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[1/2] ambari git commit: AMBARI-14285. Modify to upload tarballs lib dirs etc. during upgrade (aonishuk)

Repository: ambari
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/branch-2.2 6054d79b9 -> 74ca65a7a
  refs/heads/trunk cfec7af6c -> 9f2a72aef

AMBARI-14285. Modify to upload tarballs lib dirs etc. during upgrade (aonishuk)


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 9f2a72aefb8a33d59c0d0077794df3595427d348
Parents: cfec7af
Author: Andrew Onishuk <>
Authored: Wed Dec 9 11:34:45 2015 +0200
Committer: Andrew Onishuk <>
Committed: Wed Dec 9 11:34:45 2015 +0200

 .../main/resources/scripts/   | 362 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 191 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
index fd72f24..021102e 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ limitations under the License.
 import os
 import sys
+from optparse import OptionParser
 os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + "/var/lib/ambari-agent"
@@ -54,177 +55,196 @@ E.g., 998.
 Please note that "-${build_number}" is optional.
-def getPropertyValueFromConfigXMLFile(xmlfile, name, defaultValue=None):
-  xmldoc = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
-  propNodes = [node.parentNode for node in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("name") if node.childNodes[0].nodeValue == name]
-  if len(propNodes) > 0:
-    for node in propNodes[-1].childNodes:
-      if node.nodeName == "value":
-        if len(node.childNodes) > 0:
-          return node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
-        else:
-          return defaultValue
-  return defaultValue
-def get_fs_root(fsdefaultName=None):
-  fsdefaultName = "fake"
+with Environment() as env:
+  def get_hdp_version():
+    if not options.hdp_version:
+      # Ubuntu returns: "stdin: is not a tty", as subprocess output.
+      tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+      out = None
+      with open(, 'r+') as file:
+        get_hdp_version_cmd = '/usr/bin/hdp-select status %s > %s' % ('hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver',
+        code, stdoutdata =
+        out =
+      pass
+      if code != 0 or out is None:
+        Logger.warning("Could not verify HDP version by calling '%s'. Return Code: %s, Output: %s." %
+                       (get_hdp_version_cmd, str(code), str(out)))
+        return 1
+      matches = re.findall(r"([\d\.]+\-\d+)", out)
+      hdp_version = matches[0] if matches and len(matches) > 0 else None
+      if not hdp_version:
+        Logger.error("Could not parse HDP version from output of hdp-select: %s" % str(out))
+        return 1
+    else:
+      hdp_version = options.hdp_version
+    return hdp_version
+  parser = OptionParser()
+  parser.add_option("-v", "--hdp-version", dest="hdp_version", default="",
+                    help="hdp-version used in path of tarballs")
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  # See if hdfs path prefix is provided on the command line. If yes, use that value, if no
+  # use empty string as default.
+  hdfs_path_prefix = ""
+  if len(args) > 0:
+    hdfs_path_prefix = args[0]
+  hdp_version = get_hdp_version()
+  def getPropertyValueFromConfigXMLFile(xmlfile, name, defaultValue=None):
+    xmldoc = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
+    propNodes = [node.parentNode for node in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("name") if node.childNodes[0].nodeValue == name]
+    if len(propNodes) > 0:
+      for node in propNodes[-1].childNodes:
+        if node.nodeName == "value":
+          if len(node.childNodes) > 0:
+            return node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+          else:
+            return defaultValue
+    return defaultValue
+  def get_fs_root(fsdefaultName=None):
+    fsdefaultName = "fake"
+    while True:
+      fsdefaultName =  getPropertyValueFromConfigXMLFile("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml", "fs.defaultFS")
+      if fsdefaultName and fsdefaultName.startswith("wasb://"):
+        break
+      print "Waiting to read appropriate value of fs.defaultFS from /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml ..."
+      time.sleep(10)
+      pass
+    print "Returning fs.defaultFS -> " + fsdefaultName
+    return fsdefaultName
-  while (not fsdefaultName.startswith("wasb://")):
-    fsdefaultName =  getPropertyValueFromConfigXMLFile("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml", "fs.defaultFS")
-    if fsdefaultName is None:
-      fsdefaultName = "fake"
-    print "Waiting to read appropriate value of fs.defaultFS from /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml ..."
