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Posted to by on 2002/10/24 14:37:40 UTC

cvs commit: jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/resin20 resin.conf

jruaux      2002/10/24 05:37:39

  Added:       Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build build-tests-orion-16.xml
                        build-share.xml build-tests-weblogic-61.xml
                        build.xml build-tests-orion-15.xml
                        build-tests-resin-13.xml build-tests-orion-14.xml
                        build-tests-resin-20.xml build-tests-tomcat-40.xml
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion15 application.xml
                        principals.xml global-web-application.xml
                        server.xml default-web-site.xml mime.types rmi.xml
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion14 mime.types
                        principals.xml application.xml default-web-site.xml
                        rmi.xml server.xml global-web-application.xml
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion16 mime.types rmi.xml
                        default-web-site.xml global-web-application.xml
                        server.xml application.xml principals.xml
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70 weblogic.xml
                        config.xml DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic61 weblogic.xml
                        config.xml SerializedSystemIni.dat
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/web jspRedirector.jsp
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/tomcat40 tomcat-users.xml
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf web.xml manifest
                        EmbeddedLDAP.index EmbeddedLDAP.trpos
                        EmbeddedLDAP.tran EmbeddedLDAP.twpos
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/resin13 resin.conf
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/web/test test.jsp
               Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/resin20 resin.conf
  Resources for Ant integration
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build/build-tests-orion-16.xml
  Index: build-tests-orion-16.xml
           Run Orion 1.6 tests
      <target name="test.orion.16" depends="prepare.test.orion.16"
          if="orion.home.16" description="Run tests on Orion 1.6">
          <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
               unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
               The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
           Start Orion 1.6
      <target name="start.orion.16">
          <java classname="com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer" fork="yes">
              <arg value="-config"/>
              <arg value="${target.orion16.dir}/conf/server.xml"/>
                <fileset dir="${orion.home.16}">
                    <include name="*.jar"/>
           Stop Orion 1.6
      <target name="stop.orion.16">
          <java classname="com.evermind.client.orion.OrionConsoleAdmin"
              <arg value="ormi://localhost:23791/"/>
              <arg value="admin"/>
              <arg value="password"/>
              <arg value="-shutdown"/>
                <fileset dir="${orion.home.16}">
                    <include name="*.jar"/>
           Display a warning message if the needed servlet engine home property
           is not set
      <target name="check.test.orion.16" unless="orion.home.16">
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message="WARNING : The 'orion.home.16' property has not been"/>
          <echo message="set. No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message=""/>
           Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
      <target name="prepare.test.orion.16"
          depends="check.test.orion.16,testwar" if="orion.home.16">
          <echo message="orion.home.16 = ${orion.home.16}"/>
          <property name="target.orion16.dir" value="${target.test.dir}/orion16"/>
          <property name="conf.orion16.dir" value="${conf.test.dir}/orion16"/>
          <!-- Create work and conf directories and copy configuration files -->
          <mkdir dir="${target.orion16.dir}"/>
          <mkdir dir="${target.orion16.dir}/conf"/>
          <!-- Orion need to have a /persistence directory created, otherwise
               it throws an error -->
          <mkdir dir="${target.orion16.dir}/persistence"/>
          <copy todir="${target.orion16.dir}/conf" filtering="on">
              <fileset dir="${conf.orion16.dir}"/>
          <!-- Copy the war file -->
          <copy file="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build/build-share.xml
  Index: build-share.xml
      <!-- Give user a chance to override without editing this file
           (and without typing -D each time it compiles it) -->
      <property file="build/" />
      <property file="${user.home}/" />
      <!-- Global project properties -->
      <property name="" value="Cactus Servlet Sample"/>
      <property name="" value="sample-servlet"/>
      <property name="project.version" value="1.4b1"/>
      <!-- Prefix to add to all distributable files -->
      <property name="project.prefix" value="jakarta-"/>
      <!-- Generic properties -->
      <property name="year" value="2000-2002"/>
      <property name="debug" value="on"/>
      <property name="optimize" value="off"/>
      <property name="deprecation" value="off"/>
           Base directory for all file related operations
      <property name="base.dir" value="."/>
           Set the properties related to the source tree.
      <property name="src.dir" value="${base.dir}/src"/>
      <property name="build.dir" value="${base.dir}/build"/>
      <property name="conf.dir" value="${base.dir}/conf"/>
      <property name="conf.test.dir" value="${conf.dir}/test"/>
      <property name="web.dir" value="${base.dir}/web"/>
           Set the properties related to the target area
      <!-- Destination locations for the build -->
      <property name="target.dir" value="${base.dir}/target"/>
      <property name="target.classes.dir" value="${target.dir}/classes"/>
      <property name="target.conf.dir" value="${target.dir}/conf"/>
      <property name="target.conf.client.dir" value="${target.conf.dir}/client"/>
      <property name="target.conf.server.dir" value="${target.conf.dir}/server"/>
      <property name="target.doc.dir" value="${target.dir}/doc"/>
      <property name="target.doc.api.dir" value="${target.doc.dir}/api"/>
      <property name="target.test.dir" value="${target.dir}/test"/>
      <property name="target.lib.dir" value="${target.dir}/lib"/>
      <!-- Distribution directory, i.e. where the expanded distibutable files
           are located -->
      <property name="dist.dir" value="${base.dir}/dist"/>
      <property name="dist.bin.dir" value="${dist.dir}/bin"/>
      <property name="dist.doc.dir" value="${dist.dir}/doc"/>
      <property name="dist.doc.api.dir" value="${dist.doc.dir}/api"/>
           Default values that can be overidden
      <!-- The port that will be used to start the servers -->
      <property name="test.port" value="8080"/>
          Names of deliverables
      <!-- The Sample war -->
      <property name="" value="${}"/>
           Useful patterns for targets
      <path id="project.class.path">
          <pathelement location="${cactus.framework.jar}"/>
          <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
          <pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
          <pathelement location="${log4j.jar}"/>
          <pathelement location="${commons.logging.jar}"/>
          <pathelement location="${commons.httpclient.jar}"/>
          <pathelement location="${httpunit.jar}"/>
          <pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
          <pathelement location="${aspectjrt.jar}"/>
          <!-- Includes system classpath for jars that are in ANT_HOME/lib such
               as aspectrt.jar, etc -->
          <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
           Display configurable properties values
      <target name="">
          <echo message="----- ${} ${project.version} -----"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="java.class.path = ${java.class.path}"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="java.home = ${java.home}"/>
          <echo message="user.home = ${user.home}"/>
          <echo message="ant.home = ${ant.home}"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="cactus.framework.jar = ${cactus.framework.jar}"/>
          <echo message="cactus.ant.jar = ${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
          <echo message="servlet.jar = ${servlet.jar}"/>
          <echo message="aspectjrt.jar = ${aspectjrt.jar}"/>
          <echo message="commons.logging.jar = ${commons.logging.jar}"/>
          <echo message="commons.httpclient.jar = ${commons.httpclient.jar}"/>
          <echo message="httpunit.jar = ${httpunit.jar}"/>
          <echo message="junit.jar = ${junit.jar}"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="log4j.jar (optional) = ${log4j.jar}"/>
          <echo message="clover.jar (optional) = ${clover.jar}"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="test.port = ${test.port}"/>
          <echo message=""/>
           Verify that all mandatory properties have been set
      <target name=""
      <target name="">
          <condition property="properties.ok">
                  <available file="${cactus.framework.jar}"/>
                  <available file="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
                  <available file="${servlet.jar}"/>
                  <available file="${aspectjrt.jar}"/>
                  <available file="${commons.logging.jar}"/>
                  <available file="${commons.httpclient.jar}"/>
                  <available file="${httpunit.jar}"/>
