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Posted to by on 2008/03/08 15:24:46 UTC

svn commit: r634972 [5/5] - in /incubator/pdfbox/trunk/migration: ./ fontbox/ jempbox/ pdfbox/

Added: incubator/pdfbox/trunk/migration/pdfbox/support.xml
--- incubator/pdfbox/trunk/migration/pdfbox/support.xml (added)
+++ incubator/pdfbox/trunk/migration/pdfbox/support.xml Sat Mar  8 06:24:45 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,1408 @@
+<tracker version="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
+	<artifact id="1841058">
+		<submitted_by>sflaumen</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2007-11-29 07:33</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>PDFTextStripper not handling some Japanese</summary>
+		<detail>Using this code sequence: 
+    PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(stream);
+    PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();
+    String contents = stripper.getText(document);
+some Japanese documents are handled properly. This is shown by viewing the chars in the String "contents".
+However, other Japanese documents produce garbage non-Japanese characters as viewed in the String contents. 
+The ones that are not handled properly in PDFTextStripper display a prompt when opened in Acrobat Reader which says that a Japanese language support pack needs to be installed to view the document properly. The ones that are handled properly display Japanese characters fine when viewed through Acrobat Reader. Installing the language support pack is not a solution since it would only resolve the display in Acrobat Reader. This code needs to run on a Unix server so even if the support pack would provide help on a PC (unlikely) it would have no affect on the task when run in Unix.
+This appears to be an encoding issue however, unlike similar issues that have been reported, the above code completes successfully. It is just that the results are as described above.
+Attached is an example of a PDF file that is not handled properly by PDFTextStripper and requires a Japanese language pack to view in Acrobat Reader.
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1196536803</date>
+				<sender>sflaumen</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Originator: YES
+After looking over the code in PDFBox, I would like to suggest that this problem is caused by not having the latest cmap files in the PDFBox cmap folder. Specifically, this folder contains cmap files through the Adobe-Japan1-4 Character Collection. However, additional character collections have been added by Adobe since then. Specifically, they now contain collections for Adobe-Japan1-5 and Adobe-Japan1-6. See Adobe Technical Note #5078. 
+Also, I downloaded the japanese font support pack for Acrobat Reader 8.0 which did resolve the display issue for viewing this pdf document. You can find the list of cmap files in the Resources folder for Acrobat after the download. However, copying these into the one for PDFBox did not solve the problem. I think it is because the identity cmap files are missing which are need to do the conversion. See the 00_ReadMe.pdf in the PDFBox cmaps folder. Please let me know if I'm on the right track. This technology is new to me. Thanks, Steve</text>
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<existingfiles>
+			<file>
+				<id>256615</id>
+				<name>JS51ZX3PWT1G.pdf</name>
+				<description>Not handled properly by PDFTextStripper </description>
+				<filesize>84799</filesize>
+				<filetype>application/pdf</filetype>
+				<adddate>1196350423</adddate>
+				<submitted_by>1948467</submitted_by>
+			</file>
+		</existingfiles>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>File Added</field>
+				<old_value>256615: JS51ZX3PWT1G.pdf</old_value>
+				<date>1196350423</date>
+				<by>sflaumen</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1730971">
+		<submitted_by>woo37830</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2007-06-04 13:00</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="519374">Install Problem (example)</category>
+		<artifact_group id="293148"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>JUnit tests reference non-provided files</summary>
+		<detail>The JUnit tests reference 
+ fdeb = PDDocument.load( "test/input/fdeb.pdf" );
+These and other test files are not provided in the download that I can find.
+I downloaded the version:
+ PDFBox-0.7.3
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1190339832</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Originator: NO
+This is "as designed", they are available in CVS.  The PDFs used for testing are large and would bloat the distribution, if you plan on modifying code then you should be connected to CVS to always have the latest code.
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1190339832</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1190339832</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1793191">
+		<submitted_by>chapsi12</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2007-09-12 07:44</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>File size shrinks after populating data into the fields</summary>
+		<detail>
+Hi all,
+ I am trying to populate the fields in a PDF with data using PDFBox API. I notice that the original document is around 124 KB and the newly populated pdf is only about 82 KB. I am trying to print this modified PDF and I cant print. But I can open the modified PDF in Adobe Reader and do a File --&gt; Print. 