-    time.sleep(10)
-    pass
-  print "Returning fs.defaultFS -> " + fsdefaultName
-  return fsdefaultName
-# These values must be the suffix of the properties in cluster-env.xml
-TAR_SOURCE_SUFFIX = "_tar_source"
-TAR_DESTINATION_FOLDER_SUFFIX = "_tar_destination_folder"
-class params:
-  hdfs_user = "hdfs"
-  mapred_user ="mapred"
-  hadoop_bin_dir="/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin"
-  hadoop_conf_dir = "/etc/hadoop/conf"
-  user_group = "hadoop"
-  security_enabled = False
-  oozie_user = "oozie"
-  execute_path = "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin"
-  ambari_libs_dir = "/var/lib/ambari-agent/lib"
-  hdfs_site = ConfigDictionary({'dfs.webhdfs.enabled':False, 
-  })
-  fs_default = get_fs_root()
-  oozie_env_sh_template = \
-export OOZIE_CONFIG=${OOZIE_CONFIG:-/usr/hdp/current/oozie/conf}
-export OOZIE_DATA=${OOZIE_DATA:-/var/lib/oozie/data}
-export OOZIE_LOG=${OOZIE_LOG:-/var/log/oozie}
-export CATALINA_BASE=${CATALINA_BASE:-/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/oozie-server}
-export CATALINA_TMPDIR=${CATALINA_TMPDIR:-/var/tmp/oozie}
-export CATALINA_PID=${CATALINA_PID:-/var/run/oozie/}
-export OOZIE_CATALINA_HOME=/usr/lib/bigtop-tomcat
+  # These values must be the suffix of the properties in cluster-env.xml
+  TAR_SOURCE_SUFFIX = "_tar_source"
+  TAR_DESTINATION_FOLDER_SUFFIX = "_tar_destination_folder"
-  HdfsResource = functools.partial(
-    HdfsResource,
-    user=hdfs_user,
-    security_enabled = False,
-    keytab = None,
-    kinit_path_local = None,
-    hadoop_bin_dir = hadoop_bin_dir,
-    hadoop_conf_dir = hadoop_conf_dir,
-    principal_name = None,
-    hdfs_site = hdfs_site,
-    default_fs = fs_default
-  )
-def _copy_files(source_and_dest_pairs, file_owner, group_owner, kinit_if_needed):
-  """
-  :param source_and_dest_pairs: List of tuples (x, y), where x is the source file in the local file system,
-  and y is the destination file path in HDFS
-  :param file_owner: Owner to set for the file copied to HDFS (typically hdfs account)
-  :param group_owner: Owning group to set for the file copied to HDFS (typically hadoop group)
-  :param kinit_if_needed: kinit command if it is needed, otherwise an empty string
-  :return: Returns 0 if at least one file was copied and no exceptions occurred, and 1 otherwise.
-  Must kinit before calling this function.
-  """
-  for (source, destination) in source_and_dest_pairs:
-    params.HdfsResource(destination,
-                  action="create_on_execute",
-                  type = 'file',
-                  mode=0444,
-                  owner=file_owner,
-                  group=group_owner,
-                  source=source,
-    )
-def copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(source, dest, hdp_select_component_name, component_user, file_owner, group_owner):
-  """
-  :param tarball_prefix: Prefix of the tarball must be one of tez, hive, mr, pig
-  :param hdp_select_component_name: Component name to get the status to determine the version
-  :param component_user: User that will execute the Hadoop commands
-  :param file_owner: Owner of the files copied to HDFS (typically hdfs account)
-  :param group_owner: Group owner of the files copied to HDFS (typically hadoop group)
-  :return: Returns 0 on success, 1 if no files were copied, and in some cases may raise an exception.
-  In order to call this function, must have all of the following,
-  hdp_stack_version, kinit_path_local, security_enabled, hdfs_user, hdfs_principal_name, hdfs_user_keytab,
-  hadoop_bin_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, and HdfsDirectory as a partial function.
-  """
-  component_tar_source_file, component_tar_destination_folder = source, dest
-  if not os.path.exists(component_tar_source_file):
-    Logger.warning("Could not find file: %s" % str(component_tar_source_file))
-    return 1
-  # Ubuntu returns: "stdin: is not a tty", as subprocess output.