                  <available file="${junit.jar}"/>
      <target name="" unless="properties.ok">
          <fail message="Missing property or property pointing to an invalid file (check your file)"/>
           Initialize the build. Must be called by all targets
      <target name="init" depends="">
          <!-- Filters -->
          <filter token="version" value="${project.version}"/>
          <filter token="" value="${}"/>
          <filter token="" value="${}"/>
          <filter token="year" value="${year}"/>
          <filter token="test.port" value="${test.port}"/>
          <!-- Initialize Cactus custom Ant task needed for running the server
               tests -->
          <taskdef name="runservertests"
                  <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
           Compiles the sources
      <!-- Compiles the sample sources -->
      <target name="compile" depends="init">
          <mkdir dir="${target.classes.dir}"/>
          <javac destdir="${target.classes.dir}"
            deprecation="${deprecation}" optimize="${optimize}">
              <src path="${src.dir}"/>
                  <path refid="project.class.path"/>
           Create the runtime war file
      <target name="war" depends="compile" description="Generate the runtime war">
          <mkdir dir="${target.conf.client.dir}"/>
          <!-- Copy the manifest in order to replace the version token filter -->
          <copy todir="${target.conf.client.dir}" filtering="on">
              <fileset dir="${conf.dir}" >
                  <include name="manifest"/>
          <war warfile="${target.dir}/${}.war"
              <classes dir="${target.classes.dir}">
                  <!-- Do not include test files in the runtime war -->
                  <exclude name="**/Test*.*"/>
           Clean generated files (including distributables)
      <target name="clean" depends="init" description="Clean all generated files">
          <delete dir="${target.dir}"/>
      <target name="prepare.test" depends="init">
          <!-- Copy to replace the token filters -->
          <copy todir="${target.conf.client.dir}"
              file="${conf.test.dir}/" filtering="on"/>
          <!-- Copy so that it is in the classpath -->
          <copy tofile="${target.conf.client.dir}/"
           Create a Cactus test war file for the sample application.
      <target name="prepare.testwar.log4j" if="log4j.jar">
          <!-- We only copy the Log4j jar if the log4j.jar property has been
               defined. This is because it is optional and not having log4j in
               the classpath will simply mean no log generated but will still
               work fine -->
          <copy tofile="${target.lib.dir}/log4j.jar" file="${log4j.jar}"/>
      <target name="prepare.testwar.clover" if="clover.jar">
          <copy tofile="${target.lib.dir}/clover.jar" file="${clover.jar}"/>
      <target name="testwar"
          <!-- Gather libraries in a place where they can be copied in the
               war. Note: We don't copy the version information in the jar as
               it has some "." in the name (ex: clover-0.6b.jar) and WebLogic
               7.0 has a bug and ignore jars with dots in the name! Will be fixed
               in a upcoming patch as it has been fixed in WL 6.1 SP3 -->
          <copy tofile="${target.lib.dir}/junit.jar" file="${junit.jar}"/>
          <copy tofile="${target.lib.dir}/cactus.jar" file="${cactus.framework.jar}"/>
          <copy tofile="${target.lib.dir}/aspectjrt.jar" file="${aspectjrt.jar}"/>
          <copy tofile="${target.lib.dir}/commons-logging.jar" file="${commons.logging.jar}"/>
          <!-- Copy the log4j server configuration file in order to change its
               name to (the default name for Log4j) -->
          <copy tofile="${target.conf.server.dir}/"
          <!-- Make sure the directory for the war exist -->
          <mkdir dir="${target.test.dir}"/>
          <!-- Create the war file -->
          <war warfile="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
              <classes dir="${target.classes.dir}"/>
              <!-- need to be in the server classpath -->
              <classes dir="${target.conf.server.dir}">
                  <include name=""/>
              <!-- We need to copy all dependent jar in the war. This is
                   because if we just put these jars in the global classpath for
                   the Servlet engine, the Cactus jar might not be able to load
                   the test case class as it may be loadable only by the war
                   classloader -->
              <lib dir="${target.lib.dir}"/>
              <fileset dir="${web.dir}"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build/build-tests-weblogic-61.xml
  Index: build-tests-weblogic-61.xml
           Run WebLogic 6.1 tests
      <target name="test.weblogic.61" depends="prepare.test.weblogic.61"
          if="weblogic.home.61" description="Run tests on WebLogic 6.1">
          <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
               unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
               The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
           Start WebLogic 6.1
      <target name="start.weblogic.61">
          <java classname="weblogic.Server" fork="yes"
                  <pathelement location="${weblogic.home.61}/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.sp.jar"/>
                  <pathelement location="${weblogic.home.61}/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
                  <!-- Some hack: I still don't understand why I need these jars
                       to make the cactus clovered jar work. It needs to be
                       removed as we don't want the mention of these jars in the
                       sample script that are packaged in the Cactus
                       distribution ! You can safely remove this if you don't use
                       Clover -->
                  <pathelement location="${clover.jar}"/>
                  <pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
              <jvmarg value="-hotspot"/>
              <jvmarg value="-ms64m"/>
              <jvmarg value="-mx64m"/>
              <jvmarg value="-Djava.library.path=${java.library.path};${weblogic.home.61}/wlserver6.1/bin"/>
              <jvmarg value="-Dweblogic.RootDirectory=."/>
              <jvmarg value="-Dweblogic.Domain=testdomain"/>
              <jvmarg value="-Dweblogic.Name=testserver"/>
              <jvmarg value="-Dbea.home=${weblogic.home.61}"/>
              <jvmarg value=""/>
              <jvmarg value=""/>
           Stop WebLogic 6.1
      <target name="stop.weblogic.61">
          <java classname="weblogic.Admin" fork="yes">
                  <pathelement location="${weblogic.home.61}/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.sp.jar"/>
                  <pathelement location="${weblogic.home.61}/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
              <arg line="-url t3://localhost:${test.port}"/>
              <arg line="-username system"/>
              <arg line="-password password"/>
              <arg value="SHUTDOWN"/>
           Display a warning message if the needed servlet engine home property
           is not set
      <target name="check.test.weblogic.61" unless="weblogic.home.61">
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message="WARNING : The 'weblogic.home.61' property has not been"/>
          <echo message="set. No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message=""/>
           Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
      <target name="prepare.test.weblogic.61"
          depends="check.test.weblogic.61,testwar" if="weblogic.home.61">
          <echo message="weblogic.home.61 = ${weblogic.home.61}"/>
          <property name="target.weblogic61.dir"
          <property name="conf.weblogic61.dir"
          <mkdir dir="${target.weblogic61.dir}/config/testdomain/applications"/>
          <!-- Copy WL 6.1 configuration files -->
          <copy file="${conf.weblogic61.dir}/config.xml"
              todir="${target.weblogic61.dir}/config/testdomain" filtering="on"/>
          <copy file="${conf.weblogic61.dir}/"
          <copy file="${conf.weblogic61.dir}/SerializedSystemIni.dat"
          <!-- Copy the war file -->
          <copy file="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
          <!-- Update the war to include the proprietary weblogic.xml config
               file. -->
          <!-- Hack: Make sure weblogic.xml is always newer than the war so that
               the later is always updated. Waiting for an Ant bug fix -->
          <touch file="${target.weblogic61.dir}/config/testdomain/applications/test.war"
              datetime="06/28/2000 2:02 pm"/>
          <war update="true"
              <webinf dir="${conf.weblogic61.dir}">
                  <include name="weblogic.xml"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE project [
      <!ENTITY build-share SYSTEM "file:./build-share.xml">
      <!ENTITY build-tests-resin-20 SYSTEM "file:./build-tests-resin-20.xml">
      <!ENTITY build-tests-resin-13 SYSTEM "file:./build-tests-resin-13.xml">
      <!ENTITY build-tests-orion-14 SYSTEM "file:./build-tests-orion-14.xml">
      <!ENTITY build-tests-orion-15 SYSTEM "file:./build-tests-orion-15.xml">
      <!ENTITY build-tests-orion-16 SYSTEM "file:./build-tests-orion-16.xml">
      <!ENTITY build-tests-tomcat-40 SYSTEM "file:./build-tests-tomcat-40.xml">
      <!ENTITY build-tests-weblogic-61 SYSTEM "file:./build-tests-weblogic-61.xml">
      <!ENTITY build-tests-weblogic-70 SYSTEM "file:./build-tests-weblogic-70.xml">
      Build file for the Cactus Servlet Sample subproject (it shows how to use
      Cactus for unit testing the Servlet API : Servlets, Fitlers, Taglibs).
