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Posted to by Juan Carlos Rodrigo Garcia <> on 2003/04/08 07:58:05 UTC

1 page Not Found -SOLVED

After a week or so of trial and error I have discovered
that a conventional web structure with an Apache 
configuration like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
 AddHandler python-program .py 
 PythonHandler mod_python.publisher

Will lead to disaster.
It is impossible to set up a file like:

 A: /

And later:

 N: /test/

mod_python thinks that those pages are the same
and does pretty funny things basically:
: shows page B when a request asks for page A
  says 404 not found lots of times

Anyway, an easy workaround to this feature is not 
to NOT NAME any page the same way in all your web 
space (At least using the publisher handler).

Then you've got to setup an 'index' page at / and
use  'DirectoryIndex' in the Apache configuration.

Anyway mod_python rocks. But it needs a simpler 
and simpler set-up.