-  tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-  out = None
-  with open(, 'r+') as file:
-    get_hdp_version_cmd = '/usr/bin/hdp-select status %s > %s' % (hdp_select_component_name,
-    code, stdoutdata =
-    out =
-  pass
-  if code != 0 or out is None:
-    Logger.warning("Could not verify HDP version by calling '%s'. Return Code: %s, Output: %s." %
-                   (get_hdp_version_cmd, str(code), str(out)))
-    return 1
-  matches = re.findall(r"([\d\.]+\-\d+)", out)
-  hdp_version = matches[0] if matches and len(matches) > 0 else None
-  if not hdp_version:
-    Logger.error("Could not parse HDP version from output of hdp-select: %s" % str(out))
-    return 1
-  file_name = os.path.basename(component_tar_source_file)
-  destination_file = os.path.join(component_tar_destination_folder, file_name)
-  destination_file = destination_file.replace("{{ hdp_stack_version }}", hdp_version)
-  kinit_if_needed = ""
-  if params.security_enabled:
-    kinit_if_needed = format("{kinit_path_local} -kt {hdfs_user_keytab} {hdfs_principal_name};")
-  if kinit_if_needed:
-    Execute(kinit_if_needed,
-            user=component_user,
-            path='/bin'
+  class params:
+    hdfs_user = "hdfs"
+    mapred_user ="mapred"
+    hadoop_bin_dir="/usr/hdp/" + hdp_version + "/hadoop-client/bin"
+    hadoop_conf_dir = "/etc/hadoop/conf"
+    user_group = "hadoop"
+    security_enabled = False
+    oozie_user = "oozie"
+    execute_path = "/usr/hdp/" + hdp_version + "/hadoop-client/bin"
+    ambari_libs_dir = "/var/lib/ambari-agent/lib"
+    hdfs_site = ConfigDictionary({'dfs.webhdfs.enabled':False, 
+    })
+    fs_default = get_fs_root()
+    oozie_env_sh_template = \
+  '''
+  #!/bin/bash
+  export OOZIE_CONFIG=${{OOZIE_CONFIG:-/usr/hdp/{0}/oozie/conf}}
+  export OOZIE_DATA=${{OOZIE_DATA:-/var/lib/oozie/data}}
+  export OOZIE_LOG=${{OOZIE_LOG:-/var/log/oozie}}
+  export CATALINA_BASE=${{CATALINA_BASE:-/usr/hdp/{0}/oozie/oozie-server}}
+  export CATALINA_TMPDIR=${{CATALINA_TMPDIR:-/var/tmp/oozie}}
+  export CATALINA_PID=${{CATALINA_PID:-/var/run/oozie/}}
+  export OOZIE_CATALINA_HOME=/usr/lib/bigtop-tomcat
+  '''.format(hdp_version)
+    HdfsResource = functools.partial(
+      HdfsResource,
+      user=hdfs_user,
+      security_enabled = False,
+      keytab = None,
+      kinit_path_local = None,
+      hadoop_bin_dir = hadoop_bin_dir,
+      hadoop_conf_dir = hadoop_conf_dir,
+      principal_name = None,
+      hdfs_site = hdfs_site,
+      default_fs = fs_default
-  source_and_dest_pairs = [(component_tar_source_file, destination_file), ]
-  return _copy_files(source_and_dest_pairs, file_owner, group_owner, kinit_if_needed)
+  def _copy_files(source_and_dest_pairs, file_owner, group_owner, kinit_if_needed):
+    """
+    :param source_and_dest_pairs: List of tuples (x, y), where x is the source file in the local file system,
+    and y is the destination file path in HDFS
+    :param file_owner: Owner to set for the file copied to HDFS (typically hdfs account)
+    :param group_owner: Owning group to set for the file copied to HDFS (typically hadoop group)
+    :param kinit_if_needed: kinit command if it is needed, otherwise an empty string
+    :return: Returns 0 if at least one file was copied and no exceptions occurred, and 1 otherwise.
+    Must kinit before calling this function.
+    """
+    for (source, destination) in source_and_dest_pairs:
+      params.HdfsResource(destination,
+                    action="create_on_execute",
+                    type = 'file',
+                    mode=0444,
+                    owner=file_owner,
+                    group=group_owner,
+                    source=source,
+      )
+  def copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(source, dest, hdp_select_component_name, component_user, file_owner, group_owner):
+    """
+    :param tarball_prefix: Prefix of the tarball must be one of tez, hive, mr, pig
+    :param hdp_select_component_name: Component name to get the status to determine the version
+    :param component_user: User that will execute the Hadoop commands
+    :param file_owner: Owner of the files copied to HDFS (typically hdfs account)
+    :param group_owner: Group owner of the files copied to HDFS (typically hadoop group)
+    :return: Returns 0 on success, 1 if no files were copied, and in some cases may raise an exception.