      The following Ant tasks need to be available in your ant installation (i.e.
      the Ant task themselves and their dependent jars need to be put in
      ANT_HOME/lib) :
          junit                  [REQUIRED] JUnit Ant task
      The following properties need to be set in either a ./ or
      a ${user.home}/ one or in a calling Ant script :
          cactus.framework.jar   [REQUIRED] Cactus framework jar
          cactus.ant.jar         [REQUIRED] Cactus custom Ant tasks jar
          cactus.framework.web   [REQUIRED] Cactus framework web files location
                                 (JSP Redirector)
          servlet.jar            [REQUIRED] The location of the Servlet API 2.3
          aspectjrt.jar          [REQUIRED] The location of the AspectJ runtime
          junit.jar              [REQUIRED] The location of the JUnit jar
          commons.httpclient.jar [REQUIRED] The location of the Commons
                                 Httpclient jar.
          httpunit.jar           [REQUIRED] The location of the HttpUnit jar.
          log4j.jar              [OPTIONAL] The location of the Log4j jar.
          test.port              [OPTIONAL] The port that should be used for
                                 starting the servers during unit testing. This
                                 should be used not to interfere with other
                                 running servers. The default is 8080. This
                                 property is used when running the test target
      Additionally and depending on the servlet engines whith which you wish to
      run your tests, you'll need to set the following kind of properties
      (see :
          <server name>.home.<version>
      Example: For Resin 2.0, you'll need to have a "resin.home.20" property
      defined and pointing to the location where Resin 2.0 is installed.
      This script should be started with the following command line :
          ant <target>
      Run "ant -projecthelp" to get a list of available targets. The default
      target is "dist"
  <project name="Cactus Servlet Sample for Servlet API 2.3" default="dist"
           Run all Cactus tests for Servlet API 2.3
      <target name="test.all"
          description="Run tests on all defined containers">
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build/build-tests-orion-15.xml
  Index: build-tests-orion-15.xml
           Run Orion 1.5 tests
      <target name="test.orion.15" depends="prepare.test.orion.15"
          if="orion.home.15" description="Run tests on Orion 1.5">
          <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
               unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
               The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
           Start Orion 1.5
      <target name="start.orion.15">
          <java classname="com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer" fork="yes">
              <arg value="-config"/>
              <arg value="${target.orion15.dir}/conf/server.xml"/>
                <fileset dir="${orion.home.15}">
                    <include name="*.jar"/>
           Stop Orion 1.5
      <target name="stop.orion.15">
          <java classname="com.evermind.client.orion.OrionConsoleAdmin"
              <arg value="ormi://localhost:23791/"/>
              <arg value="admin"/>
              <arg value="password"/>
              <arg value="-shutdown"/>
                <fileset dir="${orion.home.15}">
                    <include name="*.jar"/>
           Display a warning message if the needed servlet engine home property
           is not set
      <target name="check.test.orion.15" unless="orion.home.15">
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message="WARNING : The 'orion.home.15' property has not been"/>
          <echo message="set. No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message=""/>
           Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
      <target name="prepare.test.orion.15"
          depends="check.test.orion.15,testwar" if="orion.home.15">
          <echo message="orion.home.15 = ${orion.home.15}"/>
          <property name="target.orion15.dir" value="${target.test.dir}/orion15"/>
          <property name="conf.orion15.dir" value="${conf.test.dir}/orion15"/>
          <!-- Create work and conf directories and copy configuration files -->
          <mkdir dir="${target.orion15.dir}"/>
          <mkdir dir="${target.orion15.dir}/conf"/>
          <!-- Orion need to have a /persistence directory created, otherwise
               it throws an error -->
          <mkdir dir="${target.orion15.dir}/persistence"/>
          <copy todir="${target.orion15.dir}/conf" filtering="on">
              <fileset dir="${conf.orion15.dir}"/>
          <!-- Copy the war file -->
          <copy file="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build/build-tests-resin-13.xml
  Index: build-tests-resin-13.xml
           Run Resin 1.3 tests
      <target name="test.resin.13" depends="prepare.test.resin.13"
          if="resin.home.13" description="Run tests on Resin 1.3">
          <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
               unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
               The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
           Start Resin 1.3
      <target name="start.resin.13">
          <java classname="org.apache.cactus.ant.ResinRun" fork="yes">
              <arg value="-start"/>
              <arg value="-conf"/>
              <arg value="resin.conf"/>
              <!-- Needed so that Resin use the resin.home.13 variable as it's
                   root directory for resolving file paths -->
              <jvmarg value="-Dresin.home=${target.resin13.dir}"/>
                  <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
                  <fileset dir="${resin.home.13}/lib">
                      <include name="*.jar"/>
           Stop Resin 1.3
      <target name="stop.resin.13">
          <java classname="org.apache.cactus.ant.ResinRun" fork="yes">
              <arg value="-stop"/>
                  <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
                  <fileset dir="${resin.home.13}/lib">
                      <include name="*.jar"/>
           Display a warning message if the needed servlet engine home property
           is not set
      <target name="check.test.resin.13" unless="resin.home.13">
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message="WARNING : The 'resin.home.13' property has not been "/>
          <echo message="set. No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message=""/>
           Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
      <target name="prepare.test.resin.13"
          depends="check.test.resin.13,testwar" if="resin.home.13">
          <echo message="resin.home.13 = ${resin.home.13}"/>
          <property name="target.resin13.dir" value="${target.test.dir}/resin13"/>
          <property name="conf.resin13.dir" value="${conf.test.dir}/resin13"/>
          <mkdir dir="${target.resin13.dir}"/>
          <!-- Copy resin configuration files -->
          <copy file="${conf.resin13.dir}/resin.conf"
              tofile="${target.resin13.dir}/resin.conf" filtering="on"/>
          <!-- Create the war file -->
          <copy file="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build/build-tests-orion-14.xml
  Index: build-tests-orion-14.xml
           Run Orion 1.4 tests
      <target name="test.orion.14" depends="prepare.test.orion.14"
          if="orion.home.14" description="Run tests on Orion 1.4">
          <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
               unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
               The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
           Start Orion 1.4
      <target name="start.orion.14">
          <java classname="com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer" fork="yes">
              <arg value="-config"/>
              <arg value="${target.orion14.dir}/conf/server.xml"/>
                <fileset dir="${orion.home.14}">
                    <include name="*.jar"/>
           Stop Orion 1.4
      <target name="stop.orion.14">
