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[02/51] [partial] incubator-quickstep git commit: Added shell script to download prerequisite third party libs
diff --git a/third_party/gperftools/src/third_party/valgrind.h b/third_party/gperftools/src/third_party/valgrind.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 577c59a..0000000
--- a/third_party/gperftools/src/third_party/valgrind.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3924 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c -*-
-   ----------------------------------------------------------------
-   Notice that the following BSD-style license applies to this one
-   file (valgrind.h) only.  The rest of Valgrind is licensed under the
-   terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, unless
-   otherwise indicated.  See the COPYING file in the source
-   distribution for details.
-   ----------------------------------------------------------------
-   This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
-   framework.
-   Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Julian Seward.  All rights reserved.
-   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-   are met:
-   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-   2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must 
-      not claim that you wrote the original software.  If you use this 
-      software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product 
-      documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
-   3. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
-      not be misrepresented as being the original software.
-   4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote 
-      products derived from this software without specific prior written 
-      permission.
-   ----------------------------------------------------------------
-   Notice that the above BSD-style license applies to this one file
-   (valgrind.h) only.  The entire rest of Valgrind is licensed under
-   the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.  See the
-   COPYING file in the source distribution for details.
-   ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
-/* This file is for inclusion into client (your!) code.
-   You can use these macros to manipulate and query Valgrind's 
-   execution inside your own programs.
-   The resulting executables will still run without Valgrind, just a
-   little bit more slowly than they otherwise would, but otherwise
-   unchanged.  When not running on valgrind, each client request
-   consumes very few (eg. 7) instructions, so the resulting performance
-   loss is negligible unless you plan to execute client requests
-   millions of times per second.  Nevertheless, if that is still a
-   problem, you can compile with the NVALGRIND symbol defined (gcc
-   -DNVALGRIND) so that client requests are not even compiled in.  */
-#ifndef __VALGRIND_H
-#define __VALGRIND_H
-#include <stdarg.h>
-/* Nb: this file might be included in a file compiled with -ansi.  So
-   we can't use C++ style "//" comments nor the "asm" keyword (instead
-   use "__asm__"). */
-/* Derive some tags indicating what the target platform is.  Note
-   that in this file we're using the compiler's CPP symbols for
-   identifying architectures, which are different to the ones we use
-   within the rest of Valgrind.  Note, __powerpc__ is active for both
-   32 and 64-bit PPC, whereas __powerpc64__ is only active for the
-   latter (on Linux, that is). */
-#undef PLAT_x86_linux
-#undef PLAT_amd64_linux
-#undef PLAT_ppc32_linux
-#undef PLAT_ppc64_linux
-#undef PLAT_ppc32_aix5
-#undef PLAT_ppc64_aix5
-#if !defined(_AIX) && defined(__i386__)
-#  define PLAT_x86_linux 1
-#elif !defined(_AIX) && defined(__x86_64__)
-#  define PLAT_amd64_linux 1
-#elif !defined(_AIX) && defined(__powerpc__) && !defined(__powerpc64__)
-#  define PLAT_ppc32_linux 1
-#elif !defined(_AIX) && defined(__powerpc__) && defined(__powerpc64__)
-#  define PLAT_ppc64_linux 1
-#elif defined(_AIX) && defined(__64BIT__)
-#  define PLAT_ppc64_aix5 1
-#elif defined(_AIX) && !defined(__64BIT__)
-#  define PLAT_ppc32_aix5 1
-/* If we're not compiling for our target platform, don't generate
-   any inline asms.  */
-#if !defined(PLAT_x86_linux) && !defined(PLAT_amd64_linux) \
-    && !defined(PLAT_ppc32_linux) && !defined(PLAT_ppc64_linux) \
-    && !defined(PLAT_ppc32_aix5) && !defined(PLAT_ppc64_aix5)
-#  if !defined(NVALGRIND)
-#    define NVALGRIND 1
-#  endif
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* in here of use to end-users -- skip to the next section.           */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#if defined(NVALGRIND)
-/* Define NVALGRIND to completely remove the Valgrind magic sequence
-   from the compiled code (analogous to NDEBUG's effects on
-   assert()) */
-#define VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                               \
-        _zzq_rlval, _zzq_default, _zzq_request,                   \
-        _zzq_arg1, _zzq_arg2, _zzq_arg3, _zzq_arg4, _zzq_arg5)    \
-   {                                                              \
-      (_zzq_rlval) = (_zzq_default);                              \
-   }
-#else  /* ! NVALGRIND */
-/* The following defines the magic code sequences which the JITter
-   spots and handles magically.  Don't look too closely at them as
-   they will rot your brain.