+    In order to call this function, must have all of the following,
+    hdp_stack_version, kinit_path_local, security_enabled, hdfs_user, hdfs_principal_name, hdfs_user_keytab,
+    hadoop_bin_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, and HdfsDirectory as a partial function.
+    """
+    component_tar_source_file, component_tar_destination_folder = source, dest
+    if not os.path.exists(component_tar_source_file):
+      Logger.warning("Could not find file: %s" % str(component_tar_source_file))
+      return 1
+    file_name = os.path.basename(component_tar_source_file)
+    destination_file = os.path.join(component_tar_destination_folder, file_name)
+    destination_file = destination_file.replace("{{ hdp_stack_version }}", hdp_version)
+    kinit_if_needed = ""
+    if params.security_enabled:
+      kinit_if_needed = format("{kinit_path_local} -kt {hdfs_user_keytab} {hdfs_principal_name};")
+    if kinit_if_needed:
+      Execute(kinit_if_needed,
+              user=component_user,
+              path='/bin'
+      )
+    source_and_dest_pairs = [(component_tar_source_file, destination_file), ]
+    return _copy_files(source_and_dest_pairs, file_owner, group_owner, kinit_if_needed)
-# See if hdfs path prefix is provided on the command line. If yes, use that value, if no
-# use empty string as default.
-hdfs_path_prefix = ""
-if len(sys.argv) == 2:
-    hdfs_path_prefix = sys.argv[1]
-hadoop_conf_dir = params.hadoop_conf_dir
-oozie_libext_dir = "/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libext"
-oozie_tmp_dir = "/var/tmp/oozie"
-configure_cmds = []
-configure_cmds.append(('tar','-xvf', oozie_home + '/oozie-sharelib.tar.gz','-C', oozie_home))
-configure_cmds.append(('cp', "/usr/share/HDP-oozie/", "/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libext"))
-configure_cmds.append(('chown', 'oozie:hadoop', oozie_libext_dir + "/"))
-no_op_test = "ls /var/run/oozie/ >/dev/null 2>&1 && ps -p `cat /var/run/oozie/` >/dev/null 2>&1"
-with Environment() as env:
+  hadoop_conf_dir = params.hadoop_conf_dir
+  oozie_libext_dir = format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/oozie/libext")
+  oozie_home=format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/oozie")
+  oozie_setup_sh=format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/oozie/bin/")
+  oozie_tmp_dir = "/var/tmp/oozie"
+  configure_cmds = []
+  configure_cmds.append(('tar','-xvf', oozie_home + '/oozie-sharelib.tar.gz','-C', oozie_home))
+  configure_cmds.append(('cp', "/usr/share/HDP-oozie/", format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/oozie/libext")))
+  configure_cmds.append(('chown', 'oozie:hadoop', oozie_libext_dir + "/"))
+  no_op_test = "ls /var/run/oozie/ >/dev/null 2>&1 && ps -p `cat /var/run/oozie/` >/dev/null 2>&1"
@@ -248,7 +268,7 @@ with Environment() as env:
        mode = 0644,
-  oozie_shared_lib = format("/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/share")
+  oozie_shared_lib = format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/oozie/share")
   oozie_user = 'oozie'
   oozie_hdfs_user_dir = format("{hdfs_path_prefix}/user/{oozie_user}")
   kinit_if_needed = ''
@@ -268,12 +288,12 @@ with Environment() as env:
   print "Copying tarballs..."
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/mapreduce.tar.gz", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/mapreduce/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/tez-client/lib/tez.tar.gz", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/tez/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/hive-client/hive.tar.gz", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/hive/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/pig-client/pig.tar.gz", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/pig/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-streaming.jar", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/mapreduce/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/sqoop-client/sqoop.tar.gz", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/sqoop/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/hadoop/mapreduce.tar.gz"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/mapreduce/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/tez/lib/tez.tar.gz"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/tez/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/hive/hive.tar.gz"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/hive/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/pig/pig.tar.gz"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/pig/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-streaming.jar"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/mapreduce/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/sqoop/sqoop.tar.gz"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/sqoop/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
   # jar shouldn't be used before (read comment below)

[2/2] ambari git commit: AMBARI-14285. Modify to upload tarballs lib dirs etc. during upgrade (aonishuk)

Posted by
AMBARI-14285. Modify to upload tarballs lib dirs etc. during upgrade (aonishuk)


Branch: refs/heads/branch-2.2
Commit: 74ca65a7aaec437d3360946eebba6f3d57805a33
Parents: 6054d79
Author: Andrew Onishuk <>
Authored: Wed Dec 9 11:35:22 2015 +0200
Committer: Andrew Onishuk <>
Committed: Wed Dec 9 11:35:22 2015 +0200

 .../main/resources/scripts/   | 362 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 191 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
index fd72f24..021102e 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ limitations under the License.