+Has anyone seen this kind of a problem before ? Why would the file size be smaller after it gets populated. It should only be higher. 
+Appreciate any responses... 
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1788024">
+		<submitted_by>umk</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2007-09-04 12:51</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Extracting text by ID</summary>
+		<detail>Attachment upload for:
+		<existingfiles>
+			<file>
+				<id>244178</id>
+				<name>Output.pdf</name>
+				<description>Extracting text by ID</description>
+				<filesize>5324</filesize>
+				<filetype>application/pdf</filetype>
+				<adddate>1188935461</adddate>
+				<submitted_by>838278</submitted_by>
+			</file>
+		</existingfiles>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>File Added</field>
+				<old_value>244178: Output.pdf</old_value>
+				<date>1188935461</date>
+				<by>umk</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1779407">
+		<submitted_by>gjniewenhuijse</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2007-08-22 06:19</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="9">9</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Printing pdf</summary>
+		<detail>When i print the attached file, some things are not printed well.
+- The gray box at the top
+- and the fonts are printed bold and thats not right.
+Is there any solution for now, or for later?</detail>
+		<existingfiles>
+			<file>
+				<id>242289</id>
+				<name>orarrp.pdf</name>
+				<description>Print example</description>
+				<filesize>7871</filesize>
+				<filetype>application/pdf</filetype>
+				<adddate>1187788783</adddate>
+				<submitted_by>1873119</submitted_by>
+			</file>
+		</existingfiles>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>priority</field>
+				<old_value>5</old_value>
+				<date>1188890489</date>
+				<by>gjniewenhuijse</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>File Added</field>
+				<old_value>242289: orarrp.pdf</old_value>
+				<date>1187788783</date>
+				<by>gjniewenhuijse</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1682809">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2007-03-17 11:32</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>support request chinese-traditional</summary>
+		<detail>  Can you implement the feature of chinese-traditional ?
+  Today I founded the PDFBox can support chinese-simplified but not chinese-traditional when I use it to extract text from some Pdf files. 
+  will you do it in the PDFBox? Or what can I do ? please tell me If you have good idea .My email is
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1666294">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2007-02-22 07:48</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Read Bookmarks</summary>
+		<detail>I need to read the bookmarks from the pdf &amp; create an index of the bookmarks 
+Example I have used the pdfbox to actually create the bookmarks in the .pdf and set their titles.
+while( currentNode != null ) {
+  strTitle  = currentNode.getTitle();
+  System.out.println( "Item:" +strTitle );            
+   System.out.println("cmc node");
+ childNode = currentNode.getFirstChild();
+  while( childNode != null ) {
+childNode = childNode.getNextSibling();
+currentNode = currentNode.getNextSibling();
+Item: Index
+Item:  CMC
+ Child: 3.2.S Drug Substance
+ Child: 3.2.P Drug Product
+		<existingfiles>
+			<file>
+				<id>217237</id>
+				<name>output.pdf</name>
+				<description></description>
+				<filesize>85286</filesize>
+				<filetype>application/pdf</filetype>
+				<adddate>1172159282</adddate>
+				<submitted_by>100</submitted_by>
+			</file>
+		</existingfiles>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>File Added</field>
+				<old_value>217237: output.pdf</old_value>
+				<date>1172159283</date>
+				<by>nobody</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1657444">
+		<submitted_by>ransacker</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2007-02-11 10:29</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>how to write special characters with PDPageContentStream?</summary>
+		<detail>When using PDPageContentStream.drawString() characters such as é,ë,ï don't get printed or get replaced by another character. 
+I assume another encoding must be used?
+Where can the encoding be changed?
+The following code would sound logic to change the encoding but it doesn't seem to work;
+PDFont font = PDType1Font.TIMES_ROMAN 
+font.setEncoding(New encoding.MacRomanEncoding) 
+newStream.setFont(font, 8)
+An example would be greatly appreciated. </detail>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1609932">
+		<submitted_by>slartidan</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2006-12-06 01:06</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Error: "invalid key length"</summary>
+		<detail>Hi there,
+I just executed:
+bin&gt;Encrypt.exe -O 12345678 -keyLength 8 sp.pdf spE.pdf Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid key length
+        at org.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.ProtectionPolicy.setEncryptionKeyLength
+        at org.pdfbox.Encrypt.encrypt(
+        at org.pdfbox.Encrypt.main(
+My key length is 8 - is 8 wrong?
