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Posted to by on 2008/02/04 06:33:26 UTC

svn commit: r618174 [4/5] - in /incubator/composer/trunk: ./ composer-site/ composer-site/src/ composer-site/src/assembly/ composer-site/src/config/ composer-site/src/resources/ composer-site/src/resources/images/ composer-site/src/resources/style/ com...

Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/content/web-frameworks.html
--- incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/content/web-frameworks.html (added)
+++ incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/content/web-frameworks.html Sun Feb  3 22:33:20 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
+<title>Web Frameworks</title></head>
+<p>This page follows on from the <a href="scopes.html">scopes</a> page</p>
+<h2>Web Containers / Web Frameworks</h2>
+<p>There are only about a million Java web-frameworks for Java. There
+more recent and sophisticated ones try to do Dependency Injection for
+'actions' or 'controllers'. </p>
+<p>If you want to use Apache Composer for a web framework, then you're
+likely to end up with three container levels. The root container would
+be common to all and known as the <strong>application scoped</strong> container. Next is a <strong>session-scoped</strong> one, with the app one marked as its parent. Lastly a <strong>request scoped</strong>
+one, with the session one marked as its parent. There are two
+not-so-subtle varations on how they would be used. One, we poineered
+with Apache Composer 1.x in 2003, the other inroduced with Apache Composer
+2.x in 2007.</p>
+<h3>Apache Composer and web frameworks - the old way.</h3>
+<p>You make one instance of the app container. For each new HTTP
+Session you make a new session level container, and put it into the
+session itself - refer HttpSession.setAttribute(key,val). For each
+request, you make a new Request level container and discard it at the
+end of the request. For as long as it lives, the request level
+container's parent would be the session container.</p>
+<p>There are two downsides of this approach. 1) you have to repeatedly
+add components to the session and request containers as they are
+instantiated. 2) the serialization of the session (by Tomcat etc) might
+cause more things to be serialized than you intend - i.e. the session
+container refers to the application container.</p>
+<h3>Apache Composer and web frameworks - the new way.</h3>
+<p>You make one instance of the app, session and request container on
+servlet load. For the Application one, you choose Caching as the
+behavior factory. For the session and request level ones, you choose
+Storing instead. You wrap the Storing behavior factory instances in
+HttpSessionStoring and reprogram each http request like so:</p>
+<div class="source">
+  <pre>public class MyTinyApacheComposerServlet extends HttpServlet {
+    private DefaultApache Composer requestContainer;
+    private HttpSessionStoring sessionStoring;
+    private HttpSessionStoring requestStoring;
+    public void init(ServletConfig cfg) throws ServletException {
+        Apache Composer appContainer = new DefaultApache Composer(new Caching()); // app scoped components are cached for all users/sessions
+        Storing storingBehavior1 = new Storing();
+        Apache Composer sessionContainer = new DefaultApache Composer(storingBehavior1, appContainer);
+        sessionStoringAdapter = new HttpSessionStoringAdapter(storingBehavior1, "sessionStore");
+        Storing storingBehavior2 = new Storing();
+        requestContainer = new DefaultApache Composer(storingBehavior2, sessionContainer);
+        requestStoringAdapter = new HttpSessionStoringAdapter(storingBehavior2, "requestStore");
+        // populate app, session and request scoped containers.
+        appContainer.addComponent(HibernateManager.class, MyHibernateManager.class); // all sessions share one HibernateManager
+        sessionContainer.addComponent(ShoppingCart.class, FifoCart.class); // a new cart per user
+        requestContainer.addComponent("/", AddToCart.class); // key crudely maps to URL
+        requestContainer.addComponent("/", RemoveFromCart.class);
+        // etc
+    }
+    protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
+        throws ServletException, IOException {
+        sessionStoringAdapter.retrieveOrCreateStore(req.getSession()); // associate thread with session, for caching (session scoped components)
+        requestStoringAdapter.resetStore(); // cache components per request (request scoped components)
+        Action action = (Action) requestContainer.getComponent(req.getPathTranslated());
+        try {
+            action.execute(req, resp); // yeah yeah, this is pretty basic
+        } finally {
+            sessionStoringAdapter.invalidateStore();
+            requestStoringAdapter.invalidateStore();
+        }
+        // trying to retrieve components from at session or request scopes from here on will result in an UnsupportedOperationException
+    }
+<p>The HttpSessionStoring class is not in the core jar, its in the
+'gems' one. If you don't want a second jar - copy the class (it's real
+simple) to your web framework's codebase.</p>
+<h2>Real Web Frameworks</h2>
+<p><a href="">Waffle</a> - hopefully the pinnacle of Java action/controller web-frameworks.</p>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/apple-implements-peelable.png
Binary file - no diff available.

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Binary file - no diff available.

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    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

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Binary file - no diff available.