 import os
 import sys
+from optparse import OptionParser
 os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + "/var/lib/ambari-agent"
@@ -54,177 +55,196 @@ E.g., 998.
 Please note that "-${build_number}" is optional.
-def getPropertyValueFromConfigXMLFile(xmlfile, name, defaultValue=None):
-  xmldoc = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
-  propNodes = [node.parentNode for node in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("name") if node.childNodes[0].nodeValue == name]
-  if len(propNodes) > 0:
-    for node in propNodes[-1].childNodes:
-      if node.nodeName == "value":
-        if len(node.childNodes) > 0:
-          return node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
-        else:
-          return defaultValue
-  return defaultValue
-def get_fs_root(fsdefaultName=None):
-  fsdefaultName = "fake"
+with Environment() as env:
+  def get_hdp_version():
+    if not options.hdp_version:
+      # Ubuntu returns: "stdin: is not a tty", as subprocess output.
+      tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+      out = None
+      with open(, 'r+') as file:
+        get_hdp_version_cmd = '/usr/bin/hdp-select status %s > %s' % ('hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver',
+        code, stdoutdata =
+        out =
+      pass
+      if code != 0 or out is None:
+        Logger.warning("Could not verify HDP version by calling '%s'. Return Code: %s, Output: %s." %
+                       (get_hdp_version_cmd, str(code), str(out)))
+        return 1
+      matches = re.findall(r"([\d\.]+\-\d+)", out)
+      hdp_version = matches[0] if matches and len(matches) > 0 else None
+      if not hdp_version:
+        Logger.error("Could not parse HDP version from output of hdp-select: %s" % str(out))
+        return 1
+    else:
+      hdp_version = options.hdp_version
+    return hdp_version
+  parser = OptionParser()
+  parser.add_option("-v", "--hdp-version", dest="hdp_version", default="",
+                    help="hdp-version used in path of tarballs")
+  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+  # See if hdfs path prefix is provided on the command line. If yes, use that value, if no
+  # use empty string as default.
+  hdfs_path_prefix = ""
+  if len(args) > 0:
+    hdfs_path_prefix = args[0]
+  hdp_version = get_hdp_version()
+  def getPropertyValueFromConfigXMLFile(xmlfile, name, defaultValue=None):
+    xmldoc = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
+    propNodes = [node.parentNode for node in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("name") if node.childNodes[0].nodeValue == name]
+    if len(propNodes) > 0:
+      for node in propNodes[-1].childNodes:
+        if node.nodeName == "value":
+          if len(node.childNodes) > 0:
+            return node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+          else:
+            return defaultValue
+    return defaultValue
+  def get_fs_root(fsdefaultName=None):
+    fsdefaultName = "fake"
+    while True:
+      fsdefaultName =  getPropertyValueFromConfigXMLFile("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml", "fs.defaultFS")
+      if fsdefaultName and fsdefaultName.startswith("wasb://"):
+        break
+      print "Waiting to read appropriate value of fs.defaultFS from /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml ..."
+      time.sleep(10)
+      pass
+    print "Returning fs.defaultFS -> " + fsdefaultName
+    return fsdefaultName
-  while (not fsdefaultName.startswith("wasb://")):
-    fsdefaultName =  getPropertyValueFromConfigXMLFile("/etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml", "fs.defaultFS")
-    if fsdefaultName is None:
-      fsdefaultName = "fake"
-    print "Waiting to read appropriate value of fs.defaultFS from /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml ..."