+thanks for your help,
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1170723302</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Originator: NO
+it must be 40 or 128.  I have updated the error message to now state this.
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1170723302</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1170723302</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1636977">
+		<submitted_by>dlapdfuser</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2007-01-16 09:49</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="9">9</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>PDF parse signature version</summary>
+		<detail>When parsing a pdf that has been signed multiple times, the field values parsed are the ones from the first signing.</detail>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>priority</field>
+				<old_value>5</old_value>
+				<date>1169487683</date>
+				<by>dlapdfuser</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>is_private</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1169486610</date>
+				<by>dlapdfuser</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1551072">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2006-09-02 09:16</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Print Degraded setting does not work</summary>
+		<detail>Hi everybody,
+I searched for a tool to restrict pdf usage and found
+PDFBox. The reason that there are commandlinetools
+included put a smile on my face ;-). So I tried the
+comandline version of encryt and didn't get what I
+expected. I hope someone can help me to solve my problem. 
+I tried to forbid all except degraded printing with
+I used the following syntax:
+Encrypt.exe -O Test -canAssemble false
+-canExtractContent false -canExtractForAccessibility
+false -canFillInForm false -canModify false
+-canModifyAnnotations false -canPrint false
+-canPrintDegraded true -keyLength 128 -version 2
+-revision 4 test.pdf test-encrypted.pdf
+The result was a pdf where printing is completely
+forbidden. This I didn't want, so I tried another syntax:
+Encrypt.exe -O Test -canAssemble false
+-canExtractContent false -canExtractForAccessibility
+false -canFillInForm false -canModify false
+-canModifyAnnotations false -canPrint true
+-canPrintDegraded true -keyLength 128 -version 2
+-revision 4 test.pdf test-encrypted.pdf
+The result was, that high resulution printing is
+allowed, which I also didn't want.
+How must the syntax look like to restrict everything
+except degraded printing?
+Many thanks forward for helping,
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="893611">
+		<submitted_by>ckevinhill</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2004-02-09 10:47</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary> Can't handle font width:Resources/afm/C</summary>
+		<detail> Can't handle font 
+	at org.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont.getAFM
+	at 
+	at 
+	at org.pdfbox.util.PDFStreamEngine.showString
+	at org.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper.showString
+	at 
+	at 
+	at org.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper.processPage
+( indexing file
+	at 
+	at org.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper.writeText
+	at org.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper.writeText
+Any thoughts?</detail>
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1077207124</date>
+				<sender>ckevinhill</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Was due to a lack of including the AFM resources directory in 
+the classpath.</text>
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1077207124</date>
+				<by>ckevinhill</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1077207124</date>
+				<by>ckevinhill</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1259421">
+		<submitted_by>foxwyp</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2005-08-14 17:49</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Unknown encoding for 'GBK-EUC-H'</summary>
+		<detail>hi:
+    when I tried to extract chinese from a pdf  ,I 
+encountered this Exception .I use the original PDFBox-
+0.7.1.jar,so what's wrong?  thank you</detail>
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1125966976</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+This is a known issue, please monitor it here
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1124279742</date>
+				<sender>foxwyp</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+ I upload my pdf file so you can see what's the problem,thank 
+you for your response</text>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1124158058</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+please attach/upload the PDF and I can take a look at it.
+Ben Litchfield</text>
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1125966976</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1125966976</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="765341">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2003-07-03 07:19</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>page count of a pdf file</summary>
+		<detail>Hi, 
+how can I retrieve the page count of a pdf file? 
+Lars </detail>
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1063307966</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+This is now part of PDDocument, which is in CVS and will be 
+available for the next release.</text>
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1063307966</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1063307966</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="849537">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2003-11-26 01:57</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>CJK... language support... please</summary>
+		<detail>thanks your work.
+I'm so happy to meet pdfbox.
+but, korean language is not suported.
+maybe I think it is concerned with cmap.
+but I don't know anymore.
+please support korean language...^^
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1078803018</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Please try 0.6.5, if this does not work then post a bug report.