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    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/ioc-timeline.graffle
--- incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/ioc-timeline.graffle (added)
+++ incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/ioc-timeline.graffle Sun Feb  3 22:33:20 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,1794 @@
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+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Original\
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+					<string>NO</string>
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+			<dict>
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+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Bob C Martin\
+DIP article}</string>
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+			<string>NO</string>
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+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
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+			<array>
+				<string>{372.5, 223.227}</string>
+				<string>{372.5, 257.227}</string>
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+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 GoF \
+"Hollywood \
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>50</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{361.124, 328}</string>
+				<string>{361.124, 271}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>Pattern</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{531.455, 156}, {45, 14}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>a</key>
+					<string>0.53</string>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
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+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
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+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>48</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
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+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>47</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.48993289470672607</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
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+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Spring}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>47</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{503.003, 163}</string>
+				<string>{607, 163}</string>
+			</array>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>1</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
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+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>NegativeControls</string>
+					<key>Width</key>
+					<real>3</real>
+				</dict>
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+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{524.868, 176}, {61, 14}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
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+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>46</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>45</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.44597944617271423</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Hivemind}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>45</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{513, 183}</string>
+				<string>{608, 183}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>1</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+					</dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>NegativeControls</string>
+					<key>Width</key>
+					<real>3</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{396, 27.509}, {67, 84}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>44</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Steffano\
+band \
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>43</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{429, 93}</string>
+				<string>{429, 212}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>Pattern</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{417, 309.773}, {59, 70}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>40</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Foote &amp;\
+"Big Ball \
+of Mud"\
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>39</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{446, 334}</string>
+				<string>{446, 271}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>Pattern</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{484.5, 62.0068}, {53, 56}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>35</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>34</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.032467532902956009</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Spring\
+&amp; Pico\
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>34</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{511, 88}</string>
+				<string>{511, 149.809}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>Pattern</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{492.5, 289.136}, {61, 70}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>33</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>31</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.032467532902956009</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Martin \
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>31</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{523, 328}</string>
+				<string>{523, 209}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>Pattern</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{175.683, 111.656}, {135, 28}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>29</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>28</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.23357692360877991</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Smalltalk developers \
+doing constructors right}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>28</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{132, 125.656}</string>
+				<string>{608, 125.656}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>NegativeControls</string>
+					<key>Width</key>
+					<real>3</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{540.503, 195}, {34, 14}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>25</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>24</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.48993289470672607</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Pico}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>24</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{509, 202}</string>
+				<string>{608, 202}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>1</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+					</dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>NegativeControls</string>
+					<key>Width</key>
+					<real>3</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{451.214, 235.5}, {40, 14}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>22</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>21</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.25659963488578796</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 OSGi}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>21</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{424, 242.5}</string>
+				<string>{608, 242.5}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>1</string>
+					</dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>NegativeControls</string>
+					<key>Width</key>
+					<real>3</real>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{449.5, 215.227}, {47, 14}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>FontInfo</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Color</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>w</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>Font</key>
+				<string>Helvetica</string>
+				<key>Size</key>
+				<real>12</real>
+			</dict>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>20</integer>
+			<key>Line</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>19</integer>
+				<key>Position</key>
+				<real>0.32885900139808655</real>
+				<key>RotationType</key>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Avalon}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>19</integer>
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Binary file - no diff available.

