBUG TP-Processor3 java.sql.ResultSet - {rset-100002} Result: [2]
DEBUG TP-Processor3 com.ibatis.common.jdbc.SimpleDataSource - Returned
connection 1511627065 to pool.
INFO TP-Processor3 com.x.y.MyCLass - results.size() = 1