-    time.sleep(10)
-    pass
-  print "Returning fs.defaultFS -> " + fsdefaultName
-  return fsdefaultName
-# These values must be the suffix of the properties in cluster-env.xml
-TAR_SOURCE_SUFFIX = "_tar_source"
-TAR_DESTINATION_FOLDER_SUFFIX = "_tar_destination_folder"
-class params:
-  hdfs_user = "hdfs"
-  mapred_user ="mapred"
-  hadoop_bin_dir="/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin"
-  hadoop_conf_dir = "/etc/hadoop/conf"
-  user_group = "hadoop"
-  security_enabled = False
-  oozie_user = "oozie"
-  execute_path = "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/bin"
-  ambari_libs_dir = "/var/lib/ambari-agent/lib"
-  hdfs_site = ConfigDictionary({'dfs.webhdfs.enabled':False, 
-  })
-  fs_default = get_fs_root()
-  oozie_env_sh_template = \
-export OOZIE_CONFIG=${OOZIE_CONFIG:-/usr/hdp/current/oozie/conf}
-export OOZIE_DATA=${OOZIE_DATA:-/var/lib/oozie/data}
-export OOZIE_LOG=${OOZIE_LOG:-/var/log/oozie}
-export CATALINA_BASE=${CATALINA_BASE:-/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/oozie-server}
-export CATALINA_TMPDIR=${CATALINA_TMPDIR:-/var/tmp/oozie}
-export CATALINA_PID=${CATALINA_PID:-/var/run/oozie/}
-export OOZIE_CATALINA_HOME=/usr/lib/bigtop-tomcat
+  # These values must be the suffix of the properties in cluster-env.xml
+  TAR_SOURCE_SUFFIX = "_tar_source"
+  TAR_DESTINATION_FOLDER_SUFFIX = "_tar_destination_folder"
-  HdfsResource = functools.partial(
-    HdfsResource,
-    user=hdfs_user,
-    security_enabled = False,
-    keytab = None,
-    kinit_path_local = None,
-    hadoop_bin_dir = hadoop_bin_dir,
-    hadoop_conf_dir = hadoop_conf_dir,
-    principal_name = None,
-    hdfs_site = hdfs_site,
-    default_fs = fs_default
-  )
-def _copy_files(source_and_dest_pairs, file_owner, group_owner, kinit_if_needed):
-  """
-  :param source_and_dest_pairs: List of tuples (x, y), where x is the source file in the local file system,
-  and y is the destination file path in HDFS
-  :param file_owner: Owner to set for the file copied to HDFS (typically hdfs account)
-  :param group_owner: Owning group to set for the file copied to HDFS (typically hadoop group)
-  :param kinit_if_needed: kinit command if it is needed, otherwise an empty string
-  :return: Returns 0 if at least one file was copied and no exceptions occurred, and 1 otherwise.
-  Must kinit before calling this function.
-  """
-  for (source, destination) in source_and_dest_pairs:
-    params.HdfsResource(destination,
-                  action="create_on_execute",
-                  type = 'file',
-                  mode=0444,
-                  owner=file_owner,
-                  group=group_owner,
-                  source=source,
-    )
-def copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(source, dest, hdp_select_component_name, component_user, file_owner, group_owner):
-  """
-  :param tarball_prefix: Prefix of the tarball must be one of tez, hive, mr, pig
-  :param hdp_select_component_name: Component name to get the status to determine the version
-  :param component_user: User that will execute the Hadoop commands
-  :param file_owner: Owner of the files copied to HDFS (typically hdfs account)
-  :param group_owner: Group owner of the files copied to HDFS (typically hadoop group)
-  :return: Returns 0 on success, 1 if no files were copied, and in some cases may raise an exception.
-  In order to call this function, must have all of the following,
-  hdp_stack_version, kinit_path_local, security_enabled, hdfs_user, hdfs_principal_name, hdfs_user_keytab,
-  hadoop_bin_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, and HdfsDirectory as a partial function.
-  """
-  component_tar_source_file, component_tar_destination_folder = source, dest
-  if not os.path.exists(component_tar_source_file):
-    Logger.warning("Could not find file: %s" % str(component_tar_source_file))
-    return 1
-  # Ubuntu returns: "stdin: is not a tty", as subprocess output.