          <java classname="com.evermind.client.orion.OrionConsoleAdmin" fork="yes">
              <arg value="ormi://localhost:23791/"/>
              <arg value="admin"/>
              <arg value="password"/>
              <arg value="-shutdown"/>
                <fileset dir="${orion.home.14}">
                    <include name="*.jar"/>
           Display a warning message if the needed servlet engine home property
           is not set
      <target name="check.test.orion.14" unless="orion.home.14">
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message="WARNING : The 'orion.home.14' property has not been"/>
          <echo message="set. No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message=""/>
           Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
      <target name="prepare.test.orion.14"
          depends="check.test.orion.14,testwar" if="orion.home.14">
          <echo message="orion.home.14 = ${orion.home.14}"/>
          <property name="target.orion14.dir" value="${target.test.dir}/orion14"/>
          <property name="conf.orion14.dir" value="${conf.test.dir}/orion14"/>
          <!-- Create work and conf directories and copy configuration files -->
          <mkdir dir="${target.orion14.dir}"/>
          <mkdir dir="${target.orion14.dir}/conf"/>
          <!-- Orion need to have a /persistence directory created, otherwise
               it throws an error -->
          <mkdir dir="${target.orion14.dir}/persistence"/>
          <copy todir="${target.orion14.dir}/conf" filtering="on">
              <fileset dir="${conf.orion14.dir}"/>
          <!-- Copy the war file -->
          <copy file="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build/build-tests-resin-20.xml
  Index: build-tests-resin-20.xml
           Run Resin 2.0 tests
      <target name="test.resin.20" depends="prepare.test.resin.20"
          if="resin.home.20" description="Run tests on Resin 2.0">
          <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
               unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
               The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
           Start Resin 2.0
      <target name="start.resin.20">
          <java classname="org.apache.cactus.ant.ResinRun" fork="yes">
              <arg value="-start"/>
              <arg value="-conf"/>
              <arg value="resin.conf"/>
              <!-- Needed so that Resin use the resin.home.20 variable as it's
                   root directory for resolving file paths -->
              <jvmarg value="-Dresin.home=${target.resin20.dir}"/>
                  <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
                  <fileset dir="${resin.home.20}/lib">
                      <include name="*.jar"/>
           Stop Resin 2.0
      <target name="stop.resin.20">
          <java classname="org.apache.cactus.ant.ResinRun" fork="yes">
              <arg value="-stop"/>
                  <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
                  <fileset dir="${resin.home.20}/lib">
                      <include name="*.jar"/>
           Display a warning message if the needed servlet engine home property
           is not set
      <target name="check.test.resin.20" unless="resin.home.20">
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message="WARNING : The 'resin.home.20' property has not been"/>
          <echo message="set. No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message=""/>
           Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
      <target name="prepare.test.resin.20"
          depends="check.test.resin.20,testwar" if="resin.home.20">
          <echo message="resin.home.20 = ${resin.home.20}"/>
          <property name="target.resin20.dir" value="${target.test.dir}/resin20"/>
          <property name="conf.resin20.dir" value="${conf.test.dir}/resin20"/>
          <mkdir dir="${target.resin20.dir}"/>
          <!-- Copy resin configuration files -->
          <copy file="${conf.resin20.dir}/resin.conf" 
              tofile="${target.resin20.dir}/resin.conf" filtering="on"/>
          <!-- Create the war file -->
          <copy file="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build/build-tests-tomcat-40.xml
  Index: build-tests-tomcat-40.xml
           Run Tomcat 4.0 tests
      <target name="test.tomcat.40" depends="prepare.test.tomcat.40"
          if="tomcat.home.40" description="Run tests on Tomcat 4.0">
          <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
               unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
               The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
           Start Tomcat 4.0
      <target name="start.tomcat.40">
          <property name="target.tomcat40.dir"
          <java classname="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap" fork="yes">
              <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.home=${tomcat.home.40}"/>
              <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.base=${target.tomcat40.dir}"/>
              <arg value="start"/>
                <!-- These are ignored if -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only is used -->
                <pathelement path="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
                <fileset dir="${tomcat.home.40}">
                    <include name="bin/bootstrap.jar"/>
                <!-- This is to allow the use of -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only when
                     starting Ant - Meaning that all jars need to be on the
                     initial classpath. -->
                <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
           Stop Tomcat 4.0
      <target name="stop.tomcat.40">
          <property name="target.tomcat40.dir"
          <java classname="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap" fork="yes">
              <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.home=${tomcat.home.40}"/>
              <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.base=${target.tomcat40.dir}"/>
              <arg value="stop"/>
                <!-- This is to allow the use of -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only when
                     starting Ant - Meaning that all jars need to be on the
                     initial classpath -->
                <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
                <!-- These are ignored if -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only is used -->
                <fileset dir="${tomcat.home.40}">
                    <include name="bin/bootstrap.jar"/>
           Display a warning message if the needed servlet engine home property
           is not set
      <target name="check.test.tomcat.40" unless="tomcat.home.40">
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message="WARNING : The 'tomcat.home.40' property has not been"/>
          <echo message="set. No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message=""/>
           Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
      <target name="prepare.test.tomcat.40"
          depends="check.test.tomcat.40,testwar" if="tomcat.home.40">
          <echo message="tomcat.home.40 = ${tomcat.home.40}"/>
          <property name="target.tomcat40.dir"
          <property name="conf.tomcat40.dir" value="${conf.test.dir}/tomcat40"/>
          <!-- Create work and conf directories and copy configuration files -->
          <mkdir dir="${target.tomcat40.dir}/conf"/>
          <mkdir dir="${target.tomcat40.dir}/work"/>
          <mkdir dir="${target.tomcat40.dir}/webapps"/>
          <!-- Delete some config file so that they will be copied every time -->
          <delete file="${target.tomcat40.dir}/conf/server.xml"/>
          <!-- Remove the auto deployed webapp so that it is redeployed every
               time -->
          <delete dir="${target.tomcat40.dir}/webapps/test"/>
          <copy todir="${target.tomcat40.dir}/conf" filtering="on">
              <fileset dir="${conf.tomcat40.dir}"/>
          <!-- Copy the Tomcat web.xml - We need to copy this file as it has
               changed between Tomcat 4.x versions and one version of it doesn't