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1078803018</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1078803018</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1033457">
+		<submitted_by>pczeus</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2004-09-23 08:26</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Make Splitter private attribute protected</summary>
+		<detail>I wanted to extend Splitter and override the 
+createNewDocumentIfNecessary() method so I could 
+split a PDF file based on multiple page markers where the 
+pages where identified as an int[].
+For example:  
+public List split( PDDocument document ,int[] 
+pagesToSplitOn) throws IOException
+The problem is that, although the 
+createNewDocumentIfNecessary() method is protected, 
+I cannot access current access the currentDocument or 
+newDocuments fields to make the overridden method 
+Temporarily, I am just going to create my own version of 
+a MultiSplitter class.
+The protected field concept should probably be used for 
+most of the utility classes where some methods are 
+inteneded to also be protected.</detail>
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1097967705</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Fixed in the 0.6.7 release.
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1097967705</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1097967703</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1033282">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2004-09-23 03:48</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>When can we expect new stable version 0.6.7?</summary>
+		<detail>I was trying PDFBox 0.6.6 to extract Lucene Document 
+from pdf documents. It threw some exceptions for some 
+pdf documents. These exceptions do not appear when i 
+use the latest nightly build of version 0.6.7. Can anyone 
+update me on when can we expect a stable or final PDF 
+build version 0.6.7?</detail>
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1096636830</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Before October 15th a stable version will be released.</text>
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1096636830</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1096636830</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1040452">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2004-10-05 00:32</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Error in the (new) nightly version 0.6.7</summary>
+		<detail>follow change in BaseParser.class produces Exception in 
+a lot of files during reading. (version 0.6.7ni)
+        writeIndex = currentIndex - buffer.length;
+//new version
+         if( buffer[writeIndex%buffer.length] == 13 &amp;&amp;
+              buffer[(writeIndex+1)%buffer.length] == 10 )
+          {
+//old version
+        if(writeIndex&gt;=0){
+          if( buffer[writeIndex%buffer.length] == 13 &amp;&amp;
+              buffer[(writeIndex+1)%buffer.length] == 10 )
+          {
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1100871074</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+unable to reproduce.</text>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1096979307</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Is it possible for you to submit a PDF for this. attach 
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1100871074</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1100871074</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="868449">
+		<submitted_by>danlee6</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2003-12-31 06:33</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>loss of access to fields after merging forms</summary>
+		<detail>Hi,
+First of all, great work on this project.  We're using 
+pdfbox for a new project and it's meeting our needs 
+There is a problem when we use pdfbox to merge pdf 
+forms, though.  I'm using the code in the samples 
+directory org.pdfbox.examples.persistence.AppendDoc. 
+Once the forms are merged, I can only access the fields 
+of the first document and not the second document 
+programatically.   When I open the merged pdf in and 
+adobe reader, I can see the fields on the second form, 
+but programatically, the fields don't come up when I do 
+the following:
+PDDocumentCatalog catalog = pdf.getDocumentCatalog
+PDAcroForm acroForm = catalog.getAcroForm();
+COSDictionary dict = acroForm.getDictionary();
+List list = dict.keyList();
+COSArray fields = (COSArray) dict.getItem
+Any ideas?
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1112547381</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+AFAIK this is no longer an issue, so I am closing the support 
+request.  If this is still an issue, please reopen it.
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1107396573</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+I know this is really old, but can you give me an update on 
+this issue.
+I see your one comment about adding the else, I don't see 
+where in the code this is suppose to go, I think the 
+AppendDoc example has changed since you posted this.  Can 
+you relook at this and let me know if it is still an issue, I 
+would like to be able to close this issue.
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1072890007</date>
+				<sender>danlee6</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Nevermind, I figured out how to append the index of form 
+fields while merging the forms.
+In case anyone's interested, I added these lines to the 
+closing of the last "if" statement in the appendDocument() 
+else {
+      COSDictionary form1 = 
+        (COSDictionary) destRoot.getDictionaryObject
+      COSDictionary form2 = 
+        (COSDictionary) srcRoot.getDictionaryObject(acroForm);
+      if (form2 != null) {
+        COSArray form2Fields = 
+          (COSArray) form2.getItem(COSName.getPDFName
+        COSArray form1Fields = 
+          (COSArray) form1.getItem(COSName.getPDFName
+        for (int i=0,length=form2Fields.size(); i&lt;length; i++) {
+          form1Fields.add(form2Fields.get(i));
+        }
+      }
+    }</text>
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1112547382</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1112547381</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1110264">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2005-01-26 14:37</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Problem with pdf Conversion</summary>
+		<detail>I have these PDF's which contain tables that I need to 
+extract.  I have no problem extracting them by opening 
+the doc, doing select all, then copy and paste into 
+notepad.  For some reason though PDFTextExtractor put 
+the fields in a different order and puts some of the 
+values together with no delimiter, does anyone have any 
+clue why this is?