-  tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-  out = None
-  with open(, 'r+') as file:
-    get_hdp_version_cmd = '/usr/bin/hdp-select status %s > %s' % (hdp_select_component_name,
-    code, stdoutdata =
-    out =
-  pass
-  if code != 0 or out is None:
-    Logger.warning("Could not verify HDP version by calling '%s'. Return Code: %s, Output: %s." %
-                   (get_hdp_version_cmd, str(code), str(out)))
-    return 1
-  matches = re.findall(r"([\d\.]+\-\d+)", out)
-  hdp_version = matches[0] if matches and len(matches) > 0 else None
-  if not hdp_version:
-    Logger.error("Could not parse HDP version from output of hdp-select: %s" % str(out))
-    return 1
-  file_name = os.path.basename(component_tar_source_file)
-  destination_file = os.path.join(component_tar_destination_folder, file_name)
-  destination_file = destination_file.replace("{{ hdp_stack_version }}", hdp_version)
-  kinit_if_needed = ""
-  if params.security_enabled:
-    kinit_if_needed = format("{kinit_path_local} -kt {hdfs_user_keytab} {hdfs_principal_name};")
-  if kinit_if_needed:
-    Execute(kinit_if_needed,
-            user=component_user,
-            path='/bin'
+  class params:
+    hdfs_user = "hdfs"
+    mapred_user ="mapred"
+    hadoop_bin_dir="/usr/hdp/" + hdp_version + "/hadoop-client/bin"
+    hadoop_conf_dir = "/etc/hadoop/conf"
+    user_group = "hadoop"
+    security_enabled = False
+    oozie_user = "oozie"
+    execute_path = "/usr/hdp/" + hdp_version + "/hadoop-client/bin"
+    ambari_libs_dir = "/var/lib/ambari-agent/lib"
+    hdfs_site = ConfigDictionary({'dfs.webhdfs.enabled':False, 
+    })
+    fs_default = get_fs_root()
+    oozie_env_sh_template = \
+  '''
+  #!/bin/bash
+  export OOZIE_CONFIG=${{OOZIE_CONFIG:-/usr/hdp/{0}/oozie/conf}}
+  export OOZIE_DATA=${{OOZIE_DATA:-/var/lib/oozie/data}}
+  export OOZIE_LOG=${{OOZIE_LOG:-/var/log/oozie}}
+  export CATALINA_BASE=${{CATALINA_BASE:-/usr/hdp/{0}/oozie/oozie-server}}
+  export CATALINA_TMPDIR=${{CATALINA_TMPDIR:-/var/tmp/oozie}}
+  export CATALINA_PID=${{CATALINA_PID:-/var/run/oozie/}}
+  export OOZIE_CATALINA_HOME=/usr/lib/bigtop-tomcat
+  '''.format(hdp_version)
+    HdfsResource = functools.partial(
+      HdfsResource,
+      user=hdfs_user,
+      security_enabled = False,
+      keytab = None,
+      kinit_path_local = None,
+      hadoop_bin_dir = hadoop_bin_dir,
+      hadoop_conf_dir = hadoop_conf_dir,
+      principal_name = None,
+      hdfs_site = hdfs_site,
+      default_fs = fs_default
-  source_and_dest_pairs = [(component_tar_source_file, destination_file), ]
-  return _copy_files(source_and_dest_pairs, file_owner, group_owner, kinit_if_needed)
+  def _copy_files(source_and_dest_pairs, file_owner, group_owner, kinit_if_needed):
+    """
+    :param source_and_dest_pairs: List of tuples (x, y), where x is the source file in the local file system,
+    and y is the destination file path in HDFS
+    :param file_owner: Owner to set for the file copied to HDFS (typically hdfs account)
+    :param group_owner: Owning group to set for the file copied to HDFS (typically hadoop group)
+    :param kinit_if_needed: kinit command if it is needed, otherwise an empty string
+    :return: Returns 0 if at least one file was copied and no exceptions occurred, and 1 otherwise.
+    Must kinit before calling this function.
+    """
+    for (source, destination) in source_and_dest_pairs:
+      params.HdfsResource(destination,
+                    action="create_on_execute",
+                    type = 'file',
+                    mode=0444,
+                    owner=file_owner,
+                    group=group_owner,
+                    source=source,
+      )
+  def copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(source, dest, hdp_select_component_name, component_user, file_owner, group_owner):
+    """
+    :param tarball_prefix: Prefix of the tarball must be one of tez, hive, mr, pig
+    :param hdp_select_component_name: Component name to get the status to determine the version
+    :param component_user: User that will execute the Hadoop commands
+    :param file_owner: Owner of the files copied to HDFS (typically hdfs account)
+    :param group_owner: Group owner of the files copied to HDFS (typically hadoop group)
+    :return: Returns 0 on success, 1 if no files were copied, and in some cases may raise an exception.