               work with another version of Tomcat 4 -->
          <copy file="${tomcat.home.40}/conf/web.xml"
          <!-- Copy the war file -->
          <copy file="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/build/build-tests-weblogic-70.xml
  Index: build-tests-weblogic-70.xml
           Run WebLogic 7.0 tests
      <target name="test.weblogic.70" depends="prepare.test.weblogic.70"
          if="weblogic.home.70" description="Run tests on WebLogic 7.0">
          <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
               unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
               The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
           Start WebLogic 7.0
      <target name="start.weblogic.70">
          <java classname="weblogic.Server" fork="yes"
                  <pathelement location="${weblogic.home.70}/weblogic700/server/lib/weblogic.sp.jar"/>
                  <pathelement location="${weblogic.home.70}/weblogic700/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
                  <!-- Some hack: I still don't understand why I need these jars
                       to make the cactus clovered jar work. It needs to be
                       removed as we don't want the mention of these jars in the
                       sample script that are packaged in the Cactus
                       distribution ! You can safely remove this if you don't use
                       Clover -->
                  <pathelement location="${clover.jar}"/>
                  <pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
              <jvmarg value="-hotspot"/>
              <jvmarg value="-ms64m"/>
              <jvmarg value="-mx64m"/>
              <jvmarg value="-Djava.library.path=${java.library.path};${weblogic.home.70}/weblogic700/server/bin"/>
              <jvmarg value="-Dweblogic.Name=testserver"/>
              <jvmarg value="-Dbea.home=${weblogic.home.70}"/>
              <jvmarg value=""/>
              <jvmarg value=""/>
              <jvmarg value=""/>
           Stop WebLogic 7.0
      <target name="stop.weblogic.70">
          <java classname="weblogic.Admin" fork="yes">
                  <pathelement location="${weblogic.home.70}/weblogic700/server/lib/weblogic.sp.jar"/>
                  <pathelement location="${weblogic.home.70}/weblogic700/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
              <arg line="-url t3://localhost:${test.port}"/>
              <arg line="-username system"/>
              <arg line="-password password"/>
              <arg value="SHUTDOWN"/>
           Display a warning message if the needed servlet engine home property
           is not set
      <target name="check.test.weblogic.70" unless="weblogic.home.70">
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message="WARNING : The 'weblogic.home.70' property has not been"/>
          <echo message="set. No test will be run on that servlet engine."/>
          <echo message="******************************************************"/>
          <echo message=""/>
           Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
      <target name="prepare.test.weblogic.70"
          depends="check.test.weblogic.70,testwar" if="weblogic.home.70">
          <echo message="weblogic.home.70 = ${weblogic.home.70}"/>
          <property name="target.weblogic70.dir"
          <property name="conf.weblogic70.dir"
          <mkdir dir="${target.weblogic70.dir}/testdomain/applications"/>
          <mkdir dir="${target.weblogic70.dir}/testdomain/testserver"/>
          <!-- Copy WL 7.0 configuration files -->
          <copy file="${conf.weblogic70.dir}/config.xml"
              todir="${target.weblogic70.dir}/testdomain" filtering="on"/>
          <copy file="${conf.weblogic70.dir}/"
          <copy file="${conf.weblogic70.dir}/SerializedSystemIni.dat"
          <copy file="${conf.weblogic70.dir}/DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift"
          <!-- Copy security configuration files -->
          <copy todir="${target.weblogic70.dir}/testdomain/testserver">
              <fileset dir="${conf.weblogic70.dir}/testserver"/>
          <!-- Copy the war file -->
          <copy file="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
          <!-- Update the war to include the proprietary weblogic.xml config
               file. -->
          <!-- Hack: Make sure weblogic.xml is always newer than the war so that
               the later is always updated. Waiting for an Ant bug fix -->
          <touch file="${target.weblogic70.dir}/testdomain/applications/test.war"
              datetime="06/28/2000 2:02 pm"/>
          <war update="true"
              <webinf dir="${conf.weblogic70.dir}">
                  <include name="weblogic.xml"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion15/application.xml
  Index: application.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE orion-application PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD J2EE Application runtime 1.2//EN" "">
      <web-module id="test" path="../test.war"/>
      <security-role-mapping name="test">
          <user name="testuser"/>
  			<namespace-resource root="">
  					<group name="administrators" />
  			<namespace-resource root="">
  					<group name="administrators" />
  	<principals path="./principals.xml" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion15/principals.xml
  Index: principals.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE principals PUBLIC "//Evermind - Orion Principals//" "">
  		<group name="administrators">
  			<permission name="administration" />
  			<permission name="com.evermind.server.AdministrationPermission" />
  		<group name="guests">
  		<group name="users">
  			<permission name="rmi:login" />
  			<permission name="com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIPermission" />
  		<user username="admin" password="password" deactivated="false">
  			<description>The default administrator</description>
  			<group-membership group="administrators" />
  			<group-membership group="guests" />
  			<group-membership group="users" />
          <user username="testuser" password="testpassword" deactivated="false">
              <description>Cactus Test User</description>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion15/global-web-application.xml
  Index: global-web-application.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE orion-web-app PUBLIC '//Evermind//Orion web-application' ''>
  <!-- Set development="true" to enabvle development, enable this if you
  want to debug JSP sources etc -->
  	<!-- The mime-mappings for this server -->
  	<mime-mappings path="./mime.types" />
  	<servlet-chaining servlet-name="xsl" mime-type="text/xml" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion15/server.xml
  Index: server.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE application-server PUBLIC "Orion Application Server Config" "">
      <global-application name="default" path="./application.xml" />
  	<global-web-app-config path="./global-web-application.xml" />
      <web-site path="./default-web-site.xml" />
  	<rmi-config path="./rmi.xml" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion15/default-web-site.xml
  Index: default-web-site.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE web-site PUBLIC "Orion Web-site" "">
  <web-site host="[ALL]" port="@test.port@" display-name="Default Orion WebSite">
      <!-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root -->
      <default-web-app application="default" name="test"/>
      <web-app application="default" name="test" root="/test"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion15/mime.types
  Index: mime.types
  # Registered mime-types
  application/mac-binhex40	hqx
  application/mac-compactpro	cpt
  application/msword		doc
  application/octet-stream	bin dms lha lzh exe class
  application/jsp			jsp
  application/oda			oda
  application/pdf			pdf
  application/postscript		ai eps ps
  application/powerpoint		ppt
  application/rtf			rtf
  application/x-bcpio		bcpio
  application/x-cdlink		vcd
  application/x-compress		Z
  application/x-cpio		cpio
  application/x-csh			csh
  application/x-director		dcr dir dxr
  application/x-dvi			dvi
  application/x-gtar		gtar
