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svn commit: r900919 - in /websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk: cgi-bin/ content/ content/download/test/analyze_beta.html

Author: buildbot
Date: Mon Mar 10 15:01:27 2014
New Revision: 900919

Staging update by buildbot for ooo-site

    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/   (props changed)
    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Mon Mar 10 15:01:27 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Mon Mar 10 15:01:27 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/test/analyze_beta.html
--- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/test/analyze_beta.html (added)
+++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/test/analyze_beta.html Mon Mar 10 15:01:27 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
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+<!-- The text in the H1 tag is intentionally shown as not displayable, just to please accessibility tools like a
+screen reader. -->
+<h1 style="display: none;">Apache OpenOffice Download</h1>
+<div class="optionset">
+  <!-- Yellow: Beta Release online -->
+  <script type="text/javascript">
+  <!--
+  if ( BETA_ACTIVE ) {
+    // Set a specific language ISO code to force to assemble a certain localized build as download URL
+    var NL_LANGUAGE = "";
+    // Get the download URL for Beta releases (>0 = beta mode)
+    var LINK        = getLink( 1 );
+    if ( hasMirrorLink() ) {
+      if ( SOURCEFORGE ) {
+        // If a Beta Release is available for download, then download from Sourceforge with displayed platform and language.
+        document.write( "<div class=\"first button yellow\" id=\"optionitem2\" onclick=\"openItem('optionitem2','"
+          + LINK + "') return false;\">"
+          + "<h2><a href='" + LINK + "' title='Version " + BETA_NAME + " | Milestone " + BETA_MILESTONE
+          + " | Build ID " + BETA_BUILD + " | SVN " + BETA_SVN_REV + " | Released: " + BETA_REL_DATE + "'>"
+          + "Download Apache OpenOffice " + BETA_NAME + "</a></h2>"
+          + "<p><a href='" + LINK + "' title='Version " + BETA_NAME + " | Milestone " + BETA_MILESTONE + " | "
+          + "Build ID " + BETA_BUILD + " | SVN " + BETA_SVN_REV + " | Released: " + BETA_REL_DATE + "'>"
+          + "Click here to download for:<br /><b>" + UI_PLATFORM + "</b> and <b>" + LANG_ARRAY[ 2 ] + "</b> | "
+          + "~" + FILESIZE + " MByte | Released: " + BETA_REL_DATE + "<br />"
+          + "<br /><b>The Beta release is feature complete but not yet fully tested and can contain issues. "
+          + "It is strongly not recommended to use in production!</b></a></p>"
+        + "</div>" );
+      } else if ( OTHER ) {
+        // If download URL contains "other" (-> platform, OS or package manager was not recognized),
+        // then use "other.html" as download link.
+        document.write( "<div class=\"first button yellow\" id=\"optionitem1\" onclick=\"openItem('optionitem1','"
+          + LINK + "');" + "return false;\">"
+          + "<h2><a href='" + LINK + "' title='" + LINK + "'>"
+          + "Download Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>"
+          + "<p><a href='" + LINK + "' title='" + LINK + "'>Apache OpenOffice " + BETA_NAME + " for "
+          + "<b>" + UI_PLATFORM + "</b> and <b>" + LANG_ARRAY[ 2 ] + " (" + LANG_ARRAY[ 1 ] + ")</b> is not available. "
+          + "Click here to choose from the alternative download webpage.</a></p>"
+        + "</div>" );
+      } else if ( ARCHIVE ) {
+        // If download URL contains "archive" (-> platform/OS is no longer supported),
+        // then provide a download link to the previous version.
+        document.write( "<div class=\"first button yellow\" id=\"optionitem1\" onclick=\"openItem('optionitem1','"
+          + LINK + "');" + "return false;\">"
+          + "<h2><a href='" + LINK + "' title='" + LINK + "'>"
+          + "Download Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>"
+          + "<p><a href='" + LINK + "' title='" + LINK + "'>Apache OpenOffice " + BETA_NAME + " for "
+          + "<b>" + UI_PLATFORM + "</b> and <b>" + LANG_ARRAY[ 2 ] + " (" + LANG_ARRAY[ 1 ] + ")</b> is not available. "
+          + "Click here for the previous version " + PRE_VERSION + ".</a></p>"
+        + "</div>" );
+      }
+    } else {
+      // If browser language do not match with AOO languages, then use "all_beta.html" as download link.
+      // LINK = "";
+      document.write( "<div class=\"first button yellow\" id=\"optionitem2\" onclick=\"openItem('optionitem2','"
+        + LINK + "') return false;\">"
+        + "<h2><a href='" + LINK + "' title='" + LINK + "'>"