+    In order to call this function, must have all of the following,
+    hdp_stack_version, kinit_path_local, security_enabled, hdfs_user, hdfs_principal_name, hdfs_user_keytab,
+    hadoop_bin_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, and HdfsDirectory as a partial function.
+    """
+    component_tar_source_file, component_tar_destination_folder = source, dest
+    if not os.path.exists(component_tar_source_file):
+      Logger.warning("Could not find file: %s" % str(component_tar_source_file))
+      return 1
+    file_name = os.path.basename(component_tar_source_file)
+    destination_file = os.path.join(component_tar_destination_folder, file_name)
+    destination_file = destination_file.replace("{{ hdp_stack_version }}", hdp_version)
+    kinit_if_needed = ""
+    if params.security_enabled:
+      kinit_if_needed = format("{kinit_path_local} -kt {hdfs_user_keytab} {hdfs_principal_name};")
+    if kinit_if_needed:
+      Execute(kinit_if_needed,
+              user=component_user,
+              path='/bin'
+      )
+    source_and_dest_pairs = [(component_tar_source_file, destination_file), ]
+    return _copy_files(source_and_dest_pairs, file_owner, group_owner, kinit_if_needed)
-# See if hdfs path prefix is provided on the command line. If yes, use that value, if no
-# use empty string as default.
-hdfs_path_prefix = ""
-if len(sys.argv) == 2:
-    hdfs_path_prefix = sys.argv[1]
-hadoop_conf_dir = params.hadoop_conf_dir
-oozie_libext_dir = "/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libext"
-oozie_tmp_dir = "/var/tmp/oozie"
-configure_cmds = []
-configure_cmds.append(('tar','-xvf', oozie_home + '/oozie-sharelib.tar.gz','-C', oozie_home))
-configure_cmds.append(('cp', "/usr/share/HDP-oozie/", "/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/libext"))
-configure_cmds.append(('chown', 'oozie:hadoop', oozie_libext_dir + "/"))
-no_op_test = "ls /var/run/oozie/ >/dev/null 2>&1 && ps -p `cat /var/run/oozie/` >/dev/null 2>&1"
-with Environment() as env:
+  hadoop_conf_dir = params.hadoop_conf_dir
+  oozie_libext_dir = format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/oozie/libext")
+  oozie_home=format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/oozie")
+  oozie_setup_sh=format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/oozie/bin/")
+  oozie_tmp_dir = "/var/tmp/oozie"
+  configure_cmds = []
+  configure_cmds.append(('tar','-xvf', oozie_home + '/oozie-sharelib.tar.gz','-C', oozie_home))
+  configure_cmds.append(('cp', "/usr/share/HDP-oozie/", format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/oozie/libext")))
+  configure_cmds.append(('chown', 'oozie:hadoop', oozie_libext_dir + "/"))
+  no_op_test = "ls /var/run/oozie/ >/dev/null 2>&1 && ps -p `cat /var/run/oozie/` >/dev/null 2>&1"
@@ -248,7 +268,7 @@ with Environment() as env:
        mode = 0644,
-  oozie_shared_lib = format("/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/share")
+  oozie_shared_lib = format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/oozie/share")
   oozie_user = 'oozie'
   oozie_hdfs_user_dir = format("{hdfs_path_prefix}/user/{oozie_user}")
   kinit_if_needed = ''
@@ -268,12 +288,12 @@ with Environment() as env:
   print "Copying tarballs..."
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/mapreduce.tar.gz", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/mapreduce/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/tez-client/lib/tez.tar.gz", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/tez/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/hive-client/hive.tar.gz", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/hive/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/pig-client/pig.tar.gz", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/pig/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-streaming.jar", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/mapreduce/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
-  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs("/usr/hdp/current/sqoop-client/sqoop.tar.gz", hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/sqoop/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/hadoop/mapreduce.tar.gz"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/mapreduce/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/tez/lib/tez.tar.gz"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/tez/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/hive/hive.tar.gz"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/hive/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/pig/pig.tar.gz"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/pig/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-streaming.jar"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/mapreduce/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
+  copy_tarballs_to_hdfs(format("/usr/hdp/{hdp_version}/sqoop/sqoop.tar.gz"), hdfs_path_prefix+"/hdp/apps/{{ hdp_stack_version }}/sqoop/", 'hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver', params.mapred_user, params.hdfs_user, params.user_group)
   # jar shouldn't be used before (read comment below)