  application/x-gzip		gz
  application/x-hdf			hdf
  application/x-httpd-cgi		cgi
  application/x-java-jnlp-file	jnlp
  application/x-koan		skp skd skt skm
  application/x-latex		latex
  application/x-mif			mif
  application/x-netcdf		nc cdf
  application/x-sh			sh
  application/x-shar		shar
  application/x-stuffit		sit
  application/x-sv4cpio		sv4cpio
  application/x-sv4crc		sv4crc
  application/x-tar			tar
  application/x-tcl			tcl
  application/x-tex			tex
  application/x-texinfo		texinfo texi
  application/x-troff		t tr roff
  application/x-troff-man		man
  application/x-troff-me		me
  application/x-troff-ms		ms
  application/x-ustar		ustar
  application/x-wais-source	src
  text/xml  		       	xml ent cat sty
  text/dtd				dtd
  text/xsl				xsl
  application/jsp			jsp
  application/zip			zip
  audio/basic				au snd
  audio/mpeg				mpga mp2
  audio/x-aiff			aif aiff aifc
  audio/x-pn-realaudio		ram
  audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin	rpm
  audio/x-realaudio			ra
  audio/x-wav				wav
  chemical/x-pdb			pdb xyz
  image/gif				gif
  image/ief				ief
  image/jpeg				jpeg jpg jpe
  image/png				png
  image/tiff				tiff tif
  image/x-cmu-raster		ras
  image/x-portable-anymap		pnm
  image/x-portable-bitmap		pbm
  image/x-portable-graymap	pgm
  image/x-portable-pixmap		ppm
  image/x-rgb				rgb
  image/x-xbitmap			xbm
  image/x-xpixmap			xpm
  image/x-xwindowdump		xwd
  text/html				html htm
  text/plain				txt
  text/richtext			rtx
  text/tab-separated-values	tsv
  text/x-setext			etx
  text/x-sgml				sgml sgm
  video/mpeg				mpeg mpg mpe
  video/quicktime			qt mov
  video/x-msvideo			avi
  video/x-sgi-movie			movie
  x-conference/x-cooltalk		ice
  x-world/x-vrml			wrl vrml
  text/vnd.wap.wml                wml
  application/vnd.wap.wmlc        wmlc
  text/vnd.wap.wmlscript          wmls
  application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc  wmlsc
  image/vnd.wap.wbmp              wbmp
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion15/rmi.xml
  Index: rmi.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE rmi-server PUBLIC "Orion RMI-server" "">
  <rmi-server port="23791">	
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion14/mime.types
  Index: mime.types
  # Registered mime-types
  application/mac-binhex40	hqx
  application/mac-compactpro	cpt
  application/msword		doc
  application/octet-stream	bin dms lha lzh exe class
  application/jsp			jsp
  application/oda			oda
  application/pdf			pdf
  application/postscript		ai eps ps
  application/powerpoint		ppt
  application/rtf			rtf
  application/x-bcpio		bcpio
  application/x-cdlink		vcd
  application/x-compress		Z
  application/x-cpio		cpio
  application/x-csh			csh
  application/x-director		dcr dir dxr
  application/x-dvi			dvi
  application/x-gtar		gtar
  application/x-gzip		gz
  application/x-hdf			hdf
  application/x-httpd-cgi		cgi
  application/x-java-jnlp-file	jnlp
  application/x-koan		skp skd skt skm
  application/x-latex		latex
  application/x-mif			mif
  application/x-netcdf		nc cdf
  application/x-sh			sh
  application/x-shar		shar
  application/x-stuffit		sit
  application/x-sv4cpio		sv4cpio
  application/x-sv4crc		sv4crc
  application/x-tar			tar
  application/x-tcl			tcl
  application/x-tex			tex
  application/x-texinfo		texinfo texi
  application/x-troff		t tr roff
  application/x-troff-man		man
  application/x-troff-me		me
  application/x-troff-ms		ms
  application/x-ustar		ustar
  application/x-wais-source	src
  text/xml  		       	xml ent cat sty
  text/dtd				dtd
  text/xsl				xsl
  application/jsp			jsp
  application/zip			zip
  audio/basic				au snd
  audio/mpeg				mpga mp2
  audio/x-aiff			aif aiff aifc
  audio/x-pn-realaudio		ram
  audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin	rpm
  audio/x-realaudio			ra
  audio/x-wav				wav
  chemical/x-pdb			pdb xyz
  image/gif				gif
  image/ief				ief
  image/jpeg				jpeg jpg jpe
  image/png				png
  image/tiff				tiff tif
  image/x-cmu-raster		ras
  image/x-portable-anymap		pnm
  image/x-portable-bitmap		pbm
  image/x-portable-graymap	pgm
  image/x-portable-pixmap		ppm
  image/x-rgb				rgb
  image/x-xbitmap			xbm
  image/x-xpixmap			xpm
  image/x-xwindowdump		xwd
  text/html				html htm
  text/plain				txt
  text/richtext			rtx
  text/tab-separated-values	tsv
  text/x-setext			etx
  text/x-sgml				sgml sgm
  video/mpeg				mpeg mpg mpe
  video/quicktime			qt mov
  video/x-msvideo			avi
  video/x-sgi-movie			movie
  x-conference/x-cooltalk		ice
  x-world/x-vrml			wrl vrml
  text/vnd.wap.wml                wml
  application/vnd.wap.wmlc        wmlc
  text/vnd.wap.wmlscript          wmls
  application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc  wmlsc
  image/vnd.wap.wbmp              wbmp
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion14/principals.xml
  Index: principals.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE principals PUBLIC "//Evermind - Orion Principals//" "">
  		<group name="administrators">
  			<permission name="administration" />
  			<permission name="com.evermind.server.AdministrationPermission" />
  		<group name="guests">
  		<group name="users">
  			<permission name="rmi:login" />
  			<permission name="com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIPermission" />
  		<user username="admin" password="password" deactivated="false">
  			<description>The default administrator</description>
  			<group-membership group="administrators" />
  			<group-membership group="guests" />
  			<group-membership group="users" />
          <user username="testuser" password="testpassword" deactivated="false">
              <description>Cactus Test User</description>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion14/application.xml
  Index: application.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE orion-application PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD J2EE Application runtime 1.2//EN" "">
      <web-module id="test" path="../test.war"/>
      <security-role-mapping name="test">
          <user name="testuser"/>
  			<namespace-resource root="">
  					<group name="administrators" />
  			<namespace-resource root="">
  					<group name="administrators" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion14/default-web-site.xml
  Index: default-web-site.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE web-site PUBLIC "Orion Web-site" "">
  <web-site host="[ALL]" port="@test.port@" display-name="Default Orion WebSite">
      <!-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root -->
      <default-web-app application="default" name="test"/>
      <web-app application="default" name="test" root="/test" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion14/rmi.xml
  Index: rmi.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE rmi-server PUBLIC "Orion RMI-server" "">
  <rmi-server port="23791">	
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion14/server.xml
  Index: server.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE application-server PUBLIC "Orion Application Server Config" "">
      <global-application name="default" path="./application.xml" />
  	<global-web-app-config path="./global-web-application.xml" />
      <web-site path="./default-web-site.xml" />
  	<rmi-config path="./rmi.xml" />
  	<principals path="./principals.xml" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion14/global-web-application.xml
  Index: global-web-application.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE orion-web-app PUBLIC '//Evermind//Orion web-application' ''>
  <!-- Set development="true" to enabvle development, enable this if you
  want to debug JSP sources etc -->
  	<!-- The mime-mappings for this server -->
  	<mime-mappings path="./mime.types" />
  	<servlet-chaining servlet-name="xsl" mime-type="text/xml" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion16/mime.types
  Index: mime.types
  # Registered mime-types
  application/mac-binhex40	hqx
  application/mac-compactpro	cpt
  application/msword		doc
  application/octet-stream	bin dms lha lzh exe class
  application/jsp			jsp
  application/oda			oda
  application/pdf			pdf
  application/postscript		ai eps ps
  application/powerpoint		ppt
  application/rtf			rtf
  application/x-bcpio		bcpio