-   The assembly code sequences for all architectures is in this one
-   file.  This is because this file must be stand-alone, and we don't
-   want to have multiple files.
-   For VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST, we must ensure that the default
-   value gets put in the return slot, so that everything works when
-   this is executed not under Valgrind.  Args are passed in a memory
-   block, and so there's no intrinsic limit to the number that could
-   be passed, but it's currently five.
-   The macro args are: 
-      _zzq_rlval    result lvalue
-      _zzq_default  default value (result returned when running on real CPU)
-      _zzq_request  request code
-      _zzq_arg1..5  request params
-   The other two macros are used to support function wrapping, and are
-   a lot simpler.  VALGRIND_GET_NR_CONTEXT returns the value of the
-   guest's NRADDR pseudo-register and whatever other information is
-   needed to safely run the call original from the wrapper: on
-   ppc64-linux, the R2 value at the divert point is also needed.  This
-   information is abstracted into a user-visible type, OrigFn.
-   VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_* behaves the same as the following on the
-   guest, but guarantees that the branch instruction will not be
-   redirected: x86: call *%eax, amd64: call *%rax, ppc32/ppc64:
-   branch-and-link-to-r11.  VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR is just text, not a
-   complete inline asm, since it needs to be combined with more magic
-   inline asm stuff to be useful.
-/* ------------------------- x86-linux ------------------------- */
-#if defined(PLAT_x86_linux)
-   struct { 
-      unsigned int nraddr; /* where's the code? */
-   }
-   OrigFn;
-#define __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE                            \
-                     "roll $3,  %%edi ; roll $13, %%edi\n\t"      \
-                     "roll $29, %%edi ; roll $19, %%edi\n\t"
-#define VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                               \
-        _zzq_rlval, _zzq_default, _zzq_request,                   \
-        _zzq_arg1, _zzq_arg2, _zzq_arg3, _zzq_arg4, _zzq_arg5)    \
-  { volatile unsigned int _zzq_args[6];                           \
-    volatile unsigned int _zzq_result;                            \
-    _zzq_args[0] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_request);                  \
-    _zzq_args[1] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg1);                     \
-    _zzq_args[2] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg2);                     \
-    _zzq_args[3] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg3);                     \
-    _zzq_args[4] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg4);                     \
-    _zzq_args[5] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg5);                     \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %EDX = client_request ( %EAX ) */         \
-                     "xchgl %%ebx,%%ebx"                          \
-                     : "=d" (_zzq_result)                         \
-                     : "a" (&_zzq_args[0]), "0" (_zzq_default)    \
-                     : "cc", "memory"                             \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_rlval = _zzq_result;                                     \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_GET_NR_CONTEXT(_zzq_rlval)                       \
-  { volatile OrigFn* _zzq_orig = &(_zzq_rlval);                   \
-    volatile unsigned int __addr;                                 \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %EAX = guest_NRADDR */                    \
-                     "xchgl %%ecx,%%ecx"                          \
-                     : "=a" (__addr)                              \
-                     :                                            \
-                     : "cc", "memory"                             \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_orig->nraddr = __addr;                                   \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                 \
-                     __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* call-noredir *%EAX */                     \
-                     "xchgl %%edx,%%edx\n\t"
-#endif /* PLAT_x86_linux */
-/* ------------------------ amd64-linux ------------------------ */
-#if defined(PLAT_amd64_linux)
-   struct { 
-      unsigned long long int nraddr; /* where's the code? */
-   }
-   OrigFn;
-#define __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE                            \
-                     "rolq $3,  %%rdi ; rolq $13, %%rdi\n\t"      \
-                     "rolq $61, %%rdi ; rolq $51, %%rdi\n\t"
-#define VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                               \
-        _zzq_rlval, _zzq_default, _zzq_request,                   \
-        _zzq_arg1, _zzq_arg2, _zzq_arg3, _zzq_arg4, _zzq_arg5)    \
-  { volatile unsigned long long int _zzq_args[6];                 \
-    volatile unsigned long long int _zzq_result;                  \
-    _zzq_args[0] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_request);        \
-    _zzq_args[1] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_arg1);           \
-    _zzq_args[2] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_arg2);           \
-    _zzq_args[3] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_arg3);           \
-    _zzq_args[4] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_arg4);           \
-    _zzq_args[5] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_arg5);           \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %RDX = client_request ( %RAX ) */         \
-                     "xchgq %%rbx,%%rbx"                          \