+It seems to not be able to recognize new lines and some 
+Thanks for any help you can provide.
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1107380784</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+This is the same as this issue
+So i am closing this support request, please monitor the other 
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1107380784</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1107380784</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1084634">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2004-12-13 12:08</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Warning message while running the application</summary>
+		<detail>Hi,
+I am getting the following message while converting pdf 
+to txt document using lucene.
+I have kept all the jar files (pdfbox.jar, log4j-1.2.9)under
+I am still getting this message.Please  help!!!!
+ log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger 
+log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1107380845</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+You need to configure log4j.  See the log4j documentation for 
+instructions on how to do this.
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1107380845</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1107380845</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1176498">
+		<submitted_by>dkolodin</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2005-04-04 10:23</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>How can I use Cyrillic encoding?</summary>
+		<detail>Hello!
+I want to ask some questions!
+How can I use Cp1251 encoding?
+How can I draw in absolute position?
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1121172912</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+I believe the answer is that you must use CID fonts.
+Ben Litchfield</text>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1113145065</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Can't it be converted to unicode?
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1121172912</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1121172912</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1119230">
+		<submitted_by>notessensei</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2005-02-09 03:24</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="293148"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Closed</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>PDDestination create( COSBase base ) ?</summary>
+		<detail>Hi there,
+I'm trying to write a small utility that extracts the
+bookmarks with the page numbers. Extracting the
+bookmarks was fine. When extracting the page numbers I
+PDPageDestination dest = (PDPageDestination)
+curItem.getDestination(); // curItem is of type
+The getDestination method calls 
+PDDestination.create( node.getDictionaryObject( "Dest" ) );
+node.getDictionaryObject( "Dest" ) returns COSString in
+my case (which however contains an
+ByteArrayOutputStream). The PDDestination.create method
+only runs succesful if the type is COSArray. Therefore
+the getDestination fails. (I'm using 0.7).
+Any hint?
+:-) stw</detail>
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1111289231</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+This was also an RFE which is not implemented.
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1107967280</date>
+				<sender>notessensei</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+The PDF I used is too big to upload. You can find it here:
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1107967049</date>
+				<sender>notessensei</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Hi Ben,
+thx for the quick answer. I used an IBM redbook for testing.
+My needs are to read any type of bookmark. My Java and PDF
+skills might not live up to the quality needed for PDFBox,
+so if you could give me a hint how to implement I could try
+to contribute. Until then I've logged an RFE.
+:-) stw</text>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1107966794</date>
+				<sender>notessensei</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Hi Ben,
+thx for the quick answer. I used an IBM redbook for testing.
+My needs are to read any type of bookmark. My Java and PDF
+skills might not live up to the quality needed for PDFBox,
+so if you could give me a hint how to implement I could try
+to contribute. Until then I've logged an RFE.
+:-) stw</text>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1107966446</date>
+				<sender>notessensei</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+Hi Ben,
+thx for the quick reply. I'm not sure if I understand both
+Java and PDF enough to submit an implementation (what I
+would love to do).  I was just using an arbitrary PDF for
+testing. However we want to be able to analyze all sorts of
+PDF. If you can point me to some referenc I might be able to
+contribute. Until then I'llupload the file and put in an RFE.
+;-) stw</text>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<date>1107963535</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+PDFBox currently supports explicit destinations and your PDF 
+has an implicit destination(aka a named destination).
+Can you attach/mail me the PDF.
+Please add an RFE for this or submit an implementation.