  application/x-cdlink		vcd
  application/x-compress		Z
  application/x-cpio		cpio
  application/x-csh			csh
  application/x-director		dcr dir dxr
  application/x-dvi			dvi
  application/x-gtar		gtar
  application/x-gzip		gz
  application/x-hdf			hdf
  application/x-httpd-cgi		cgi
  application/x-java-jnlp-file	jnlp
  application/x-koan		skp skd skt skm
  application/x-latex		latex
  application/x-mif			mif
  application/x-netcdf		nc cdf
  application/x-sh			sh
  application/x-shar		shar
  application/x-stuffit		sit
  application/x-sv4cpio		sv4cpio
  application/x-sv4crc		sv4crc
  application/x-tar			tar
  application/x-tcl			tcl
  application/x-tex			tex
  application/x-texinfo		texinfo texi
  application/x-troff		t tr roff
  application/x-troff-man		man
  application/x-troff-me		me
  application/x-troff-ms		ms
  application/x-ustar		ustar
  application/x-wais-source	src
  text/xml  		       	xml ent cat sty
  text/dtd				dtd
  text/xsl				xsl
  application/jsp			jsp
  application/zip			zip
  audio/basic				au snd
  audio/mpeg				mpga mp2
  audio/x-aiff			aif aiff aifc
  audio/x-pn-realaudio		ram
  audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin	rpm
  audio/x-realaudio			ra
  audio/x-wav				wav
  chemical/x-pdb			pdb xyz
  image/gif				gif
  image/ief				ief
  image/jpeg				jpeg jpg jpe
  image/png				png
  image/tiff				tiff tif
  image/x-cmu-raster		ras
  image/x-portable-anymap		pnm
  image/x-portable-bitmap		pbm
  image/x-portable-graymap	pgm
  image/x-portable-pixmap		ppm
  image/x-rgb				rgb
  image/x-xbitmap			xbm
  image/x-xpixmap			xpm
  image/x-xwindowdump		xwd
  text/html				html htm
  text/plain				txt
  text/richtext			rtx
  text/tab-separated-values	tsv
  text/x-setext			etx
  text/x-sgml				sgml sgm
  video/mpeg				mpeg mpg mpe
  video/quicktime			qt mov
  video/x-msvideo			avi
  video/x-sgi-movie			movie
  x-conference/x-cooltalk		ice
  x-world/x-vrml			wrl vrml
  text/vnd.wap.wml                wml
  application/vnd.wap.wmlc        wmlc
  text/vnd.wap.wmlscript          wmls
  application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc  wmlsc
  image/vnd.wap.wbmp              wbmp
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion16/rmi.xml
  Index: rmi.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE rmi-server PUBLIC "Orion RMI-server" "">
  <rmi-server port="23791">	
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion16/default-web-site.xml
  Index: default-web-site.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE web-site PUBLIC "Orion Web-site" "">
  <web-site host="[ALL]" port="@test.port@" display-name="Default Orion WebSite">
      <!-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root -->
      <default-web-app application="default" name="test"/>
      <web-app application="default" name="test" root="/test"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion16/global-web-application.xml
  Index: global-web-application.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE orion-web-app PUBLIC '//Evermind//Orion web-application' ''>
  <!-- Set development="true" to enabvle development, enable this if you
  want to debug JSP sources etc -->
  	<!-- The mime-mappings for this server -->
  	<mime-mappings path="./mime.types" />
  	<servlet-chaining servlet-name="xsl" mime-type="text/xml" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion16/server.xml
  Index: server.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE application-server PUBLIC "Orion Application Server Config" "">
      <global-application name="default" path="./application.xml" />
  	<global-web-app-config path="./global-web-application.xml" />
      <web-site path="./default-web-site.xml" />
  	<rmi-config path="./rmi.xml" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion16/application.xml
  Index: application.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE orion-application PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD J2EE Application runtime 1.2//EN" "">
      <web-module id="test" path="../test.war"/>
      <security-role-mapping name="test">
          <user name="testuser"/>
  			<namespace-resource root="">
  					<group name="administrators" />
  			<namespace-resource root="">
  					<group name="administrators" />
  	<principals path="./principals.xml" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/orion16/principals.xml
  Index: principals.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE principals PUBLIC "//Evermind - Orion Principals//" "">
  		<group name="administrators">
  			<permission name="administration" />
  			<permission name="com.evermind.server.AdministrationPermission" />
  		<group name="guests">
  		<group name="users">
  			<permission name="rmi:login" />
  			<permission name="com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIPermission" />
  		<user username="admin" password="password" deactivated="false">
  			<description>The default administrator</description>
  			<group-membership group="administrators" />
  			<group-membership group="guests" />
  			<group-membership group="users" />
          <user username="testuser" password="testpassword" deactivated="false">
              <description>Cactus Test User</description>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/weblogic.xml
  Index: weblogic.xml
  <!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 6.0//EN" " weblogic-web-jar.dtd">
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/config.xml
  Index: config.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Domain Name="testdomain">
          Credential="{3DES}55B/7RZVVwwrYUjjEf9Cdd5f72Gj7pm7apl5R36oQfU=" Name="testdomain"/>
      <FileRealm Name="wl_default_file_realm"/>
      <PasswordPolicy Name="wl_default_password_policy"/>
      <Realm FileRealm="wl_default_file_realm" Name="wl_default_realm"/>
      <Security Name="testdomain"
          Realm="wl_default_realm" RealmSetup="true"/>
          Credential="{3DES}VXIBKpJ4bKQa1IbvnNqcaZa6BPWIg0zhWlcSd2lrfZmn7KZ9gF7QnMZqhjswb/KzSbiBo/cuJGV7qLrkNbpL64iLduDXGin1" Name="testdomain"/>
      <Server Name="testserver" NativeIOEnabled="true" ListenPort="@test.port@"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift
  Index: DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift
  dn: dc=@domain@
  dc: @domain@
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: domain
  dn: ou=@realm@, dc=@domain@
  ou: @realm@
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: organizationalUnit
  dn: ou=groups,ou=@realm@, dc=@domain@
  ou: groups
  objectclass: organizationalUnit
  objectclass: top
  dn: cn=Administrators,ou=groups,ou=@realm@, dc=@domain@
  memberURL: ldap:///ou=groups,ou=@realm@,dc=@domain@??sub?(&(objectclass=person)(wlsMemberOf=cn=Administrators,ou=groups,ou=@realm@,dc=@domain@))
  description: Administrators group
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
  objectclass: groupOfURLs
  cn: Administrators
  dn: cn=Deployers,ou=groups,ou=@realm@, dc=@domain@
  memberURL: ldap:///ou=groups,ou=@realm@,dc=@domain@??sub?(&(objectclass=person)(wlsMemberOf=cn=Deployers,ou=groups,ou=@realm@,dc=@domain@))
  description: Deployers group
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
  objectclass: groupOfURLs
  cn: Deployers
  dn: cn=Operators,ou=groups,ou=@realm@, dc=@domain@
  memberURL: ldap:///ou=groups,ou=@realm@,dc=@domain@??sub?(&(objectclass=person)(wlsMemberOf=cn=Operators,ou=groups,ou=@realm@,dc=@domain@))
  description: Operators group
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
  objectclass: groupOfURLs
  cn: Operators
  dn: cn=Monitors,ou=groups,ou=@realm@, dc=@domain@
  memberURL: ldap:///ou=groups,ou=@realm@,dc=@domain@??sub?(&(objectclass=person)(wlsMemberOf=cn=Monitors,ou=groups,ou=@realm@,dc=@domain@))
  description: Monitors group
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames
  objectclass: groupOfURLs
  cn: Monitors
  dn: ou=people,ou=@realm@, dc=@domain@
  ou: people
  objectclass: organizationalUnit
  objectclass: top
  dn: uid=system,ou=people,ou=@realm@, dc=@domain@
  description: system
  objectclass: inetOrgPerson
  objectclass: organizationalPerson
  objectclass: person
  objectclass: top
  cn: system
  sn: system
  userpassword: {ssha}XYqqB9c/6OXoNVCOil7ZRdbb/GSIXVcE