-                     : "=d" (_zzq_result)                         \
-                     : "a" (&_zzq_args[0]), "0" (_zzq_default)    \
-                     : "cc", "memory"                             \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_rlval = _zzq_result;                                     \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_GET_NR_CONTEXT(_zzq_rlval)                       \
-  { volatile OrigFn* _zzq_orig = &(_zzq_rlval);                   \
-    volatile unsigned long long int __addr;                       \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %RAX = guest_NRADDR */                    \
-                     "xchgq %%rcx,%%rcx"                          \
-                     : "=a" (__addr)                              \
-                     :                                            \
-                     : "cc", "memory"                             \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_orig->nraddr = __addr;                                   \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                 \
-                     __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* call-noredir *%RAX */                     \
-                     "xchgq %%rdx,%%rdx\n\t"
-#endif /* PLAT_amd64_linux */
-/* ------------------------ ppc32-linux ------------------------ */
-#if defined(PLAT_ppc32_linux)
-   struct { 
-      unsigned int nraddr; /* where's the code? */
-   }
-   OrigFn;
-#define __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE                            \
-                     "rlwinm 0,0,3,0,0  ; rlwinm 0,0,13,0,0\n\t"  \
-                     "rlwinm 0,0,29,0,0 ; rlwinm 0,0,19,0,0\n\t"
-#define VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                               \
-        _zzq_rlval, _zzq_default, _zzq_request,                   \
-        _zzq_arg1, _zzq_arg2, _zzq_arg3, _zzq_arg4, _zzq_arg5)    \
-                                                                  \
-  {          unsigned int  _zzq_args[6];                          \
-             unsigned int  _zzq_result;                           \
-             unsigned int* _zzq_ptr;                              \
-    _zzq_args[0] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_request);                  \
-    _zzq_args[1] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg1);                     \
-    _zzq_args[2] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg2);                     \
-    _zzq_args[3] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg3);                     \
-    _zzq_args[4] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg4);                     \
-    _zzq_args[5] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg5);                     \
-    _zzq_ptr = _zzq_args;                                         \
-    __asm__ volatile("mr 3,%1\n\t" /*default*/                    \
-                     "mr 4,%2\n\t" /*ptr*/                        \
-                     __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = client_request ( %R4 ) */           \
-                     "or 1,1,1\n\t"                               \
-                     "mr %0,3"     /*result*/                     \
-                     : "=b" (_zzq_result)                         \
-                     : "b" (_zzq_default), "b" (_zzq_ptr)         \
-                     : "cc", "memory", "r3", "r4");               \
-    _zzq_rlval = _zzq_result;                                     \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_GET_NR_CONTEXT(_zzq_rlval)                       \
-  { volatile OrigFn* _zzq_orig = &(_zzq_rlval);                   \
-    unsigned int __addr;                                          \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = guest_NRADDR */                     \
-                     "or 2,2,2\n\t"                               \
-                     "mr %0,3"                                    \
-                     : "=b" (__addr)                              \
-                     :                                            \
-                     : "cc", "memory", "r3"                       \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_orig->nraddr = __addr;                                   \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_BRANCH_AND_LINK_TO_NOREDIR_R11                   \
-                     __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* branch-and-link-to-noredir *%R11 */       \
-                     "or 3,3,3\n\t"
-#endif /* PLAT_ppc32_linux */
-/* ------------------------ ppc64-linux ------------------------ */
-#if defined(PLAT_ppc64_linux)
-   struct { 
-      unsigned long long int nraddr; /* where's the code? */
-      unsigned long long int r2;  /* what tocptr do we need? */
-   }
-   OrigFn;
-#define __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE                            \
-                     "rotldi 0,0,3  ; rotldi 0,0,13\n\t"          \
-                     "rotldi 0,0,61 ; rotldi 0,0,51\n\t"
-#define VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                               \
-        _zzq_rlval, _zzq_default, _zzq_request,                   \
-        _zzq_arg1, _zzq_arg2, _zzq_arg3, _zzq_arg4, _zzq_arg5)    \
-                                                                  \
-  {          unsigned long long int  _zzq_args[6];                \
-    register unsigned long long int  _zzq_result __asm__("r3");   \
-    register unsigned long long int* _zzq_ptr __asm__("r4");      \
-    _zzq_args[0] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_request);        \
-    _zzq_args[1] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_arg1);           \
-    _zzq_args[2] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_arg2);           \