+        + "Download Apache OpenOffice " + BETA_NAME + "</a></h2>"
+        + "<p><a href='" + LINK + "' title='" + LINK + "'>Apache OpenOffice " + BETA_NAME + " for "
+        + "<b>" + LANG_ARRAY[ 2 ] + " (" + LANG_ARRAY[ 1 ] + ")</b> is not available. "
+        + "Click here to choose from the alternative download webpage.</a></p>"
+      + "</div>" );
+    }
+    // Show some helpful links for SDK, source, checksums, release notes.
+    document.write( "<div class=\"sub-yellow\">" );
+    document.write( "<p>" );
+    if ( CHECKSUM_ASC ) {
+      document.write( "Signatures and hashes: "
+      + "<a href='" + CHECKSUM_KEYS   + "' + title='KEYS signature'>KEYS</a> , "
+      + "<a href='" + CHECKSUM_ASC    + "' + title='ASC signature'>ASC</a> , "
+      + "<a href='" + CHECKSUM_MD5    + "' + title='MD5 hash'>MD5</a> , "
+      + "<a href='" + CHECKSUM_SHA256 + "' + title='SHA256 hash'>SHA256</a> , "
+      + "<a href='../checksums.html' title='How to verify the download with checksums?'>How to verify?</a> | " );
+    }
+    document.write( "<a href='" + BETA_VERSION + "+Release+Notes'"
+      + "title='What is new, what has been improved in Apache OpenOffice " + BETA_NAME + "?'><b>Release Notes</b></a> | "
+      + "<br /><a href='all_beta.html' title='Get all platforms, languages, language packs to download'>"
+      + "<b>Get all platforms, languages, language packs</b></a> | "
+      + "<a href='all_beta.html#source' title='Get the source code and SDK to download'>Source code and SDK</a></p>"
+    + "</div>" );
+  }
+  //-->
+  </script>
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+  <noscript>
+    <div class="notice">
+      <h1>Apache OpenOffice Downloads - Analyze errors</h1>
+      <br />
+      <h2>JavaScript not enabled?</h2>
+      <p>JavaScript needs to be enabled to show the analysis data on this webpage.</p>
+    </div>
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+      document.write( "<tr><td>navigator.UserAgent (with Ubuntu ?)	</td><td>" + navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "Ubuntu" )	+ "</td></tr>" );
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+      document.write( "<tr><td>navigator.UserAgent (with IceWeasel ?)	</td><td>" + navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "IceWeasel" )	+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><th><b>JavaScript&nbsp;functions/variables</b>	</th><th><b>Values</b></th></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Language name				</td><td>" + LANG_ARRAY[ 2 ]				+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Language ISO code				</td><td>" + LANG_ISO					+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Language array data			</td><td>" + LANG_ARRAY					+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Release matrix platform position		</td><td>" + RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS		+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Release matrix platform array data		</td><td>" + RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM			+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>UI platform name				</td><td>" + UI_PLATFORM				+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>URL platform name				</td><td>" + URL_PLATFORM				+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>File name					</td><td>" + FILENAME					+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>File extension				</td><td>" + EXTENSION					+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>File size (MByte)				</td><td>" + FILESIZE					+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Download file link				</td><td>" + LINK					+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Checksum file link (here for MD5)		</td><td>" + CHECKSUM_MD5				+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>getLink()					</td><td>" + getLink( 1 )				+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>hasMirrorLink() ?				</td><td>" + hasMirrorLink()				+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Old platform ?				</td><td>" + OLD_PLATFORM				+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Contains link to Sourgeforge ? 		</td><td>" + SOURCEFORGE				+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Contains link to 'other.html' ?		</td><td>" + OTHER					+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>Contains link to archived build ?		</td><td>" + ARCHIVE					+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "<tr><td>General error ?				</td><td>" + ERROR					+ "</td></tr>" );
+    document.write( "</tbody></table><br/><br/>" );
+  </script>
+  </div>
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