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>status_id</field>
+				<old_value>1</old_value>
+				<date>1111289231</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+			<item>
+				<field>close_date</field>
+				<old_value>0</old_value>
+				<date>1111289231</date>
+				<by>benlitchfield</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1509745">
+		<submitted_by>superciak</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2006-06-20 23:59</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="519374">Install Problem (example)</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="7">7</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Merge problems</summary>
+		<detail>Hi all,
+I'm trying to use PdfBox, and I've no problem to say 
+it's very simple to use and powerful to manage pdf 
+files. But there is a function I can't do (however 
+probably it's because I don't understand all 
+application features): I'm trying to merge document, 
+but the merge operation is been just on pdf pages...
+I try to be clearer with an example : 
+PDF 1 -&gt; just a page with a string "This is" 
+PDF 2 -&gt; just a page with a string "an example"
+I'm able to make a marge, but the destination 
+document'll be composite of 2 pages, the first with 
+the string "This is" (and all the other page size is 
+blank) and the second one with the message "an 
+What I need is the resulted document'll be a pdf with 
+just one page, with the message "This is" and just 
+below "an example". Practically, not to consider the 
+blank section of the page 1, and append the page 
+2'text after page 1's one.
+It's possible ? Or in order to do this it's necessary 
+a new release ?
+Thanks a lot
+Simone </detail>
+		<change_log>
+			<item>
+				<field>priority</field>
+				<old_value>5</old_value>
+				<date>1150873253</date>
+				<by>superciak</by>
+			</item>
+		</change_log>
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1509167">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2006-06-20 02:39</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Merge of document</summary>
+		<detail>Hi all,
+I'm trying to use PdfBox, and I've no problem to say 
+it's very simple to use and powerful to manage pdf 
+files. But there is a function I can't do (however 
+probably it's because I don't understand all 
+application features): I'm trying to merge document, 
+but the merge operation is been just on pdf pages...
+I try to be clearer with an example : 
+PDF 1 -&gt; just a page with a string "This is" 
+PDF 2 -&gt; just a page with a string "an example"
+I'm able to make a marge, but the destination 
+document'll be composite of 2 pages, the first with 
+the string "This is" (and all the other page size is 
+blank) and the second one with the message "an 
+What I need is the resulted document'll be a pdf with 
+just one page, with the message "This is" and just 
+below "an example". Practically, not to consider the 
+blank section of the page 1, and append the page 
+2'text after page 1's one.
+It's possible ? Or in order to do this it's necessary 
+a new release ?
+Thanks a lot
+	</artifact>
+	<artifact id="1486424">
+		<submitted_by>nobody</submitted_by>
+		<submitted_date>2006-05-11 04:25</submitted_date>
+		<artifact_type id="552833">552833</artifact_type>
+		<category id="100">None</category>
+		<artifact_group id="100"></artifact_group>
+		<assigned_to>Nobody/Anonymous</assigned_to>
+		<priority id="5">5</priority>
+		<status>Open</status>
+		<resolution>None</resolution>
+		<summary>Embbed File problem</summary>
+		<detail>Hello, 
+I'm trying to embbed several PDF files (1.6- with XFA
+form inside) in a single PDF container (1.6 - with XFA
+form inside).
+The first time, if I embbed a PDF file with PDFBox and
+reopen later the resulted file in Acrobat, all works good. 
+File1 + Attachment1 + Attachment2--&gt;File2
+File 2 contains Attachment1 + Attachment2 --&gt; OK
+But if I retry to attach an additional attachment to
+the previous resulted file, if I reopen the generated
+PDF in Acrobat, Acrobat can open it (with a warning -
+"Le type de paramtre fourni par la procédure PDS est
+incorrect" - Sorry, I have a french version), but the
+content that is openned is the one from the first
+previous first attachment I made (Attachment1) and not
+the content contained in the main PDF (File1).
+File2+ Attachment 3 --&gt; File 3 corrupted PDF file .
+File3 show the content of attachment 1 and contains
+Attachment 2 and Attachement 3.
+Is this a bug or does I make someting false?
+The File is about 500Kb, so I cannot attached this to
+this message.
+Denis Pilet</detail>
+		<follow_ups>
+			<item>
+				<date>1154392750</date>
+				<sender>benlitchfield</sender>
+				<text>Logged In: YES 
+sorry for the delay in the response, I believe this is 
+fixed in CVS but not yet released, please give that version 
+a try and let me know if you are still having an issue.
+			</item>
+		</follow_ups>
+	</artifact>