-    _zzq_args[3] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_arg3);           \
-    _zzq_args[4] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_arg4);           \
-    _zzq_args[5] = (unsigned long long int)(_zzq_arg5);           \
-    _zzq_ptr = _zzq_args;                                         \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = client_request ( %R4 ) */           \
-                     "or 1,1,1"                                   \
-                     : "=r" (_zzq_result)                         \
-                     : "0" (_zzq_default), "r" (_zzq_ptr)         \
-                     : "cc", "memory");                           \
-    _zzq_rlval = _zzq_result;                                     \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_GET_NR_CONTEXT(_zzq_rlval)                       \
-  { volatile OrigFn* _zzq_orig = &(_zzq_rlval);                   \
-    register unsigned long long int __addr __asm__("r3");         \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = guest_NRADDR */                     \
-                     "or 2,2,2"                                   \
-                     : "=r" (__addr)                              \
-                     :                                            \
-                     : "cc", "memory"                             \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_orig->nraddr = __addr;                                   \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = guest_NRADDR_GPR2 */                \
-                     "or 4,4,4"                                   \
-                     : "=r" (__addr)                              \
-                     :                                            \
-                     : "cc", "memory"                             \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_orig->r2 = __addr;                                       \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_BRANCH_AND_LINK_TO_NOREDIR_R11                   \
-                     __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* branch-and-link-to-noredir *%R11 */       \
-                     "or 3,3,3\n\t"
-#endif /* PLAT_ppc64_linux */
-/* ------------------------ ppc32-aix5 ------------------------- */
-#if defined(PLAT_ppc32_aix5)
-   struct { 
-      unsigned int nraddr; /* where's the code? */
-      unsigned int r2;  /* what tocptr do we need? */
-   }
-   OrigFn;
-#define __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE                            \
-                     "rlwinm 0,0,3,0,0  ; rlwinm 0,0,13,0,0\n\t"  \
-                     "rlwinm 0,0,29,0,0 ; rlwinm 0,0,19,0,0\n\t"
-#define VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                               \
-        _zzq_rlval, _zzq_default, _zzq_request,                   \
-        _zzq_arg1, _zzq_arg2, _zzq_arg3, _zzq_arg4, _zzq_arg5)    \
-                                                                  \
-  {          unsigned int  _zzq_args[7];                          \
-    register unsigned int  _zzq_result;                           \
-    register unsigned int* _zzq_ptr;                              \
-    _zzq_args[0] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_request);                  \
-    _zzq_args[1] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg1);                     \
-    _zzq_args[2] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg2);                     \
-    _zzq_args[3] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg3);                     \
-    _zzq_args[4] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg4);                     \
-    _zzq_args[5] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_arg5);                     \
-    _zzq_args[6] = (unsigned int)(_zzq_default);                  \
-    _zzq_ptr = _zzq_args;                                         \
-    __asm__ volatile("mr 4,%1\n\t"                                \
-                     "lwz 3, 24(4)\n\t"                           \
-                     __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = client_request ( %R4 ) */           \
-                     "or 1,1,1\n\t"                               \
-                     "mr %0,3"                                    \
-                     : "=b" (_zzq_result)                         \
-                     : "b" (_zzq_ptr)                             \
-                     : "r3", "r4", "cc", "memory");               \
-    _zzq_rlval = _zzq_result;                                     \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_GET_NR_CONTEXT(_zzq_rlval)                       \
-  { volatile OrigFn* _zzq_orig = &(_zzq_rlval);                   \
-    register unsigned int __addr;                                 \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = guest_NRADDR */                     \
-                     "or 2,2,2\n\t"                               \
-                     "mr %0,3"                                    \
-                     : "=b" (__addr)                              \
-                     :                                            \
-                     : "r3", "cc", "memory"                       \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_orig->nraddr = __addr;                                   \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = guest_NRADDR_GPR2 */                \
-                     "or 4,4,4\n\t"                               \
-                     "mr %0,3"                                    \
-                     : "=b" (__addr)                              \
-                     :                                            \