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Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/ioc-venn.graffle
--- incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/ioc-venn.graffle (added)
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+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Ignorantly controlling self}</string>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>LineGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>10</integer>
+			<key>Points</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>{443.364, 308}</string>
+				<string>{420, 164}</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>HeadArrow</key>
+					<string>FilledArrow</string>
+					<key>Pattern</key>
+					<integer>1</integer>
+					<key>TailArrow</key>
+					<string>0</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Tail</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ID</key>
+				<integer>9</integer>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{387, 308}, {115, 14}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>FitText</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>Flow</key>
+			<string>Resize</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>9</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Rectangle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Inversion of Control}</string>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Wrap</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>AllowConnections</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{306, 136.616}, {138.393, 152.384}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>8</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Circle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Configuration\
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>AllowConnections</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{410.607, 103.752}, {138.393, 152.384}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>7</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Circle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Lifecycle \
+from outside}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>AllowConnections</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{334.588, 27}, {138.393, 152.384}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>6</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Circle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Dependencies\
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>AllowConnections</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{18, 147.616}, {138.393, 152.384}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>4</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Circle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Getting own \
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>AllowConnections</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{122.607, 114.752}, {138.393, 152.384}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>3</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Circle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Managing own\
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+		<dict>
+			<key>AllowConnections</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+			<key>Bounds</key>
+			<string>{{46.5882, 38}, {138.393, 152.384}}</string>
+			<key>Class</key>
+			<string>ShapedGraphic</string>
+			<key>ID</key>
+			<integer>2</integer>
+			<key>Shape</key>
+			<string>Circle</string>
+			<key>Style</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>fill</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>shadow</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Draws</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
+				</dict>
+				<key>stroke</key>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Color</key>
+					<dict>
+						<key>b</key>
+						<string>0.501961</string>
+						<key>g</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+						<key>r</key>
+						<string>0</string>
+					</dict>
+				</dict>
+			</dict>
+			<key>Text</key>
+			<dict>
+				<key>Text</key>
+				<string>{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf420
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 Getting own deps}</string>
+			</dict>
+		</dict>
+	</array>
+	<key>GridInfo</key>
+	<dict/>
+	<key>GuidesLocked</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
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+	<string>YES</string>
+	<key>HPages</key>
+	<integer>1</integer>
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+	<integer>1</integer>
+	<key>IsPalette</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
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+	<false/>
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+	<array>
+		<dict>
+			<key>Lock</key>
+			<string>NO</string>
+			<key>Name</key>
+			<string>Layer 1</string>
+			<key>Print</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+			<key>View</key>
+			<string>YES</string>
+		</dict>
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+	<key>LayoutInfo</key>
+	<dict/>
+	<key>LinksVisible</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
+	<key>MagnetsVisible</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
+	<key>MasterSheet</key>
+	<string>Master 1</string>
+	<key>MasterSheets</key>
+	<array>
+		<dict>
+			<key>ActiveLayerIndex</key>
+			<integer>0</integer>
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+			<true/>
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+			<dict>
+				<key>w</key>
+				<string>1</string>
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+			<key>CanvasOrigin</key>
+			<string>{0, 0}</string>
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+			<real>1</real>
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+			<integer>1</integer>
+			<key>ColumnSpacing</key>
+			<real>36</real>
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+			<string>1 in = 1 in</string>
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+			<false/>
+			<key>Layers</key>
+			<array>
+				<dict>
+					<key>Lock</key>
+					<string>NO</string>
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+					<string>Layer 1</string>
+					<key>Print</key>
+					<string>YES</string>
+					<key>View</key>
+					<string>YES</string>
+				</dict>
+			</array>
+			<key>LayoutInfo</key>
+			<dict/>
+			<key>Orientation</key>
+			<integer>2</integer>
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+			<string>Basic</string>
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+			<real>36</real>
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+			<integer>1</integer>
+			<key>VPages</key>
+			<integer>1</integer>
+		</dict>
+	</array>
+	<key>ModificationDate</key>
+	<string>2007-08-03 17:48:32 -0700</string>
+	<key>Modifier</key>
+	<string>Paul Hammant</string>
+	<key>NotesVisible</key>
+	<string>NO</string>
+	<key>Orientation</key>
+	<integer>2</integer>
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+	<string>NO</string>
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+			<string>0</string>
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+		<array>
+			<string>float</string>
+			<string>0</string>
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+		<array>
+			<string>size</string>
+			<string>{612, 792}</string>
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+			<string>float</string>
+			<string>0</string>
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+	<string>YES</string>
+	<key>SmartDistanceGuidesActive</key>
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+	<integer>1</integer>
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+		<key>CurrentSheet</key>
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+		<string>Outline</string>
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+		<real>209</real>
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+		<false/>
+		<key>Frame</key>
+		<string>{{444, 4}, {591, 842}}</string>
+		<key>ShowRuler</key>
+		<false/>
+		<key>ShowStatusBar</key>
+		<true/>
+		<key>VisibleRegion</key>
+		<string>{{0, 0}, {576, 728}}</string>
+		<key>Zoom</key>
+		<string>1</string>
+	</dict>

Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/ioc-venn.png
Binary file - no diff available.

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Binary file - no diff available.

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Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/mock-needs-stuff.png
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Binary file - no diff available.

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Binary file - no diff available.

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Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/pico-needs-stuff.png
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Propchange: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/pico-needs-stuff.png
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/smile.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

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Binary file - no diff available.

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Binary file - no diff available.

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Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/stop-container.png
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Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/stop-hierarchy.png
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/thumbs_down.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/thumbs_down.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/warning.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/images/warning.gif
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Added: incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/scripts/pngfix.js
--- incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/scripts/pngfix.js (added)
+++ incubator/composer/trunk/composer-site/src/site/resources/scripts/pngfix.js Sun Feb  3 22:33:20 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, Apache Composer Organization. All rights reserved.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * The software in this package is published under the terms of the BSD
+ * style license a copy of which has been included with this distribution in
+ * the LICENSE.txt file.
+ *
+ */
+Correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 & 6.
+ Updated 18-Jan-2006.
+Use in <HEAD> with DEFER keyword wrapped in conditional comments:
+<!--[if lt IE 7]>
+<script defer type="text/javascript" src="pngfix.js"></script>
+var arVersion = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")
+var version = parseFloat(arVersion[1])
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+         if (img.parentElement.href) imgStyle = "cursor:hand;" + imgStyle
+         var strNewHTML = "<span " + imgID + imgClass + imgTitle
+         + " style=\"" + "width:" + img.width + "px; height:" + img.height + "px;" + imgStyle + ";"
+         + "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader"
+         + "(src=\'" + img.src + "\', sizingMethod='scale');\"></span>" 
+         img.outerHTML = strNewHTML
+         i = i-1
+      }
+   }