  uid: system
  objectclass: wlsUser
  wlsMemberOf: cn=Administrators,ou=groups,ou=@realm@,dc=@domain@
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/
  #Wed Jun 19 22:19:44 BST 2002
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/SerializedSystemIni.dat
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/
  # Properties for configuring Log4j
  # This is the configuring for logging on the JUnit side (i.e. the client side)
  log4j.appender.cactus = org.apache.log4j.FileAppender
  log4j.appender.cactus.File = cactus_client.log
  log4j.appender.cactus.Append = false
  log4j.appender.cactus.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
  log4j.appender.cactus.layout.ConversionPattern = %d{ABSOLUTE} [%t] %-5p %-30.30c{2} %x - %m %n
  # Any application log which uses Log4J will be logged to the Cactus log file
  log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, cactus
  # By default we don't log at the DEBUG level for Cactus log, in order not to generate too
  # many logs. However, should a problem arise and logs need to be sent to the Cactus dev team,
  # then we will ask you to change this to DEBUG. = WARN, cactus
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/
  # Properties for configuring Log4j
  # This is the configuring for logging on the server side
  log4j.appender.cactus = org.apache.log4j.FileAppender
  log4j.appender.cactus.File = cactus_server.log
  log4j.appender.cactus.Append = false
  log4j.appender.cactus.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
  log4j.appender.cactus.layout.ConversionPattern = %d{ABSOLUTE} [%t] %-5p %-30.30c{2} %x - %m %n
  # Any application log which uses Log4J will be logged to the Cactus log file
  log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, cactus
  # By default we don't log at the DEBUG level for Cactus log, in order not to generate too
  # many logs. However, should a problem arise and logs need to be sent to the Cactus dev team,
  # then we will ask you to change this to DEBUG. = WARN, cactus
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/web.xml
  Index: web.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE web-app
      PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
          <!-- Some servlet 2.3 containers need to map the filter to a valid
               resource (Orion 1.5.2 for example). Others, like Tomcat,
               are happy with just any mapping.
               For example, the following would work with Tomcat :
               <url-pattern>/FilterRedirector</url-pattern> -->
            <param-value>value1 used for testing</param-value>
            <param-value>value2 used for testing</param-value>
            <param-value>value1 used for testing</param-value>
    	<!-- Authentication -->
           	<description>Protect the Cactus redirector servlet.</description>
           	<description>Authorized Users Group</description>
  		<description>Test role</description>
    	<!-- End Authentication -->
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/
  # Configuration file for Cactus.
  # Each project using Cactus need to have such a file put in the client side
  # CLASSPATH (Meaning the directory containgin this file should be in the client
  # side CLASSPATH, not the file itself of course ... :) )
  # Defines the URLs that will be used by Cactus to call it's redirectors.
  # You need to specify in these URLs the webapp context that you use for your
  # application. In the example below, the context is "test".
  # Web app Context under which our application to test runs
  cactus.contextURL = http://localhost:@test.port@/test
  # Default Servlet Redirector Name. Used by ServletTestCase test cases.
  cactus.servletRedirectorName = ServletRedirector
  # Default JSP Redirector Name. Used by JspTestCase test cases.
  cactus.jspRedirectorName = JspRedirector
  # NOTE: Some servlet 2.3 containers need to map the filter to a valid
  # resource (Orion 1.5.2 for example). Others, like Tomcat, are happy
  # with just any mapping.
  # For example, the following would work with Tomcat (and this is what I would
  # have expected !) :
  # cactus.filterRedirectorName = FilterRedirector
  cactus.filterRedirectorName = test/filterRedirector.jsp
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic61/weblogic.xml
  Index: weblogic.xml
  <!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 6.0//EN" " weblogic-web-jar.dtd">
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic61/config.xml
  Index: config.xml
  <Domain Name="testdomain">
    <Server Name="testserver" NativeIOEnabled="true" ListenPort="@test.port@"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic61/SerializedSystemIni.dat
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic61/
  #Mon Dec 10 17:24:02 GMT 2001
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/web/jspRedirector.jsp
  Index: jspRedirector.jsp
  <%@page import="org.apache.cactus.server.*" session="true" %><%
       * Note:
       * It is very important not to put any character between the end
       * of the page tag and the beginning of the java code expression, otherwise,
       * the generated servlet containss a 'out.println("\r\n");' and this breaks
       * our mechanism !
       * This JSP is used as a proxy to call your server-side unit tests. We use
       * a JSP rather than a servlet because for testing custom JSP tags for
       * example we need access to JSP implicit objects (PageContext and
       * JspWriter).
      JspImplicitObjects objects = new JspImplicitObjects();
      JspTestRedirector redirector = new JspTestRedirector();
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/tomcat40/tomcat-users.xml
  Index: tomcat-users.xml
    <user name="testuser" password="testpassword" roles="test" />
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/tomcat40/server.xml
  Index: server.xml
  <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug="0">
    <Service name="Tomcat-Standalone">
      <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector"
                 port="@test.port@" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
                 acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>
      <Engine name="Standalone" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0">
        <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />
        <Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true">
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/web.xml
  Index: web.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE web-app
      PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/manifest
  Index: manifest
  Manifest-Version: 1.0
  Created-By: Ant
  Name: cactus/sample/servlet
  Specification-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
  Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
  Specification-Version: @version@
  Implementation-Version: @version@
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/testserver/ldap/ldapfiles/EmbeddedLDAP.index
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/testserver/ldap/ldapfiles/EmbeddedLDAP.trpos
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/testserver/ldap/ldapfiles/EmbeddedLDAP.tran
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/testserver/ldap/ldapfiles/EmbeddedLDAP.twpos
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/testserver/ldap/ldapfiles/EmbeddedLDAP.delete
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/weblogic70/testserver/ldap/ldapfiles/
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/resin13/resin.conf
  Index: resin.conf
      <http port='@test.port@'/>
      <host id=''>
        <war-dir id='.'/>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/web/test/test.jsp
  Index: test.jsp
  <%-- Test JSP used by the TestServletTestCase test class to test --%>
  <%-- RequestDispatcher call.                                     --%>
      Hello !
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/Eclipse-Plugin/ant/conf/test/resin20/resin.conf
  Index: resin.conf
      <http port='@test.port@'/>
      <host id=''>
        <authenticator class-name=''>
          <init-param user='testuser:testpassword:test'/>
        <war-dir id='.'/>

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