-                     : "r3", "cc", "memory"                       \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_orig->r2 = __addr;                                       \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_BRANCH_AND_LINK_TO_NOREDIR_R11                   \
-                     __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* branch-and-link-to-noredir *%R11 */       \
-                     "or 3,3,3\n\t"
-#endif /* PLAT_ppc32_aix5 */
-/* ------------------------ ppc64-aix5 ------------------------- */
-#if defined(PLAT_ppc64_aix5)
-   struct { 
-      unsigned long long int nraddr; /* where's the code? */
-      unsigned long long int r2;  /* what tocptr do we need? */
-   }
-   OrigFn;
-#define __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE                            \
-                     "rotldi 0,0,3  ; rotldi 0,0,13\n\t"          \
-                     "rotldi 0,0,61 ; rotldi 0,0,51\n\t"
-#define VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                               \
-        _zzq_rlval, _zzq_default, _zzq_request,                   \
-        _zzq_arg1, _zzq_arg2, _zzq_arg3, _zzq_arg4, _zzq_arg5)    \
-                                                                  \
-  {          unsigned long long int  _zzq_args[7];                \
-    register unsigned long long int  _zzq_result;                 \
-    register unsigned long long int* _zzq_ptr;                    \
-    _zzq_args[0] = (unsigned int long long)(_zzq_request);        \
-    _zzq_args[1] = (unsigned int long long)(_zzq_arg1);           \
-    _zzq_args[2] = (unsigned int long long)(_zzq_arg2);           \
-    _zzq_args[3] = (unsigned int long long)(_zzq_arg3);           \
-    _zzq_args[4] = (unsigned int long long)(_zzq_arg4);           \
-    _zzq_args[5] = (unsigned int long long)(_zzq_arg5);           \
-    _zzq_args[6] = (unsigned int long long)(_zzq_default);        \
-    _zzq_ptr = _zzq_args;                                         \
-    __asm__ volatile("mr 4,%1\n\t"                                \
-                     "ld 3, 48(4)\n\t"                            \
-                     __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = client_request ( %R4 ) */           \
-                     "or 1,1,1\n\t"                               \
-                     "mr %0,3"                                    \
-                     : "=b" (_zzq_result)                         \
-                     : "b" (_zzq_ptr)                             \
-                     : "r3", "r4", "cc", "memory");               \
-    _zzq_rlval = _zzq_result;                                     \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_GET_NR_CONTEXT(_zzq_rlval)                       \
-  { volatile OrigFn* _zzq_orig = &(_zzq_rlval);                   \
-    register unsigned long long int __addr;                       \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = guest_NRADDR */                     \
-                     "or 2,2,2\n\t"                               \
-                     "mr %0,3"                                    \
-                     : "=b" (__addr)                              \
-                     :                                            \
-                     : "r3", "cc", "memory"                       \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_orig->nraddr = __addr;                                   \
-    __asm__ volatile(__SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* %R3 = guest_NRADDR_GPR2 */                \
-                     "or 4,4,4\n\t"                               \
-                     "mr %0,3"                                    \
-                     : "=b" (__addr)                              \
-                     :                                            \
-                     : "r3", "cc", "memory"                       \
-                    );                                            \
-    _zzq_orig->r2 = __addr;                                       \
-  }
-#define VALGRIND_BRANCH_AND_LINK_TO_NOREDIR_R11                   \
-                     __SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION_PREAMBLE               \
-                     /* branch-and-link-to-noredir *%R11 */       \
-                     "or 3,3,3\n\t"
-#endif /* PLAT_ppc64_aix5 */
-/* Insert assembly code for other platforms here... */
-#endif /* NVALGRIND */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* PLATFORM SPECIFICS for FUNCTION WRAPPING.  This is all very        */
-/* ugly.  It's the least-worst tradeoff I can think of.               */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* This section defines magic (a.k.a appalling-hack) macros for doing
-   guaranteed-no-redirection macros, so as to get from function
-   wrappers to the functions they are wrapping.  The whole point is to
-   construct standard call sequences, but to do the call itself with a
-   special no-redirect call pseudo-instruction that the JIT
-   understands and handles specially.  This section is long and
-   repetitious, and I can't see a way to make it shorter.
-   The naming scheme is as follows:
-      CALL_FN_{W,v}_{v,W,WW,WWW,WWWW,5W,6W,7W,etc}
-   'W' stands for "word" and 'v' for "void".  Hence there are
-   different macros for calling arity 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, functions,
-   and for each, the possibility of returning a word-typed result, or
-   no result.
-/* Use these to write the name of your wrapper.  NOTE: duplicates
-   VG_WRAP_FUNCTION_Z{U,Z} in pub_tool_redir.h. */
-#define I_WRAP_SONAME_FNNAME_ZU(soname,fnname)                    \
-   _vgwZU_##soname##_##fnname
-#define I_WRAP_SONAME_FNNAME_ZZ(soname,fnname)                    \
-   _vgwZZ_##soname##_##fnname
-/* Use this macro from within a wrapper function to collect the
-   context (address and possibly other info) of the original function.
-   Once you have that you can then use it in one of the CALL_FN_
-   macros.  The type of the argument _lval is OrigFn. */
-/* Derivatives of the main macros below, for calling functions
-   returning void. */
-#define CALL_FN_v_v(fnptr)                                        \
-   do { volatile unsigned long _junk;                             \
-        CALL_FN_W_v(_junk,fnptr); } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_v_W(fnptr, arg1)                                  \
-   do { volatile unsigned long _junk;                             \
-        CALL_FN_W_W(_junk,fnptr,arg1); } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_v_WW(fnptr, arg1,arg2)                            \
-   do { volatile unsigned long _junk;                             \
-        CALL_FN_W_WW(_junk,fnptr,arg1,arg2); } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_v_WWW(fnptr, arg1,arg2,arg3)                      \
-   do { volatile unsigned long _junk;                             \
-        CALL_FN_W_WWW(_junk,fnptr,arg1,arg2,arg3); } while (0)
-/* ------------------------- x86-linux ------------------------- */
-#if defined(PLAT_x86_linux)
-/* These regs are trashed by the hidden call.  No need to mention eax
-   as gcc can already see that, plus causes gcc to bomb. */
-#define __CALLER_SAVED_REGS /*"eax"*/ "ecx", "edx"
-/* These CALL_FN_ macros assume that on x86-linux, sizeof(unsigned
-   long) == 4. */
-#define CALL_FN_W_v(lval, orig)                                   \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[1];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_W(lval, orig, arg1)                             \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[2];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $4, %%esp\n"                                       \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_WW(lval, orig, arg1,arg2)                       \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[3];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $8, %%esp\n"                                       \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_WWW(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3)                 \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[4];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 12(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $12, %%esp\n"                                      \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_WWWW(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4)           \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[5];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 16(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 12(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $16, %%esp\n"                                      \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_5W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)        \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[6];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 20(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 16(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 12(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $20, %%esp\n"                                      \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_6W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6)   \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[7];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 24(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 20(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 16(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 12(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $24, %%esp\n"                                      \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_7W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,   \
-                                 arg7)                            \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[8];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 28(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 24(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 20(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 16(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 12(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $28, %%esp\n"                                      \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_8W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,   \
-                                 arg7,arg8)                       \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[9];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      _argvec[8] = (unsigned long)(arg8);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 32(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 28(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 24(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 20(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 16(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 12(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $32, %%esp\n"                                      \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_9W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,   \
-                                 arg7,arg8,arg9)                  \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[10];                         \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      _argvec[8] = (unsigned long)(arg8);                         \
-      _argvec[9] = (unsigned long)(arg9);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 36(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 32(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 28(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 24(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 20(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 16(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 12(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $36, %%esp\n"                                      \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_10W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,  \
-                                  arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10)           \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[11];                         \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      _argvec[8] = (unsigned long)(arg8);                         \
-      _argvec[9] = (unsigned long)(arg9);                         \
-      _argvec[10] = (unsigned long)(arg10);                       \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 40(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 36(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 32(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 28(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 24(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 20(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 16(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 12(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $40, %%esp\n"                                      \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_11W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,       \
-                                  arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10,      \
-                                  arg11)                          \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[12];                         \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      _argvec[8] = (unsigned long)(arg8);                         \
-      _argvec[9] = (unsigned long)(arg9);                         \
-      _argvec[10] = (unsigned long)(arg10);                       \
-      _argvec[11] = (unsigned long)(arg11);                       \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 44(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 40(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 36(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 32(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 28(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 24(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 20(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 16(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 12(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $44, %%esp\n"                                      \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_12W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,       \
-                                  arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10,      \
-                                  arg11,arg12)                    \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[13];                         \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      _argvec[8] = (unsigned long)(arg8);                         \
-      _argvec[9] = (unsigned long)(arg9);                         \
-      _argvec[10] = (unsigned long)(arg10);                       \
-      _argvec[11] = (unsigned long)(arg11);                       \
-      _argvec[12] = (unsigned long)(arg12);                       \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "pushl 48(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 44(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 40(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 36(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 32(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 28(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 24(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 20(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 16(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 12(%%eax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushl 8(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "pushl 4(%%eax)\n\t"                                     \
-         "movl (%%eax), %%eax\n\t"  /* target->%eax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_EAX                                \
-         "addl $48, %%esp\n"                                      \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#endif /* PLAT_x86_linux */
-/* ------------------------ amd64-linux ------------------------ */
-#if defined(PLAT_amd64_linux)
-/* ARGREGS: rdi rsi rdx rcx r8 r9 (the rest on stack in R-to-L order) */
-/* These regs are trashed by the hidden call. */
-#define __CALLER_SAVED_REGS /*"rax",*/ "rcx", "rdx", "rsi",       \
-                            "rdi", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11"
-/* These CALL_FN_ macros assume that on amd64-linux, sizeof(unsigned
-   long) == 8. */
-/* NB 9 Sept 07.  There is a nasty kludge here in all these CALL_FN_
-   macros.  In order not to trash the stack redzone, we need to drop
-   %rsp by 128 before the hidden call, and restore afterwards.  The
-   nastyness is that it is only by luck that the stack still appears
-   to be unwindable during the hidden call - since then the behaviour
-   of any routine using this macro does not match what the CFI data
-   says.  Sigh.
-   Why is this important?  Imagine that a wrapper has a stack
-   allocated local, and passes to the hidden call, a pointer to it.
-   Because gcc does not know about the hidden call, it may allocate
-   that local in the redzone.  Unfortunately the hidden call may then
-   trash it before it comes to use it.  So we must step clear of the
-   redzone, for the duration of the hidden call, to make it safe.
-   Probably the same problem afflicts the other redzone-style ABIs too
-   (ppc64-linux, ppc32-aix5, ppc64-aix5); but for those, the stack is
-   self describing (none of this CFI nonsense) so at least messing
-   with the stack pointer doesn't give a danger of non-unwindable
-   stack. */
-#define CALL_FN_W_v(lval, orig)                                   \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[1];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_W(lval, orig, arg1)                             \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[2];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_WW(lval, orig, arg1,arg2)                       \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[3];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_WWW(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3)                 \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[4];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 24(%%rax), %%rdx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_WWWW(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4)           \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[5];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 32(%%rax), %%rcx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 24(%%rax), %%rdx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_5W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)        \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[6];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 40(%%rax), %%r8\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 32(%%rax), %%rcx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 24(%%rax), %%rdx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_6W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6)   \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[7];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 48(%%rax), %%r9\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 40(%%rax), %%r8\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 32(%%rax), %%rcx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 24(%%rax), %%rdx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_7W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,   \
-                                 arg7)                            \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[8];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 56(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 48(%%rax), %%r9\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 40(%%rax), %%r8\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 32(%%rax), %%rcx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 24(%%rax), %%rdx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $8, %%rsp\n"                                       \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_8W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,   \
-                                 arg7,arg8)                       \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[9];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      _argvec[8] = (unsigned long)(arg8);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 64(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 56(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 48(%%rax), %%r9\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 40(%%rax), %%r8\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 32(%%rax), %%rcx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 24(%%rax), %%rdx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $16, %%rsp\n"                                      \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_9W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,   \
-                                 arg7,arg8,arg9)                  \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[10];                         \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      _argvec[8] = (unsigned long)(arg8);                         \
-      _argvec[9] = (unsigned long)(arg9);                         \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 72(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 64(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 56(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 48(%%rax), %%r9\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 40(%%rax), %%r8\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 32(%%rax), %%rcx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 24(%%rax), %%rdx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $24, %%rsp\n"                                      \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_10W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,  \
-                                  arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10)           \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[11];                         \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      _argvec[8] = (unsigned long)(arg8);                         \
-      _argvec[9] = (unsigned long)(arg9);                         \
-      _argvec[10] = (unsigned long)(arg10);                       \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 80(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 72(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 64(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 56(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 48(%%rax), %%r9\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 40(%%rax), %%r8\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 32(%%rax), %%rcx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 24(%%rax), %%rdx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $32, %%rsp\n"                                      \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_11W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,  \
-                                  arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10,arg11)     \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[12];                         \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      _argvec[8] = (unsigned long)(arg8);                         \
-      _argvec[9] = (unsigned long)(arg9);                         \
-      _argvec[10] = (unsigned long)(arg10);                       \
-      _argvec[11] = (unsigned long)(arg11);                       \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 88(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 80(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 72(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 64(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 56(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 48(%%rax), %%r9\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 40(%%rax), %%r8\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 32(%%rax), %%rcx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 24(%%rax), %%rdx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $40, %%rsp\n"                                      \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_12W(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,  \
-                                arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10,arg11,arg12) \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[13];                         \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)(arg1);                         \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)(arg2);                         \
-      _argvec[3] = (unsigned long)(arg3);                         \
-      _argvec[4] = (unsigned long)(arg4);                         \
-      _argvec[5] = (unsigned long)(arg5);                         \
-      _argvec[6] = (unsigned long)(arg6);                         \
-      _argvec[7] = (unsigned long)(arg7);                         \
-      _argvec[8] = (unsigned long)(arg8);                         \
-      _argvec[9] = (unsigned long)(arg9);                         \
-      _argvec[10] = (unsigned long)(arg10);                       \
-      _argvec[11] = (unsigned long)(arg11);                       \
-      _argvec[12] = (unsigned long)(arg12);                       \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "subq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 96(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 88(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 80(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 72(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 64(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "pushq 56(%%rax)\n\t"                                    \
-         "movq 48(%%rax), %%r9\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 40(%%rax), %%r8\n\t"                               \
-         "movq 32(%%rax), %%rcx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 24(%%rax), %%rdx\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 16(%%rax), %%rsi\n\t"                              \
-         "movq 8(%%rax), %%rdi\n\t"                               \
-         "movq (%%rax), %%rax\n\t"  /* target->%rax */            \
-         VALGRIND_CALL_NOREDIR_RAX                                \
-         "addq $48, %%rsp\n"                                      \
-         "addq $128,%%rsp\n\t"                                    \
-         : /*out*/   "=a" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "a" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#endif /* PLAT_amd64_linux */
-/* ------------------------ ppc32-linux ------------------------ */
-#if defined(PLAT_ppc32_linux)
-/* This is useful for finding out about the on-stack stuff:
-   extern int f9  ( int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int );
-   extern int f10 ( int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int );
-   extern int f11 ( int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int );
-   extern int f12 ( int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int );
-   int g9 ( void ) {
-      return f9(11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99);
-   }
-   int g10 ( void ) {
-      return f10(11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,110);
-   }
-   int g11 ( void ) {
-      return f11(11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,110,121);
-   }
-   int g12 ( void ) {
-      return f12(11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,110,121,132);
-   }
-/* ARGREGS: r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 (the rest on stack somewhere) */
-/* These regs are trashed by the hidden call. */
-#define __CALLER_SAVED_REGS                                       \
-   "lr", "ctr", "xer",                                            \
-   "cr0", "cr1", "cr2", "cr3", "cr4", "cr5", "cr6", "cr7",        \
-   "r0", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10",   \
-   "r11", "r12", "r13"
-/* These CALL_FN_ macros assume that on ppc32-linux, 
-   sizeof(unsigned long) == 4. */
-#define CALL_FN_W_v(lval, orig)                                   \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[1];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "mr 11,%1\n\t"                                           \
-         "lwz 11,0(11)\n\t"  /* target->r11 */                    \
-         VALGRIND_BRANCH_AND_LINK_TO_NOREDIR_R11                  \
-         "mr %0,3"                                                \
-         : /*out*/   "=r" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "r" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_W(lval, orig, arg1)                             \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[2];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)arg1;                           \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "mr 11,%1\n\t"                                           \
-         "lwz 3,4(11)\n\t"   /* arg1->r3 */                       \
-         "lwz 11,0(11)\n\t"  /* target->r11 */                    \
-         VALGRIND_BRANCH_AND_LINK_TO_NOREDIR_R11                  \
-         "mr %0,3"                                                \
-         : /*out*/   "=r" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "r" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_WW(lval, orig, arg1,arg2)                       \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[3];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)arg1;                           \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsigned long)arg2;                           \
-      __asm__ volatile(                                           \
-         "mr 11,%1\n\t"                                           \
-         "lwz 3,4(11)\n\t"   /* arg1->r3 */                       \
-         "lwz 4,8(11)\n\t"                                        \
-         "lwz 11,0(11)\n\t"  /* target->r11 */                    \
-         VALGRIND_BRANCH_AND_LINK_TO_NOREDIR_R11                  \
-         "mr %0,3"                                                \
-         : /*out*/   "=r" (_res)                                  \
-         : /*in*/    "r" (&_argvec[0])                            \
-         : /*trash*/ "cc", "memory", __CALLER_SAVED_REGS          \
-      );                                                          \
-      lval = (__typeof__(lval)) _res;                             \
-   } while (0)
-#define CALL_FN_W_WWW(lval, orig, arg1,arg2,arg3)                 \
-   do {                                                           \
-      volatile OrigFn        _orig = (orig);                      \
-      volatile unsigned long _argvec[4];                          \
-      volatile unsigned long _res;                                \
-      _argvec[0] = (unsigned long)_orig.nraddr;                   \
-      _argvec[1] = (unsigned long)arg1;                           \
-      _argvec[2] = (unsi